{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
-- |
-- Module: Data.Greskell.Graph
-- Description: Haskell counterpart of Gremlin graph structure data types
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- This module defines types and functions about TinkerPop graph
-- structure API.
module Data.Greskell.Graph
       ( -- * TinkerPop graph structure types
         -- * T Enum
         -- * Typed Key (accessor of a Property)
         -- * Concrete data types
         -- $concrete_types
         -- ** Vertex
         -- ** Edge
         -- ** VertexProperty
         -- ** Property
         -- ** PropertyMap
         -- * Internal use
       ) where

import Control.Applicative (empty, (<$>), (<*>), (<|>))
import Data.Aeson (Value(..), FromJSON(..), (.:), (.:?), Object)
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Foldable (toList, Foldable(foldr), foldlM)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NL
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>), Semigroup)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse))

import Data.Greskell.GraphSON (GraphSON(..), GraphSONTyped(..), parseTypedGraphSON)
import Data.Greskell.Greskell
  ( Greskell, unsafeGreskellLazy, string,

-- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element@ interface in a
-- TinkerPop graph.
class Element e where
  type ElementID e
  -- ^ ID type of the 'Element'. This depends on graph database
  -- implementation and its settings.
  type ElementProperty e :: * -> *
  -- ^ Property type of the 'Element'. It should be of 'Property'
  -- class. If you don't care, use 'AVertexProperty' if type @e@ is an
  -- 'Vertex' and use 'AProperty' if type @e@ is an 'Edge' or
  -- VertexProperty.

-- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex@ interface in a
-- TinkerPop graph.
class (Element v) => Vertex v

-- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge@ interface in a
-- TinkerPop graph.
class (Element e) => Edge e where
  type EdgeVertexID e
  -- ^ ID type of the 'Vertex' this edge connects.

-- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Property@ interface in a
-- TinkerPop graph.
class Property p where
  propertyKey :: p v -> Text
  -- ^ Get key of this property.
  propertyValue :: p v -> v
  -- ^ Get value of this property.

-- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T@ enum.
-- 'T' is a token to get data @b@ from an Element @a@.
data T a b

instance GraphSONTyped (T a b) where
  gsonTypeFor _ = "g:T"

-- | @T.id@ token.
tId :: Element a => Greskell (T a (ElementID a))
tId = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.id"

-- | @T.key@ token.
tKey :: (Element (p v), Property p) => Greskell (T (p v) Text)
tKey = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.key"

-- | @T.label@ token.
tLabel :: Element a => Greskell (T a Text)
tLabel = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.label"

-- | @T.value@ token.
tValue :: (Element (p v), Property p) => Greskell (T (p v) v)
tValue = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.value"

-- | A property key accessing value @b@ in an Element @a@. In Gremlin,
-- it's just a String type.
newtype Key a b = Key { unKey :: Greskell Text }
                deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Unsafely convert the value type @b@.
instance Functor (Key a) where
  fmap _ (Key t) = Key t

-- | Gremlin String literal as a 'Key'.
instance IsString (Key a b) where
  fromString = Key . fromString

-- | Unwrap 'Key' constructor.
instance ToGreskell (Key a b) where
  type GreskellReturn (Key a b) = Text
  toGreskell = unKey

-- | Create a 'Key' from a literal string.
key :: Text -> Key a b
key = Key . string

-- $concrete_types
-- Concrete data types based on aeson 'Value's.
-- Element IDs and property values are all 'Value', because they are
-- highly polymorphic. They are wrapped with 'GraphSON', so that you
-- can inspect 'gsonType' field if present. 'ElementID' and
-- 'EdgeVertexID' are bare 'Value' type for convenience.
-- As for properties, you can use 'PropertyMap' and other type-classes
-- to manipulate them.
-- If you want to define your own graph structure types, see
-- [README.md](https://github.com/debug-ito/greskell#make-your-own-graph-structure-types)
-- for detail.

-- | General vertex type you can use for 'Vertex' class, based on
-- aeson data types.
data AVertex =
  { avId :: GraphSON Value,
    -- ^ ID of this vertex
    avLabel :: Text,
    -- ^ Label of this vertex
    avProperties :: PropertyMapList AVertexProperty (GraphSON Value)
    -- ^ Properties of this vertex.
  deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Element AVertex where
  type ElementID AVertex = Value
  type ElementProperty AVertex = AVertexProperty

instance Vertex AVertex

instance GraphSONTyped AVertex where
  gsonTypeFor _ = "g:Vertex"

instance FromJSON AVertex where
  parseJSON (Object o) = AVertex
                         <$> (o .: "id")
                         <*> (o .: "label")
                         <*> (o `optionalMonoid` "properties")
  parseJSON _ = empty

-- | General edge type you can use for 'Edge' class, based on aeson
-- data types.
data AEdge =
  { aeId :: GraphSON Value,
    -- ^ ID of this edge.
    aeLabel :: Text,
    -- ^ Label of this edge.
    aeInVLabel :: Text,
    -- ^ Label of this edge's destination vertex.
    aeOutVLabel :: Text,
    -- ^ Label of this edge's source vertex.
    aeInV :: GraphSON Value,
    -- ^ ID of this edge's destination vertex.
    aeOutV :: GraphSON Value,
    -- ^ ID of this edge's source vertex.
    aeProperties :: PropertyMapSingle AProperty (GraphSON Value)
    -- ^ Properties of this edge.
  deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Element AEdge where
  type ElementID AEdge = Value
  type ElementProperty AEdge = AProperty

instance Edge AEdge where
  type EdgeVertexID AEdge = Value

instance GraphSONTyped AEdge where
  gsonTypeFor _ = "g:Edge"

instance FromJSON AEdge where
  parseJSON (Object o) =
    <$> (o .: "id")
    <*> (o .: "label")
    <*> (o .: "inVLabel")
    <*> (o .: "outVLabel")
    <*> (o .: "inV")
    <*> (o .: "outV")
    <*> (o `optionalMonoid` "properties")
  parseJSON _ = empty

optionalMonoid :: (Monoid m, FromJSON m) => Object -> Text -> Parser m
optionalMonoid obj field_name = fmap (maybe mempty id) (obj .:? field_name)

-- | __This typeclass is for internal use.__
-- JSON parser with a property key given from outside.
class FromJSONWithKey a where
  parseJSONWithKey :: Text -> Value -> Parser a

-- | General simple property type you can use for 'Property' class.
data AProperty v =
  { apKey :: Text,
    apValue :: v
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

-- | Parse Property of GraphSON 1.0.
instance FromJSON v => FromJSON (AProperty v) where
  parseJSON (Object o) =
    AProperty <$> (o .: "key") <*> (o .: "value")
  parseJSON _ = empty

instance FromJSON v => FromJSONWithKey (AProperty v) where
  parseJSONWithKey k v = AProperty k <$> parseJSON v

instance Property AProperty where
  propertyKey = apKey
  propertyValue = apValue

instance GraphSONTyped (AProperty v) where
  gsonTypeFor _ = "g:Property"

instance Functor AProperty where
  fmap f sp = sp { apValue = f $ apValue sp }

instance Foldable AProperty where
  foldr f start sp = f (apValue sp) start

instance Traversable AProperty where
  traverse f sp = fmap (\v -> sp { apValue = v } ) $ f $ apValue sp

-- | General vertex property type you can use for VertexProperty,
-- based on aeson data types.
data AVertexProperty v =
  { avpId :: GraphSON Value,
    -- ^ ID of this vertex property.
    avpLabel :: Text,
    -- ^ Label and key of this vertex property.
    avpValue :: v,
    -- ^ Value of this vertex property.
    avpProperties :: PropertyMapSingle AProperty (GraphSON Value)
    -- ^ (meta)properties of this vertex property.
  deriving (Show,Eq)

instance FromJSON v => FromJSON (AVertexProperty v) where
  parseJSON v@(Object o) = do
    label <- o .: "label"
    parseJSONWithKey label v
  parseJSON _ = empty

instance FromJSON v => FromJSONWithKey (AVertexProperty v) where
  parseJSONWithKey k (Object o) = AVertexProperty
                                    <$> (o .: "id")
                                    <*> pure k
                                    <*> (o .: "value")
                                    <*> (o `optionalMonoid` "properties")
  parseJSONWithKey _ _ = empty

instance GraphSONTyped (AVertexProperty v) where
  gsonTypeFor _ = "g:VertexProperty"

instance Element (AVertexProperty v) where
  type ElementID (AVertexProperty v) = Value
  type ElementProperty (AVertexProperty v) = AProperty

instance Property AVertexProperty where
  propertyKey = avpLabel
  propertyValue = avpValue

instance Functor AVertexProperty where
  fmap f vp = vp { avpValue = f $ avpValue vp }

instance Foldable AVertexProperty where
  foldr f start vp = f (avpValue vp) start

instance Traversable AVertexProperty where
  traverse f vp = fmap (\v -> vp { avpValue = v }) $ f $ avpValue vp

-- -- We could define the following constraint synonym with
-- -- ConstraintKinds extension, although its semantics is not exactly
-- -- correct..
-- type VertexProperty p v = (Element (p v), Property p)

-- | Common basic operations supported by maps of properties.
class PropertyMap m where
  lookupOne :: Text -> m p v -> Maybe (p v)
  -- ^ Look up a property associated with the given key.
  lookupOne k m = listToMaybe $ lookupList k m
  lookupList :: Text -> m p v -> [p v]
  -- ^ Look up all properties associated with the given key.
  putProperty :: Property p => p v -> m p v -> m p v
  -- ^ Put a property into the map.
  removeProperty :: Text -> m p v -> m p v
  -- ^ Remove all properties associated with the given key.
  allProperties :: m p v -> [p v]
  -- ^ Return all properties in the map.

-- | Lookup a property value from a 'PropertyMap' by key.
lookupOneValue :: (PropertyMap m, Property p) => Text -> m p v -> Maybe v
lookupOneValue k = fmap propertyValue . lookupOne k

-- | Lookup a list of property values from a 'PropertyMap' by key.
lookupListValues :: (PropertyMap m, Property p) => Text -> m p v -> [v]
lookupListValues k = fmap propertyValue . lookupList k

notExistErrorMsg :: Text -> String
notExistErrorMsg k = "Property '" ++ unpack k ++ "' does not exist."

-- | Lookup a property 'Value' by the given key, and parse it.
parseOneValue :: (PropertyMap m, Property p, FromJSON v) => Text -> m p (GraphSON Value) -> Parser v
parseOneValue k pm = maybe (fail err_msg) (parseJSON . gsonValue) $ lookupOneValue k pm
    err_msg = notExistErrorMsg k

-- | Lookup a list of property values from a 'PropertyMap' by the
-- given key, and parse them.
parseListValues :: (PropertyMap m, Property p, FromJSON v) => Text -> m p (GraphSON Value) -> Parser [v]
parseListValues k pm = mapM (parseJSON . gsonValue) $ lookupListValues k pm

-- | Like 'parseListValues', but this function 'fail's when there is
-- no property with the given key.
parseNonEmptyValues :: (PropertyMap m, Property p, FromJSON v) => Text -> m p (GraphSON Value) -> Parser (NonEmpty v)
parseNonEmptyValues k pm = toNonEmpty =<< parseListValues k pm
    toNonEmpty [] = fail $ notExistErrorMsg k
    toNonEmpty (x : rest) = return (x :| rest)

-- | Create a 'PropertyMap' from list of 'Property's.
fromProperties :: (PropertyMap m, Property p, Monoid (m p v))
               => [p v]
               -> m p v
fromProperties = foldr putProperty mempty

-- | Generic implementation of 'PropertyMap'. @t@ is the type of
-- cardinality, @p@ is the type of 'Property' class and @v@ is the
-- type of the property value.
newtype PropertyMapGeneric t p v = PropertyMapGeneric (HM.HashMap Text (t (p v)))
                                 deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Semigroup (t (p v)) => Monoid (PropertyMapGeneric t p v) where
  mempty = PropertyMapGeneric mempty
  mappend (PropertyMapGeneric a) (PropertyMapGeneric b) =
    PropertyMapGeneric $ HM.unionWith (<>) a b

instance (Functor t, Functor p) => Functor (PropertyMapGeneric t p) where
  fmap f (PropertyMapGeneric hm) = PropertyMapGeneric $ (fmap . fmap . fmap) f hm

instance (Foldable t, Foldable p) => Foldable (PropertyMapGeneric t p) where
  foldr f start (PropertyMapGeneric hm) = foldr f2 start hm
      f2 t start2 = foldr f3 start2 t
      f3 p start3 = foldr f start3 p

instance (Traversable t, Traversable p) => Traversable (PropertyMapGeneric t p) where
  traverse f (PropertyMapGeneric hm) = fmap PropertyMapGeneric $ (traverse . traverse . traverse) f hm

putPropertyGeneric :: (Semigroup (t (p v)), Applicative t, Property p) => p v -> PropertyMapGeneric t p v -> PropertyMapGeneric t p v
putPropertyGeneric prop (PropertyMapGeneric hm) =
  PropertyMapGeneric $ HM.insertWith (<>) (propertyKey prop) (pure prop) hm

removePropertyGeneric :: Text -> PropertyMapGeneric t p v -> PropertyMapGeneric t p v
removePropertyGeneric k (PropertyMapGeneric hm) = PropertyMapGeneric $ HM.delete k hm

allPropertiesGeneric :: Foldable t => PropertyMapGeneric t p v -> [p v]
allPropertiesGeneric (PropertyMapGeneric hm) = concat $ map toList $ HM.elems hm

parsePropertiesGeneric :: (Property p, PropertyMap m, Monoid (m p v), GraphSONTyped (p v), FromJSON (p v), FromJSONWithKey (p v))
                       => (Value -> Parser [Value])
                       -> Value
                       -> Parser (m p v)
parsePropertiesGeneric normalizeCardinality (Object obj) = foldlM folder mempty $ HM.toList obj
    folder pm (k, value) = fmap (foldr putProperty pm) $ traverse (parseProperty k) =<< normalizeCardinality value
    parseProperty k value = (fmap gsonValue $ parseTypedGraphSON value) <|> parseJSONWithKey k value
parsePropertiesGeneric _ _ = empty

expectAesonArray :: Value -> Parser [Value]
expectAesonArray (Array a) = return $ toList a
expectAesonArray _ = empty

-- | A 'PropertyMap' that has a single value per key.
-- 'putProperty' replaces the old property by the given property.
-- '<>' returns the union of the two given property maps. If the two
-- property maps share some same keys, the value from the left map
-- wins.
newtype PropertyMapSingle p v = PropertyMapSingle (PropertyMapGeneric Semigroup.First p v)
                              deriving (Show,Eq,Monoid,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

instance PropertyMap PropertyMapSingle where
  lookupOne k (PropertyMapSingle (PropertyMapGeneric hm)) = fmap Semigroup.getFirst $ HM.lookup k hm
  lookupList k m = maybe [] return $ lookupOne k m
  putProperty p (PropertyMapSingle pg) = PropertyMapSingle $ putPropertyGeneric p pg
  removeProperty t (PropertyMapSingle pg) = PropertyMapSingle $ removePropertyGeneric t pg
  allProperties (PropertyMapSingle pg) = allPropertiesGeneric pg

instance (Property p, GraphSONTyped (p v), FromJSON (p v), FromJSONWithKey (p v))
         => FromJSON (PropertyMapSingle p v) where
  parseJSON = parsePropertiesGeneric (return . return)

-- | A 'PropertyMap' that can keep more than one values per key.
-- 'lookupOne' returns the first property associated with the given
-- key.
-- 'putProperty' prepends the given property to the property list.
-- '<>' returns the union of the two given property maps. If the two
-- property maps share some same keys, those property lists are
-- concatenated.
newtype PropertyMapList p v = PropertyMapList (PropertyMapGeneric NonEmpty p v)
                            deriving (Show,Eq,Monoid,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

instance PropertyMap PropertyMapList where
  lookupList k (PropertyMapList (PropertyMapGeneric hm)) = maybe [] NL.toList $ HM.lookup k hm
  putProperty p (PropertyMapList pg) = PropertyMapList $ putPropertyGeneric p pg
  removeProperty t (PropertyMapList pg) = PropertyMapList $ removePropertyGeneric t pg
  allProperties (PropertyMapList pg) = allPropertiesGeneric pg

instance (Property p, GraphSONTyped (p v), FromJSON (p v), FromJSONWithKey (p v))
         => FromJSON (PropertyMapList p v) where
  parseJSON v = parsePropertiesGeneric expectAesonArray v