{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies #-} module Main (main,spec) where import Control.Category ((<<<)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>)) import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.Text (unpack, Text) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Network.Greskell.WebSocket.Client as WS import Test.Hspec import Data.Greskell.AsLabel (AsLabel(..), lookupAsM) import qualified Data.Greskell.AsLabel as As import Data.Greskell.AsIterator ( AsIterator(IteratorItem) ) import Data.Greskell.Binder (newBind, runBinder) import Data.Greskell.GMap (GMapEntry, unGMapEntry) import Data.Greskell.Gremlin ( oIncr, oDecr, cCompare, Order, Predicate(..), pLt, pAnd, pGte, pNot, pEq, pTest ) import Data.Greskell.Greskell ( toGremlin, Greskell, toGreskell, ToGreskell(..), true, false, list, value, single, number, gvalueInt, unsafeMethodCall, unsafeGreskell ) import Data.Greskell.Graph ( AVertex(..), AEdge(..), AProperty(..), AVertexProperty(..), PropertyMapSingle, Key, T, tId, tLabel, tKey, tValue, cList, (=:), fromProperties, allProperties ) import Data.Greskell.GraphSON ( FromGraphSON, nonTypedGValue, GValue, parseEither ) import Data.Greskell.GTraversal ( Walk, GTraversal, SideEffect, source, sV', sE', gV', sAddV', gAddE', gTo, ($.), gOrder, gBy1, gBy, Transform, unsafeWalk, unsafeGTraversal, gProperties, gProperty, gPropertyV, liftWalk, gAs, gSelect1, gSelectN, gSelectBy1, gSelectByN, gFilter, gOut' ) import ServerTest.Common (withEnv, withClient) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = withEnv $ do spec_basics spec_comparator spec_predicate spec_T spec_P spec_graph spec_as spec_selectBy spec_basics :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_basics = do describe "Num" $ do let checkInt :: Greskell Int -> Int -> SpecWith (String,Int) checkInt = checkOne checkInt 100 100 checkInt (20 + 30) (20 + 30) checkInt (10 - 3 * 6) (10 - 3 * 6) checkInt (-99) (-99) checkInt (abs (-53)) (abs (-53)) checkInt (signum 0) (signum 0) checkInt (signum 99) (signum 99) checkInt (signum (-12)) (signum (-12)) describe "Fractional" $ do let checkFrac :: Greskell Scientific -> Scientific -> SpecWith (String,Int) checkFrac = checkOne checkFrac (20.5) (20.5) checkFrac (20.123) (20.123) checkFrac (32.25 / 2.5) (32.25 / 2.5) checkFrac (19.2 * recip 12.5) (19.2 * recip 12.5) describe "Monoid" $ do let checkT :: Greskell Text -> Text -> SpecWith (String,Int) checkT = checkOne checkT mempty mempty checkT ("hello, " <> "world!") ("hello, " <> "world!") checkT ("!\"#$%&'()=~\\|><+*;:@{}[]/?_\r\n\t ") ("!\"#$%&'()=~\\|><+*;:@{}[]/?_\r\n\t ") describe "Bool" $ do let checkB :: Greskell Bool -> Bool -> SpecWith (String,Int) checkB = checkOne checkB true True checkB false False describe "list" $ do let checkL :: Greskell [Int] -> [Int] -> SpecWith (String,Int) checkL = checkRaw checkL (list []) [] checkL (list [20,30,20,10]) [20,30,20,10] describe "number" $ do let checkN :: Greskell Scientific -> Scientific -> SpecWith (String,Int) checkN = checkOne checkN (number 3.1415) (3.1415) checkN (number 2.31e12) (2.31e12) checkN (number (-434.23e-19)) (-434.23e-19) describe "nested map" $ do let check :: Greskell (HashMap Int (HashMap Text Int)) -> [(Int, (HashMap Text Int))] -> SpecWith (String,Int) check = checkRawMapped unGMapEntry check (unsafeGreskell "[:]") [] check (unsafeGreskell "[100: [\"foo\": 55], 200: [:], 300: [\"bar\": 60, \"buzz\": 65]]") [ (100, HM.fromList [("foo", 55)]), (200, mempty), (300, HM.fromList [("bar", 60), ("buzz", 65)]) ] describe "array in map" $ do let check :: Greskell (HashMap Text [Int]) -> [(Text, [Int])] -> SpecWith (String,Int) check = checkRawMapped unGMapEntry check (unsafeGreskell "[:]") [] check (unsafeGreskell "[\"foo\": [], \"bar\": [1,2,3]]") [ ("foo", []), ("bar", [1,2,3]) ] checkRawMapped :: (AsIterator a, b ~ IteratorItem a, FromGraphSON b, Eq c, Show c) => (b -> c) -> Greskell a -> [c] -> SpecWith (String, Int) checkRawMapped mapResult input expected = specify label $ withClient $ \client -> do got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client input Nothing fmap mapResult got `shouldBe` V.fromList expected where label = unpack $ toGremlin input checkRaw :: (AsIterator a, b ~ IteratorItem a, FromGraphSON b, Eq b, Show b) => Greskell a -> [b] -> SpecWith (String, Int) checkRaw = checkRawMapped id checkOne :: (AsIterator a, b ~ IteratorItem a, FromGraphSON b, Eq b, Show b) => Greskell a -> b -> SpecWith (String, Int) checkOne input expected = checkRaw input [expected] spec_comparator :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_comparator = do let oIncr' :: Greskell (Order Int) oIncr' = oIncr oDecr' :: Greskell (Order Int) oDecr' = oDecr checkOne (cCompare oIncr' 20 20) 0 checkOne (cCompare oIncr' 10 20) (-1) checkOne (cCompare oIncr' 20 10) 1 checkOne (cCompare oDecr' 20 20) 0 checkOne (cCompare oDecr' 10 20) 1 checkOne (cCompare oDecr' 20 10) (-1) spec_predicate :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_predicate = do checkOne (pTest (pLt 20 `pAnd` pGte 10) (5 :: Greskell Int)) False checkOne (pTest (pLt 20 `pAnd` pGte 10) (10 :: Greskell Int)) True checkOne (pTest (pLt 20 `pAnd` pGte 10) (15 :: Greskell Int)) True checkOne (pTest (pLt 20 `pAnd` pGte 10) (20 :: Greskell Int)) False iterateTraversal :: GTraversal c s e -> Greskell () iterateTraversal gt = unsafeMethodCall (toGreskell gt) "iterate" [] spec_T :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_T = describe "T enum" $ do specFor' "tId" (gMapT tId) parseEither [(Right 10 :: Either String Int)] specFor "tLabel" (gMapT tLabel) ["VLABEL"] specFor "tKey" (gMapT tKey <<< gProperties ["vprop"]) ["vprop"] specFor' "tValue" (gMapT tValue <<< gProperties ["vprop"]) parseEither [(Right 400 :: Either String Int)] where gMapT :: Greskell (T a b) -> Walk Transform a b gMapT t = unsafeWalk "map" ["{ " <> toGremlin (unsafeMethodCall t "apply" ["it.get()"]) <> " }"] prefixedTraversal :: Walk Transform AVertex a -> GTraversal Transform () a prefixedTraversal mapper = unsafeGTraversal (prelude <> body) where prelude = ( "graph = org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerGraph.open(); " <> "g = graph.traversal(); " <> "graph.addVertex(id, 10, label, \"VLABEL\"); " <> ( toGremlin $ iterateTraversal $ gPropertyV Nothing "vprop" (gvalueInt $ (400 :: Int)) ["a" =: ("A" :: Greskell Text), "b" =: ("B" :: Greskell Text)] $. liftWalk $ sV' [] $ source "g" ) <> "; " ) body = toGremlin $ mapper $. sV' [] $ source "g" specFor' :: (FromGraphSON a, Eq b, Show b) => String -> Walk Transform AVertex a -> (a -> b) -> [b] -> SpecWith (String,Int) specFor' desc mapper convResult expected = specify desc $ withClient $ \client -> do got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (prefixedTraversal mapper) Nothing (fmap convResult got) `shouldBe` V.fromList expected specFor :: (FromGraphSON a, Eq a, Show a) => String -> Walk Transform AVertex a -> [a] -> SpecWith (String,Int) specFor desc mapper expected = specFor' desc mapper id expected spec_P :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_P = describe "P class" $ specify "pNot, pEq, pTest" $ withClient $ \client -> do let p = pNot $ pEq $ number 10 test v = WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (pTest p $ v) Nothing test (number 10) `shouldReturn` V.fromList [False] test (number 15) `shouldReturn` V.fromList [True] withPrelude :: (ToGreskell a) => Greskell () -> a -> Greskell (GreskellReturn a) withPrelude prelude orig = unsafeGreskell (toGremlin prelude <> toGremlin orig) -- | This test is supported TinkerPop 3.1.0 and above, because it uses -- 'gAddE'' function. spec_graph :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_graph = do specify "AProperty (edge properties)" $ withClient $ \client -> do let trav = gProperties [] $. sE' [] $ source "g" prop t = AProperty "condition" $ Right (t :: Text) expected = map prop [ ">=", ">=", ">=1.2.3" ] got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude' trav) Nothing (map (fmap parseEither) $ V.toList got) `shouldMatchList` expected specify "AProperty (vertex property meta-properties)" $ withClient $ \client -> do let trav = gProperties [] $. gProperties [] $. sV' [] $ source "g" prop t = AProperty "date" $ Right (t :: Text) expected = map prop [ "2018-04-08", "2018-05-10", "2017-09-20", "2017-12-27", "2017-12-23" ] got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude' trav) Nothing (map (fmap parseEither) $ V.toList got) `shouldMatchList` expected specify "AEdge" $ withClient $ \client -> do let trav = sE' [] $ source "g" expE :: Int -> Int -> Text -> (Text,Text,Text,Either String Int, Either String Int, PropertyMapSingle AProperty (Either String Text)) expE outv inv cond = ("depends_on", "package", "package", Right outv, Right inv, props) where props = fromProperties [AProperty "condition" $ Right cond] getE e = ( aeLabel e, aeInVLabel e, aeOutVLabel e, parseEither $ aeOutV e, parseEither $ aeInV e, fmap parseEither $ aeProperties e ) expected = [ expE 1 2 ">=", expE 1 3 ">=", expE 2 3 ">=1.2.3" ] got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude' trav) Nothing (map getE $ V.toList got) `shouldMatchList` expected let getVP vp = (avpLabel vp, parseEither $ avpValue vp, fmap parseEither $ avpProperties vp) specify "AVertexProperty" $ withClient $ \client -> do let trav = gProperties [] $. sV' [] $ source "g" expName :: Text -> (Text,Either String Text, PropertyMapSingle AProperty (Either String Text)) expName val = ("name", Right val, mempty) expVer :: Text -> Text -> (Text,Either String Text, PropertyMapSingle AProperty (Either String Text)) expVer val date = ("version", Right val, fromProperties [AProperty "date" $ Right date]) expected = [ expName "greskell", expName "aeson", expName "text", expVer "" "2018-04-08", expVer "" "2018-05-10", expVer "" "2017-09-20", expVer "" "2017-12-27", expVer "" "2017-12-23" ] got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude' trav) Nothing (map getVP $ V.toList got) `shouldMatchList` expected specify "AVertex" $ withClient $ \client -> do let trav = sV' [] $ source "g" getV v = ( parseEither $ avId v, avLabel v, sort' $ map getVP $ allProperties $ avProperties v ) sort' = sortBy $ \(k1, v1, _) (k2, v2, _) -> compare (show k1,show v1) (show k2,show v2) expV :: Int -> Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> (Either String Int,Text,[(Text,Either String Text,PropertyMapSingle AProperty (Either String Text))]) expV vid name ver_dates = (Right vid, "package", ("name", Right name, mempty) : map toVP ver_dates) toVP (ver, date) = ("version", Right ver, fromProperties [AProperty "date" $ Right date]) expected = [ expV 1 "greskell" [("", "2018-04-08")], expV 2 "aeson" [("", "2017-09-20"), ("", "2018-05-10")], expV 3 "text" [("", "2017-12-23"), ("", "2017-12-27")] ] got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude' trav) Nothing (map getV $ V.toList got) `shouldMatchList` expected where withPrelude' :: (ToGreskell a) => a -> Greskell (GreskellReturn a) withPrelude' = withPrelude prelude prelude :: Greskell () prelude = unsafeGreskell $ mconcat $ map (<> "; ") ( [ "graph = org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerGraph.open()", "g = graph.traversal()", "graph.addVertex(id, 1, label, 'package')", "graph.addVertex(id, 2, label, 'package')", "graph.addVertex(id, 3, label, 'package')", finalize $ setName 1 "greskell", finalize $ setName 2 "aeson", finalize $ setName 3 "text", finalize $ dependsOn 1 2 ">=", finalize $ dependsOn 1 3 ">=", finalize $ dependsOn 2 3 ">=1.2.3" ] ++ addVersion 1 "" "2018-04-08" ++ addVersion 2 "" "2018-05-10" ++ addVersion 2 "" "2017-09-20" ++ addVersion 3 "" "2017-12-27" ++ addVersion 3 "" "2017-12-23" ) finalize :: GTraversal c s e -> Text finalize gt = toGremlin $ iterateTraversal gt num :: Integer -> Greskell GValue num = gvalueInt setName :: Integer -> Greskell Text -> GTraversal SideEffect () AVertex setName vid name = gProperty "name" name $. liftWalk $ sV' [num vid] $ source "g" dependsOn :: Integer -> Integer -> Greskell Text -> GTraversal SideEffect () AEdge dependsOn from_id to_id version_cond = gProperty "condition" version_cond $. (gAddE' "depends_on" $ gTo (gV' [num to_id])) $. liftWalk $ sV' [num from_id] $ source "g" addVersion :: Integer -> Greskell Text -> Greskell Text -> [Text] addVersion vid ver date = [ finalize $ gPropertyV (Just cList) "version" ver ["date" =: date] $. liftWalk $ sV' [num vid] $ source "g" ] spec_as :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_as = do let start :: GTraversal Transform () Int start = unsafeGTraversal "__(1,2,3)" mult :: Greskell Int -> Walk Transform Int Int mult factor = unsafeWalk "map" ["{ it.get() * " <> toGremlin factor <> " }"] specify "gAs and gSelect1" $ withClient $ \client -> do let label :: AsLabel Int label = AsLabel "a" got <- WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (gSelect1 label $. mult 100 $. gAs label $. start) Nothing V.toList got `shouldBe` [1,2,3] specify "gAs and gSelectN" $ withClient $ \client -> do let lorig, lmul :: AsLabel Int lorig = AsLabel "a" lmul = AsLabel "b" gt = gSelectN lorig lmul [] $. mult 5 $. gAs lmul $. mult 100 $. gAs lorig $. start got <- fmap V.toList $ WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client gt Nothing mapM (lookupAsM lorig) got `shouldReturn` [1,2,3] mapM (lookupAsM lmul) got `shouldReturn` [100,200,300] spec_selectBy :: SpecWith (String,Int) spec_selectBy = do let prelude :: Greskell () prelude = unsafeGreskell $ mconcat $ map (<> "; ") [ "graph = org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerGraph.open()", "g = graph.traversal()", "graph.addVertex(id, 1, label, 'person')", "graph.addVertex(id, 2, label, 'person')", "g.V(1).property('name', 'ito').property('age', 23).iterate()", "g.V(2).property('name', 'tanaka').property('age', 18).iterate()", "g.V(1).addE('knows').to(V(2)).iterate()" ] specify "gAs and gSelectBy1" $ withClient $ \client -> do let src :: AsLabel AVertex src = AsLabel "s" gt = gSelectBy1 src (gBy ("name" :: Key AVertex Text)) $. gAs src $. gFilter (gOut' ["knows"]) $. sV' [] $ source "g" got <- fmap V.toList $ WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude prelude gt) Nothing got `shouldBe` ["ito"] specify "gAs and gSelectByN" $ withClient $ \client -> do let src, dest :: AsLabel AVertex src = AsLabel "s" dest = AsLabel "d" gt = gSelectByN src dest [] (gBy ("age" :: Key AVertex Int)) $. gAs dest $. gOut' ["knows"] $. gAs src $. gFilter (gOut' ["knows"]) $. sV' [] $ source "g" got <- fmap V.toList $ WS.slurpResults =<< WS.submit client (withPrelude prelude gt) Nothing map (As.lookup src) got `shouldBe` [Just 23] map (As.lookup dest) got `shouldBe` [Just 18]