------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module : Math.Geometry.GridInternal -- Copyright : (c) Amy de Buitléir 2012-2014 -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : amy@nualeargais.ie -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- A module containing private @Grid@ internals. Most developers should -- use @Grid@ instead. This module is subject to change without notice. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-} module Math.Geometry.GridInternal where import Prelude hiding (null) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List ((\\), groupBy, nub, nubBy, sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) -- | A regular arrangement of tiles. -- Minimal complete definition: @'Index'@, @'Direction'@, @'indices'@, -- @'distance'@, @'directionTo'@. class Grid g where type Index g type Direction g -- | Returns the indices of all tiles in a grid. indices :: g -> [Index g] -- | @'distance' g a b@ returns the minimum number of moves required -- to get from the tile at index @a@ to the tile at index @b@ in -- grid @g@, moving between adjacent tiles at each step. (Two tiles -- are adjacent if they share an edge.) If @a@ or @b@ are not -- contained within @g@, the result is undefined. distance :: g -> Index g -> Index g -> Int -- | @'minDistance' g bs a@ returns the minimum number of moves -- required to get from any of the tiles at indices @bs@ to the tile -- at index @a@ in grid @g@, moving between adjacent tiles at each -- step. (Two tiles are adjacent if they share an edge.) If @a@ or -- any of @bs@ are not contained within @g@, the result is -- undefined. minDistance :: g -> [Index g] -> Index g -> Int minDistance = defaultMinDistance -- | @'neighbours' g a@ returns the indices of the tiles in the grid -- @g@ which are adjacent to the tile with index @a@. neighbours :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> [Index g] neighbours = defaultNeighbours -- | @'neighboursOfSet' g as@ returns the indices of the tiles in the -- grid @g@ which are adjacent to any of the tiles with index in -- @as@. neighboursOfSet :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [Index g] -> [Index g] neighboursOfSet = defaultNeighboursOfSet -- | @'neighbour' g d a@ returns the indices of the tile in the grid -- @g@ which is adjacent to the tile with index @a@, in the -- direction @d@. neighbour :: (Eq (Index g), Eq (Direction g)) => g -> Index g -> Direction g -> Maybe (Index g) neighbour = defaultNeighbour -- | @'numNeighbours' g a@ returns the number of tiles in the grid -- @g@ which are adjacent to the tile with index @a@. numNeighbours :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Int numNeighbours g = length . neighbours g -- | @g `'contains'` a@ returns @True@ if the index @a@ is contained -- within the grid @g@, otherwise it returns false. contains :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Bool contains g a = a `elem` indices g -- | Returns the number of tiles in a grid. Compare with @'size'@. tileCount :: g -> Int tileCount = length . indices -- | Returns @True@ if the number of tiles in a grid is zero, @False@ -- otherwise. null :: g -> Bool null g = tileCount g == 0 -- | Returns @False@ if the number of tiles in a grid is zero, @True@ -- otherwise. nonNull :: g -> Bool nonNull = not . null -- | A list of all edges in a grid, where the edges are represented by -- a pair of indices of adjacent tiles. edges :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [(Index g,Index g)] edges = defaultEdges -- | @'viewpoint' g a@ returns a list of pairs associating the index -- of each tile in @g@ with its distance to the tile with index @a@. -- If @a@ is not contained within @g@, the result is undefined. viewpoint :: g -> Index g -> [(Index g, Int)] viewpoint g p = map f (indices g) where f a = (a, distance g p a) -- | @'isAdjacent' g a b@ returns @True@ if the tile at index @a@ is -- adjacent to the tile at index @b@ in @g@. (Two tiles are adjacent -- if they share an edge.) If @a@ or @b@ are not contained within -- @g@, the result is undefined. isAdjacent :: g -> Index g -> Index g -> Bool isAdjacent = defaultIsAdjacent -- | @'adjacentTilesToward' g a b@ returns the indices of all tiles -- which are neighbours of the tile at index @a@, and which are -- closer to the tile at @b@ than @a@ is. In other words, it returns -- the possible next steps on a minimal path from @a@ to @b@. If @a@ -- or @b@ are not contained within @g@, or if there is no path from -- @a@ to @b@ (e.g., a disconnected grid), the result is undefined. adjacentTilesToward :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Index g -> [Index g] adjacentTilesToward = defaultAdjacentTilesToward -- | @'minimalPaths' g a b@ returns a list of all minimal paths from -- the tile at index @a@ to the tile at index @b@ in grid @g@. A -- path is a sequence of tiles where each tile in the sequence is -- adjacent to the previous one. (Two tiles are adjacent if they -- share an edge.) If @a@ or @b@ are not contained within @g@, the -- result is undefined. -- -- Tip: The default implementation of this function calls -- @'adjacentTilesToward'@. If you want to use a custom algorithm, -- consider modifying @'adjacentTilesToward'@ instead of -- @'minimalPaths'@. minimalPaths :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Index g -> [[Index g]] minimalPaths = defaultMinimalPaths -- | @'directionTo' g a b@ returns the direction(s) of the next -- tile(s) in a /minimal/ path from the tile at index @a@ to the -- tile at index @b@ in grid @g@. directionTo :: g -> Index g -> Index g -> [Direction g] -- -- These default implementations are broken out to make it easier to -- compare the results with custom implementations (for testing). -- defaultMinDistance :: g -> [Index g] -> Index g -> Int defaultMinDistance g xs a = minimum . map (distance g a) $ xs -- WARNING: this implementation won't work for wrapped grids defaultNeighbours :: g -> Index g -> [Index g] defaultNeighbours g a = filter (\b -> distance g a b == 1 ) $ indices g -- This should work for wrapped grids, though. defaultNeighboursOfSet :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [Index g] -> [Index g] defaultNeighboursOfSet g as = ns \\ as where ns = nub . concatMap (neighbours g) $ as -- WARNING: this implementation won't work for wrapped grids defaultNeighbour :: (Eq (Index g), Eq (Direction g)) => g -> Index g -> Direction g -> Maybe (Index g) defaultNeighbour g a d = maybeHead . filter (\b -> [d] == directionTo g a b) . neighbours g $ a where maybeHead (x:_) = Just x maybeHead _ = Nothing defaultTileCount :: g -> Int defaultTileCount = length . indices -- WARNING: this implementation won't work for wrapped grids defaultEdges :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [(Index g,Index g)] defaultEdges g = nubBy sameEdge $ concatMap (`adjacentEdges` g) $ indices g -- WARNING: this implementation won't work for wrapped grids defaultIsAdjacent :: g -> Index g -> Index g -> Bool defaultIsAdjacent g a b = distance g a b == 1 defaultAdjacentTilesToward :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Index g -> [Index g] defaultAdjacentTilesToward g a b = filter f $ neighbours g a where f c = distance g c b == distance g a b - 1 defaultMinimalPaths :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Index g -> [[Index g]] defaultMinimalPaths g a b | a == b = [[a]] | distance g a b == 1 = [[a,b]] | otherwise = map (a:) xs where xs = concatMap (\c -> minimalPaths g c b) ys ys = adjacentTilesToward g a b -- | A regular arrangement of tiles where the number of tiles is finite. -- Minimal complete definition: @'size'@, @'maxPossibleDistance'@. class Grid g => FiniteGrid g where type Size s -- | Returns the dimensions of the grid. -- For example, if @g@ is a 4x3 rectangular grid, @'size' g@ would -- return @(4, 3)@, while @'tileCount' g@ would return @12@. size :: g -> Size g -- | Returns the largest possible distance between two tiles in the -- grid. maxPossibleDistance :: g -> Int -- | A regular arrangement of tiles with an edge. -- Minimal complete definition: @'tileSideCount'@. class Grid g => BoundedGrid g where -- | Returns the number of sides a tile has tileSideCount :: g -> Int -- | Returns a the indices of all the tiles at the boundary of a grid. boundary :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [Index g] boundary = defaultBoundary -- | @'isBoundary' g a@' returns @True@ if the tile with index @a@ is -- on a boundary of @g@, @False@ otherwise. (Corner tiles are also -- boundary tiles.) isBoundary :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Bool isBoundary = defaultIsBoundary -- | Returns the index of the tile(s) that require the maximum number -- of moves to reach the nearest boundary tile. A grid may have more -- than one central tile (e.g., a rectangular grid with an even -- number of rows and columns will have four central tiles). centre :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [Index g] centre = defaultCentre -- | @'isCentre' g a@' returns @True@ if the tile with index @a@ is -- a centre tile of @g@, @False@ otherwise. isCentre :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Bool isCentre = defaultIsCentre -- -- These default implementations are broken out to make it easier to -- compare the results with custom implementations (for testing). -- defaultBoundary :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [Index g] defaultBoundary g = map fst . filter f $ xds where xds = map (\b -> (b, numNeighbours g b)) $ indices g f (_,n) = n < tileSideCount g defaultIsBoundary :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Bool defaultIsBoundary g a = a `elem` boundary g -- WARNING: this implementation won't work for triangular grids. -- It probably only works on grids where all the tiles have the same -- shape/orientation. defaultCentre :: Eq (Index g) => g -> [Index g] defaultCentre g = map fst . head . groupBy ((==) `on` snd) . sortBy (comparing snd) $ xds where xds = map (\b -> (b, f b)) $ indices g bs = boundary g f x = sum . map (distance g x) $ bs defaultIsCentre :: Eq (Index g) => g -> Index g -> Bool defaultIsCentre g a = a `elem` centre g -- | A regular arrangement of tiles where the boundaries are joined. -- Minimal complete definition: @'normalise'@ and @'denormalise'@. class (Grid g) => WrappedGrid g where -- | @'normalise' g a@ returns the "normal" indices for @a@. -- TODO: need a clearer description and an illustration. normalise :: g -> Index g -> Index g -- | @'denormalise' g a@ returns all of the indices in @a@'s -- translation group. In other words, it returns @a@ plus the -- indices obtained by translating @a@ in each direction by the -- extent of the grid along that direction. -- TODO: need a clearer description and an illustration. denormalise :: g -> Index g -> [Index g] neighboursBasedOn :: (Eq (Index u), Grid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u) => u -> g -> Index g -> [Index g] neighboursBasedOn u g = filter (g `contains`) . neighbours u distanceBasedOn :: (Eq (Index g), Grid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u) => u -> g -> Index g -> Index g -> Int distanceBasedOn u g a b = if g `contains` a && g `contains` b then distance u a b else undefined directionToBasedOn :: (Eq (Index g), Eq (Direction g), Grid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u, Direction g ~ Direction u) => u -> g -> Index g -> Index g -> [Direction g] directionToBasedOn u g a b = if g `contains` a && g `contains` b then nub . concatMap (directionTo u a) . adjacentTilesToward g a $ b else undefined neighboursWrappedBasedOn :: (Eq (Index g), WrappedGrid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u) => u -> g -> Index g -> [Index g] neighboursWrappedBasedOn u g = filter (g `contains`) . nub . map (normalise g) . neighbours u neighbourWrappedBasedOn :: (Eq (Index g), Eq (Direction g), WrappedGrid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u, Direction g ~ Direction u) => u -> g -> Index g -> Direction g -> Maybe (Index g) neighbourWrappedBasedOn u g a d = if g `contains` a then neighbour u a d >>= return . normalise g else Nothing distanceWrappedBasedOn :: (Eq (Index g), WrappedGrid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u) => u -> g -> Index g -> Index g -> Int distanceWrappedBasedOn u g a b = if g `contains` a && g `contains` b then minimum . map (distance u a') $ bs else undefined where a' = normalise g a bs = denormalise g b directionToWrappedBasedOn :: (Eq (Index g), Eq (Direction g), WrappedGrid g, Grid u, Index g ~ Index u, Direction g ~ Direction u) => u -> g -> Index g -> Index g -> [Direction g] directionToWrappedBasedOn u g a b = if g `contains` a && g `contains` b then nub . concatMap (directionTo u a') $ ys' else undefined where a' = normalise g a ys = denormalise g b minD = distance g a b ys' = filter (\c -> distance u a' c == minD) ys -- -- Helper functions -- sameEdge :: Eq t => (t, t) -> (t, t) -> Bool sameEdge (a,b) (c,d) = (a,b) == (c,d) || (a,b) == (d,c) adjacentEdges :: (Grid g, Eq (Index g)) => Index g -> g -> [(Index g, Index g)] adjacentEdges i g = map (\j -> (i,j)) $ neighbours g i cartesianIndices :: (Enum r, Enum c, Num r, Num c, Ord r, Ord c) => (r, c) -> [(c, r)] cartesianIndices (r, c) = west ++ north ++ east ++ south where west = [(0,k) | k <- [0,1..r-1], c>0] north = [(k,r-1) | k <- [1,2..c-1], r>0] east = [(c-1,k) | k <- [r-2,r-3..0], c>1] south = [(k,0) | k <- [c-2,c-3..1], r>1] cartesianCentre :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] cartesianCentre (r,c) = [(i,j) | i <- cartesianMidpoints c, j <- cartesianMidpoints r] cartesianMidpoints :: Int -> [Int] cartesianMidpoints k = if even k then [m-1,m] else [m] where m = k `div` 2