{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.UnionTests (unionTests) where import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.ITEOp (ITEOp (symIte)) import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.LogicalOp (LogicalOp (symNot, (.&&), (.||))) import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable ( Mergeable (rootStrategy), MergingStrategy (SortedStrategy), wrapStrategy, ) import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Solvable (Solvable (con)) import Grisette.Core.Data.Union ( Union (UnionIf, UnionSingle), fullReconstruct, ifWithLeftMost, ifWithStrategy, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.SymPrim (SymInteger) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit ((@?=)) data TripleSum a b c = TS1 a | TS2 b | TS3 c deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c) => Mergeable (TripleSum a b c) where rootStrategy = SortedStrategy (\case TS1 _ -> (0 :: Int); TS2 _ -> (1 :: Int); TS3 _ -> (2 :: Int)) ( \case 0 -> wrapStrategy rootStrategy TS1 (\(TS1 x) -> x) 1 -> wrapStrategy rootStrategy TS2 (\(TS2 x) -> x) 2 -> wrapStrategy rootStrategy TS3 (\(TS3 x) -> x) _ -> error "Bad" ) unionTests :: Test unionTests = testGroup "Union" [ testGroup "ifWithLeftMost" [ testCase "ifWithLeftMost should maintain left most info on Singles" $ do ifWithLeftMost False "a" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2) @?= UnionIf 1 False "a" (UnionSingle 1) (UnionSingle 2), testCase "ifWithLeftMost should maintain left most info on Ifs" $ do ifWithLeftMost True "a" (UnionIf 1 True "b" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2)) (UnionIf 3 True "c" (UnionSingle 3) (UnionSingle 4)) @?= UnionIf 1 True "a" ( UnionIf 1 True "b" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2) ) (UnionIf 3 True "c" (UnionSingle 3) (UnionSingle 4)) ], testGroup "ifWithStrategy" [ testGroup "ifWithStrategy with concrete condition" [ testCase "true" $ do ifWithStrategy rootStrategy (con True) (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2) @?= UnionSingle 1, testCase "false" $ do ifWithStrategy rootStrategy (con False) (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2) @?= UnionSingle 2 ], let a = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2) in testGroup "ifWithStrategy with condition equal to sub conditions" [ testCase "ifTrue" $ do ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" a (UnionSingle 3) @?= UnionIf 1 True "a" (UnionSingle 1) (UnionSingle 3), testCase "ifFalse" $ do ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle 0) a @?= UnionIf 0 True "a" (UnionSingle 0) (UnionSingle 2) ], testCase "ifWithStrategy with simple mergeables" $ do ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle ("b" :: SymInteger)) (UnionSingle "c") @?= UnionSingle (symIte "a" "b" "c"), testGroup "ifWithStrategy with ordered mergeables" [ testGroup "ifWithStrategy on Single/Single" [ testGroup "idxt < idxf" [ testCase "Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 2) @?= UnionIf 1 True "a" (UnionSingle 1) (UnionSingle 2), testCase "Maybe Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle Nothing) (UnionSingle (Just (2 :: Integer))) @?= UnionIf Nothing True "a" (UnionSingle Nothing) (UnionSingle (Just 2)) ], testGroup "idxt == idxf" [ testGroup "idxt == idxf as terminal" [ testCase "Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 1) @?= UnionSingle 1, testCase "Maybe Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Just ("b" :: SymInteger))) (UnionSingle (Just "c")) @?= UnionSingle (Just (symIte "a" "b" "c")) ], testGroup "idxt == idxf but not terminal" [ testCase "Maybe Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Just (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Just (2 :: Integer))) @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 2)), testCase "Maybe (Maybe Integer)" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Just $ Just ("b" :: SymInteger)) (UnionSingle $ Just $ Just "c") @?= UnionSingle (Just (Just (symIte "a" "b" "c"))) ] ], testGroup "idxt > idxf" [ testCase "Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (2 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle 1) @?= UnionIf 1 True (symNot "a") (UnionSingle 1) (UnionSingle 2), testCase "Maybe Integer" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Just (2 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle Nothing) @?= UnionIf Nothing True (symNot "a") (UnionSingle Nothing) (UnionSingle (Just 2)) ] ], testGroup "ifWithStrategy on Single/If" [ testGroup "Degenerate to Single/Single when idxft == idxff" [ testCase "Degenerated case with idxt < idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Just (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Just (2 :: Integer))) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle Nothing) x @?= UnionIf Nothing True "b" (UnionSingle Nothing) ( UnionIf (Just 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 2)) ), let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Just (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Just (3 :: Integer))) in testGroup "Degenerated case with idxt == idxf" [ testCase "sub-idxt < sub-idxft" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 0) x @?= UnionIf (Just 0) True "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 0) ( UnionIf (Just 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 3)) ), testCase "sub-idxt == sub-idxft" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 1) x @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ("b" .|| "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 3)), testCase "subidxft < sub-idxt < sub-idxff" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 2) x @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ((symNot "b") .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) ( UnionIf (Just 2) True "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 2) (UnionSingle $ Just 3) ), testCase "sub-idxt == sub-idxff" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 3) x @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ((symNot "b") .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 3)), testCase "sub-idxff < sub-idxt" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 4) x @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ((symNot "b") .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) ( UnionIf (Just 3) True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle $ Just 3) (UnionSingle $ Just 4) ) ], testCase "Degenerated case with idxt > idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Left (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Left (2 :: Integer))) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Right (1 :: Integer)) x @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True (symNot "b") ( UnionIf (Left 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Left 1) (UnionSingle (Left 2)) ) (UnionSingle $ Right 1) ], testCase "idxt < idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle (3 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle 0) x @?= UnionIf 0 True "b" (UnionSingle 0) ( UnionIf 1 True "a" (UnionSingle 1) (UnionSingle 3) ), testCase "idxt == idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Right (3 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Left 0) x @?= UnionIf (Left 0) True ("b" .|| "a") ( UnionIf (Left 0) True "b" (UnionSingle $ Left 0) (UnionSingle $ Left 1) ) (UnionSingle $ Right 3), testCase "idxt > idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Right (3 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Right 0) x @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True ((symNot "b") .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) ( UnionIf (Right 0) True "b" (UnionSingle $ Right 0) (UnionSingle $ Right 3) ) ], testGroup "ifWithStrategy on If/Single" [ testGroup "Degenerate to Single/Single when idxtt == idxtf" [ testCase "Degenerated case with idxt < idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Left (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Left (2 :: Integer))) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Right (2 :: Integer)) @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True "b" ( UnionIf (Left 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Left 1) (UnionSingle (Left 2)) ) (UnionSingle $ Right 2), let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Just (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Just (3 :: Integer))) in testGroup "Degenerated case with idxt == idxf" [ testCase "sub-idxf < sub-idxtt" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Just 0) @?= UnionIf (Just 0) True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle $ Just 0) ( UnionIf (Just 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 3)) ), testCase "sub-idxf == sub-idxtt" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Just 1) @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ((symNot "b") .|| "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 3)), testCase "sub-idxtt < sub-idxf < sub-idxtf" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Just 2) @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ("b" .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) ( UnionIf (Just 2) True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle $ Just 2) (UnionSingle $ Just 3) ), testCase "sub-idxf == sub-idxtf" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Just 3) @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ("b" .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) (UnionSingle (Just 3)), testCase "sub-idxtf < sub-idxf" $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Just 4) @?= UnionIf (Just 1) True ("b" .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Just 1) ( UnionIf (Just 3) True "b" (UnionSingle $ Just 3) (UnionSingle $ Just 4) ) ], testCase "Degenerated case with idxt > idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (Right (1 :: Integer))) (UnionSingle (Right (2 :: Integer))) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) ( UnionIf (Right 1) True "a" (UnionSingle $ Right 1) (UnionSingle (Right 2)) ) ], testCase "idxtt < idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Right (3 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Right 0) @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True ("b" .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) ( UnionIf (Right 0) True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle $ Right 0) (UnionSingle $ Right 3) ), testCase "idxtt == idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Right (3 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle $ Left 0) @?= UnionIf (Left 0) True ((symNot "b") .|| "a") ( UnionIf (Left 0) True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle $ Left 0) (UnionSingle $ Left 1) ) (UnionSingle $ Right 3), testCase "idxtt > idxf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle (3 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" x (UnionSingle 0) @?= UnionIf 0 True (symNot "b") (UnionSingle 0) (UnionIf 1 True "a" (UnionSingle 1) (UnionSingle 3)) ], testGroup "ifWithStrategy on If/If" [ testCase "Degenerate to Single/If when idxtt == idxtf" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Left (2 :: Integer)) let y = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Right (2 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "c" x y @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True ("c" .|| "b") ( UnionIf (Left 1) True ((symNot "c") .|| "a") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) (UnionSingle $ Left 2) ) (UnionSingle $ Right 2), testCase "Degenerate to Single/If when idxff == idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Left (2 :: Integer)) let y = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ Left (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Right (2 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "c" y x @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True ((symNot "c") .|| "b") ( UnionIf (Left 1) True ("c" .|| "a") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) (UnionSingle $ Left 2) ) (UnionSingle $ Right 2), testCase "Non-degenerated case when idxtt < idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ TS1 (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ TS2 (2 :: Integer)) let y = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ TS2 (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ TS3 (2 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "c" x y @?= UnionIf (TS1 1) True ("c" .&& "a") (UnionSingle $ TS1 1) ( UnionIf (TS2 1) True ("c" .|| "b") ( UnionIf (TS2 1) True (symNot "c") (UnionSingle $ TS2 1) (UnionSingle $ TS2 2) ) (UnionSingle $ TS3 2) ), testCase "Non-degenerated case when idxtt == idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ TS1 (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ TS2 (2 :: Integer)) let y = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ TS1 (2 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ TS3 (2 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "c" x y @?= UnionIf (TS1 1) True (symIte "c" "a" "b") ( UnionIf (TS1 1) True "c" (UnionSingle $ TS1 1) (UnionSingle $ TS1 2) ) ( UnionIf (TS2 2) True "c" (UnionSingle $ TS2 2) (UnionSingle $ TS3 2) ), testCase "Non-degenerated case when idxtt > idxft" $ do let x = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (UnionSingle $ TS2 (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ TS3 (2 :: Integer)) let y = ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "b" (UnionSingle $ TS1 (1 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ TS2 (2 :: Integer)) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "c" x y @?= UnionIf (TS1 1) True ((symNot "c") .&& "b") (UnionSingle $ TS1 1) ( UnionIf (TS2 1) True ((symNot "c") .|| "a") ( UnionIf (TS2 1) True "c" (UnionSingle $ TS2 1) (UnionSingle $ TS2 2) ) (UnionSingle $ TS3 2) ) ], testCase "ifWithStrategy should tolerate non-merged Ifs" $ do let x = UnionIf (Right 2) False "a" (UnionSingle $ Right (2 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Left (2 :: Integer)) let y = UnionIf (Right 3) False "b" (UnionSingle $ Right 3) (UnionSingle $ Left 1) ifWithStrategy rootStrategy "c" x y @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True (symIte "c" (symNot "a") (symNot "b")) ( UnionIf (Left 1) True (symNot "c") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) (UnionSingle $ Left 2) ) ( UnionIf (Right 2) True "c" (UnionSingle $ Right 2) (UnionSingle $ Right 3) ) ] ], testGroup "fullReconstruct" [ testCase "fullReconstruct should work" $ do let x = UnionIf (Right 2) False "a" (UnionSingle $ Right (2 :: Integer)) (UnionSingle $ Left (2 :: Integer)) let y = UnionIf (Right 3) False "b" (UnionSingle $ Right 3) (UnionSingle $ Left 1) let z = UnionIf (Right 2) False "c" x y fullReconstruct rootStrategy z @?= UnionIf (Left 1) True (symIte "c" (symNot "a") (symNot "b")) ( UnionIf (Left 1) True (symNot "c") (UnionSingle $ Left 1) (UnionSingle $ Left 2) ) ( UnionIf (Right 2) True "c" (UnionSingle $ Right 2) (UnionSingle $ Right 3) ) ] ]