{-# LINE 2 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Widget SizeGroup
-- Author : Duncan Coutts
-- Created: 2 August 2004
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Duncan Coutts
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- |
-- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable (depends on GHC)
-- Grouping widgets so they request the same size
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.Misc.SizeGroup (
-- * Detail
-- | 'SizeGroup' provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets
-- together so they all request the same amount of space. This is typically
-- useful when you want a column of widgets to have the same size, but you
-- can't use a 'Table' widget.
-- In detail, the size requested for each widget in a 'SizeGroup' is the
-- maximum of the sizes that would have been requested for each widget in the
-- size group if they were not in the size group. The mode of the size group
-- (see 'sizeGroupSetMode') determines whether this applies to the horizontal
-- size, the vertical size, or both sizes.
-- Note that size groups only affect the amount of space requested, not the
-- size that the widgets finally receive. If you want the widgets in a
-- 'SizeGroup' to actually be the same size, you need to pack them in such a
-- way that they get the size they request and not more. For example, if you
-- are packing your widgets into a table, you would not include the
-- 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Layout.Table.Fill' flag.
-- Widgets can be part of multiple size groups; Gtk+ will compute the
-- horizontal size of a widget from the horizontal requisition of all widgets
-- that can be reached from the widget by a chain of size groups of type
-- 'SizeGroupHorizontal' or 'SizeGroupBoth', and the vertical size from the
-- vertical requisition of all widgets that can be reached from the widget by a
-- chain of size groups of type 'SizeGroupVertical' or 'SizeGroupBoth'.

-- * Class Hierarchy
-- |
-- @
-- | 'GObject'
-- | +----SizeGroup
-- @

-- * Types
  castToSizeGroup, gTypeSizeGroup,

-- * Constructors

-- * Methods


-- * Attributes


  ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM)

import System.Glib.FFI
import System.Glib.Attributes
import System.Glib.GObject (constructNewGObject)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types
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{-# LINE 98 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}

data SizeGroupMode = SizeGroupNone
                   | SizeGroupHorizontal
                   | SizeGroupVertical
                   | SizeGroupBoth
                   deriving (Enum)

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-- Constructors

-- | Create a new 'SizeGroup'.
sizeGroupNew ::
    SizeGroupMode -- ^ @mode@ - the mode for the new size group.
 -> IO SizeGroup
sizeGroupNew mode =
  constructNewGObject mkSizeGroup $
{-# LINE 112 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    ((fromIntegral . fromEnum) mode)

-- Methods

-- | Adds a widget to a 'SizeGroup'. In the future, the requisition of the
-- widget will be determined as the maximum of its requisition and the
-- requisition of the other widgets in the size group. Whether this applies
-- horizontally, vertically, or in both directions depends on the mode of the
-- size group. See 'sizeGroupSetMode'.
sizeGroupAddWidget :: (SizeGroupClass self, WidgetClass widget) => self
 -> widget -- ^ @widget@ - the 'Widget' to add
 -> IO ()
sizeGroupAddWidget self widget =
  (\(SizeGroup arg1) (Widget arg2) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gtk_size_group_add_widget argPtr1 argPtr2)
{-# LINE 128 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    (toSizeGroup self)
    (toWidget widget)

-- | Gets the current mode of the size group. See 'sizeGroupSetMode'.
sizeGroupGetMode :: SizeGroupClass self => self
 -> IO SizeGroupMode -- ^ returns the current mode of the size group.
sizeGroupGetMode self =
  liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) $
  (\(SizeGroup arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_size_group_get_mode argPtr1)
{-# LINE 138 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    (toSizeGroup self)

-- | Removes a widget from a 'SizeGroup'.
sizeGroupRemoveWidget :: (SizeGroupClass self, WidgetClass widget) => self
 -> widget -- ^ @widget@ - the 'Widget' to remove
 -> IO ()
sizeGroupRemoveWidget self widget =
  (\(SizeGroup arg1) (Widget arg2) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gtk_size_group_remove_widget argPtr1 argPtr2)
{-# LINE 147 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    (toSizeGroup self)
    (toWidget widget)

-- | Sets the 'SizeGroupMode' of the size group. The mode of the size group
-- determines whether the widgets in the size group should all have the same
-- horizontal requisition 'SizeGroupHorizontal' all have the same vertical
-- requisition 'SizeGroupVertical', or should all have the same requisition
-- in both directions 'SizeGroupBoth'.
sizeGroupSetMode :: SizeGroupClass self => self
 -> SizeGroupMode -- ^ @mode@ - the mode to set for the size group.
 -> IO ()
sizeGroupSetMode self mode =
  (\(SizeGroup arg1) arg2 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_size_group_set_mode argPtr1 arg2)
{-# LINE 161 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    (toSizeGroup self)
    ((fromIntegral . fromEnum) mode)

-- | Sets whether invisible widgets should be ignored when calculating the
-- size.
-- * Available since Gtk+ version 2.8
sizeGroupSetIgnoreHidden :: SizeGroupClass self => self
 -> Bool -- ^ @ignoreHidden@ - whether hidden widgets should be ignored when
          -- calculating the size
 -> IO ()
sizeGroupSetIgnoreHidden self ignoreHidden =
  (\(SizeGroup arg1) arg2 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_size_group_set_ignore_hidden argPtr1 arg2)
{-# LINE 176 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    (toSizeGroup self)
    (fromBool ignoreHidden)

-- | Returns if invisible widgets are ignored when calculating the size.
-- * Available since Gtk+ version 2.8
sizeGroupGetIgnoreHidden :: SizeGroupClass self => self
 -> IO Bool -- ^ returns @True@ if invisible widgets are ignored.
sizeGroupGetIgnoreHidden self =
  liftM toBool $
  (\(SizeGroup arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_size_group_get_ignore_hidden argPtr1)
{-# LINE 188 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Misc/SizeGroup.chs" #-}
    (toSizeGroup self)

-- Attributes

-- | The directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its
-- component widgets.
-- Default value: 'SizeGroupHorizontal'
sizeGroupMode :: SizeGroupClass self => Attr self SizeGroupMode
sizeGroupMode = newAttr

-- | If @True@, hidden widgets are ignored when determining the size of the
-- group.
-- Default value: @False@
sizeGroupIgnoreHidden :: SizeGroupClass self => Attr self Bool
sizeGroupIgnoreHidden = newAttr

foreign import ccall unsafe "gtk_size_group_new"
  gtk_size_group_new :: (CInt -> (IO (Ptr SizeGroup)))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_size_group_add_widget"
  gtk_size_group_add_widget :: ((Ptr SizeGroup) -> ((Ptr Widget) -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gtk_size_group_get_mode"
  gtk_size_group_get_mode :: ((Ptr SizeGroup) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_size_group_remove_widget"
  gtk_size_group_remove_widget :: ((Ptr SizeGroup) -> ((Ptr Widget) -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_size_group_set_mode"
  gtk_size_group_set_mode :: ((Ptr SizeGroup) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_size_group_set_ignore_hidden"
  gtk_size_group_set_ignore_hidden :: ((Ptr SizeGroup) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_size_group_get_ignore_hidden"
  gtk_size_group_get_ignore_hidden :: ((Ptr SizeGroup) -> (IO CInt))