{-# LINE 2 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Widget ScaleButton
-- Author : Andy Stewart
-- Created: 22 Mar 2010
-- Copyright (C) 2010 Andy Stewart
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- |
-- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable (depends on GHC)
-- A button which pops up a scale
-- * Module available since Gtk+ version 2.12
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.Buttons.ScaleButton (

-- * Detail
-- | 'ScaleButton' provides a button which pops up a scale widget. This kind
-- of widget is commonly used for volume controls in multimedia applications,
-- and Gtk+ provides a 'VolumeButton' subclass that is tailored for this use
-- case.

-- * Class Hierarchy
-- |
-- @
-- | 'GObject'
-- | +----'Object'
-- | +----'Widget'
-- | +----'Container'
-- | +----'Bin'
-- | +----'Button'
-- | +----ScaleButton
-- | +----'VolumeButton'
-- @

-- * Types

-- * Constructors

-- * Methods


-- * Attributes

-- * Signals

  ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM)

import System.Glib.FFI
import System.Glib.UTFString
import System.Glib.Attributes
import System.Glib.Properties
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Object (makeNewObject)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Structs (IconSize(..))
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types
{-# LINE 93 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Signals
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-- Interfaces

-- instance OrientableClass ScaleButton

-- Constructors

-- | Creates a 'ScaleButton', with a range between @min@ and @max@, with a
-- stepping of @step@.
scaleButtonNew ::
    IconSize -- ^ @size@ - a stock icon size
 -> Double -- ^ @min@ - the minimum value of the scale (usually 0)
 -> Double -- ^ @max@ - the maximum value of the scale (usually 100)
 -> Double -- ^ @step@ - the stepping of value when a scroll-wheel event, or
             -- up\/down arrow event occurs (usually 2)
 -> [String] -- ^ @icons@
 -> IO ScaleButton
scaleButtonNew size min max step icons =
  makeNewObject mkScaleButton $
  liftM (castPtr :: Ptr Widget -> Ptr ScaleButton) $
  withUTFStringArray0 icons $ \iconsPtr ->
{-# LINE 122 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
    ((fromIntegral . fromEnum) size)
    (realToFrac min)
    (realToFrac max)
    (realToFrac step)

-- Methods

-- | Sets the icons to be used by the scale button. For details, see the "icons" property.
scaleButtonSetIcons :: ScaleButtonClass self => self
 -> [String] -- ^ @icons@
 -> IO ()
scaleButtonSetIcons self icons =
  withUTFStringArray0 icons $ \iconsPtr ->
  (\(ScaleButton arg1) arg2 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_scale_button_set_icons argPtr1 arg2)
{-# LINE 138 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
    (toScaleButton self)

-- | Retrieves the popup of the 'ScaleButton'.
-- * Available since Gtk+ version 2.14
scaleButtonGetPopup :: ScaleButtonClass self => self
 -> IO Widget -- ^ returns the popup of the 'ScaleButton'
scaleButtonGetPopup self =
  makeNewObject mkWidget $
  (\(ScaleButton arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_scale_button_get_popup argPtr1)
{-# LINE 151 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
    (toScaleButton self)

-- | Retrieves the plus button of the 'ScaleButton'.
-- * Available since Gtk+ version 2.14
scaleButtonGetPlusButton :: ScaleButtonClass self => self
 -> IO Widget -- ^ returns the plus button of the 'ScaleButton'.
scaleButtonGetPlusButton self =
  makeNewObject mkWidget $
  (\(ScaleButton arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_scale_button_get_plus_button argPtr1)
{-# LINE 162 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
    (toScaleButton self)

-- | Retrieves the minus button of the 'ScaleButton'.
-- * Available since Gtk+ version 2.14
scaleButtonGetMinusButton :: ScaleButtonClass self => self
 -> IO Widget -- ^ returns the minus button of the 'ScaleButton'.
scaleButtonGetMinusButton self =
  makeNewObject mkWidget $
  (\(ScaleButton arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gtk_scale_button_get_minus_button argPtr1)
{-# LINE 173 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}
    (toScaleButton self)

-- Attributes

-- | The value of the scale.
-- Default value: 0
scaleButtonValue :: ScaleButtonClass self => Attr self Double
scaleButtonValue = newAttrFromDoubleProperty "value"

-- | The icon size.
-- Default value: ''IconSizeSmallToolbar''
scaleButtonSize :: ScaleButtonClass self => Attr self IconSize
scaleButtonSize = newAttrFromEnumProperty "size"
{-# LINE 191 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}

-- | The 'Adjustment' that contains the current value of this scale button object.
scaleButtonAdjustment :: ScaleButtonClass self => Attr self Adjustment
scaleButtonAdjustment = newAttrFromObjectProperty "adjustment"
{-# LINE 196 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Buttons/ScaleButton.chs" #-}

-- | The names of the icons to be used by the scale button. The first item in the array will be used in
-- the button when the current value is the lowest value, the second item for the highest value. All
-- the subsequent icons will be used for all the other values, spread evenly over the range of values.
-- If there's only one icon name in the icons array, it will be used for all the values. If only two
-- icon names are in the icons array, the first one will be used for the bottom 50% of the scale, and
-- the second one for the top 50%.
-- It is recommended to use at least 3 icons so that the 'ScaleButton' reflects the current value of
-- the scale better for the users.
-- Since 2.12
scaleButtonIcons :: ScaleButtonClass self => ReadWriteAttr self [String] (Maybe [String])
scaleButtonIcons =
  newAttr (objectGetPropertyBoxedOpaque (peekUTFStringArray0 . castPtr) gtype "search-path")
          (objectSetPropertyBoxedOpaque (\dirs f -> maybeWith withUTFStringArray0 dirs (f . castPtr)) gtype "search-path")
  where gtype = g_strv_get_type
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-- Signals

-- | The 'scaleButtonValueChanged' signal is emitted when the value field has changed.
scaleButtonValueChanged :: ScaleButtonClass self => Signal self (Double -> IO ())
scaleButtonValueChanged = Signal (connect_DOUBLE__NONE "value_changed")

-- | The 'popup' signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted to popup the scale widget.
-- The default bindings for this signal are Space, Enter and Return.
scaleButtonPopup :: ScaleButtonClass self => Signal self (IO ())
scaleButtonPopup = Signal (connect_NONE__NONE "popup")

-- | The 'popdown' signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted to popdown the scale widget.
-- The default binding for this signal is Escape.
scaleButtonPopdown :: ScaleButtonClass self => Signal self (IO ())
scaleButtonPopdown = Signal (connect_NONE__NONE "popdown")

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_scale_button_new"
  gtk_scale_button_new :: (CInt -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> (CDouble -> ((Ptr (Ptr CChar)) -> (IO (Ptr Widget)))))))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_scale_button_set_icons"
  gtk_scale_button_set_icons :: ((Ptr ScaleButton) -> ((Ptr (Ptr CChar)) -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_scale_button_get_popup"
  gtk_scale_button_get_popup :: ((Ptr ScaleButton) -> (IO (Ptr Widget)))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_scale_button_get_plus_button"
  gtk_scale_button_get_plus_button :: ((Ptr ScaleButton) -> (IO (Ptr Widget)))

foreign import ccall safe "gtk_scale_button_get_minus_button"
  gtk_scale_button_get_minus_button :: ((Ptr ScaleButton) -> (IO (Ptr Widget)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gtk_icon_size_get_type"
  gtk_icon_size_get_type :: CUInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "gtk_adjustment_get_type"
  gtk_adjustment_get_type :: CUInt

foreign import ccall safe "g_strv_get_type"
  g_strv_get_type :: CUInt