{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} -- -*-haskell-*- #include #include #include "template-hsc-gtk2hs.h" -- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Structures -- -- Author : Axel Simon -- -- Created: 2 May 2001 -- -- Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Axel Simon -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- #hide -- | -- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable (depends on GHC) -- module Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Structs ( Point, Rectangle(..), Color(..), GCValues(..), pokeGCValues, newGCValues, widgetGetState, widgetGetSavedState, Allocation, Requisition(..), treeIterSize, textIterSize, inputError, dialogGetUpper, dialogGetActionArea, fileSelectionGetButtons, ResponseId(..), fromResponse, toResponse, #if !defined(WIN32) || GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,8,0) NativeWindowId, toNativeWindowId, fromNativeWindowId, nativeWindowIdNone, #endif drawableGetID, #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED toolbarChildButton, toolbarChildToggleButton, toolbarChildRadioButton, #endif IconSize(..), #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED comboGetList, #endif widgetGetDrawWindow, widgetGetSize, layoutGetDrawWindow, windowGetFrame, styleGetForeground, styleGetBackground, styleGetLight, styleGetMiddle, styleGetDark, styleGetText, styleGetBase, styleGetAntiAliasing, colorSelectionDialogGetColor, colorSelectionDialogGetOkButton, colorSelectionDialogGetCancelButton, colorSelectionDialogGetHelpButton, dragContextGetActions, dragContextSetActions, dragContextGetSuggestedAction, dragContextSetSuggestedAction, dragContextGetAction, dragContextSetAction, SortColumnId, treeSortableDefaultSortColumnId, tagInvalid, selectionPrimary, selectionSecondary, selectionClipboard, targetString, selectionTypeAtom, selectionTypeInteger, selectionTypeString, selectionDataGetType, withTargetEntries, KeymapKey (..) ) where import Control.Monad (liftM) import Data.IORef import Control.Exception (handle, ErrorCall(..)) import System.Glib.FFI import System.Glib.UTFString ( UTFCorrection, ofsToUTF ) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Object (makeNewObject) import System.Glib.GObject (makeNewGObject) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Enums (Function, Fill, SubwindowMode, LineStyle, CapStyle, JoinStyle) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Enums (StateType) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.DNDTypes (InfoId, Atom(Atom) , SelectionTag, TargetTag, SelectionTypeTag) import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Structs ( Color(..), Rectangle(..) ) #if !defined(WIN32) || GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) #else import Unsafe.Coerce #endif -- | Represents the x and y coordinate of a point. -- type Point = (Int, Int) instance Storable Point where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GdkPoint)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined:: #gtk2hs_type gint) peek ptr = do (x_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkPoint, x} ptr (y_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkPoint, y} ptr return $ (fromIntegral x_, fromIntegral y_) poke ptr (x, y) = do #{poke GdkPoint, x} ptr ((fromIntegral x)::#gtk2hs_type gint) #{poke GdkPoint, y} ptr ((fromIntegral y)::#gtk2hs_type gint) instance Storable Rectangle where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GdkRectangle)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined:: #gtk2hs_type gint) peek ptr = do (x_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkRectangle, x} ptr (y_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkRectangle, y} ptr (width_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkRectangle, width} ptr (height_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkRectangle, height} ptr return $ Rectangle (fromIntegral x_) (fromIntegral y_) (fromIntegral width_) (fromIntegral height_) poke ptr (Rectangle x y width height) = do #{poke GdkRectangle, x} ptr ((fromIntegral x)::#gtk2hs_type gint) #{poke GdkRectangle, y} ptr ((fromIntegral y)::#gtk2hs_type gint) #{poke GdkRectangle, width} ptr ((fromIntegral width)::#gtk2hs_type gint) #{poke GdkRectangle, height} ptr ((fromIntegral height)::#gtk2hs_type gint) instance Storable Color where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GdkColor)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined::#gtk2hs_type guint32) peek ptr = do red <- #{peek GdkColor, red} ptr green <- #{peek GdkColor, green} ptr blue <- #{peek GdkColor, blue} ptr return $ Color red green blue poke ptr (Color red green blue) = do #{poke GdkColor, pixel} ptr (0::#{gtk2hs_type gint32}) #{poke GdkColor, red} ptr red #{poke GdkColor, green} ptr green #{poke GdkColor, blue} ptr blue cPtr <- gdkColormapGetSystem gdkColormapAllocColor cPtr ptr 0 1 return () type ColorMap = () foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_colormap_get_system" gdkColormapGetSystem :: IO (Ptr ColorMap) foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_colormap_alloc_color" gdkColormapAllocColor :: Ptr ColorMap -> Ptr Color -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_colormap_query_color" gdkColormapQueryColor :: Ptr ColorMap -> CULong -> Ptr Color -> IO () -- entry GC -- | Intermediate data structure for 'GC's. -- -- * If @graphicsExposure@ is set then copying portions into a -- drawable will generate an @\"exposure\"@ event, even if the -- destination area is not currently visible. -- data GCValues = GCValues { foreground :: Color, background :: Color, function :: Function, fill :: Fill, tile :: Maybe Pixmap, stipple :: Maybe Pixmap, clipMask :: Maybe Pixmap, subwindowMode :: SubwindowMode, tsXOrigin :: Int, tsYOrigin :: Int, clipXOrigin:: Int, clipYOrigin:: Int, graphicsExposure :: Bool, lineWidth :: Int, lineStyle :: LineStyle, capStyle :: CapStyle, joinStyle :: JoinStyle } instance Storable GCValues where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GdkGCValues)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined::Color) peek ptr = do -- gdk_gc_get_values does not fill in the r,g,b members of the foreground -- and background colours (it only fills in the allocated pixel value), -- so we have to fill them in here: let foregroundPtr, backgroundPtr :: Ptr Color foregroundPtr = #{ptr GdkGCValues, foreground} ptr backgroundPtr = #{ptr GdkGCValues, background} ptr (foregroundPixelPtr :: CULong) <- #{peek GdkColor, pixel} foregroundPtr (backgroundPixelPtr :: CULong) <- #{peek GdkColor, pixel} backgroundPtr colormapPtr <- gdkColormapGetSystem gdkColormapQueryColor colormapPtr foregroundPixelPtr foregroundPtr gdkColormapQueryColor colormapPtr backgroundPixelPtr backgroundPtr foreground_ <- peek (#{ptr GdkGCValues, foreground} ptr) background_ <- peek (#{ptr GdkGCValues, background} ptr) (function_ :: #{gtk2hs_type GdkFunction}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, function} ptr (fill_ :: #{gtk2hs_type GdkFill}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, fill} ptr tile_ <- do pPtr <- #{peek GdkGCValues, tile} ptr if (pPtr==nullPtr) then return Nothing else liftM Just $ makeNewGObject mkPixmap $ return pPtr stipple_ <- do pPtr <- #{peek GdkGCValues, stipple} ptr if (pPtr==nullPtr) then return Nothing else liftM Just $ makeNewGObject mkPixmap $ return pPtr clipMask_ <- do pPtr <- #{peek GdkGCValues, clip_mask} ptr if (pPtr==nullPtr) then return Nothing else liftM Just $ makeNewGObject mkPixmap $ return pPtr (subwindow_ :: #{gtk2hs_type GdkSubwindowMode}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, subwindow_mode} ptr (tsXOrigin_ :: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, ts_x_origin} ptr (tsYOrigin_ :: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, ts_y_origin} ptr (clipXOrigin_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, clip_x_origin} ptr (clipYOrigin_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, clip_y_origin} ptr (graphics_ :: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, graphics_exposures} ptr (lineWidth_ :: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, line_width} ptr (lineStyle_ :: #{gtk2hs_type GdkLineStyle}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, line_style} ptr (capStyle_ :: #{gtk2hs_type GdkCapStyle}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, cap_style} ptr (joinStyle_ :: #{gtk2hs_type GdkJoinStyle}) <- #{peek GdkGCValues, join_style} ptr return $ GCValues { foreground = foreground_, background = background_, function = (toEnum.fromIntegral) function_, fill = (toEnum.fromIntegral) fill_, tile = tile_, stipple = stipple_, clipMask = clipMask_, subwindowMode = (toEnum.fromIntegral) subwindow_, tsXOrigin = fromIntegral tsXOrigin_, tsYOrigin = fromIntegral tsYOrigin_, clipXOrigin= fromIntegral clipXOrigin_, clipYOrigin= fromIntegral clipYOrigin_, graphicsExposure = toBool graphics_, lineWidth = fromIntegral lineWidth_, lineStyle = (toEnum.fromIntegral) lineStyle_, capStyle = (toEnum.fromIntegral) capStyle_, joinStyle = (toEnum.fromIntegral) joinStyle_ } pokeGCValues :: Ptr GCValues -> GCValues -> IO CInt pokeGCValues ptr (GCValues { foreground = foreground_, background = background_, function = function_, fill = fill_, tile = tile_, stipple = stipple_, clipMask = clipMask_, subwindowMode = subwindow_, tsXOrigin = tsXOrigin_, tsYOrigin = tsYOrigin_, clipXOrigin= clipXOrigin_, clipYOrigin= clipYOrigin_, graphicsExposure = graphics_, lineWidth = lineWidth_, lineStyle = lineStyle_, capStyle = capStyle_, joinStyle = joinStyle_ }) = do r <- newIORef 0 add r #{const GDK_GC_FOREGROUND } $ poke (#{ptr GdkGCValues, foreground} ptr) foreground_ add r #{const GDK_GC_BACKGROUND } $ poke (#{ptr GdkGCValues, background} ptr) background_ add r #{const GDK_GC_FUNCTION } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, function} ptr (fromIntegral (fromEnum function_):: #{gtk2hs_type GdkFunction}) add r #{const GDK_GC_FILL } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, fill} ptr (fromIntegral (fromEnum fill_):: #{gtk2hs_type GdkFill}) case tile_ of Nothing -> return () Just tile_ -> add r #{const GDK_GC_TILE} $ withForeignPtr (unPixmap tile_) $ #{poke GdkGCValues, tile} ptr case stipple_ of Nothing -> return () Just stipple_ -> add r #{const GDK_GC_STIPPLE} $ withForeignPtr (unPixmap stipple_) $ #{poke GdkGCValues, stipple} ptr case clipMask_ of Nothing -> return () Just clipMask_ -> add r #{const GDK_GC_CLIP_MASK } $ withForeignPtr (unPixmap clipMask_) $ #{poke GdkGCValues, clip_mask} ptr add r #{const GDK_GC_SUBWINDOW } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, subwindow_mode} ptr (fromIntegral (fromEnum subwindow_):: #{gtk2hs_type GdkSubwindowMode}) add r #{const GDK_GC_TS_X_ORIGIN } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, ts_x_origin } ptr (fromIntegral tsXOrigin_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) add r #{const GDK_GC_TS_Y_ORIGIN } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, ts_y_origin } ptr (fromIntegral tsYOrigin_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) add r #{const GDK_GC_CLIP_X_ORIGIN } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, clip_x_origin } ptr (fromIntegral clipXOrigin_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) add r #{const GDK_GC_CLIP_Y_ORIGIN } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, clip_y_origin } ptr (fromIntegral clipYOrigin_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) add r #{const GDK_GC_EXPOSURES } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, graphics_exposures } ptr (fromBool graphics_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) add r #{const GDK_GC_LINE_WIDTH } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, line_width } ptr (fromIntegral lineWidth_:: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) add r #{const GDK_GC_LINE_STYLE } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, line_style } ptr (fromIntegral (fromEnum lineStyle_):: #{gtk2hs_type GdkLineStyle}) add r #{const GDK_GC_CAP_STYLE } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, cap_style } ptr (fromIntegral (fromEnum capStyle_):: #{gtk2hs_type GdkCapStyle}) add r #{const GDK_GC_JOIN_STYLE } $ #{poke GdkGCValues, join_style } ptr (fromIntegral (fromEnum joinStyle_):: #{gtk2hs_type GdkJoinStyle}) readIORef r where add :: IORef CInt -> CInt -> IO () -> IO () add r mVal act = handle (\(ErrorCall _) -> return ()) $ do act modifyIORef r (\val -> val+mVal) -- constant newGCValues An empty record of 'GCValues'. -- -- * Use this value instead of the constructor to avoid compiler wanings -- about uninitialized fields. -- newGCValues :: GCValues newGCValues = GCValues { foreground = undefined, background = undefined, function = undefined, fill = undefined, tile = Nothing, stipple = Nothing, clipMask = Nothing, subwindowMode = undefined, tsXOrigin = undefined, tsYOrigin = undefined, clipXOrigin= undefined, clipYOrigin= undefined, graphicsExposure = undefined, lineWidth = undefined, lineStyle = undefined, capStyle = undefined, joinStyle = undefined } -- Widget related methods -- | Retrieve the current state of the widget. -- -- * The state refers to different modes of user interaction, see -- 'StateType' for more information. -- widgetGetState :: WidgetClass w => w -> IO StateType widgetGetState w = liftM (\x -> toEnum (fromIntegral (x :: #gtk2hs_type guint8))) $ withForeignPtr ((unWidget . toWidget) w) $ #{peek GtkWidget,state} -- | Retrieve the current state of the widget. -- -- * If a widget is turned insensitive, the previous state is stored in -- a specific location. This function retrieves this previous state. -- widgetGetSavedState :: WidgetClass w => w -> IO StateType widgetGetSavedState w = liftM (\x -> toEnum (fromIntegral (x :: #gtk2hs_type guint8))) $ withForeignPtr ((unWidget . toWidget) w) $ #{peek GtkWidget,saved_state} -- | Allocation -- -- * For Widget's 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Widget.sizeAllocate' signal. -- The @x@ and @y@ values of the rectangle refer to the widgets position -- relative to its parent window. -- type Allocation = Rectangle -- | Requisition -- -- * For 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Widget.widgetSizeRequest'. The values -- represent the desired width and height of the widget. -- data Requisition = Requisition Int Int deriving (Eq,Show) instance Storable Requisition where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GtkRequisition)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined::#gtk2hs_type gint) peek ptr = do (width_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GtkRequisition, width} ptr (height_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GtkRequisition, height} ptr return $ Requisition (fromIntegral width_) (fromIntegral height_) poke ptr (Requisition width height) = do #{poke GtkRequisition, width} ptr ((fromIntegral width)::#gtk2hs_type gint) #{poke GtkRequisition, height} ptr ((fromIntegral height)::#gtk2hs_type gint) -- SpinButton related mothods -- If an invalid input has been put into a SpinButton the input function may -- reject this value by returning this value. inputError :: #{gtk2hs_type gint} inputError = #{const GTK_INPUT_ERROR} -- The TreeIter struct is not used by itself. But we have to allocate space -- for it in module TreeModel. treeIterSize :: Int treeIterSize = #{const sizeof(GtkTreeIter)} -- The TextIter struct can be a local variable in a C program. We have to -- store it on the heap. -- textIterSize :: Int textIterSize = #{const sizeof(GtkTextIter)} -- Dialog related methods -- | Get the upper part of a dialog. -- -- * The upper part of a dialog window consists of a 'VBox'. -- Add the required widgets into this box. -- dialogGetUpper :: DialogClass dc => dc -> IO VBox dialogGetUpper dc = makeNewObject mkVBox $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr ((unDialog.toDialog) dc) #{peek GtkDialog, vbox} -- | Extract the action area of a dialog box. -- -- * This -- is useful to add some special widgets that cannot be added with -- dialogAddActionWidget. -- dialogGetActionArea :: DialogClass dc => dc -> IO HBox dialogGetActionArea dc = makeNewObject mkHBox $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr ((unDialog.toDialog) dc) #{peek GtkDialog, action_area} -- | Some constructors that can be used as response -- numbers for dialogs. -- data ResponseId -- | GTK returns this if a response widget has no @response_id@, -- or if the dialog gets programmatically hidden or destroyed. = ResponseNone -- | GTK won't return these unless you pass them in as -- the response for an action widget. They are for your convenience. | ResponseReject | ResponseAccept -- ^ (as above) -- | If the dialog is deleted. | ResponseDeleteEvent -- | \"Ok\" was pressed. -- -- * This value is returned from the \"Ok\" stock dialog button. | ResponseOk -- | \"Cancel\" was pressed. -- -- * These value is returned from the \"Cancel\" stock dialog button. | ResponseCancel -- | \"Close\" was pressed. -- -- * This value is returned from the \"Close\" stock dialog button. | ResponseClose -- | \"Yes\" was pressed. -- -- * This value is returned from the \"Yes\" stock dialog button. | ResponseYes -- | \"No\" was pressed. -- -- * This value is returned from the \"No\" stock dialog button. | ResponseNo -- | \"Apply\" was pressed. -- -- * This value is returned from the \"Apply\" stock dialog button. | ResponseApply -- | \"Help\" was pressed. -- -- * This value is returned from the \"Help\" stock dialog button. | ResponseHelp -- | A user-defined response -- -- * This value is returned from a user defined button | ResponseUser Int deriving (Show, Eq) fromResponse :: Integral a => ResponseId -> a fromResponse ResponseNone = -1 fromResponse ResponseReject = -2 fromResponse ResponseAccept = -3 fromResponse ResponseDeleteEvent = -4 fromResponse ResponseOk = -5 fromResponse ResponseCancel = -6 fromResponse ResponseClose = -7 fromResponse ResponseYes = -8 fromResponse ResponseNo = -9 fromResponse ResponseApply = -10 fromResponse ResponseHelp = -11 fromResponse (ResponseUser i) = fromIntegral i toResponse :: Integral a => a -> ResponseId toResponse (-1) = ResponseNone toResponse (-2) = ResponseReject toResponse (-3) = ResponseAccept toResponse (-4) = ResponseDeleteEvent toResponse (-5) = ResponseOk toResponse (-6) = ResponseCancel toResponse (-7) = ResponseClose toResponse (-8) = ResponseYes toResponse (-9) = ResponseNo toResponse (-10) = ResponseApply toResponse (-11) = ResponseHelp toResponse i = ResponseUser $ fromIntegral i #if !defined(WIN32) || GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,8,0) -- | The identifer of a window of the underlying windowing system. -- #ifdef GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW_POINTER newtype NativeWindowId = NativeWindowId (Ptr ()) deriving (Eq, Show) unNativeWindowId :: NativeWindowId -> Ptr a unNativeWindowId (NativeWindowId id) = castPtr id toNativeWindowId :: Ptr a -> NativeWindowId toNativeWindowId = NativeWindowId . castPtr fromNativeWindowId :: NativeWindowId -> Ptr a fromNativeWindowId = castPtr . unNativeWindowId nativeWindowIdNone :: NativeWindowId nativeWindowIdNone = NativeWindowId nullPtr #else newtype NativeWindowId = NativeWindowId #{gtk2hs_type GdkNativeWindow} deriving (Eq, Show) unNativeWindowId :: Integral a => NativeWindowId -> a unNativeWindowId (NativeWindowId id) = fromIntegral id toNativeWindowId :: Integral a => a -> NativeWindowId toNativeWindowId = NativeWindowId . fromIntegral fromNativeWindowId :: Integral a => NativeWindowId -> a fromNativeWindowId = fromIntegral . unNativeWindowId nativeWindowIdNone :: NativeWindowId nativeWindowIdNone = NativeWindowId 0 #endif #endif #if defined(WIN32) foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle" gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle :: (Ptr Drawable) -> IO (Ptr a) #elif !defined(HAVE_QUARTZ_GTK) foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid" gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid :: (Ptr Drawable) -> IO CInt #endif -- | Get 'NativeWindowId' of 'Drawable'. drawableGetID :: DrawableClass d => d -> IO NativeWindowId drawableGetID d = liftM toNativeWindowId $ (\(Drawable drawable) -> #if defined(WIN32) #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) #else -- GTK-2.12 is a bit sloppy about the distinction between pointers and -- 32-bit ints, so we have to mimic that sloppiness here liftM unsafeCoerce $ #endif withForeignPtr drawable gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle #elif !defined(HAVE_QUARTZ_GTK) withForeignPtr drawable gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid #else error "drawableGetID: not supported with a GTK using a Quartz backend" #endif ) (toDrawable d) #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED -- Static values for different Toolbar widgets. -- -- * c2hs and hsc should agree on types! -- toolbarChildButton, toolbarChildToggleButton, toolbarChildRadioButton :: CInt -- \#gtk2hs_type GtkToolbarChildType toolbarChildButton = #const GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON toolbarChildToggleButton = #const GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON toolbarChildRadioButton = #const GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON #endif -- | The size of an icon in pixels. -- -- * This enumeration contains one case that is not exported and which -- is used when new sizes are registered using -- 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.IconFactory.iconSizeRegister'. -- -- * Applying 'show' to this type will reveal the name of the size -- that is registered with Gtk+. -- data IconSize -- | Don't scale but use any of the available sizes. = IconSizeInvalid -- | Icon size to use in next to menu items in drop-down menus. | IconSizeMenu -- | Icon size for small toolbars. | IconSizeSmallToolbar -- | Icon size for larger toolbars. | IconSizeLargeToolbar -- | Icon size for icons in buttons, next to the label. | IconSizeButton -- | Icon size for icons in drag-and-drop. | IconSizeDnd -- | Icon size for icons next to dialog text. | IconSizeDialog | IconSizeUser Int deriving (Eq) instance Enum IconSize where toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_INVALID} = IconSizeInvalid toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU} = IconSizeMenu toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR} = IconSizeSmallToolbar toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR} = IconSizeLargeToolbar toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON} = IconSizeButton toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND} = IconSizeDnd toEnum #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG} = IconSizeDialog toEnum n = IconSizeUser n fromEnum IconSizeInvalid = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_INVALID} fromEnum IconSizeMenu = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU} fromEnum IconSizeSmallToolbar = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR} fromEnum IconSizeLargeToolbar = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR} fromEnum IconSizeButton = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON} fromEnum IconSizeDnd = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND} fromEnum IconSizeDialog = #{const GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG} fromEnum (IconSizeUser n) = n -- entry Widget Combo #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED -- | Extract the List container from a 'Combo' box. -- comboGetList :: Combo -> IO List comboGetList c = withForeignPtr (unCombo c) $ \cPtr -> makeNewObject mkList $ #{peek GtkCombo, list} cPtr #endif -- FileSelection related methods -- | Extract the buttons of a fileselection. -- fileSelectionGetButtons :: FileSelectionClass fsel => fsel -> IO (Button, Button) fileSelectionGetButtons fsel = do ok <- butPtrToButton #{peek GtkFileSelection, ok_button} cancel <- butPtrToButton #{peek GtkFileSelection, cancel_button} return (ok,cancel) where butPtrToButton bp = makeNewObject mkButton $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr ((unFileSelection . toFileSelection) fsel) bp -- DrawingArea related methods -- | Retrieves the 'DrawWindow' that the widget draws onto. -- -- This function thows an error if the widget has not yet been realized, since -- a widget does not allocate its window resources until just before it is -- displayed on the screen. You can use the -- 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Widget.onRealize' signal to give you the -- opportunity to use a widget's 'DrawWindow' as soon as it has been created -- but before the widget is displayed. -- widgetGetDrawWindow :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> IO DrawWindow widgetGetDrawWindow da = withForeignPtr (unWidget.toWidget $ da) $ \da' -> do drawWindowPtr <- #{peek GtkWidget, window} da' if drawWindowPtr == nullPtr then fail "widgetGetDrawWindow: no DrawWindow available (the widget is probably not realized)" else makeNewGObject mkDrawWindow (return $ castPtr drawWindowPtr) -- | Returns the current size. -- -- * This information may be out of date if the user is resizing the window. -- widgetGetSize :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> IO (Int, Int) widgetGetSize da = withForeignPtr (unWidget.toWidget $ da) $ \wPtr -> do (width :: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GtkAllocation, width} (#{ptr GtkWidget, allocation} wPtr) (height :: #{gtk2hs_type gint}) <- #{peek GtkAllocation, height} (#{ptr GtkWidget, allocation} wPtr) return (fromIntegral width, fromIntegral height) -- Layout related methods -- | Retrieves the 'Drawable' part. -- layoutGetDrawWindow :: Layout -> IO DrawWindow layoutGetDrawWindow lay = makeNewGObject mkDrawWindow $ withForeignPtr (unLayout lay) $ \lay' -> liftM castPtr $ #{peek GtkLayout, bin_window} lay' -- Window related methods -- | Retrieves the frame 'DrawWindow' that contains a 'Window'. -- windowGetFrame :: WindowClass widget => widget -> IO (Maybe DrawWindow) windowGetFrame da = withForeignPtr (unWidget.toWidget $ da) $ \da' -> do drawWindowPtr <- #{peek GtkWindow, frame} da' if drawWindowPtr == nullPtr then return Nothing else liftM Just $ makeNewGObject mkDrawWindow (return $ castPtr drawWindowPtr) -- Styles related methods -- | Retrieve the the foreground color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetForeground :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetForeground st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> do peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, fg} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve the background color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetBackground :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetBackground st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, bg} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve a light color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetLight :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetLight st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, light} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve a middle color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetMiddle :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetMiddle st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, mid} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve a dark color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetDark :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetDark st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, dark} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve the text color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetText :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetText st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, text} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve the base color. -- -- * The base color is the standard text background of a widget. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetBase :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetBase st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, base} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve the color for drawing anti-aliased text. -- -- * The anti-aliasing color is the color which is used when the rendering -- of a character does not make it clear if a certain pixel shoud be set -- or not. This color is between the text and the base color. -- -- * The parameter @state@ determines for which widget -- state (one of 'StateType') the 'Color' should be retrieved. -- Use 'widgetGetState' to determine the current state of the -- widget. -- styleGetAntiAliasing :: Style -> StateType -> IO Color styleGetAntiAliasing st ty = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> peekElemOff (#{ptr GtkStyle, text_aa} stPtr) (fromEnum ty) -- | Retrieve the ColorSelection object contained within the dialog. colorSelectionDialogGetColor :: ColorSelectionDialog -> IO ColorSelection colorSelectionDialogGetColor cd = makeNewObject mkColorSelection $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr (unColorSelectionDialog cd) #{peek GtkColorSelectionDialog, colorsel} -- | Retrieve the OK button widget contained within the dialog. colorSelectionDialogGetOkButton :: ColorSelectionDialog -> IO Button colorSelectionDialogGetOkButton cd = makeNewObject mkButton $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr (unColorSelectionDialog cd) #{peek GtkColorSelectionDialog, ok_button} -- | Retrieve the Cancel button widget contained within the dialog. colorSelectionDialogGetCancelButton :: ColorSelectionDialog -> IO Button colorSelectionDialogGetCancelButton cd = makeNewObject mkButton $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr (unColorSelectionDialog cd) #{peek GtkColorSelectionDialog, cancel_button} -- | Retrieve the Help button widget contained within the dialog. colorSelectionDialogGetHelpButton :: ColorSelectionDialog -> IO Button colorSelectionDialogGetHelpButton cd = makeNewObject mkButton $ liftM castPtr $ withForeignPtr (unColorSelectionDialog cd) #{peek GtkColorSelectionDialog, help_button} dragContextGetActions :: DragContext -> IO Int dragContextGetActions dc = liftM (fromIntegral :: #{gtk2hs_type int} -> Int) $ withForeignPtr (unDragContext dc) #{peek GdkDragContext, actions} dragContextSetActions :: DragContext -> Int -> IO () dragContextSetActions dc val = withForeignPtr (unDragContext dc) $ \ptr -> #{poke GdkDragContext, actions} ptr (fromIntegral val :: #{gtk2hs_type int}) dragContextGetAction :: DragContext -> IO Int dragContextGetAction dc = liftM (fromIntegral :: #{gtk2hs_type int} -> Int) $ withForeignPtr (unDragContext dc) #{peek GdkDragContext, action} dragContextSetAction :: DragContext -> Int -> IO () dragContextSetAction dc val = withForeignPtr (unDragContext dc) $ \ptr -> #{poke GdkDragContext, action} ptr (fromIntegral val :: #{gtk2hs_type int}) dragContextGetSuggestedAction :: DragContext -> IO Int dragContextGetSuggestedAction dc = liftM (fromIntegral :: #{gtk2hs_type int} -> Int) $ withForeignPtr (unDragContext dc) #{peek GdkDragContext, suggested_action} dragContextSetSuggestedAction :: DragContext -> Int -> IO () dragContextSetSuggestedAction dc val = withForeignPtr (unDragContext dc) $ \ptr -> #{poke GdkDragContext, suggested_action} ptr (fromIntegral val :: #{gtk2hs_type int}) -- | ID number of a sort column. -- -- * A 'SortColumnId' is a logical number to which a sorting function can -- be associated. The number does not have to coincide with any column -- number. type SortColumnId = Int -- | A special 'SortColumnId' to indicated that the default sorting function is used. -- treeSortableDefaultSortColumnId :: SortColumnId treeSortableDefaultSortColumnId = #{const GTK_TREE_SORTABLE_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID} intToAtom :: Int -> Atom intToAtom = Atom . plusPtr nullPtr -- | An invalid 'TargetTag', 'SelectionTag', 'SelectionTypeTag' or 'PropertyTag'. -- tagInvalid :: Atom tagInvalid = intToAtom #{const GDK_NONE} -- | The primary selection (the currently highlighted text in X11 that can -- in many applications be pasted using the middle button). selectionPrimary :: SelectionTag selectionPrimary = intToAtom #{const GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY} -- | The secondary selection. Rarely used. selectionSecondary :: SelectionTag selectionSecondary = intToAtom #{const GDK_SELECTION_SECONDARY} -- | The modern clipboard that is filled by copy or cut commands. selectionClipboard :: SelectionTag selectionClipboard = intToAtom #{const GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD} -- | If this target is provided by a selection, then the data is a string. targetString :: TargetTag targetString = intToAtom #{const GDK_TARGET_STRING} -- | The type indicating that the associated data is itself a (list of) -- 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Selection.Atom's. selectionTypeAtom :: SelectionTypeTag selectionTypeAtom = intToAtom #{const GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_ATOM} -- | The type indicating that the associated data consists of integers. selectionTypeInteger :: SelectionTypeTag selectionTypeInteger = intToAtom #{const GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_INTEGER} -- | The type indicating that the associated data is a string without further -- information on its encoding. selectionTypeString :: SelectionTypeTag selectionTypeString = intToAtom #{const GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING} -- | Extract the type field of SelectionData*. This should be in the -- Selection modules but c2hs chokes on the 'type' field. selectionDataGetType :: Ptr () -> IO SelectionTypeTag selectionDataGetType selPtr = liftM intToAtom $ #{peek GtkSelectionData, type} selPtr -- A type that identifies a target. This is needed to marshal arrays of -- GtkTargetEntries. data TargetEntry = TargetEntry (Ptr #{gtk2hs_type gchar}) InfoId -- brain damaged API: the whole selection API doesn't need GtkTargetEntry -- structure, but stupid Clipboard has two functions that only provide this -- interface. Thus, convert the efficient Atoms back into strings, have -- the clipboard functions convert them back to string before we get a -- chance to free the freshly allocated strings. withTargetEntries :: [(TargetTag, InfoId)] -> (Int -> Ptr () -> IO a) -> IO a withTargetEntries tags fun = do ptrsInfo <- mapM (\(Atom tag, info) -> gdk_atom_name tag >>= \strPtr -> return (TargetEntry strPtr info)) tags let len = length tags res <- withArrayLen ptrsInfo (\len ptr -> fun len (castPtr ptr)) mapM_ (\(TargetEntry ptr _) -> g_free ptr) ptrsInfo return res foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_atom_name" gdk_atom_name :: Ptr () -> IO (Ptr #{gtk2hs_type gchar}) foreign import ccall unsafe "g_free" g_free :: Ptr #{gtk2hs_type gchar} -> IO () instance Storable TargetEntry where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GtkTargetEntry)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined::#gtk2hs_type guint32) peek ptr = undefined poke ptr (TargetEntry cPtr info) = do #{poke GtkTargetEntry, target} ptr cPtr #{poke GtkTargetEntry, flags} ptr (0::#{gtk2hs_type guint}) #{poke GtkTargetEntry, info} ptr info -- | A 'KeymapKey' is a hardware key that can be mapped to a keyval. data KeymapKey = KeymapKey { keycode :: Int -- ^ @keycode@ the hardware keycode. This is an identifying number for a physical key. ,group :: Int -- ^ @group@ indicates movement in a horizontal direction. -- Usually groups are used for two different languages. -- In group 0, a key might have two English characters, -- and in group 1 it might have two Hebrew characters. -- The Hebrew characters will be printed on the key next to the English characters. -- indicates which symbol on the key will be used, -- in a vertical direction. So on a standard US keyboard, the ,level :: Int -- ^ @level@ key with the number "1" on it also has the exclamation -- point ("!") character on it. The level -- indicates whether to use the "1" or the "!" symbol. The letter keys are considered to -- have a lowercase letter at level 0, and an uppercase letter at level 1, though only -- the uppercase letter is printed. } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable KeymapKey where sizeOf _ = #{const sizeof(GdkKeymapKey)} alignment _ = alignment (undefined::#gtk2hs_type gint) peek ptr = do (keycode_ ::#gtk2hs_type guint) <- #{peek GdkKeymapKey, keycode} ptr (group_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkKeymapKey, group} ptr (level_ ::#gtk2hs_type gint) <- #{peek GdkKeymapKey, level} ptr return $ KeymapKey (fromIntegral keycode_) (fromIntegral group_) (fromIntegral level_) poke ptr (KeymapKey keycode group level) = do #{poke GdkKeymapKey, keycode} ptr ((fromIntegral keycode)::#gtk2hs_type guint) #{poke GdkKeymapKey, group} ptr ((fromIntegral group)::#gtk2hs_type gint) #{poke GdkKeymapKey, level} ptr ((fromIntegral level)::#gtk2hs_type gint)