module Main where import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (response) main :: IO () main = do initGUI -- load up our main window gui <- builderNew builderAddFromFile gui "" mainWindow <- builderGetObject gui castToWindow "mainWindow" -- get a handle on a various objects from the glade file on mainWindow objectDestroy mainQuit let onClicked obj = on obj buttonActivated -- -- and associate actions with the buttons selectFolderButton <- builderGetObject gui castToButton "selectFolderButton" selectFolderButton `onClicked` openSelectFolderDialog mainWindow createFolderButton <- builderGetObject gui castToButton "createFolderButton" createFolderButton `onClicked` openCreateFolderDialog mainWindow openFileButton <- builderGetObject gui castToButton "openFileButton" openFileButton `onClicked` openOpenFileDialog mainWindow saveFileButton <- builderGetObject gui castToButton "saveFileButton" saveFileButton `onClicked` openSaveFileDialog mainWindow openFilePreviewButton <- builderGetObject gui castToButton "openFilePreviewButton" openFilePreviewButton `onClicked` openFilePreviewDialog mainWindow quitButton <- builderGetObject gui castToButton "quitButton" quitButton `onClicked` (do widgetDestroy mainWindow mainQuit) -- The final step is to display the main window and run the main loop widgetShowAll mainWindow mainGUI openSelectFolderDialog :: Window -> IO () openSelectFolderDialog parentWindow = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just $ "Demo of the standard dialog " ++ "to select an existing folder") --dialog title (Just parentWindow) --the parent window FileChooserActionSelectFolder --the kind of dialog we want [("Yes, this new dialog looks nice" --The buttons to display , ResponseAccept) ,("Eugh! Take me away!" ,ResponseCancel)] widgetShow dialog response <- dialogRun dialog case response of ResponseAccept -> do Just fileName <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog putStrLn $ "you selected the folder " ++ show fileName ResponseCancel -> putStrLn "dialog canceled" ResponseDeleteEvent -> putStrLn "dialog closed" widgetHide dialog openCreateFolderDialog :: Window -> IO () openCreateFolderDialog parentWindow = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just $ "Demo of the standard dialog to select " ++ "a new folder (or existing) folder") --dialog title (Just parentWindow) --the parent window FileChooserActionCreateFolder --the kind of dialog we want [("I want this new folder" --The buttons to display , ResponseAccept) ,("Bored now." ,ResponseCancel)] widgetShow dialog response <- dialogRun dialog case response of ResponseAccept -> do Just fileName <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog putStrLn $ "you selected the folder " ++ show fileName ResponseCancel -> putStrLn "Getting bored?" ResponseDeleteEvent -> putStrLn "dialog closed" widgetHide dialog openOpenFileDialog :: Window -> IO () openOpenFileDialog parentWindow = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just $ "Demo of the standard dialog to select " ++ "an existing file") --dialog title (Just parentWindow) --the parent window FileChooserActionOpen --the kind of dialog we want [("gtk-cancel" --The buttons to display ,ResponseCancel) ,("gtk-open" , ResponseAccept)] widgetShow dialog response <- dialogRun dialog case response of ResponseAccept -> do Just fileName <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog putStrLn $ "you selected the file " ++ show fileName ResponseCancel -> putStrLn "dialog canceled" ResponseDeleteEvent -> putStrLn "dialog closed" widgetHide dialog openSaveFileDialog :: Window -> IO () openSaveFileDialog parentWindow = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just $ "Demo of the standard dialog to select " ++ "a new file") --dialog title (Just parentWindow) --the parent window FileChooserActionSave --the kind of dialog we want [("gtk-cancel" --The buttons to display ,ResponseCancel) --you can use stock buttons ,("gtk-save" , ResponseAccept)] widgetShow dialog response <- dialogRun dialog case response of ResponseAccept -> do Just fileName <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog putStrLn $ "you called the new file " ++ show fileName ResponseCancel -> putStrLn "dialog canceled" ResponseDeleteEvent -> putStrLn "dialog closed" widgetHide dialog openFilePreviewDialog :: Window -> IO () openFilePreviewDialog parentWindow = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just $ "Demo of the standard dialog to select " ++ "a new file - with a preview widget") --dialog title (Just parentWindow) --the parent window FileChooserActionOpen --the kind of dialog we want [("_Yes, yes that's very clever" --The buttons to display , ResponseAccept) ,("_No, I'm not impressed" ,ResponseCancel)] --create and set an extra widget checkButton <- checkButtonNewWithLabel "frobnicate this file" dialog `fileChooserSetExtraWidget` checkButton --create and set a preview widget previewLabel <- labelNew $ Just "Preview appears here" previewLabel `labelSetLineWrap` True dialog `fileChooserSetPreviewWidget` previewLabel on dialog updatePreview $ do previewFile <- fileChooserGetPreviewFilename dialog previewLabel `labelSetText` case previewFile of Nothing -> "Preview appears here" (Just filename) -> "Just pretend this is a preview of the file:\n" ++ show filename widgetShow dialog response <- dialogRun dialog case response of ResponseAccept -> do fileName <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog putStrLn $ "you selected the new file " ++ show fileName --check the state of the extra widget frobnicate <- toggleButtonGetActive checkButton putStrLn $ if frobnicate then "you foolishly decided to frobnicate the file" else "you wisely decided not to frobnicate the file" ResponseCancel -> putStrLn "you were not impressed" ResponseDeleteEvent -> putStrLn "dialog closed" widgetHide dialog