gtk-helpers- A collection of auxiliary operations and widgets related to Gtk+

Safe HaskellNone



This module allows you to access Glade objects from a Gtk Builder by providing the builder, the type of the object and the name (the cast operation is deduced automatically from the type name).

It uses Graphics.UI.Gtk.Builder.onBuilder to access a glade object using TH.



gtkBuilderAccessor :: String -> String -> Q [Dec] Source #

Accessor for Glade objects from Gtk Builders by name and type.

gtkViewAccessor :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Q [Dec] Source #

Accessor for Glade objects from Gtk Builders encapsulated in Views, by name and -- type.

fromBuilder :: GObjectClass cls => (GObject -> cls) -> String -> Builder -> IO cls Source #

Graphics.UI.Gtk.builderGetObject with the arguments flipped (Builder goes last).