module Version (version, copyright, disclaimer) where -- version number is major.minor.patchlvl; don't change the format of the -- `versnum' line as it is `grep'ed for by a Makefile -- idstr = "$Id: Version.hs,v 1.1 2004/11/21 21:05:42 as49 Exp $" name = "C->Haskell Compiler" versnum = "0.13.5 (gtk2hs branch)" versnick = "\"Bin IO\"" date = "13 Nov 2004" version = name ++ ", version " ++ versnum ++ " " ++ versnick ++ ", " ++ date copyright = "Copyright (c) [1999..2004] Manuel M T Chakravarty" disclaimer = "This software is distributed under the \ \terms of the GNU Public Licence.\n\ \NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER IS PROVIDED. \ \See the details in the documentation."