GULCII ====== GULCII is an untyped lambda calculus interpreter supporting interactive modification of a running program with graphical display of graph reduction. Syntax ------ Lambda calculus terms with some sugar coating: term ::= variable -- free or bound | '\' var+ strategy term -- lambda abstraction | term+ -- application | '(' term ')' | integer | list variable ::= [a-z][A-Za-z0-9]* strategy = '.' | '!' | '?' -- lazy | strict | copy integer ::= [0-9]+ -- uses Scott-encoding list ::= '[' (term (, T)*)? ']' -- uses Scott-encoding There are three variants of lambda abstraction: lazy, strict, and copy: \x . f x x -- x is evaluated lazily with sharing \x ! f x x -- x is evaluated strictly and shared \x ? f x x -- x is copied before any evaluation There is additional syntax sugar for natural numbers and lists, using : [0,1,2,3] There is a small standard library based loosely around the Haskell Prelude: :load prelude :browse If you define a term using free variables, they can be modified while the program is running, but sharing is lost. If you define a term as a fixed point (perhaps with Y-combinator) then sharing works (to some extent), but you can't modify the code while it is running any more. Meta Commands ------------- To exit type: :quit Entering a term evaluates it. Terms can be bound to names, stored in a global dictionary: foo = bar The global dictionary can be listed or wiped clean: :browse :clear Installed files can be loaded: :load church Machine-readable node statistics are output to stdout, as well as when free variables are instantiated by looking up their definitions. These are intended to be used for sonification, for example with Pure-data: pd extra/gulcii.pd & sleep 5 gulcii | pdsend 8765 The sonification is controlled by two commands: :start :stop Settings -------- There are some runtime adjustable settings: :get NewsOnTop :set NewsOnTop :unset NewsOnTop :toggle NewsOnTop Where NewsOnTop is a setting. Settings include: TraceEvaluation CollectGarbage RealTimeDelay RealTimeAcceleration RetryIrreducible EmitStatistics EmitRebindings EchoToStdOut EchoToGUI SaveImages NewsOnTop