* Hackage: (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hArduino) * GitHub: (http://leventerkok.github.com/hArduino) * Latest Hackage released version: 0.3 ### Version 0.3, 2013-02-10 * Library * Add support for pull-up resistors * Implement routines for waiting on digital triggers * Add support for reading analog values and setting sampling frequency. * Add support for LCDs (based on the Hitachi 44780 chip) * Better handling for Ctrl-C interrupts * Examples * Add counter: use push buttons to count up and down * Add analog-reading example * Add LCD controller example * Add wiring schematics for all sample programs ### Version 0.2, 2013-01-28 * Rewrite the communication engine * Digital input/output implementation * Add switch example ### Version 0.1, 2013-01-14 * Initial design * Blink example operational * Created home page at: http://leventerkok.github.com/hArduino