* Hackage: (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hArduino) * GitHub: (http://leventerkok.github.com/hArduino) * Latest Hackage released version: 0.8 ### Version 0.8, 2013-12-15 * Add support for Piezo speakers * Add simple musical note playing support, and a jingle-bells playing example. (Not a great rendering, but still recognizable!) ### Version 0.7, 2013-11-09 * Export LCD type, for ease of programming * Added the number guessing game using the OSEpp shield. Thanks to David Palmer for lending me his shield to play with! ### Version 0.6, 2013-03-08 * Make hArduino Windows friendly by removing dependence on the unix package. Thanks to Andriy Drozdyuk for pointing out the Windows compilation issue. (Tested on Windows 7.) ### Version 0.5, 2013-03-07 * New hardware components supported: * Shift-registers * Seven-segment displays * Servo-motors * New examples: * PulseIn: Demonstrates the use of reading pulses * PulseOut: Demonstrates the use of sending pulses * Distance: Measure the distance using an HC-SC04 sensor * Seven-segment: Display characters on a seven-segment display * Servo: Control a servo board * New functions: * pulseIn_hostTiming/pulseOut_hostTiming: Send and receive pulses. * NB. These functions use host-timing: watch out for accuracy * pulse: Send and receive a digital pulse on a pin. * This function is more accurate than the pair above, as it uses a custom Firmata command to measure the pulse. However, you need a custom Firmata version to use this function, as the standard version that ships with Arduino as of March 2013 does not support this functionality yet. * time: Measure the time taken by an Arduino action * timeOut: Run an action only for the given-time-out ### Version 0.4, 2013-03-05 * Bugfix: Remove spurious extra call to user program * Rework pin assignment logic, making use of analog/digital pins much more clearer. * Better exception handling * Remove threadDelay workaround on the Mac. NB. If you are running on OSX, then you need at least GHC 7.6.2! ### Version 0.3, 2013-02-10 * Library * Add support for pull-up resistors * Implement routines for waiting on digital triggers * Add support for reading analog values and setting sampling frequency. * Add support for LCDs (based on the Hitachi 44780 chip) * Better handling for Ctrl-C interrupts * Examples * Counter: Use push buttons to count up and down * Analog: Reading analog values * LCD: Control an LCD, writing text/glyphs etc ### Version 0.2, 2013-01-28 * Library * Rewrite the communication engine * Digital input/output implementation * Examples * Button: Detecting putton pushes ### Version 0.1, 2013-01-14 * Library * Initial design * Created home page at: http://leventerkok.github.com/hArduino * Examples * Blink: Hello world!