hCsound - Haskell interface to the Csound API. Enable control of Csound from the Haskell language. Requirements: a haskell compiler (currently tested with GHC 6.6+), a working Csound installation, and a version of libsndfile compatible with csound. Building: In the simplest case, this program can be built in the standard cabal manner, as below: > runhaskell Setup.lhs configure > runhaskell Setup.lhs build > runhaskell Setup.lhs install The default is to build against 64-bit csound. The flag useDouble controls whether the library is built against 32-bit or 64-bit csound. Disable this flag (with -f-useDouble) to link to 32-bit csound. Installing on Windows: Installing on Windows is tricky, and I have frequently had problems with the linker included in GHC and the csound DLL. Please contact the hCsound maintainer for further help. Installing on Mac: the default cpp on Leopard seems buggy. If c2hs has lexer errors during build, build with these options: --cpp=gcc --cppopts=-E --cppopts=-xc-header