{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, CPP #-}

-- | Opening and reading a either normal or gzipped file in an efficient way -
-- either using strict 'ByteString' or mmap

module Bio.PDB.IO.OpenAnyFile(readFile, writeFile)


import Prelude hiding   (readFile, writeFile)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getPermissions, Permissions(..))
import System.IO.Error  (userError, IOError)
import System.IO        (withFile, IOMode(..))
import Control.Monad    (void)
-- if we have zlib:
import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy   as BSL
import qualified Control.Exception      as Exc

-- if we have bzlib
--import qualified Codec.Compression.BZip as BZip

-- if we have MMap:
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
import System.IO.MMap   (mmapFileByteString)

-- otherwise:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

-- | Read file contents as strict 'ByteString'. Uses mmap if possible. May decompress file contents, if needed.
readFile fname = do r <- isReadable fname
                    if r
                        readFile' fname
                        throwNotFound fname

readFile' fname = do content <- simpleRead fname
                     let r = let codec = getCodec fname content
                             in BS.concat $ BSL.toChunks $ codec $ BSL.fromChunks [content]
                     return r

throwNotFound :: String -> IO a
throwNotFound fname = ioError $ userError $ concat ["Cannot read ", show fname, "!"]

getCodec fname c | (".gz" `BS.isSuffixOf` BS.pack fname) ||
                   (".Z"  `BS.isSuffixOf` BS.pack fname) = GZip.decompressWith (gzipParams c)
--getCodec fname c | (".bz2" `BS.isSuffixOf` (BS.pack fname)) = BZip.decompressWith (bzipParams c) -- DOESN'T WORK!!!
getCodec fname c                                         = id

gzipParams c = GZip.DecompressParams GZip.defaultWindowBits (fromIntegral (BS.length c * 5))
#ifndef OLD_ZLIB
  -- Upper bound: compression rate never exceeded 4.7 for big test files.

--bzipParams c = BZip.DecompressParams BZip.DefaultMemoryLevel (fromIntegral (BS.length c * 7 + 4*1024*1024)) -- Upper bound: compression rate never exceeded 6.7 for big test files + 4MiB buffering.

isReadable fname = do exists <- doesFileExist fname
                      if exists
                        then do perms <- getPermissions fname
                                return $! readable perms 
                        else return False

#ifndef HAVE_MMAP
simpleRead       = BS.readFile 
simpleRead fname = mmapFileByteString fname Nothing `Exc.catch` \e -> do reportError (e :: IOError) -- cannot mmap
                                                                         BS.readFile fname
    reportError e = do putStrLn $ concat [show e, "while trying to mmap('", fname, "')"]

-- | Write file contents as strict 'ByteString'.
writeFile fname writer = void $ withFile fname WriteMode writer