{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards          #-} -- for convenient debugging
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fspec-constr-count=2 #-}
-- | This module allows access to internal interface of @StructureBuilder@ in case that user wants to extend it
-- by redefining parts.
module Bio.PDB.StructureBuilder.Internals


import           Prelude                               hiding (String)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8           as BS hiding (reverse)
import qualified Control.Monad.ST                as ST
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict      as State 
import           Control.Monad(when)
import           Data.STRef                      as STRef
import           Data.Maybe(isNothing, isJust)

import           Bio.PDB.EventParser.PDBEvents(PDBEvent(..), RESID(..))
import qualified Bio.PDB.EventParser.PDBEventParser(parsePDBRecords)
import           Bio.PDB.Structure
import           Bio.PDB.Structure.List          as L

-- | Shorthand for the State monad in which parsing is done.
-- `t` is existential 'phantom' type to keep ST effects from escaping
type ParsingMonad t a = State.StateT (BState t) (ST.ST t) a

-- TODO: with option of online reporting of errors?

-- parsePDBRec :: (Monad m) => String -> String -> (() -> PDBEvent -> m ()) -> () -> m ()
-- | Parses PDB records given as ByteString, given filename fileContents and a monadic
-- action to be executed for each PDB event.
parsePDBRec :: String -> String -> (() -> PDBEvent -> ParsingMonad t ()) -> () -> ParsingMonad t ()
parsePDBRec = Bio.PDB.EventParser.PDBEventParser.parsePDBRecords

-- | Given filename, and contents, parses a whole PDB file, returning a monadic action
-- | with a tuple of (Structure, [PDBEvent]), where the list of events contains all
-- | parsing or construction errors.
parseSerial :: FilePath -> String -> (Structure, List PDBEvent)
parseSerial fname contents = ST.runST $ do initial <- initializeState
                                           (s, e)  <- State.evalStateT parsing initial
                                           return (s :: Structure, e :: L.List PDBEvent)
  where parsing = do parsePDBRec (BS.pack fname) contents (\() !ev -> parseStep ev) ()
                     s  <- State.gets currentStructure
                     e  <- State.gets errors
                     e' <- L.finalize e
                     return (s, e')

-- | Record holding a current state of the structure record builder.
data BState s = BState { currentResidue    :: Maybe Residue,
                         currentModel      :: Maybe Model,
                         currentChain      :: Maybe Chain,
                         currentStructure  :: Structure,
                         residueContents   :: L.TempList  s Atom,
                         chainContents     :: L.TempList  s Residue,
                         modelContents     :: L.TempList  s Chain,
                         structureContents :: L.TempList  s Model,
                         errors            :: L.TempList  s PDBEvent,
                         lineNo            :: STRef.STRef s Int

-- | Initial state of the structure record builder.
initializeState :: ST.ST t (BState t)
initializeState = do r  <- L.initialNew L.residueVectorSize 
                     c  <- L.initialNew L.chainVectorSize
                     m  <- L.initialNew 1
                     s  <- L.initialNew 1
                     e  <- L.initialNew 100
                     l  <- STRef.newSTRef 1
                     return BState { currentResidue    = Nothing,
                                     currentModel      = Nothing,
                                     currentChain      = Nothing,
                                     currentStructure  = Structure { models = L.empty },
                                     residueContents   = r,
                                     chainContents     = c,
                                     modelContents     = m,
                                     structureContents = s,
                                     errors            = e,
                                     lineNo            = l }
-- | Checks that a residue with a given identification tuple is current,
-- | or if not, then closes previous residue (if present),
-- | and marks a new ,,current'' residue in a state of builder.
checkResidue :: Bio.PDB.EventParser.PDBEvents.RESID -> ParsingMonad t ()
checkResidue (RESID (newName, newChain, newResseq, newInsCode)) =
  do checkChain newChain
     res <- State.gets currentResidue
     when (residueChanged res) $ do closeResidue
                                    l <- L.new L.residueVectorSize
                                    State.modify $! createResidue l
    residueChanged Nothing = True
    residueChanged (Just (Residue { resName = oldResName,
                                    resSeq  = oldResSeq ,
                                    insCode = oldInsCode,
                                    atoms   = _atoms    })) =
      (oldResName, oldResSeq, oldInsCode) /= (newName, newResseq, newInsCode)
    createResidue l st = st { currentResidue  = Just newResidue,
                              residueContents = l }
    newResidue = Bio.PDB.Structure.Residue { resName = newName,
                                             resSeq  = newResseq,
                                             insCode = newInsCode,
                                             atoms   = L.empty }
-- | Checks that a chain with a given identification character is current,
-- | and if not, creates one. Also checks that we have any model in which
-- | to assign the chain.
checkChain :: Char -> ParsingMonad t ()
checkChain name = do checkModel
                     curChain <- State.gets currentChain
                     when (chainChanged curChain) $ do closeChain
                                                       l <- L.new L.chainVectorSize
                                                       State.modify $ createChain l
    chainChanged Nothing                               = True
    chainChanged (Just (Chain { chainId = oldChain })) = oldChain /= name
    createChain l state = state { currentChain  = Just Chain { chainId  = name,
                                                               residues = L.empty },
                                  chainContents = l }

-- | Checks that a current model has been declared, and creates zeroth model,
-- | if no such model exists.
checkModel :: ParsingMonad t ()
checkModel = do curModel <- State.gets currentModel
                when (isNothing curModel) $ openModel defaultModelId
--closeResidue :: State.State BState ()
-- TODO: when createing a dummy model, check that there are no models declared before
--       [Otherwise one needs to report an error!]

-- | Default model id, in case none was indicated (for comparison.)
defaultModelId = 1

-- | Closes construction of a current residue and appends this residue to a current chain. (Monadic action.)
closeResidue :: ParsingMonad t ()
closeResidue = do r <- State.gets currentResidue
                  when (isJust r) $ do let Just res = r
                                       rc  <- State.gets residueContents
                                       rf  <- L.finalize rc
                                       cc  <- State.gets chainContents
                                       cc' <- L.add cc $ res { Bio.PDB.Structure.atoms = rf }
                                       State.modify clearResidue
    clearResidue st = st { currentResidue = Nothing }

-- | Finalizes construction of current chain, and appends it to current model.
--closeChain :: State.State BState ()

closeChain :: ParsingMonad t ()
closeChain = do closeResidue
                c  <- State.gets currentChain
                ac <- State.gets chainContents
                when (isJust c) $ do l   <- State.gets chainContents
                                     l'  <- L.finalize l
                                     let Just ch = c
                                         ch'     = ch { Bio.PDB.Structure.residues = l' }
                                     m   <- State.gets currentModel
                                     when (isNothing m) $ do mli <- State.gets structureContents
                                                             i <- L.tempLength mli
                                                             openModel i
                                                             addError ["Trying to close chain when currentChain is ",
                                                                       BS.pack . show $ ch,
                                                                       " and currentModel is ",
                                                                       BS.pack . show $ m]
                                     ml  <- State.gets modelContents
                                     ml' <- L.add ml ch'
                                     State.modify clearChain
    clearChain st = st { currentChain = Nothing }

-- | Reports error during building of structure for PDB entry.
-- TODO: This should be probably monadic action
-- TODO: forgot about line/column number passing!
addError :: [String] -> ParsingMonad t ()
addError msg = do e  <- State.gets errors
                  lnref <- State.gets lineNo
                  ln <- lift $ STRef.readSTRef lnref
                  lift $ STRef.modifySTRef lnref (+1)
                  L.add e $ anError ln
    anError ln = PDBParseError ln 0 $ BS.concat msg

-- | Finalizes construction of current model
closeModel :: ParsingMonad t ()
closeModel = do closeChain
                cm <- State.gets currentModel
                case cm of
                  Nothing -> return ()
                  Just m  -> do mc  <- State.gets modelContents
                                chs <- L.finalize mc
                                let m' = m { chains = chs }
                                sc  <- State.gets structureContents
                                State.modify clearModel
                                L.add sc m'
  where clearModel st = st { currentModel = Nothing }

-- | Finalizes construction of record holding PDB entry data.
-- NOTE: this one is different and should only be used after parsing is complete!
closeStructure :: ParsingMonad t ()
closeStructure = do closeModel
                    sc  <- State.gets structureContents
                    sc' <- L.finalize sc
                    State.modify (closeStructure' sc')
    closeStructure' sc bstate@(BState { currentStructure = aStructure}) =
      bstate { currentStructure  = aStructure { models = sc },
               structureContents = undefined }

-- | Updates line counter.
nextLine :: ParsingMonad t ()
nextLine = do lnref <- State.gets lineNo
              lift $ STRef.modifySTRef lnref (+1)

-- | Performs a match on a single PDBEvent and performs relevant change to a BState of structure builder.
--parseStep   :: (State.MonadState BState m) => PDBEvent -> m ()
parseStep pe@(PDBParseError l _ _) = do e  <- State.gets errors
                                        L.add e pe 
                                        lnref <- State.gets lineNo
                                        lift $ STRef.writeSTRef lnref l
parseStep (ATOM { no        = atSer,      -- :: !Int,
                  atomtype  = atType,     -- :: !String,
                  restype   = resName,    -- :: !String,
                  chain     = chainName,  -- :: !Char,
                  resid     = resSeq,     -- :: !Int,
                  resins    = resInsCode, -- :: !Char,
                  altloc    = altloc,     -- :: !Char, - atom name 
                  coords    = atCoord,    -- :: !Vector3,
                  occupancy = atOccupancy,-- :: !Double,
                  bfactor   = atBFactor,  -- :: !Double,
                  segid     = atSegId,    -- :: !String,
                  elt       = atElement,  -- :: !String,
                  charge    = atCharge,   -- :: !String, -- why not a number?
                  hetatm    = isHet       -- :: !Bool
                })            =
  do checkResidue $ RESID (resName, chainName, resSeq, resInsCode)
     reslist <- State.gets residueContents
     newAtom `seq` L.add reslist newAtom
  where newAtom = Atom { atName    = atType,
                         atSerial  = atSer,
                         coord     = atCoord,
                         bFactor   = atBFactor,
                         occupancy = atOccupancy,
                         element   = atElement,
                         segid     = atSegId,
                         charge    = atCharge,
                         hetatm    = isHet

parseStep (MODEL { num = n }) = do closeModel
                                   openModel n
parseStep ENDMDL              = do closeModel
parseStep END                 = do closeModel
parseStep (TER {..})          = do closeChain -- TODO: check TER with currentChain parameters
parseStep (MASTER {..})       = do closeModel -- TODO: check MASTER parameters with current model -- is it really model end?
parseStep _                   =    nextLine 

-- | Creates a new model within structure builder. (For internal use.)
-- WARNING: And forgets anything that was there before!
openModel :: Int -> ParsingMonad t () 
openModel n = do l <- L.new L.defaultSize
                 State.modify $ changeModel l
  where changeModel l st = st { currentModel  = Just newModel,
                                modelContents = l }
        newModel  = Bio.PDB.Structure.Model { modelId = n,
                                              chains  = empty }
-- | Finalizes state of structure builder, and returns pair of a structure, and list of errors.
-- NOTE: should have a monadic action for each error instead. Then possibly default monad that accumulates these errors.
parseFinish :: ParsingMonad t (Structure, L.List PDBEvent)
parseFinish = do closeStructure
                 st  <- State.gets currentStructure
                 er  <- State.gets errors
                 er' <- finalize er
                 st `seq` return (st, er')