{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-} import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO) import Data.IORef as IORef import Control.Monad(ap) -- OpenGL stuff import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT as GL import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL(($=)) -- PDB reading stuff import Bio.PDB.Structure as PDBS import Bio.PDB.Structure.Elements as PDBE import Bio.PDB.IO as PDBIO import Bio.PDB.Iterable as PDBI import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Bio.PDB.Structure.Vector import Data.Vector.V3 data UIState = UIState { manipulationCenter :: Maybe GL.Position , pressedButton :: Maybe GL.MouseButton , manipulatedMatrix :: Maybe (GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble) , windowSize :: GL.Position , currentViewMatrix :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble --[GL.GLdouble] } initialUIState = do GL.loadIdentity initialViewMatrix :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble <- GL.get $ GL.matrix Nothing --m <- GL.getMatrixComponents GL.ColumnMajor initialViewMatrix return $ cleanUIState initialViewMatrix cleanUIState initialViewMatrix = UIState { manipulationCenter = Nothing , pressedButton = Nothing , manipulatedMatrix = Nothing , windowSize = GL.Position 1 1 , currentViewMatrix = initialViewMatrix } setWindowSize :: GL.GLsizei -> GL.GLsizei -> UIState -> UIState setWindowSize w h uiState = uiState { windowSize = GL.Position (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) } main :: IO () main = do (progname, [filename]) <- GL.getArgsAndInitialize -- First read structure Just structure <- PDBIO.parse filename -- Initialize OpenGL --displayMode $= [With DisplayDepth, With DisplayRGB] -- is it glutInitDisplayModel (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH) setup progname -- setup OpenGL scene model -- Initialize camera initUIState <- initialUIState uiState <- newIORef initUIState translateViewMatrix uiState $ vector3ToGLVector3 (-(center structure)) translateViewMatrix uiState $ GL.Vector3 0 0 (-frustumMiddle) -- Now set callbacks GL.displayCallback $= display uiState structure GL.reshapeCallback $= Just (reshape uiState) GL.keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (handleKeys uiState) GL.motionCallback $= Just (handleMouseMotion uiState) GL.closeCallback $= Just (appClosing uiState) display uiState structure GL.mainLoop appClosing uiState = do uiSt <- readIORef uiState let mat = currentViewMatrix uiSt cm <- GL.getMatrixComponents GL.ColumnMajor mat Prelude.putStr "Final view matrix:" Prelude.print cm modifyViewMatrix :: IORef UIState -> IO () -> IO () modifyViewMatrix uiState modification = do uiSt <- GL.get uiState GL.matrixMode $= GL.Modelview 0 GL.matrix Nothing $= currentViewMatrix uiSt --m :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble <- GL.newMatrix GL.ColumnMajor $ currentViewMatrix uiSt --GL.matrix Nothing $= m modification m :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble <- GL.get $ GL.matrix Nothing --cm <- GL.getMatrixComponents GL.ColumnMajor m --print cm uiState $= uiSt { currentViewMatrix = m } GL.postRedisplay Nothing manipulateViewMatrix :: IORef UIState -> IO () -> IO (GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble) manipulateViewMatrix uiState modification = do uiSt <- GL.get uiState GL.matrixMode $= GL.Modelview 0 GL.matrix Nothing $= unJust (manipulatedMatrix uiSt) --GL.matrix Nothing $= unJust (manipulatedMatrix uiSt) --GL.loadIdentity --GL.multMatrix $ unJust $ manipulatedMatrix uiSt modification --GL.matrix Nothing $= unJust (manipulatedMatrix uiSt) m :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble <- GL.get $ GL.matrix Nothing cm <- GL.getMatrixComponents GL.ColumnMajor m --print cm uiState $= uiSt { currentViewMatrix = m } GL.postRedisplay Nothing return m xaxis = GL.Vector3 1 0 0 :: GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble yaxis = GL.Vector3 0 1 0 :: GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble zaxis = GL.Vector3 0 0 1 :: GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble negateVector3 :: (Num a) => GL.Vector3 a -> GL.Vector3 a negateVector3 = fmap negate handleKeys :: IORef UIState -> GL.Key -> GL.KeyState -> GL.Modifiers -> GL.Position -> IO () handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'q') GL.Down _modifiers _position = rotateViewMatrix uiState 10.0 yaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'e') GL.Down _modifiers _position = rotateViewMatrix uiState (-10.0) yaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'r') GL.Down _modifiers _position = rotateViewMatrix uiState 10.0 xaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'f') GL.Down _modifiers _position = rotateViewMatrix uiState (-10.0) xaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'a') GL.Down _modifiers _position = translateViewMatrix uiState xaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'd') GL.Down _modifiers _position = translateViewMatrix uiState $ negateVector3 xaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 'w') GL.Down _modifiers _position = translateViewMatrix uiState zaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.Char 's') GL.Down _modifiers _position = translateViewMatrix uiState $ negateVector3 zaxis handleKeys uiState (GL.MouseButton GL.RightButton) GL.Down _modifiers position = startMouseTracking uiState GL.RightButton position handleKeys uiState (GL.MouseButton GL.MiddleButton) GL.Down _modifiers position = startMouseTracking uiState GL.MiddleButton position handleKeys uiState (GL.MouseButton GL.LeftButton) GL.Down _modifiers position = startMouseTracking uiState GL.LeftButton position handleKeys uiState (GL.MouseButton GL.MiddleButton) GL.Up _modifiers position = do matrix <- mouseMoveViewMatrix xyAxes uiState position modifyIORef uiState $ clearManipulatedMatrix matrix handleKeys uiState (GL.MouseButton GL.RightButton ) GL.Up _modifiers position = do matrix <- mouseMoveViewMatrix xzAxes uiState position modifyIORef uiState $ clearManipulatedMatrix matrix handleKeys uiState (GL.MouseButton GL.LeftButton) GL.Up _modifiers position = do matrix <- mouseRotateViewMatrix uiState position modifyIORef uiState $ clearManipulatedMatrix matrix handleKeys _ _ _ _ _ = return () startMouseTracking uiState button position = modifyIORef uiState newState where newState uiState = uiState { manipulationCenter = Just position , pressedButton = Just button , manipulatedMatrix = Just $ currentViewMatrix uiState } unJust (Just a) = a unJust Nothing = error "unJust of Nothing" rotateViewMatrix :: IORef UIState -> GL.GLdouble -> GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble -> IO () rotateViewMatrix uiState angle axis = modifyViewMatrix uiState $ GL.rotate angle axis clearManipulatedMatrix matrix uiState = uiState { manipulationCenter = Nothing , pressedButton = Nothing , manipulatedMatrix = Nothing , currentViewMatrix = matrix } translateViewMatrix :: IORef UIState -> GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble -> IO () translateViewMatrix uiState translation = modifyViewMatrix uiState $ GL.translate translation mouseMoveViewMatrix axesExpansion uiState pos1 = do uiSt <- readIORef uiState let pos2 = unJust $ manipulationCenter uiSt let windowDim = windowSize uiSt let (x, y) = getPosChange pos1 pos2 windowDim manipulateViewMatrix uiState $ GL.translate $ axesExpansion x y handleMouseMotion uiState position = do btn <- pressedButton `fmap` readIORef uiState case btn of Just GL.MiddleButton -> do mouseMoveViewMatrix xyAxes uiState position return () Just GL.RightButton -> do mouseMoveViewMatrix xzAxes uiState position return () Just GL.LeftButton -> do mouseRotateViewMatrix uiState position return () xyAxes x y = GL.Vector3 (x * frustumMiddle) (y * frustumMiddle) 0 xzAxes x y = GL.Vector3 (x * frustumMiddle) 0 ((-y) * frustumMiddle) mouseRotateViewMatrix :: IORef UIState -> GL.Position -> IO (GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble) mouseRotateViewMatrix uiState pos1 = do uiSt <- readIORef uiState let pos2 = unJust $ manipulationCenter uiSt let windowDim = windowSize uiSt let (angle, axis) = computeRotation pos1 pos2 windowDim --Prelude.putStrLn $ "AA" ++ show (angle, axis) manipulateViewMatrix uiState $ --do --GL.translate $ GL.Vector3 0 0 (-frustumMiddle) GL.rotate angle axis --GL.translate $ GL.Vector3 0 0 ( frustumMiddle) computeRotation :: GL.Position -> GL.Position -> GL.Position -> (GL.GLdouble, GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble) computeRotation (GL.Position curX curY ) (GL.Position initX initY) (GL.Position w h ) = (angle, GL.Vector3 dy dx 0.0) where [xf, yf, wf, hf] = Prelude.map fromIntegral [curX - initX, curY - initY, w, h] dx = xf / min hf wf dy = yf / min hf wf angle = 180.0 * sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy) getPosChange :: GL.Position -> GL.Position -> GL.Position -> (GL.GLdouble, GL.GLdouble) getPosChange (GL.Position x y) (GL.Position x' y') (GL.Position w h) = (fromIntegral (x - x')/fromIntegral w, fromIntegral (y' - y )/fromIntegral h) reflector = GL.Light 0 setup :: Prelude.String -> IO () setup progname = do GL.initialDisplayMode $= [GL.RGBMode, GL.WithDepthBuffer, GL.DoubleBuffered] GL.createWindow progname GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 0 0 0 0 GL.shadeModel $= GL.Smooth GL.materialSpecular GL.FrontAndBack $= GL.Color4 1 1 1 1 GL.materialShininess GL.FrontAndBack $= 50 GL.position reflector $= GL.Vertex4 1 1 1 0 GL.lighting $= GL.Enabled GL.light reflector $= GL.Enabled GL.depthFunc $= Just GL.Less -- Assessing dimensions for initial focus center :: PDBS.Structure -> Vector3 center structure = average where (!average, _count) = PDBI.ifoldl' step (fromIntegral 0, 0) structure step :: (Vector3, Double) -> PDBS.Atom -> (Vector3, Double) step (!r, !i) at = let i' = i + 1 in (coord at |* (1/i') + r |* (i/i'), i') dims structure = maxv - minv where (!minv, !maxv) = PDBI.ifoldl' (\(!minv, !maxv) at -> let c = coord (at :: PDBS.Atom) in (vzip min minv c, vzip max maxv c)) (cs, cs) structure !cs = center structure vector3ToGLVector3 :: Vector3 -> GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble vector3ToGLVector3 v = GL.Vector3 x' y' z' where Vector3 x y z = v [x', y', z'] :: [GL.GLdouble] = Prelude.map realToFrac [x, y, z] renderStructure :: IORef UIState -> PDBS.Structure -> IO () renderStructure uiState = PDBI.ifoldM (const renderAtom) () where renderAtom (at :: Atom) = GL.preservingMatrix $ do GL.matrixMode $= GL.Modelview 0 uiSt <- readIORef uiState --m :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble <- GL.newMatrix GL.ColumnMajor $ currentViewMatrix uiSt GL.matrix Nothing $= currentViewMatrix uiSt --cm <- GL.getMatrixComponents GL.ColumnMajor $ currentViewMatrix uiSt --print cm GL.translate $ vector3ToGLVector3 $ PDBS.coord at GL.renderObject GL.Solid $ GL.Sphere' (realToFrac radius) 40 32 -- much smoother looks! where radius = realToFrac $ PDBE.vanDerWaalsRadius $ PDBS.element at display :: IORef UIState -> PDBS.Structure -> IO () display uiState structure = do GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer] renderStructure uiState structure GL.swapBuffers {-# ANN myOrtho "HLint: ignore Redundant bracket" #-} myOrtho w h = let hw = fromIntegral h/fromIntegral w wh = fromIntegral w/fromIntegral h in if w <= h then GL.ortho (-1.5 ) (1.5 ) (-1.5*hw) (1.5*hw) (-10) (10) else GL.ortho (-1.5*wh) (1.5*wh) (-1.5 ) (1.5 ) (-10) (10) frustumFront = 5.0 frustumBack = 1000.0 frustumMiddle = frustumFront + abs (frustumBack - frustumFront)/2.0 --frustumMiddle = abs (frustumFront - frustumBack) / 2.0 reshape uiState s@(GL.Size w h) = do GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, s) modifyIORef uiState $ setWindowSize w h GL.matrixMode $= GL.Projection GL.loadIdentity GL.frustum (-x) x (-y) y frustumFront frustumBack GL.matrixMode $= GL.Modelview 0 where x = fromIntegral w/fromIntegral h y = 1.0