name: hPDB-examples version: synopsis: Examples for hPDB library stability: stable homepage: package-url: description: Examples for handling Protein Data Bank file format. category: Bioinformatics license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Michal J. Gajda copyright: Copyright by Michal J. Gajda '2009-'2013 maintainer: bug-reports: build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 tested-with: GHC==7.10.3,GHC==8.0.1,GHC==8.2.2 --data-files: 1CRN.pdb, 1HTQ.pdb, 3JYV.pdb extra-source-files: INSTALL AUTHORS source-repository head type: git location: Executable PDB2Fasta main-is: examples/PDB2Fasta.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, bytestring, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq, QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=3.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash Executable ShiftToCenter main-is: examples/ShiftToCenter.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: base>=4.0, base<4.12, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, bytestring, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash Executable CleanPDB main-is: examples/CleanPDB.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, bytestring, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash Executable SplitModels main-is: examples/SplitModels.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, bytestring, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash Executable CanonicalAxes main-is: examples/CanonicalAxes.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N Build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, bytestring, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash Executable PrintEvents Main-is: tests/PrintEvents.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N Build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, bytestring, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq, QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls Executable PrintStructureObject ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N Build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, bytestring, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=1.0 Main-is: tests/PrintStructureObject.hs other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls Executable Rg main-is: examples/Rg.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -fsimpl-tick-factor=150 -- ^ To avoid difficulties with GHC 7.10.1: -- Build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, ghc-prim, bytestring, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls Executable StericClashCheck main-is: examples/StericClashCheck.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N Build-Depends: base>=4.0, base<4.12, bytestring, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq, Octree >= 0.5, QuickCheck, text, hPDB >= 1.5, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls -- if flag(haveOpenGL) -- why can't we make it conditionally available? Executable Viewer main-is: examples/Viewer.hs ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N Build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq,QuickCheck >=, text>=, OpenGL, GLUT, hPDB >= 1.5, bytestring, iterable >=1.0 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash test-suite ParserPerformance main-is: tests/TestParser.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 ghc-options: -fspec-constr-count=4 -O3 -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -t" Build-depends: base>=4.0, base <4.12, ghc-prim, directory, mtl, template-haskell, vector, linear, containers, deepseq, text>=, hPDB >= 1.5, bytestring, iterable >=1.0, IfElse >= 0.80, process >= 1.0, time >= 1.2 other-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings BangPatterns NoMonomorphismRestriction EmptyDataDecls MagicHash