{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-} module Hack.Handler.Hyena (run, runWithConfig, ServerConf(..)) where import qualified Hack as Hack import Hyena.Server import Network.Wai as Wai import Prelude hiding ((.), (^)) import System.IO import Control.Monad import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.Chan (newChan,writeChan,getChanContents) (.) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b a . f = f a infixl 9 . -- | this won't change the port or servername for hyena, use -- ./main -p 3000 to configure port -- this just make sure port and serverName are presented in Env data ServerConf = ServerConf { port :: Int, serverName :: String } instance Default ServerConf where def = ServerConf { port = 3000, serverName = "localhost" } to_s :: S.ByteString -> String to_s = C.unpack to_b :: String -> S.ByteString to_b = C.pack both_to_s :: (S.ByteString, S.ByteString) -> (String, String) both_to_s (x,y) = (to_s x, to_s y) both_to_b :: (String, String) -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString) both_to_b (x,y) = (to_b x, to_b y) hyena_env_to_hack_env :: ServerConf -> Environment -> IO Hack.Env hyena_env_to_hack_env conf e = do i <- (L.fromChunks <$> (e.Wai.input .enumToList)) return def { Hack.requestMethod = convertRequestMethod (e.requestMethod) , Hack.scriptName = e.scriptName.to_s , Hack.pathInfo = e.pathInfo.to_s , Hack.queryString = e.queryString .fromMaybe (to_b "") .to_s , Hack.http = e.Wai.headers .map both_to_s , Hack.hackErrors = e.errors , Hack.serverPort = conf.port , Hack.serverName = conf.serverName , Hack.hackInput = i } where convertRequestMethod Wai.Options = Hack.OPTIONS convertRequestMethod Wai.Get = Hack.GET convertRequestMethod Wai.Head = Hack.HEAD convertRequestMethod Wai.Post = Hack.POST convertRequestMethod Wai.Put = Hack.PUT convertRequestMethod Wai.Delete = Hack.DELETE convertRequestMethod Wai.Trace = Hack.TRACE convertRequestMethod Wai.Connect = Hack.CONNECT -- GHC 6.10 fails to accept this signature :( -- enumToList :: Enumerator -> IO [S.ByteString] enumToList :: ((() -> S.ByteString -> IO (Either () ())) -> () -> IO ()) -> IO [S.ByteString] enumToList enum = do ch <- newChan forkIO $ enum (writer ch) () >> writeChan ch Nothing xs <- getChanContents ch return $ map fromJust $ takeWhile isJust xs where writer ch () chunk = do writeChan ch (Just chunk) return (Right ()) listToEnum :: [S.ByteString] -> Enumerator listToEnum [] _ z = return z listToEnum (x:xs) f z = f z x >>= either return (listToEnum xs f) type WaiResponse = (Int, S.ByteString, Wai.Headers, Enumerator) hack_response_to_hyena_response :: Enumerator -> Hack.Response -> WaiResponse hack_response_to_hyena_response e r = ( r.Hack.status , r.Hack.status.show_status_message.fromMaybe "OK" .to_b , r.Hack.headers.map both_to_b , e ) hack_to_wai_with_config :: ServerConf -> Hack.Application -> Wai.Application hack_to_wai_with_config conf app env = do hack_env <- env.hyena_env_to_hack_env conf r <- app hack_env let enum = r.Hack.body.L.toChunks.listToEnum hyena_response = r.hack_response_to_hyena_response enum return hyena_response run :: Hack.Application -> IO () run app = runWithConfig def app runWithConfig :: ServerConf -> Hack.Application -> IO () runWithConfig conf app = app.hack_to_wai_with_config conf .serve show_status_message :: Int -> Maybe String show_status_message x = status_code.M.lookup x status_code :: M.Map Int String status_code = [ x 100 "Continue" , x 101 "Switching Protocols" , x 200 "OK" , x 201 "Created" , x 202 "Accepted" , x 203 "Non-Authoritative Information" , x 204 "No Content" , x 205 "Reset Content" , x 206 "Partial Content" , x 300 "Multiple Choices" , x 301 "Moved Permanently" , x 302 "Found" , x 303 "See Other" , x 304 "Not Modified" , x 305 "Use Proxy" , x 307 "Temporary Redirect" , x 400 "Bad Request" , x 401 "Unauthorized" , x 402 "Payment Required" , x 403 "Forbidden" , x 404 "Not Found" , x 405 "Method Not Allowed" , x 406 "Not Acceptable" , x 407 "Proxy Authentication Required" , x 408 "Request Timeout" , x 409 "Conflict" , x 410 "Gone" , x 411 "Length Required" , x 412 "Precondition Failed" , x 413 "Request Entity Too Large" , x 414 "Request-URI Too Large" , x 415 "Unsupported Media Type" , x 416 "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" , x 417 "Expectation Failed" , x 500 "Internal Server Error" , x 501 "Not Implemented" , x 502 "Bad Gateway" , x 503 "Service Unavailable" , x 504 "Gateway Timeout" , x 505 "HTTP Version Not Supported" ] .M.fromList where x a b = (a, b)