Readme for hack2-2011.6.19

Hack2: a Haskell Webserver Interface (V2)

Hack2 is a port of Ruby's Rack webserver interface.





Separation of concerns:


type Application = Env -> IO Response


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Hack2

app :: Application
app = \env -> return $
  Response 200 [ ("Content-Type", "text/plain") ] "Hello World"


The Environment

The Response


1 minute tutorial

update cabal

cabal update

install hack

cabal install hack2

pick a backend

cabal install hack2-handler-happstack-server

Create a Hack app

put the following code in Main.hs

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Hack2
import Hack2.Handler.HappstackServer

app :: Application
app = \env -> return $ Response 
    { status  = 200
    , headers = [ ("Content-Type", "text/plain") ]
    , body    = "Hello World"

main = run app


runghc Main.hs

It should be running on now.


demo usage of middleware

install hack2-contrib:

cabal install hack2-contrib

put the following in Main.hs. This code uses the URLMap middleware to route both /hello and /there to the say application.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Hack2
import Hack2.Handler.HappstackServer
import Hack2.Contrib.Utils
import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.URLMap
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Default

say :: Application
say = \env -> return $ def {body = pack $ show env, status = 200}

app :: Application
app = url_map [("/hello", say), ("/there", say)] empty_app

main = run app

create a middleware

inside Hack2.hs:

type Middleware = Application -> Application

since Haskell has curry, middleware api can be of type

Anything -> Application -> Application

just pass an applied middleware into a chain.

finally the source code of Config.hs:

module Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.Config (config) where

import Hack2

config :: (Env -> Env) -> Middleware
config alter app = \env -> app (alter env)

Use the middleware stack

From Hack2.Contrib.Utils:

-- usage: use [content_type, cache] app
use :: [Middleware] -> Middleware
use = reduce (<<<)


Once an application is written using Hack2, it should work on any web server that provides a Hack2 handler.

A handler should expose at least one function of type:

run :: Application -> IO ()


With every new release, any library links to Hacks should be recompiled against the new version, usually as simple as:

cabal install linked_lib --reinstall

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