{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Hack2.Contrib.Request where

import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe
import Hack2 hiding (body)
import Hack2.Contrib.Constants
import Hack2.Contrib.Utils
import Air.Env hiding (Default, def)
import Network.CGI.Cookie
import Network.CGI.Protocol
import Prelude ()
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy
import Hack2.Contrib.AirBackports

input_bytestring :: Env -> IO Lazy.ByteString
input_bytestring = hack_input > unHackEnumerator > fromEnumerator

scheme :: Env -> ByteString
scheme = hack_url_scheme > show > lower > B.pack

port :: Env -> Int
port = server_port

path :: Env -> ByteString
path env = env.script_name + env.path_info

content_type :: Env -> ByteString
content_type env = env.httpHeaders.get _ContentType .fromMaybe ""

media_type :: Env -> ByteString
media_type env = case env.content_type.B.unpack.split "\\s*[;,]\\s*" of
  [] -> ""
  x:_ -> x.lower.B.pack

media_type_params :: Env -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
media_type_params env
  | env.content_type.B.unpack.empty = []
  | otherwise = 
        .split "\\s*[;,]\\s"
        .drop 1
        .map (split "=")
        .select (length > is 2)
        .map tuple2
        .map_fst (lower > B.pack)
        .map_snd (B.pack)

content_charset :: Env -> ByteString
content_charset env = env.media_type_params.lookup "charset" .fromMaybe ""

host :: Env -> ByteString
host env = env.httpHeaders.get _Host .fromMaybe (env.server_name) .B.unpack.gsub ":\\d+\\z" "" .B.pack

params :: Env -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
params env =
  if env.query_string.B.unpack.empty
    then []
    else env.query_string.B.unpack.formDecode.map_both B.pack

inputs :: Env -> IO [(ByteString, ByteString)]
inputs env = do
  _body <- env.input_bytestring
  return - 
      .map_fst (B.unpack > upper > gsub "-" "_") -- cgi env use all cap letters
      .map_snd B.unpack
      .(("REQUEST_METHOD", env.request_method.show) : ) -- for cgi request
      .flip decodeInput _body
      .concatMap to_headers
    to_headers (k, input) = case input.inputFilename of
      Nothing -> [(k.B.pack, input.inputValue.l2s)]
      Just name -> 
        [  (k.B.pack, input.inputValue.l2s)
        ,  ("hack2_input_file_name_" + k.B.pack, name.B.pack)

referer :: Env -> ByteString
referer = httpHeaders > get _Referer > fromMaybe "/"

cookies :: Env -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
cookies env = case env.httpHeaders.get _Cookie of
  Nothing -> []
  Just s -> s.B.unpack.readCookies .map_both B.pack

fullpath :: Env -> ByteString
fullpath env = 
  if env.query_string.B.unpack.empty 
    then env.path 
    else env.path + "?" + env.query_string

set_http_header :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Env -> Env
set_http_header k v env = env {httpHeaders = env.httpHeaders.put k v}

set_hack_header :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Env -> Env
set_hack_header k v env = env {hackHeaders = env.hackHeaders.put k v}

url :: Env -> ByteString
url env =
  [  env.scheme
  ,  "://"
  ,  env.host
  ,  port_string
  ,  env.fullpath
    port_string = 
      if (env.scheme.is "https" && env.port.is_not 443 || 
          env.scheme.is "http" && env.port.is_not 80 )
        then ":" + env.server_port.show_bytestring
        else ""

remote_host :: Env -> ByteString
remote_host env = 
  ( env.hackHeaders + env.httpHeaders ) .lookup "RemoteHost" .fromMaybe ""