{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Hack2.Handler.Mongrel2HTTP ( runWithConfig , ServerConfig(..) , Mongrel2.Handler(..) ) where import Prelude () import Air.Env hiding (def, Default, log) import Hack2 import Data.Default (def, Default) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CaseInsensitive import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Enumerator (Enumerator, Iteratee (..), ($$), joinI, run_, Enumeratee, Step, (=$), ($=), enumList, concatEnums) import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString, fromLazyByteString, toByteString) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust) import Data.Map (toAscList, fromAscList) import Data.IORef (readIORef) import System.Directory (createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist) import Control.Monad (when, forever) import Hack2.Handler.Mongrel2.IO import qualified Hack2.Handler.Mongrel2.Types as Mongrel2 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr) import System.Posix.Signals import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.MVar import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Blaze.Text.Int (integral) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Safe (readMay, readDef) import Hack2.Handler.Mongrel2.Utils import Data.Attoparsec import Data.Aeson (Value(..), json) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Int import qualified Data.Set as Set buildSpace :: Builder buildSpace = fromByteString " " buildNewLine :: Builder buildNewLine = fromByteString "\r\n" make_response_enumerator :: Response -> Enumerator ByteString IO a make_response_enumerator response = concatEnums [ header_enum , response.body.unHackEnumerator ] where header_enum = enumList 1 - return - make_response_header - response make_response_header :: Response -> ByteString make_response_header response = [ fromByteString "HTTP/1.1" , buildSpace , integral - response.status , buildSpace , fromByteString - (statusReasonMap.Map.lookup (response.status) .fromMaybe "Unknown Status Code") , buildNewLine , mconcat - response.headers.map build_header , buildNewLine ] .mconcat .toByteString where build_header :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> Builder build_header (header, value) = [ fromByteString header , fromByteString ": " , fromByteString value , buildNewLine ] .mconcat -- example json request string -- {"PATH":"/","x-forwarded-for":"","accept":"*/*","user-agent":"curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3","host":"","METHOD":"GET","VERSION":"HTTP/1.1","URI":"/","PATTERN":"/"} -- { requestMethod :: RequestMethod -- , scriptName :: ByteString -- , pathInfo :: ByteString -- , queryString :: ByteString -- , serverName :: ByteString -- , serverPort :: Int -- , httpHeaders :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- , hackVersion :: (Int, Int, Int) -- , hackUrlScheme :: HackUrlScheme -- , hackInput :: HackEnumerator -- , hackErrors :: HackErrors -- , hackHeaders :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] requestToEnv :: Mongrel2.Request -> Env requestToEnv request = let maybe_string (Aeson.String x) = Just - x maybe_string _ = Nothing _headers = request.Mongrel2.requestHeaders.jsonToList _host = _headers.lookup "host" .fromMaybe "" _query = _headers.lookup "QUERY" .fromMaybe "" _mongrel2_header_names = [ "PATH" , "host" , "METHOD" , "VERSION" ] _http_headers = _headers _input_enum :: (forall a . Enumerator ByteString IO a) _input_enum = enumList 1 [request.Mongrel2.requestBody] in def { requestMethod = ( _headers.lookup "METHOD" >>= B.unpack > readMay ).fromMaybe GET , pathInfo = request.Mongrel2.requestPath , queryString = _query , serverName = _host.B.takeWhile (is_not ':') , serverPort = _host.B.dropWhile (is_not ':') .B.dropWhile (is ':') .B.unpack.readDef 80 , httpHeaders = _http_headers , hackInput = HackEnumerator _input_enum } -- copied from snap-core statusReasonMap :: Map.Map Int ByteString statusReasonMap = Map.fromAscList [ (100, "Continue"), (101, "Switching Protocols"), (200, "OK"), (201, "Created"), (202, "Accepted"), (203, "Non-Authoritative Information"), (204, "No Content"), (205, "Reset Content"), (206, "Partial Content"), (300, "Multiple Choices"), (301, "Moved Permanently"), (302, "Found"), (303, "See Other"), (304, "Not Modified"), (305, "Use Proxy"), (307, "Temporary Redirect"), (400, "Bad Request"), (401, "Unauthorized"), (402, "Payment Required"), (403, "Forbidden"), (404, "Not Found"), (405, "Method Not Allowed"), (406, "Not Acceptable"), (407, "Proxy Authentication Required"), (408, "Request Time-out"), (409, "Conflict"), (410, "Gone"), (411, "Length Required"), (412, "Precondition Failed"), (413, "Request Entity Too Large"), (414, "Request-URI Too Large"), (415, "Unsupported Media Type"), (416, "Requested range not satisfiable"), (417, "Expectation Failed"), (500, "Internal Server Error"), (501, "Not Implemented"), (502, "Bad Gateway"), (503, "Service Unavailable"), (504, "Gateway Time-out"), (505, "HTTP Version not supported") ] -- data ServerConfig = ServerConfig { handler :: Mongrel2.Handler , number_of_application_instances :: Int } instance Default ServerConfig where def = ServerConfig { handler = def , number_of_application_instances = 10 } exit_handler :: MVar () -> IO () exit_handler exit_indicator = do log "Exiting..." putMVar exit_indicator () -- log :: String -> IO () -- log = const (return ()) runWithConfig :: ServerConfig -> Application -> IO () runWithConfig config app = do exit_indicator <- newEmptyMVar installHandler sigINT (Catch (exit_handler exit_indicator)) Nothing disconnected <- newTVarIO def threads <- [1..config.number_of_application_instances] .mapM (\instance_id -> forkIO - server_safe_loop instance_id disconnected ) log "taking exit_indicator" takeMVar exit_indicator log "done taking exit_indicator" -- log "killing threads ..." -- threads.mapM_ killThread -- -- log "waiting threads termination ..." -- sleep 2 -- -- log "all threads killed" -- log "Mongrel2 main will exist" where server_safe_loop instance_id disconnected = do forever - do catch_all "ZeroMQ error:" - loop instance_id (config.handler) disconnected app catch_all :: String -> IO () -> IO () catch_all message io_action = Exception.catch io_action - \e -> log_error - message + " " + (e :: Exception.SomeException).show + "\n" loop :: Int -> Mongrel2.Handler -> TVar (Set.Set Int64) -> Application -> IO () loop instance_id _handler disconnected app = do withConnectedHandler _handler - \connected_handler -> do -- catch_all "Hack2 Application error:" - do log - "instance " + show instance_id + " waiting ..." request <- receiveRequest connected_handler log - "instance " + show instance_id + " handling ..." -- putStrLn - "instance " + show instance_id + " handling ..." let uuid = request.Mongrel2.requestUuid client_id = request.Mongrel2.requestClientId json_request = request.requestJsonBody case json_request of Nothing -> do app_response <- app - requestToEnv request let { resposne = Mongrel2.Response { Mongrel2.responseUuid = uuid , Mongrel2.responseClientId = client_id , Mongrel2.responseBody = make_response_enumerator app_response } } sendResponse connected_handler disconnected resposne Just xs -> do case xs.lookup "type" of Just "disconnect" -> do log - "client " + show client_id + " disconnected" atomically - do _ids <- readTVar disconnected writeTVar disconnected - _ids.Set.insert client_id _ -> log - "json reponse: " + show xs