-- | Implementation of 'HttpClient' using the HTTP package
module Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.HttpLib.HTTP (
    -- ** Additional operations
  , setOutHandler
  , setErrHandler
  , setProxy
  , request
    -- ** Low-level API
  , Browser -- opaque
  , withBrowser
    -- * Exception types
  , UnexpectedResponse(..)
  , InvalidProxy(..)
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Network.URI
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.L
import qualified Control.Monad.State  as State
import qualified Network.Browser      as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP         as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Proxy   as HTTP

import Hackage.Security.Client
import Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.HttpLib
import Hackage.Security.Util.Checked
import Hackage.Security.Util.Pretty
import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Lens as Lens

  Top-level API

-- | Initialize the client
-- TODO: This currently uses the lazy bytestring API offered by the HTTP
-- library. Unfortunately this provides no way of closing the connection when
-- the callback decides it doens't require any further input. It seems
-- impossible however to implement a proper streaming API.
-- See <https://github.com/haskell/HTTP/issues/86>.
withClient :: (Browser -> HttpLib -> IO a) -> IO a
withClient callback =
    bracket browserInit browserCleanup $ \browser ->
      callback browser HttpLib {
          httpGet      = get      browser
        , httpGetRange = getRange browser

  Individual methods

get :: Throws SomeRemoteError
    => Browser
    -> [HttpRequestHeader] -> URI
    -> ([HttpResponseHeader] -> BodyReader -> IO a)
    -> IO a
get browser reqHeaders uri callback = wrapCustomEx $ do
    response <- request browser
      $ setRequestHeaders reqHeaders
      -- avoid silly `Content-Length: 0` header inserted by `mkRequest`
      $ removeHeader HTTP.HdrContentLength
      $ HTTP.mkRequest HTTP.GET uri
    case HTTP.rspCode response of
      (2, 0, 0) -> withResponse response callback
      otherCode -> throwChecked $ UnexpectedResponse uri otherCode

getRange :: Throws SomeRemoteError
         => Browser
         -> [HttpRequestHeader] -> URI -> (Int, Int)
         -> (HttpStatus -> [HttpResponseHeader] -> BodyReader -> IO a)
         -> IO a
getRange browser reqHeaders uri (from, to) callback = wrapCustomEx $ do
    response <- request browser
      $ setRange from to
      $ setRequestHeaders reqHeaders
      -- avoid silly `Content-Length: 0` header inserted by `mkRequest`
      $ removeHeader HTTP.HdrContentLength
      $ HTTP.mkRequest HTTP.GET uri
    case HTTP.rspCode response of
      (2, 0, 0) -> withResponse response $ callback HttpStatus200OK
      (2, 0, 6) -> withResponse response $ callback HttpStatus206PartialContent
      otherCode -> throwChecked $ UnexpectedResponse uri otherCode

removeHeader :: HTTP.HasHeaders a => HTTP.HeaderName -> a -> a
removeHeader name h = HTTP.setHeaders h newHeaders
    newHeaders = [ x | x@(HTTP.Header n _) <- HTTP.getHeaders h, name /= n ]

  Auxiliary methods used to implement the HttpClient interface

withResponse :: Throws SomeRemoteError
             => HTTP.Response BS.L.ByteString
             -> ([HttpResponseHeader] -> BodyReader -> IO a)
             -> IO a
withResponse response callback = wrapCustomEx $ do
    br <- bodyReaderFromBS $ HTTP.rspBody response
    callback responseHeaders $ wrapCustomEx br
    responseHeaders = getResponseHeaders response

  Custom exception types

wrapCustomEx :: ( ( Throws UnexpectedResponse
                  , Throws IOException
                  ) => IO a)
             -> (Throws SomeRemoteError => IO a)
wrapCustomEx act = handleChecked (\(ex :: UnexpectedResponse) -> go ex)
                 $ handleChecked (\(ex :: IOException)        -> go ex)
                 $ act
    go ex = throwChecked (SomeRemoteError ex)

data UnexpectedResponse = UnexpectedResponse URI (Int, Int, Int)
  deriving (Typeable)

data InvalidProxy = InvalidProxy String
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Pretty UnexpectedResponse where
  pretty (UnexpectedResponse uri code) = "Unexpected response " ++ show code
                                      ++ "for " ++ show uri

instance Pretty InvalidProxy where
  pretty (InvalidProxy p) = "Invalid proxy " ++ show p

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
deriving instance Show UnexpectedResponse
deriving instance Show InvalidProxy
instance Exception UnexpectedResponse where displayException = pretty
instance Exception InvalidProxy where displayException = pretty
instance Show UnexpectedResponse where show = pretty
instance Show InvalidProxy where show = pretty
instance Exception UnexpectedResponse
instance Exception InvalidProxy

  Additional operations

setProxy :: Browser -> ProxyConfig String -> IO ()
setProxy browser proxyConfig = do
    proxy <- case proxyConfig of
      ProxyConfigNone  -> return HTTP.NoProxy
      ProxyConfigAuto  -> HTTP.fetchProxy True
      ProxyConfigUse p -> case HTTP.parseProxy p of
                             Nothing -> throwUnchecked $ InvalidProxy p
                             Just p' -> return p'
    withBrowser browser $ HTTP.setProxy (emptyAsNone proxy)
    emptyAsNone :: HTTP.Proxy -> HTTP.Proxy
    emptyAsNone (HTTP.Proxy uri _) | null uri = HTTP.NoProxy
    emptyAsNone p = p

setOutHandler :: Browser -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
setOutHandler browser = withBrowser browser . HTTP.setOutHandler

setErrHandler :: Browser -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
setErrHandler browser = withBrowser browser . HTTP.setErrHandler

-- | Execute a single request
request :: Throws IOException
        => Browser
        -> HTTP.Request BS.L.ByteString
        -> IO (HTTP.Response BS.L.ByteString)
request browser = checkIO . liftM snd . withBrowser browser . HTTP.request

  Browser state

type LazyStream = HTTP.HandleStream BS.L.ByteString

data Browser = Browser {
    browserState :: MVar (HTTP.BrowserState LazyStream)

-- | Run a browser action
-- IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: the 'browse' action doesn't itself create any
-- connections, they are created on demand; we just need to make sure to carry
-- this state from one invocation of 'browse' to another.
withBrowser :: forall a. Browser -> HTTP.BrowserAction LazyStream a -> IO a
withBrowser Browser{..} act = modifyMVar browserState $ \bst -> HTTP.browse $ do
    State.put bst
    result <- act
    bst'   <- State.get
    return (bst', result)

-- | Initial browser state
-- Throws an 'InvalidProxy' exception if the proxy definition is invalid.
-- TODO: If the proxy configuration is automatic, the _only_ way that we can
-- find out from the @HTTP@ library is to pass @True@ as the argument to
-- 'fetchProxy'; but this prints to standard error when the proxy is invalid,
-- rather than throwing an exception :-O
browserInit :: IO Browser
browserInit = do
    browserState <- newMVar =<< HTTP.browse State.get
    return Browser{..}

-- | Cleanup browser state
-- NOTE: Calling 'withBrowser' after 'browserCleanup' will result in deadlock.
-- IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: "HTTP" does not provide any explicit API for resource
-- cleanup, so we can only rely on the garbage collector to do for us.
browserCleanup :: Browser -> IO ()
browserCleanup Browser{..} = void $ takeMVar browserState

  HTTP auxiliary

hAcceptRanges :: HTTP.HeaderName
hAcceptRanges = HTTP.HdrCustom "Accept-Ranges"

setRange :: HTTP.HasHeaders a => Int -> Int -> a -> a
setRange from to = HTTP.insertHeader HTTP.HdrRange rangeHeader
    -- Content-Range header uses inclusive rather than exclusive bounds
    -- See <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html>
    rangeHeader = "bytes=" ++ show from ++ "-" ++ show (to - 1)

setRequestHeaders :: HTTP.HasHeaders a => [HttpRequestHeader] -> a -> a
setRequestHeaders =
    foldr (.) id . map (uncurry HTTP.insertHeader) . trOpt []
    trOpt :: [(HTTP.HeaderName, [String])]
          -> [HttpRequestHeader]
          -> [(HTTP.HeaderName, String)]
    trOpt acc [] =
      concatMap finalizeHeader acc
    trOpt acc (HttpRequestMaxAge0:os) =
      trOpt (insert HTTP.HdrCacheControl ["max-age=0"] acc) os
    trOpt acc (HttpRequestNoTransform:os) =
      trOpt (insert HTTP.HdrCacheControl ["no-transform"] acc) os

    -- Some headers are comma-separated, others need multiple headers for
    -- multiple options.
    -- TODO: Right we we just comma-separate all of them.
    finalizeHeader :: (HTTP.HeaderName, [String]) -> [(HTTP.HeaderName, String)]
    finalizeHeader (name, strs) = [(name, intercalate ", " (reverse strs))]

    insert :: Eq a => a -> [b] -> [(a, [b])] -> [(a, [b])]
    insert x y = Lens.modify (Lens.lookupM x) (++ y)

getResponseHeaders :: HTTP.Response a -> [HttpResponseHeader]
getResponseHeaders response = concat [
    -- Check the @Accept-Ranges@ header.
    -- @Accept-Ranges@ takes a _single_ argument, but there might potentially
    -- be more than one of them (although the spec does not explicitly say so).

    -- See <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.5>
    -- and <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.12>
    [ HttpResponseAcceptRangesBytes
    | "bytes" `elem` map HTTP.hdrValue (HTTP.retrieveHeaders hAcceptRanges response)