{-# LANGUAGE DoRec, RankNTypes, NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards #-} module Distribution.Server.Features.Html ( HtmlFeature(..), initHtmlFeature ) where import Distribution.Server.Framework import qualified Distribution.Server.Framework.ResponseContentTypes as Resource import Distribution.Server.Framework.Templating import Distribution.Server.Features.Core import Distribution.Server.Features.RecentPackages import Distribution.Server.Features.Upload import Distribution.Server.Features.BuildReports import Distribution.Server.Features.BuildReports.Render import Distribution.Server.Features.PackageCandidates import Distribution.Server.Features.Users import Distribution.Server.Features.DownloadCount import Distribution.Server.Features.Search import Distribution.Server.Features.Search as Search import Distribution.Server.Features.PreferredVersions -- [reverse index disabled] import Distribution.Server.Features.ReverseDependencies import Distribution.Server.Features.PackageList import Distribution.Server.Features.Tags import Distribution.Server.Features.Mirror import Distribution.Server.Features.Distro import Distribution.Server.Features.Documentation import Distribution.Server.Features.UserDetails import Distribution.Server.Features.EditCabalFiles import Distribution.Server.Users.Types import qualified Distribution.Server.Users.Group as Group import Distribution.Server.Packages.Types import Distribution.Server.Packages.Render import qualified Distribution.Server.Users.Users as Users import qualified Distribution.Server.Packages.PackageIndex as PackageIndex import Distribution.Server.Users.Group (UserGroup(..)) import Distribution.Server.Features.Distro.Distributions (DistroPackageInfo(..)) -- [reverse index disabled] import Distribution.Server.Packages.Reverse import qualified Distribution.Server.Pages.Package as Pages import Distribution.Server.Pages.Template import Distribution.Server.Pages.Util import qualified Distribution.Server.Pages.Group as Pages -- [reverse index disabled] import qualified Distribution.Server.Pages.Reverse as Pages import qualified Distribution.Server.Pages.Index as Pages import Distribution.Server.Util.CountingMap (cmFind, cmToList) import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Version import Distribution.Text (display) import Distribution.PackageDescription import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, insert, sortBy) import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Traversable (traverse) import Control.Applicative (optional) import Data.Array (Array, listArray) import qualified Data.Array as Array import qualified Data.Ix as Ix import Data.Time.Format (formatTime) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) import Text.XHtml.Strict import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as XHtml import Text.XHtml.Table (simpleTable) import Network.URI (escapeURIString, isUnreserved) -- TODO: move more of the below to Distribution.Server.Pages.*, it's getting -- close to 1K lines, way too much... it's okay to keep data-querying in here, -- but pure HTML generation mostly needlessly clutters up the module. -- Try to make it so no HTML combinators need to be imported. -- -- See the TODO file for more ways to improve the HTML. data HtmlFeature = HtmlFeature { htmlFeatureInterface :: HackageFeature } instance IsHackageFeature HtmlFeature where getFeatureInterface = htmlFeatureInterface -- This feature provides the HTML view to the models of other features -- currently it uses the xhtml package to render HTML (Text.XHtml.Strict) -- -- This means of generating HTML is somewhat temporary, in that a more advanced -- (and better-looking) HTML ajaxy scheme should come about later on. initHtmlFeature :: ServerEnv -> IO (UserFeature -> CoreFeature -> RecentPackagesFeature -> UploadFeature -> PackageCandidatesFeature -> VersionsFeature -- [reverse index disabled] -> ReverseFeature -> TagsFeature -> DownloadFeature -> ListFeature -> SearchFeature -> MirrorFeature -> DistroFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> ReportsFeature -> UserDetailsFeature -> IO HtmlFeature) initHtmlFeature ServerEnv{serverTemplatesDir, serverTemplatesMode, serverCacheDelay, serverVerbosity = verbosity} = do -- Page templates templates <- loadTemplates serverTemplatesMode [serverTemplatesDir, serverTemplatesDir "Html"] [ "maintain.html", "maintain-candidate.html" , "reports.html", "report.html" , "maintain-docs.html" , "distro-monitor.html" , "revisions.html" ] return $ \user core@CoreFeature{packageChangeHook} packages upload candidates versions -- [reverse index disabled] reverse tags download list@ListFeature{itemUpdate} names mirror distros docsCore docsCandidates reportsCore usersdetails -> do -- do rec, tie the knot rec let (feature, packageIndex, packagesPage) = htmlFeature user core packages upload candidates versions tags download list names mirror distros docsCore docsCandidates reportsCore usersdetails (htmlUtilities core tags) mainCache namesCache templates -- Index page caches mainCache <- newAsyncCacheNF packageIndex defaultAsyncCachePolicy { asyncCacheName = "packages index page (by category)", asyncCacheUpdateDelay = serverCacheDelay, asyncCacheSyncInit = False, asyncCacheLogVerbosity = verbosity } namesCache <- newAsyncCacheNF packagesPage defaultAsyncCachePolicy { asyncCacheName = "packages index page (by name)", asyncCacheUpdateDelay = serverCacheDelay, asyncCacheLogVerbosity = verbosity } registerHook itemUpdate $ \_ -> prodAsyncCache mainCache >> prodAsyncCache namesCache registerHook packageChangeHook $ \_ -> prodAsyncCache mainCache >> prodAsyncCache namesCache return feature htmlFeature :: UserFeature -> CoreFeature -> RecentPackagesFeature -> UploadFeature -> PackageCandidatesFeature -> VersionsFeature -> TagsFeature -> DownloadFeature -> ListFeature -> SearchFeature -> MirrorFeature -> DistroFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> ReportsFeature -> UserDetailsFeature -> HtmlUtilities -> AsyncCache Response -> AsyncCache Response -> Templates -> (HtmlFeature, IO Response, IO Response) htmlFeature user core@CoreFeature{queryGetPackageIndex} recent upload candidates versions -- [reverse index disabled] ReverseFeature{..} tags download list@ListFeature{getAllLists} names mirror distros docsCore docsCandidates reportsCore usersdetails utilities@HtmlUtilities{..} cachePackagesPage cacheNamesPage templates = (HtmlFeature{..}, packageIndex, packagesPage) where htmlFeatureInterface = (emptyHackageFeature "html") { featureResources = htmlResources , featureState = [] , featureCaches = [ CacheComponent { cacheDesc = "packages page by category", getCacheMemSize = memSize <$> readAsyncCache cachePackagesPage } , CacheComponent { cacheDesc = "packages page by name", getCacheMemSize = memSize <$> readAsyncCache cacheNamesPage } ] , featurePostInit = syncAsyncCache cachePackagesPage , featureReloadFiles = reloadTemplates templates } htmlCore = mkHtmlCore utilities user core versions upload tags docsCore reportsCore download distros recent htmlTags htmlPreferred cachePackagesPage cacheNamesPage templates htmlUsers = mkHtmlUsers user usersdetails htmlUploads = mkHtmlUploads utilities upload htmlDocUploads = mkHtmlDocUploads utilities core docsCore templates htmlDownloads = mkHtmlDownloads utilities download htmlReports = mkHtmlReports utilities core reportsCore templates htmlCandidates = mkHtmlCandidates utilities core versions upload docsCandidates candidates templates htmlPreferred = mkHtmlPreferred utilities core versions htmlTags = mkHtmlTags utilities core list tags htmlSearch = mkHtmlSearch utilities list names htmlResources = concat [ htmlCoreResources htmlCore , htmlUsersResources htmlUsers , htmlUploadsResources htmlUploads , htmlDocUploadsResources htmlDocUploads , htmlReportsResources htmlReports , htmlCandidatesResources htmlCandidates , htmlPreferredResources htmlPreferred , htmlDownloadsResources htmlDownloads , htmlTagsResources htmlTags , htmlSearchResources htmlSearch -- and user groups. package maintainers, trustees, admins , htmlGroupResource user (maintainersGroupResource . uploadResource $ upload) , htmlGroupResource user (trusteesGroupResource . uploadResource $ upload) , htmlGroupResource user (uploadersGroupResource . uploadResource $ upload) , htmlGroupResource user (adminResource . userResource $ user) , htmlGroupResource user (mirrorGroupResource . mirrorResource $ mirror) ] -- TODO: write HTML for reports and distros to display the information -- effectively reports {- , (extendResource $ reportsList reports) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReportsList)] } , (extendResource $ reportsPage reports) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReportsPage)] } -} -- distros {- , (extendResource $ distroIndexPage distros) { resourceGet = [("html", serveDistroIndex)] } , (extendResource $ distroAllPage distros) { resourceGet = [("html", serveDistroPackages)] } , (extendResource $ distroPackage distros) { resourceGet = [("html", serveDistroPackage)] } -} -- reverse index (disabled) {- , (extendResource $ reversePackage reverses) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReverse True)] } , (extendResource $ reversePackageOld reverses) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReverse False)] } , (extendResource $ reversePackageAll reverses) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReverseFlat)] } , (extendResource $ reversePackageStats reverses) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReverseStats)] } , (extendResource $ reversePackages reverses) { resourceGet = [("html", serveReverseList)] } -} -- [reverse index disabled] reverses = reverseResource {- [reverse index disabled] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reverse serveReverse :: Bool -> DynamicPath -> ServerPart Response serveReverse isRecent dpath = htmlResponse $ withPackageId dpath $ \pkgid -> do let pkgname = packageName pkgid rdisp <- case packageVersion pkgid of Version [] [] -> withPackageAll pkgname $ \_ -> revPackageName pkgname _ -> withPackageVersion pkgid $ \_ -> revPackageId pkgid render <- (if isRecent then renderReverseRecent else renderReverseOld) pkgname rdisp return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage (display pkgname ++ " - Reverse dependencies ") $ Pages.reversePackageRender pkgid (corePackageIdUri "") revr isRecent render serveReverseFlat :: DynamicPath -> ServerPart Response serveReverseFlat dpath = htmlResponse $ withPackageAllPath dpath $ \pkgname _ -> do revCount <- query $ GetReverseCount pkgname pairs <- revPackageFlat pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage (display pkgname ++ "Flattened reverse dependencies") $ Pages.reverseFlatRender pkgname (corePackageNameUri "") revr revCount pairs serveReverseStats :: DynamicPath -> ServerPart Response serveReverseStats dpath = htmlResponse $ withPackageAllPath dpath $ \pkgname pkgs -> do revCount <- query $ GetReverseCount pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage (display pkgname ++ "Reverse dependency statistics") $ Pages.reverseStatsRender pkgname (map packageVersion pkgs) (corePackageIdUri "") revr revCount serveReverseList :: DynamicPath -> ServerPart Response serveReverseList _ = do let revr = reverseResource revs triple <- sortedRevSummary revs hackCount <- PackageIndex.indexSize <$> queryGetPackageIndex return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Reverse dependencies" $ Pages.reversePackagesRender (corePackageNameUri "") revr hackCount triple -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional package indices packageIndex :: IO Response packageIndex = do index <- queryGetPackageIndex let htmlIndex = toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ Pages.packageIndex index return htmlIndex packagesPage :: IO Response packagesPage = do items <- liftIO $ getAllLists let htmlpage = toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "All packages by name" $ [ h2 << "All packages by name" , ulist ! [theclass "packages"] << map renderItem (Map.elems items) ] return htmlpage {- -- Currently unused, mainly because not all web browsers use eager authentication-sending -- Setting a cookie might work here, albeit one that's stateless for the server, is not -- used for auth and only causes GUI changes, not permission overriding loginWidget :: UserResource -> ServerPart Html loginWidget user = do users <- query State.GetUserDb auth <- Auth.getHackageAuth users return . makeLoginWidget user $ case auth of Left {} -> Nothing Right (_, uinfo) -> Just $ userName uinfo makeLoginWidget :: UserResource -> Maybe UserName -> Html makeLoginWidget user mname = case mname of Nothing -> anchor ! [href $ userLoginUri user Nothing] << "log in" Just uname -> anchor ! [href $ userPageUri user "" uname] << display uname -} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Core -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlCore = HtmlCore { htmlCoreResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlCore :: HtmlUtilities -> UserFeature -> CoreFeature -> VersionsFeature -> UploadFeature -> TagsFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> ReportsFeature -> DownloadFeature -> DistroFeature -> RecentPackagesFeature -> HtmlTags -> HtmlPreferred -> AsyncCache Response -> AsyncCache Response -> Templates -> HtmlCore mkHtmlCore HtmlUtilities{..} UserFeature{queryGetUserDb} CoreFeature{coreResource} VersionsFeature{ versionsResource , queryGetDeprecatedFor , queryGetPreferredInfo , withPackagePreferred } UploadFeature{guardAuthorisedAsMaintainerOrTrustee} TagsFeature{queryTagsForPackage} documentationFeature@DocumentationFeature{documentationResource, queryHasDocumentation} reportsFeature DownloadFeature{recentPackageDownloads,totalPackageDownloads} DistroFeature{queryPackageStatus} RecentPackagesFeature{packageRender} HtmlTags{..} HtmlPreferred{..} cachePackagesPage cacheNamesPage templates = HtmlCore{..} where cores@CoreResource{packageInPath, lookupPackageName, lookupPackageId} = coreResource versions = versionsResource docs = documentationResource maintainPackage = (resourceAt "/package/:package/maintain") { resourceGet = [("html", serveMaintainPage)] } htmlCoreResources = [ (extendResource $ corePackagePage cores) { resourceDesc = [(GET, "Show detailed package information")] , resourceGet = [("html", servePackagePage)] } {- , (extendResource $ coreIndexPage cores) { resourceGet = [("html", serveIndexPage)] }, currently in 'core' feature -} , (resourceAt "/packages/names" ) { resourceGet = [("html", const $ readAsyncCache cacheNamesPage)] } , (extendResource $ corePackagesPage cores) { resourceDesc = [(GET, "Show package index")] , resourceGet = [("html", const $ readAsyncCache cachePackagesPage)] } , maintainPackage , (resourceAt "/package/:package/distro-monitor") { resourceDesc = [(GET, "A handy page for distro package change monitor tools")] , resourceGet = [("html", serveDistroMonitorPage)] } , (resourceAt "/package/:package/revisions/") { resourceGet = [("html", serveCabalRevisionsPage)] } ] -- Currently the main package page is thrown together by querying a bunch -- of features about their attributes for the given package. It'll need -- reorganizing to look aesthetic, as opposed to the sleek and simple current -- design that takes the 1990s school of web design. servePackagePage :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackagePage dpath = do pkgid <- packageInPath dpath withPackagePreferred pkgid $ \pkg pkgs -> do -- get the PackageRender from the PkgInfo render <- liftIO $ packageRender pkg let realpkg = rendPkgId render pkgname = packageName realpkg middleHtml = Pages.renderFields render -- render the build status line buildStatus <- renderBuildStatus documentationFeature reportsFeature realpkg let buildStatusHtml = [("Status", buildStatus)] -- get additional information from other features prefInfo <- queryGetPreferredInfo pkgname let infoUrl = fmap (\_ -> preferredPackageUri versions "" pkgname) $ sumRange prefInfo beforeHtml = [Pages.renderVersion realpkg (classifyVersions prefInfo $ map packageVersion pkgs) infoUrl, Pages.renderDependencies render] -- and other package indices distributions <- queryPackageStatus pkgname -- [reverse index disabled] revCount <- revPackageSummary realpkg -- We don't currently keep per-version downloads in memory -- (totalDown, versionDown) <- perVersionDownloads pkg totalDown <- cmFind pkgname `liftM` totalPackageDownloads recentDown <- cmFind pkgname `liftM` recentPackageDownloads let distHtml = case distributions of [] -> [] _ -> [("Distributions", concatHtml . intersperse (toHtml ", ") $ map showDist distributions)] afterHtml = distHtml ++ [Pages.renderDownloads totalDown recentDown {- versionDown $ packageVersion realpkg-} -- [reverse index disabled] ,Pages.reversePackageSummary realpkg revr revCount ] -- bottom sections, currently only documentation hasDocs <- queryHasDocumentation realpkg let docURL | hasDocs = Just $ packageDocsContentUri docs realpkg -- Just $ "/package" display realpkg "docs" | otherwise = Nothing -- extra features like tags and downloads tags <- queryTagsForPackage pkgname let tagLinks = toHtml [anchor ! [href "/packages/tags"] << "Tags", toHtml ": ", toHtml (renderTags tags)] deprs <- queryGetDeprecatedFor pkgname let deprHtml = case deprs of Just fors -> paragraph ! [thestyle "color: red"] << [toHtml "Deprecated", case fors of [] -> noHtml _ -> concatHtml . (toHtml " in favor of ":) . intersperse (toHtml ", ") . map (\for -> anchor ! [href $ corePackageNameUri cores "" for] << display for) $ fors] Nothing -> noHtml -- and put it all together return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ Pages.packagePage render [tagLinks] [deprHtml] (beforeHtml ++ middleHtml ++ afterHtml ++ buildStatusHtml) [] docURL False where showDist (dname, info) = toHtml (display dname ++ ":") +++ anchor ! [href $ distroUrl info] << toHtml (display $ distroVersion info) serveMaintainPage :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveMaintainPage dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath pkgs <- lookupPackageName pkgname guardAuthorisedAsMaintainerOrTrustee (pkgname :: PackageName) template <- getTemplate templates "maintain.html" return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgname" $= pkgname , "versions" $= map packageId pkgs ] serveDistroMonitorPage :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDistroMonitorPage dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath pkgs <- lookupPackageName pkgname template <- getTemplate templates "distro-monitor.html" return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgname" $= pkgname , "versions" $= map packageId pkgs ] serveCabalRevisionsPage :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveCabalRevisionsPage dpath = do pkginfo <- packageInPath dpath >>= lookupPackageId users <- queryGetUserDb template <- getTemplate templates "revisions.html" let pkgid = packageId pkginfo pkgname = packageName pkginfo revisions = (pkgData pkginfo, pkgUploadData pkginfo) : pkgDataOld pkginfo numRevisions = length revisions revchanges = [ case diffCabalRevisions pkgid (cabalFileByteString old) (cabalFileByteString new) of Left _err -> [] Right changes -> changes | ((new, _), (old, _)) <- zip revisions (tail revisions) ] return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgname" $= pkgname , "pkgid" $= pkgid , "revisions" $= zipWith3 (revisionToTemplate users) (map snd revisions) [numRevisions-1, numRevisions-2..] (revchanges ++ [[]]) ] where revisionToTemplate :: Users.Users -> UploadInfo -> Int -> [Change] -> TemplateVal revisionToTemplate users (utime, uid) revision changes = let uname = Users.userIdToName users uid in templateDict [ templateVal "number" revision , templateVal "user" (display uname) , templateVal "time" (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%c" utime) , templateVal "changes" changes ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Users -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlUsers = HtmlUsers { htmlUsersResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlUsers :: UserFeature -> UserDetailsFeature -> HtmlUsers mkHtmlUsers UserFeature{..} UserDetailsFeature{..} = HtmlUsers{..} where users = userResource htmlUsersResources = [ -- list of users with user links; if admin, a link to add user page (extendResource $ userList users) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "list of users") , (POST, "create a new user") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", serveUserList) ] , resourcePost = [ ("html", \_ -> adminAddUser) ] } -- form to post to /users/ , (resourceAt "/users/register") { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "show \"add user\" form") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", addUserForm) ] } -- user page with link to password form and list of groups (how to do this?) , (extendResource $ userPage users) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "show user page") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", serveUserPage) ] } -- form to PUT password , (extendResource $ passwordResource users) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "show password change form") , (PUT, "change password") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", servePasswordForm) ] , resourcePut = [ ("html", servePutPassword) ] } ] serveUserList :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveUserList _ = do userlist <- Users.enumerateActiveUsers <$> queryGetUserDb let hlist = unordList [ anchor ! [href $ userPageUri users "" uname] << display uname | (_, uinfo) <- userlist, let uname = userName uinfo ] ok $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Hackage users" [h2 << "Hackage users", hlist] serveUserPage :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveUserPage dpath = do uname <- userNameInPath dpath uid <- lookupUserName uname udetails <- queryUserDetails uid let realname = maybe (display uname) (T.unpack . accountName) udetails uris <- getGroupIndex uid uriPairs <- forM uris $ \uri -> do desc <- getIndexDesc uri return $ Pages.renderGroupName desc (Just uri) return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage realname [ h2 << realname , case uriPairs of [] -> noHtml _ -> toHtml [ toHtml $ display uname ++ " is part of the following groups:" , unordList uriPairs ] ] addUserForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response addUserForm _ = return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Register account" [ paragraph << "Administrators can register new user accounts here." , form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ userListUri users ""] << [ simpleTable [] [] [ makeInput [thetype "text"] "username" "User name" , makeInput [thetype "password"] "password" "Password" , makeInput [thetype "password"] "repeat-password" "Confirm password" ] , paragraph << input ! [thetype "submit", value "Create user"] ] ] servePasswordForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePasswordForm dpath = do uname <- userNameInPath dpath pathUid <- lookupUserName uname uid <- guardAuthenticated -- FIXME: why are we duplicating auth decisions in this feature? canChange <- canChangePassword uid pathUid case canChange of False -> errForbidden "Can't change password" [MText "You're neither this user nor an admin."] True -> return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Change password" [ toHtml "Change your password. You'll be prompted for authentication upon submission, if you haven't logged in already." , form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ userPasswordUri userResource "" uname] << [ simpleTable [] [] [ makeInput [thetype "password"] "password" "Password" , makeInput [thetype "password"] "repeat-password" "Confirm password" ] , paragraph << [ hidden "_method" "PUT" --method override , input ! [thetype "submit", value "Change password"] ] ] ] servePutPassword :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePutPassword dpath = do uname <- userNameInPath dpath changePassword uname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Changed password" [toHtml "Changed password for ", anchor ! [href $ userPageUri users "" uname] << display uname] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uploads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlUploads = HtmlUploads { htmlUploadsResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlUploads :: HtmlUtilities -> UploadFeature -> HtmlUploads mkHtmlUploads HtmlUtilities{..} UploadFeature{..} = HtmlUploads{..} where uploads = uploadResource htmlUploadsResources = [ -- uploads -- serve upload result as HTML (extendResource $ uploadIndexPage uploads) { resourceDesc = [(POST, "Upload package")] , resourcePost = [("html", serveUploadResult)] } -- form for uploading , (resourceAt "/packages/upload") { resourceGet = [("html", serveUploadForm)] } ] serveUploadForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveUploadForm _ = do return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Upload package" [ h2 << "Upload package" , paragraph << [toHtml "See also the ", anchor ! [href "/upload"] << "upload help page", toHtml "."] , form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action "/packages/", enctype "multipart/form-data"] << [ input ! [thetype "file", name "package"] , input ! [thetype "submit", value "Upload package"] ] ] serveUploadResult :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveUploadResult _ = do res <- uploadPackage let warns = uploadWarnings res pkgid = packageId (uploadDesc res) return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Upload successful" $ [ paragraph << [toHtml "Successfully uploaded ", packageLink pkgid, toHtml "!"] ] ++ case warns of [] -> [] _ -> [paragraph << "There were some warnings:", unordList warns] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation uploads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlDocUploads = HtmlDocUploads { htmlDocUploadsResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlDocUploads :: HtmlUtilities -> CoreFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> Templates -> HtmlDocUploads mkHtmlDocUploads HtmlUtilities{..} CoreFeature{coreResource} DocumentationFeature{..} templates = HtmlDocUploads{..} where CoreResource{packageInPath} = coreResource htmlDocUploadsResources = [ (extendResource $ packageDocsWhole documentationResource) { resourcePut = [ ("html", serveUploadDocumentation) ] , resourceDelete = [ ("html", serveDeleteDocumentation) ] } , (resourceAt "/package/:package/maintain/docs") { resourceGet = [("html", serveDocUploadForm)] } ] serveUploadDocumentation :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveUploadDocumentation dpath = do pkgid <- packageInPath dpath uploadDocumentation dpath >> ignoreFilters -- Override 204 No Content return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Documentation uploaded" $ [ paragraph << [toHtml "Successfully uploaded documentation for ", packageLink pkgid, toHtml "!"] ] serveDeleteDocumentation :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDeleteDocumentation dpath = do pkgid <- packageInPath dpath deleteDocumentation dpath >> ignoreFilters -- Override 204 No Content return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Documentation deleted" $ [ paragraph << [toHtml "Successfully deleted documentation for ", packageLink pkgid, toHtml "!"] ] serveDocUploadForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDocUploadForm dpath = do pkgid <- packageInPath dpath template <- getTemplate templates "maintain-docs.html" return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgid" $= (pkgid :: PackageIdentifier) ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build reports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlReports = HtmlReports { htmlReportsResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlReports :: HtmlUtilities -> CoreFeature -> ReportsFeature -> Templates -> HtmlReports mkHtmlReports HtmlUtilities{..} CoreFeature{..} ReportsFeature{..} templates = HtmlReports{..} where CoreResource{packageInPath} = coreResource ReportsResource{..} = reportsResource htmlReportsResources = [ (extendResource reportsList) { resourceGet = [ ("html", servePackageReports) ] } , (extendResource reportsPage) { resourceGet = [ ("html", servePackageReport) ] } ] servePackageReports :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackageReports dpath = packageReports dpath $ \reports -> do pkgid <- packageInPath dpath template <- getTemplate templates "reports.html" return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgid" $= (pkgid :: PackageIdentifier) , "reports" $= reports ] servePackageReport :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackageReport dpath = do (repid, report, mlog) <- packageReport dpath mlog' <- traverse queryBuildLog mlog pkgid <- packageInPath dpath template <- getTemplate templates "report.html" return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgid" $= (pkgid :: PackageIdentifier) , "report" $= (repid, report) , "log" $= toMessage <$> mlog' ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlCandidates = HtmlCandidates { htmlCandidatesResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlCandidates :: HtmlUtilities -> CoreFeature -> VersionsFeature -> UploadFeature -> DocumentationFeature -> PackageCandidatesFeature -> Templates -> HtmlCandidates mkHtmlCandidates HtmlUtilities{..} CoreFeature{ coreResource = CoreResource{packageInPath} , queryGetPackageIndex } VersionsFeature{ queryGetPreferredInfo } UploadFeature{ guardAuthorisedAsMaintainer } DocumentationFeature{documentationResource, queryHasDocumentation} PackageCandidatesFeature{..} templates = HtmlCandidates{..} where candidates = candidatesResource candidatesCore = candidatesCoreResource docs = documentationResource pkgCandUploadForm = (resourceAt "/package/:package/candidate/upload") { resourceGet = [("html", servePackageCandidateUpload)] } candMaintainForm = (resourceAt "/package/:package/candidate/maintain") { resourceGet = [("html", serveCandidateMaintain)] } htmlCandidatesResources = [ -- candidates -- list of all packages which have candidates (extendResource $ corePackagesPage candidatesCore) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show all package candidates") , (POST, "Upload a new candidate") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", serveCandidatesPage) ] , resourcePost = [ ("html", \_ -> postCandidate) ] } -- TODO: use custom functions, not htmlResponse , (extendResource $ packageCandidatesPage candidates) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show candidate upload form") , (POST, "Upload new package candidate") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", servePackageCandidates pkgCandUploadForm) ] , resourcePost = [ ("", postPackageCandidate) ] } -- package page for a candidate , (extendResource $ corePackagePage candidatesCore) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show candidate maintenance form") , (PUT, "Upload new package candidate") , (DELETE, "Delete a package candidate") ] , resourceGet = [("html", serveCandidatePage candMaintainForm)] , resourcePut = [("html", putPackageCandidate)] , resourceDelete = [("html", doDeleteCandidate)] } -- form for uploading candidate , (resourceAt "/packages/candidates/upload") { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show package candidate upload form") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", serveCandidateUploadForm) ] } -- form for uploading candidate for a specific package version , pkgCandUploadForm -- maintenance for candidate packages , candMaintainForm -- form for publishing package , (extendResource $ publishPage candidates) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show candidate publish form") , (POST, "Publish a package candidate") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", servePublishForm) ] , resourcePost = [ ("html", servePostPublish) ] } , (extendResource $ deletePage candidates) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show candidate deletion form") , (POST, "Delete a package candidate") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", serveDeleteForm) ] , resourcePost = [ ("html", doDeleteCandidate) ] } ] serveCandidateUploadForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveCandidateUploadForm _ = do return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Checking and uploading candidates" [ h2 << "Checking and uploading candidates" , paragraph << [toHtml "See also the ", anchor ! [href "/upload"] << "upload help page", toHtml "."] , form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action "/packages/candidates/", enctype "multipart/form-data"] << [ input ! [thetype "file", name "package"] , input ! [thetype "submit", value "Upload candidate"] ] ] servePackageCandidateUpload :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackageCandidateUpload _ = do return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Checking and uploading candidates" [ form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action "/packages/candidates/", enctype "multipart/form-data"] << [ input ! [thetype "file", name "package"] , input ! [thetype "submit", value "Upload candidate"] ] ] serveCandidateMaintain :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveCandidateMaintain dpath = do candidate <- packageInPath dpath >>= lookupCandidateId guardAuthorisedAsMaintainer (packageName candidate) template <- getTemplate templates "maintain-candidate.html" return $ toResponse $ template [ "pkgname" $= packageName candidate , "pkgversion" $= packageVersion candidate ] {-some useful URIs here: candidateUri check "" pkgid, packageCandidatesUri check "" pkgid, publishUri check "" pkgid-} serveCandidatePage :: Resource -> DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveCandidatePage maintain dpath = do cand <- packageInPath dpath >>= lookupCandidateId candRender <- liftIO $ candidateRender cand let PackageIdentifier pkgname version = packageId cand render = candPackageRender candRender otherVersions <- map packageVersion . flip PackageIndex.lookupPackageName pkgname <$> queryGetPackageIndex prefInfo <- queryGetPreferredInfo pkgname let sectionHtml = [Pages.renderVersion (packageId cand) (classifyVersions prefInfo $ insert version otherVersions) Nothing, Pages.renderDependencies render] ++ Pages.renderFields render maintainHtml = anchor ! [href $ renderResource maintain [display $ packageId cand]] << "maintain" -- bottom sections, currently only documentation hasDocs <- queryHasDocumentation (packageId cand) let docURL | hasDocs = Just $ packageDocsContentUri docs (packageId cand) -- Just $ "/package" display realpkg "docs" | otherwise = Nothing -- also utilize hasIndexedPackage :: Bool let warningBox = case renderWarnings candRender of [] -> [] warn -> [thediv ! [theclass "notification"] << [toHtml "Warnings:", unordList warn]] return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ Pages.packagePage render [maintainHtml] warningBox sectionHtml [] docURL True servePublishForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePublishForm dpath = do candidate <- packageInPath dpath >>= lookupCandidateId guardAuthorisedAsMaintainer (packageName candidate) let pkgid = packageId candidate packages <- queryGetPackageIndex case checkPublish packages candidate of Just err -> throwError err Nothing -> do return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Publishing candidates" [form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ publishUri candidatesResource "" pkgid] << input ! [thetype "submit", value "Publish package"]] serveCandidatesPage :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveCandidatesPage _ = do cands <- queryGetCandidateIndex return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Package candidates" [ h2 << "Package candidates" , paragraph << [ toHtml "Here follow all the candidate package versions on Hackage. " , thespan ! [thestyle "color: gray"] << [ toHtml "[" , anchor ! [href "/packages/candidates/upload"] << "upload" , toHtml "]" ] ] , unordList $ map showCands $ PackageIndex.allPackagesByName cands ] -- note: each of the lists here should be non-empty, according to PackageIndex where showCands pkgs = let desc = packageDescription . pkgDesc . candPkgInfo $ last pkgs pkgname = packageName desc in [ anchor ! [href $ packageCandidatesUri candidates "" pkgname ] << display pkgname , toHtml ": " , toHtml $ intersperse (toHtml ", ") $ flip map pkgs $ \pkg -> anchor ! [href $ corePackageIdUri candidatesCore "" (packageId pkg)] << display (packageVersion pkg) , toHtml $ ". " ++ description desc ] servePackageCandidates :: Resource -> DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackageCandidates candPkgUp dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath pkgs <- lookupCandidateName pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Package candidates" $ [ h3 << ("Candidates for " ++ display pkgname) ] ++ case pkgs of [] -> [ toHtml "No candidates exist for ", packageNameLink pkgname, toHtml ". Upload one for " , anchor ! [href $ renderResource candPkgUp [display pkgname]] << "this" , toHtml " or " , anchor ! [href $ "/packages/candidates/upload"] << "another" , toHtml " package?" ] _ -> [ unordList $ flip map pkgs $ \pkg -> anchor ! [href $ corePackageIdUri candidatesCore "" $ packageId pkg] << display (packageVersion pkg) ] -- TODO: make publishCandidate a member of the PackageCandidates feature, just like -- putDeprecated and putPreferred are for the Versions feature. servePostPublish :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePostPublish dpath = do uresult <- publishCandidate dpath False return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Publish successful" $ [ paragraph << [toHtml "Successfully published ", packageLink (packageId $ uploadDesc uresult), toHtml "!"] ] ++ case uploadWarnings uresult of [] -> [] warns -> [paragraph << "There were some warnings:", unordList warns] serveDeleteForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDeleteForm dpath = do candidate <- packageInPath dpath >>= lookupCandidateId guardAuthorisedAsMaintainer (packageName candidate) let pkgid = packageId candidate return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Deleting candidates" [form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ deleteUri candidatesResource "" pkgid] << input ! [thetype "submit", value "Delete package candidate"]] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preferred versions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlPreferred = HtmlPreferred { htmlPreferredResources :: [Resource] , editPreferred :: Resource , editDeprecated :: Resource } mkHtmlPreferred :: HtmlUtilities -> CoreFeature -> VersionsFeature -> HtmlPreferred mkHtmlPreferred HtmlUtilities{..} CoreFeature{ coreResource = CoreResource{ packageInPath , lookupPackageName } } VersionsFeature{..} = HtmlPreferred{..} where versions = versionsResource editDeprecated = (resourceAt "/package/:package/deprecated/edit") { resourceGet = [("html", serveDeprecateForm)] } editPreferred = (resourceAt "/package/:package/preferred/edit") { resourceGet = [("html", servePreferForm)] } htmlPreferredResources = [ -- preferred versions editDeprecated , editPreferred , (extendResource $ preferredResource versions) { resourceGet = [("html", servePreferredSummary)] } , (extendResource $ preferredPackageResource versions) { resourceGet = [("html", servePackagePreferred editPreferred)] , resourcePut = [("html", servePutPreferred)] } , (extendResource $ deprecatedResource versions) { resourceGet = [("html", serveDeprecatedSummary)] } , (extendResource $ deprecatedPackageResource versions) { resourceGet = [("html", servePackageDeprecated editDeprecated)] , resourcePut = [("html", servePutDeprecated )] } ] -- This feature is in great need of a Pages module serveDeprecatedSummary :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDeprecatedSummary _ = doDeprecatedsRender >>= \renders -> do return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Deprecated packages" [ h2 << "Deprecated packages" , unordList $ flip map renders $ \(pkg, pkgs) -> [ packageNameLink pkg, toHtml ": ", deprecatedText pkgs ] ] deprecatedText :: [PackageName] -> Html deprecatedText [] = toHtml "deprecated" deprecatedText pkgs = toHtml [ toHtml "deprecated in favor of " , concatHtml $ intersperse (toHtml ", ") (map packageNameLink pkgs) ] servePackageDeprecated :: Resource -> DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackageDeprecated deprEdit dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath mpkg <- doDeprecatedRender pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Deprecated status" [ h2 << "Deprecated status" , paragraph << [ toHtml $ case mpkg of Nothing -> [packageNameLink pkgname, toHtml " is not deprecated"] Just pkgs -> [packageNameLink pkgname, toHtml " is ", deprecatedText pkgs] , thespan ! [thestyle "color: gray"] << [ toHtml " [maintainers: " , anchor ! [href $ renderResource deprEdit [display pkgname]] << "edit" , toHtml "]" ] ] ] servePreferredSummary :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePreferredSummary _ = doPreferredsRender >>= \renders -> do return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Preferred versions" [ h2 << "Preferred versions" , case renders of [] -> paragraph << "There are no global preferred versions." _ -> unordList $ flip map renders $ \(pkgname, pref) -> [ packageNameLink pkgname , unordList [varList "Preferred ranges" (rendRanges pref), varList "Deprecated versions" (map display $ rendVersions pref), toHtml ["Calculated range: ", rendSumRange pref]] ] , paragraph << [ anchor ! [href "/packages/preferred-versions"] << "preferred-versions" , toHtml " is the text file served with every index tarball that contains this information." ] ] where varList summ [] = toHtml $ summ ++ ": none" varList summ xs = toHtml $ summ ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " xs packagePrefAbout :: Maybe Resource -> PackageName -> [Html] packagePrefAbout maybeEdit pkgname = [ paragraph << [ anchor ! [href $ preferredUri versions ""] << "Preferred and deprecated versions" , toHtml $ " can be used to influence Cabal's decisions about which versions of " , packageNameLink pkgname , toHtml " to install. If a range of versions is preferred, it means that the installer won't install a non-preferred package version unless it is explicitly specified or if it's the only choice the installer has. Deprecating a version adds a range which excludes just that version. All of this information is collected in the " , anchor ! [href "/packages/preferred-versions"] << "preferred-versions" , toHtml " file that's included in the index tarball." , flip (maybe noHtml) maybeEdit $ \prefEdit -> thespan ! [thestyle "color: gray"] << [ toHtml " [maintainers: " , anchor ! [href $ renderResource prefEdit [display pkgname]] << "edit" , toHtml "]" ] ] , paragraph << [ toHtml "If all the available versions of a package are non-preferred or deprecated, cabal-install will treat this the same as if none of them are. This feature doesn't affect whether or not to install a package, only for selecting versions after a given package has decided to be installed. " , anchor ! [href $ deprecatedPackageUri versions "" pkgname] << "Entire-package deprecation" , toHtml " is also available, but it's separate from preferred versions." ] ] servePackagePreferred :: Resource -> DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackagePreferred prefEdit dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath pkgs <- lookupPackageName pkgname pref <- doPreferredRender pkgname let dtitle = display pkgname ++ ": preferred and deprecated versions" prefInfo <- queryGetPreferredInfo pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage dtitle --needs core, preferredVersions, pkgname [ h2 << dtitle , concatHtml $ packagePrefAbout (Just prefEdit) pkgname , h4 << "Stored information" , case rendRanges pref of [] -> paragraph << [display pkgname ++ " has no preferred version ranges."] prefs -> paragraph << ["Preferred versions for " ++ display pkgname ++ ":"] +++ unordList prefs , case rendVersions pref of [] -> paragraph << ["It has no deprecated versions."] deprs -> paragraph << [ "Explicitly deprecated versions for " ++ display pkgname ++ " include: " , intercalate ", " (map display deprs)] , toHtml "The version range given to this package, therefore, is " +++ strong (toHtml $ rendSumRange pref) , h4 << "Versions affected" , paragraph << "Blue versions are normal versions. Green are those out of any preferred version ranges. Gray are deprecated." , paragraph << (snd $ Pages.renderVersion (PackageIdentifier pkgname $ Version [] []) (classifyVersions prefInfo $ map packageVersion pkgs) Nothing) ] servePutPreferred :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePutPreferred dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath putPreferred pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Set preferred versions" [ h2 << "Set preferred versions" , paragraph << [ toHtml "Set the " , anchor ! [href $ preferredPackageUri versionsResource "" pkgname] << "preferred versions" , toHtml " for " , packageNameLink pkgname , toHtml "."] ] servePutDeprecated :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePutDeprecated dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath wasDepr <- putDeprecated pkgname let dtitle = if wasDepr then "Package deprecated" else "Package undeprecated" return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage dtitle [ h2 << dtitle , paragraph << [ toHtml "Set the " , anchor ! [href $ deprecatedPackageUri versionsResource "" pkgname] << "deprecated status" , toHtml " for " , packageNameLink pkgname , toHtml "."] ] -- deprecated: checkbox, by: text field, space-separated list of packagenames serveDeprecateForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDeprecateForm dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath mpkg <- doDeprecatedRender pkgname let (isDepr, mfield) = case mpkg of Just pkgs -> (True, unwords $ map display pkgs) Nothing -> (False, "") return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Deprecate package" [paragraph << [toHtml "Configure deprecation for ", packageNameLink pkgname], form . ulist ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ deprecatedPackageUri versionsResource "" pkgname] << [ hidden "_method" "PUT" , li . toHtml $ makeCheckbox isDepr "deprecated" "on" "Deprecate package" , li . toHtml $ makeInput [thetype "text", value mfield] "by" "Superseded by: " ++ [br, toHtml "(Optional; space-separated list of package names)"] , paragraph << input ! [thetype "submit", value "Set status"] ]] -- preferred: text box (one version range per line). deprecated: list of text boxes with same name servePreferForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePreferForm dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath pkgs <- lookupPackageName pkgname pref <- doPreferredRender pkgname let allVersions = map packageVersion pkgs rangesList = rendRanges pref deprVersions = rendVersions pref return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Adjust preferred versions" [concatHtml $ packagePrefAbout Nothing pkgname, form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ preferredPackageUri versionsResource "" pkgname] << [ hidden "_method" "PUT" , paragraph << "Preferred version ranges." , paragraph << textarea ! [name "preferred", rows $ show (4::Int), cols $ show (80::Int)] << unlines rangesList , paragraph << "Deprecated versions." , toHtml $ intersperse (toHtml " ") $ map (\v -> toHtml $ makeCheckbox (v `elem` deprVersions) "deprecated" (display v) (display v)) allVersions , paragraph << input ! [thetype "submit", value "Set status"] ]] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlDownloads = HtmlDownloads { htmlDownloadsResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlDownloads :: HtmlUtilities -> DownloadFeature -> HtmlDownloads mkHtmlDownloads HtmlUtilities{..} DownloadFeature{..} = HtmlDownloads{..} where downs = downloadResource -- downloads htmlDownloadsResources = [ (extendResource $ topDownloads downs) { resourceGet = [("html", serveDownloadTop)] } ] serveDownloadTop :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveDownloadTop _ = do pkgList <- sortedPackages `liftM` recentPackageDownloads return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Total downloads" $ [ h2 << "Downloaded packages" , thediv << table << downTableRows pkgList ] where downTableRows pkgList = [ tr << [ th << "Package name", th << "Downloads" ] ] ++ [ tr ! [theclass (if odd n then "odd" else "even")] << [ td << packageNameLink pkgname , td << [ toHtml $ (show count) ] ] | ((pkgname, count), n) <- zip pkgList [(1::Int)..] ] sortedPackages :: RecentDownloads -> [(PackageName, Int)] sortedPackages = sortBy (flip compare `on` snd) . cmToList {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlTags = HtmlTags { htmlTagsResources :: [Resource] , tagEdit :: Resource } mkHtmlTags :: HtmlUtilities -> CoreFeature -> ListFeature -> TagsFeature -> HtmlTags mkHtmlTags HtmlUtilities{..} CoreFeature{ coreResource = CoreResource{ packageInPath , lookupPackageName } } ListFeature{makeItemList} TagsFeature{..} = HtmlTags{..} where tags = tagsResource tagEdit = (resourceAt "/package/:package/tags/edit") { resourceGet = [("html", serveTagsForm)] } htmlTagsResources = [ (extendResource $ tagsListing tags) { resourceGet = [("html", serveTagsListing)] } , (extendResource $ tagListing tags) { resourceGet = [("html", serveTagListing)] } , (extendResource $ packageTagsListing tags) { resourcePut = [("html", putPackageTags)], resourceGet = [] } , tagEdit -- (extendResource $ packageTagsEdit tags) { resourceGet = [("html", serveTagsForm)] } ] serveTagsListing :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveTagsListing _ = do tagList <- queryGetTagList let withCounts = filter ((>0) . snd) . map (\(tg, pkgs) -> (tg, Set.size pkgs)) $ tagList countSort = sortBy (flip compare `on` snd) withCounts return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Hackage tags" $ [ h2 << "Hackage tags" , h4 << "By name" , paragraph ! [theclass "toc"] << (intersperse (toHtml ", ") $ map (tagItem . fst) withCounts) , h4 << "By frequency" , paragraph ! [theclass "toc"] << (intersperse (toHtml ", ") $ map (toHtml . tagCountItem) countSort) ] where tagCountItem (tg, count) = [ tagItem tg , toHtml $ " (" ++ show count ++ ")" ] tagItem tg = anchor ! [href $ tagUri tags "" tg] << display tg serveTagListing :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveTagListing dpath = withTagPath dpath $ \tg pkgnames -> do let tagd = "Packages tagged " ++ display tg pkgs = Set.toList pkgnames items <- liftIO $ makeItemList pkgs let (mtag, histogram) = Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) tg $ tagHistogram items -- make a 'related tags' section, so exclude this tag from the histogram count = fromMaybe 0 mtag return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage tagd $ [ h2 << tagd , case items of [] -> toHtml "No packages have this tag." _ -> toHtml [ paragraph << [if count==1 then "1 package has" else show count ++ " packages have", " this tag."] , paragraph ! [theclass "toc"] << [toHtml "Related tags: ", toHtml $ showHistogram histogram] , ulist ! [theclass "packages"] << map renderItem items ] ] where showHistogram hist = (++takeHtml) . intersperse (toHtml ", ") $ map histogramEntry $ take takeAmount sortHist where hsize = Map.size hist takeAmount = max (div (hsize*2) 3) 12 takeHtml = if takeAmount >= hsize then [] else [toHtml ", ..."] sortHist = sortBy (flip compare `on` snd) $ Map.toList hist histogramEntry (tg', count) = anchor ! [href $ tagUri tags "" tg'] << display tg' +++ (" (" ++ show count ++ ")") putPackageTags :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response putPackageTags dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath _ <- lookupPackageName pkgname -- TODO: necessary? putTags pkgname return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Set tags" [toHtml "Put tags for ", packageNameLink pkgname] -- serve form for editing, to be received by putTags serveTagsForm :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response serveTagsForm dpath = do pkgname <- packageInPath dpath currTags <- queryTagsForPackage pkgname let tagsStr = concat . intersperse ", " . map display . Set.toList $ currTags return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Edit package tags" [paragraph << [toHtml "Set tags for ", packageNameLink pkgname], form ! [theclass "box", XHtml.method "post", action $ packageTagsUri tags "" pkgname] << [ hidden "_method" "PUT" , dlist . ddef . toHtml $ makeInput [thetype "text", value tagsStr] "tags" "Set tags to " , paragraph << input ! [thetype "submit", value "Set tags"] ]] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data HtmlSearch = HtmlSearch { htmlSearchResources :: [Resource] } mkHtmlSearch :: HtmlUtilities -> ListFeature -> SearchFeature -> HtmlSearch mkHtmlSearch HtmlUtilities{..} ListFeature{makeItemList} SearchFeature{..} = HtmlSearch{..} where htmlSearchResources = [ (extendResource searchPackagesResource) { resourceGet = [("html", servePackageFind)] } ] servePackageFind :: DynamicPath -> ServerPartE Response servePackageFind _ = do (mtermsStr, offset, limit, mexplain) <- queryString $ (,,,) <$> optional (look "terms") <*> mplus (lookRead "offset") (pure 0) <*> mplus (lookRead "limit") (pure 100) <*> optional (look "explain") let explain = isJust mexplain case mtermsStr of Just termsStr | explain , terms <- words termsStr, not (null terms) -> do params <- queryString getSearchRankParameters results <- searchPackagesExplain params terms return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Package search" $ [ toHtml $ paramsForm params termsStr , resetParamsForm termsStr , toHtml $ explainResults results ] Just termsStr | terms <- words termsStr, not (null terms) -> do pkgnames <- searchPackages terms let (pageResults, moreResults) = splitAt limit (drop offset pkgnames) pkgDetails <- liftIO $ makeItemList pageResults return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Package search" $ [ toHtml $ searchForm termsStr False , toHtml $ resultsArea pkgDetails offset limit moreResults termsStr , alternativeSearch ] _ -> return $ toResponse $ Resource.XHtml $ hackagePage "Text search" $ [ toHtml $ searchForm "" explain , alternativeSearch ] where resultsArea pkgDetails offset limit moreResults termsStr = [ h2 << "Results" , if offset == 0 then noHtml else paragraph << ("(" ++ show (fst range + 1) ++ " to " ++ show (snd range) ++ ")") , case pkgDetails of [] | offset == 0 -> toHtml "None" | otherwise -> toHtml "No more results" _ -> toHtml [ ulist ! [theclass "packages"] << map renderItem pkgDetails , if null moreResults then noHtml else anchor ! [href moreResultsLink] << "More results..." ] ] where range = (offset, offset + length pkgDetails) moreResultsLink = "/packages/search?" ++ "terms=" ++ escapeURIString isUnreserved termsStr ++ "&offset=" ++ show (offset + limit) ++ "&limit=" ++ show limit searchForm termsStr explain = [ h2 << "Package search" , form ! [XHtml.method "GET", action "/packages/search"] << [ input ! [value termsStr, name "terms", identifier "terms"] , toHtml " " , input ! [thetype "submit", value "Search"] , if explain then input ! [thetype "hidden", name "explain"] else noHtml ] ] alternativeSearch = paragraph << [ toHtml "Alternatively, if you are looking for a particular function then try " , anchor ! [href "http://holumbus.fh-wedel.de/hayoo/hayoo.html"] << "Hayoo" , toHtml " or " , anchor ! [href "http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/"] << "Hoogle" ] explainResults :: [(Search.Explanation PkgDocField PkgDocFeatures T.Text, PackageName)] -> [Html] explainResults results = [ h2 << "Results" , case results of [] -> noHtml ((explanation1, _):_) -> table ! [ border 1 ] << ( ( tr << tableHeader explanation1) : [ tr << tableRow explanation pkgname | (explanation, pkgname) <- results ]) ] where tableHeader Search.Explanation{..} = [ th << "package", th << "overall score" ] ++ [ th << (show term ++ " score") | (term, _score) <- termScores ] ++ [ th << (show term ++ " " ++ show field ++ " score") | (term, fieldScores) <- termFieldScores , (field, _score) <- fieldScores ] ++ [ th << (show feature ++ " score") | (feature, _score) <- nonTermScores ] tableRow Search.Explanation{..} pkgname = [ td << display pkgname, td << show overallScore ] ++ [ td << show score | (_term, score) <- termScores ] ++ [ td << show score | (_term, fieldScores) <- termFieldScores , (_field, score) <- fieldScores ] ++ [ td << show score | (_feature, score) <- nonTermScores ] getSearchRankParameters = do let defaults = defaultSearchRankParameters k1 <- lookRead "k1" `mplus` pure (paramK1 defaults) bs <- sequence [ lookRead ("b" ++ show field) `mplus` pure (paramB defaults field) | field <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocField) ] ws <- sequence [ lookRead ("w" ++ show field) `mplus` pure (paramFieldWeights defaults field) | field <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocField) ] fs <- sequence [ lookRead ("w" ++ show feature) `mplus` pure (paramFeatureWeights defaults feature) | feature <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocFeatures) ] let barr, warr :: Array PkgDocField Float barr = listArray (minBound, maxBound) bs warr = listArray (minBound, maxBound) ws farr = listArray (minBound, maxBound) fs return defaults { paramK1 = k1, paramB = (barr Array.!), paramFieldWeights = (warr Array.!), paramFeatureWeights = (farr Array.!) } paramsForm SearchRankParameters{..} termsStr = [ h2 << "Package search (tuning & explanation)" , form ! [XHtml.method "GET", action "/packages/search"] << [ input ! [value termsStr, name "terms", identifier "terms"] , toHtml " " , input ! [thetype "submit", value "Search"] , input ! [thetype "hidden", name "explain"] , simpleTable [] [] $ makeInput [thetype "text", value (show paramK1)] "k1" "K1 parameter" : [ makeInput [thetype "text", value (show (paramB field))] ("b" ++ fieldname) ("B param for " ++ fieldname) ++ makeInput [thetype "text", value (show (paramFieldWeights field)) ] ("w" ++ fieldname) ("Weight for " ++ fieldname) | field <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocField) , let fieldname = show field ] ++ [ makeInput [thetype "text", value (show (paramFeatureWeights feature)) ] ("w" ++ featurename) ("Weight for " ++ featurename) | feature <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocFeatures) , let featurename = show feature ] ] ] resetParamsForm termsStr = let SearchRankParameters{..} = defaultSearchRankParameters in form ! [XHtml.method "GET", action "/packages/search"] << (concat $ [ input ! [ thetype "submit", value "Reset parameters" ] , input ! [ thetype "hidden", name "terms", value termsStr ] , input ! [ thetype "hidden", name "explain" ] , input ! [ thetype "hidden", name "k1", value (show paramK1) ] ] : [ [ input ! [ thetype "hidden" , name ("b" ++ fieldname) , value (show (paramB field)) ] , input ! [ thetype "hidden" , name ("w" ++ fieldname) , value (show (paramFieldWeights field)) ] ] | field <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocField) , let fieldname = show field ] ++ [ [ input ! [ thetype "hidden" , name ("w" ++ featurename) , value (show (paramFeatureWeights feature)) ] ] | feature <- Ix.range (minBound, maxBound :: PkgDocFeatures) , let featurename = show feature ]) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} htmlGroupResource :: UserFeature -> GroupResource -> [Resource] htmlGroupResource UserFeature{..} r@(GroupResource groupR userR getGroup) = [ (extendResource groupR) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show list of users") , (POST, "Add a user to the group") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", getList) ] , resourcePost = [ ("html", postUser) ] } , (extendResource userR) { resourceDesc = [ (DELETE, "Delete a user from the group") ] , resourceDelete = [ ("html", deleteFromGroup) ] } , (extendResourcePath "/edit" groupR) { resourceDesc = [ (GET, "Show edit form for the group") ] , resourceGet = [ ("html", getEditList) ] } ] where getList dpath = do group <- getGroup dpath userDb <- queryGetUserDb userlist <- liftIO . queryUserList $ group let unames = [ Users.userIdToName userDb uid | uid <- Group.enumerate userlist ] let baseUri = renderResource' groupR dpath return . toResponse . Resource.XHtml $ Pages.groupPage unames baseUri (False, False) (groupDesc group) getEditList dpath = do group <- getGroup dpath (canAdd, canDelete) <- lookupGroupEditAuth group userDb <- queryGetUserDb userlist <- liftIO . queryUserList $ group let unames = [ Users.userIdToName userDb uid | uid <- Group.enumerate userlist ] let baseUri = renderResource' groupR dpath return . toResponse . Resource.XHtml $ Pages.groupPage unames baseUri (canAdd, canDelete) (groupDesc group) postUser dpath = do group <- getGroup dpath groupAddUser group dpath goToList dpath deleteFromGroup dpath = do group <- getGroup dpath groupDeleteUser group dpath goToList dpath goToList dpath = seeOther (renderResource' (groupResource r) dpath) (toResponse ()) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} htmlUtilities :: CoreFeature -> TagsFeature -> HtmlUtilities htmlUtilities CoreFeature{coreResource} TagsFeature{tagsResource} = HtmlUtilities{..} where packageLink :: PackageId -> Html packageLink pkgid = anchor ! [href $ corePackageIdUri cores "" pkgid] << display pkgid packageNameLink :: PackageName -> Html packageNameLink pkgname = anchor ! [href $ corePackageNameUri cores "" pkgname] << display pkgname renderItem :: PackageItem -> Html renderItem item = li ! classes << [ packageNameLink pkgname , toHtml $ " " ++ ptype (itemHasLibrary item) (itemNumExecutables item) ++ ": " ++ itemDesc item , " (" +++ renderTags (itemTags item) +++ ")" ] where pkgname = itemName item ptype _ 0 = "library" ptype lib num = (if lib then "library and " else "") ++ (case num of 1 -> "program"; _ -> "programs") classes = case classList of [] -> []; _ -> [theclass $ unwords classList] classList = (case itemDeprecated item of Nothing -> []; _ -> ["deprecated"]) renderTags :: Set Tag -> [Html] renderTags tags = intersperse (toHtml ", ") (map (\tg -> anchor ! [href $ tagUri tagsResource "" tg] << display tg) $ Set.toList tags) cores = coreResource data HtmlUtilities = HtmlUtilities { packageLink :: PackageId -> Html , packageNameLink :: PackageName -> Html , renderItem :: PackageItem -> Html , renderTags :: Set Tag -> [Html] }