.cabal-sandbox/ cabal.sandbox.config cabal.project.local .ghc.environment.* cabal-dev/ .hpc/ *.hi *.o *.p_hi *.prof *.tix dist dist-* register.sh ./cabal.config cabal-tests.log bootstrap/*.plan.json /Cabal/dist/ /Cabal/tests/Setup /Cabal/Setup /Cabal/source-file-list /cabal-install/dist/ /cabal-install/Setup /cabal-install/source-file-list .stylish-haskell.yaml .stylish-haskell.yml .ghci .ghcid # Output of release and bootstrap _build # editor temp files *# .#* *~ .*.swp *.bak # GHC build Cabal/GNUmakefile Cabal/dist-boot/ Cabal/dist-install/ Cabal/ghc.mk # TAGS files TAGS tags ctags # stack artifacts /.stack-work/ stack.yaml.lock # Shake artifacts .shake* progress.txt # test files register.sh # windows test artifacts cabal-testsuite/**/*.exe cabal-testsuite/**/*.bat # python artifacts from documentation builds *.pyc .python-sphinx-virtualenv/ /doc/.skjold_cache/ # macOS folder metadata .DS_Store # benchmarks bench.html # Emacs .projectile