{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, MultiWayIf #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.Init.Command -- Copyright : (c) Brent Yorgey 2009 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : cabal-devel@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Implementation of the 'cabal init' command, which creates an initial .cabal -- file for a project. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Distribution.Client.Init.Interactive.Command ( -- * Commands createProject -- ** Target generation , genPkgDescription , genLibTarget , genExeTarget , genTestTarget -- ** Prompts , cabalVersionPrompt , packageNamePrompt , versionPrompt , licensePrompt , authorPrompt , emailPrompt , homepagePrompt , synopsisPrompt , categoryPrompt , mainFilePrompt , testDirsPrompt , languagePrompt , noCommentsPrompt , appDirsPrompt , dependenciesPrompt , srcDirsPrompt ) where import Prelude () import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (putStr, putStrLn, getLine, last) import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (CabalSpecVersion(..), showCabalSpecVersion) import Distribution.Version (Version) import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName, unPackageName) import qualified Distribution.SPDX as SPDX import Distribution.Client.Init.Defaults import Distribution.Client.Init.FlagExtractors import Distribution.Client.Init.Prompt import Distribution.Client.Init.Types import Distribution.Client.Init.Utils import Distribution.Client.Init.NonInteractive.Heuristics (guessAuthorName, guessAuthorEmail) import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes (SpecLicense(..)) import Distribution.Simple.Setup (Flag(..), fromFlagOrDefault) import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex) import Distribution.Client.Types (SourcePackageDb(..)) import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex (elemByPackageName) import Language.Haskell.Extension (Language(..)) import Distribution.License (knownLicenses) import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec') -- | Main driver for interactive prompt code. -- createProject :: Interactive m => Verbosity -> InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> InitFlags -> m ProjectSettings createProject v pkgIx srcDb initFlags = do -- The workflow is as follows: -- -- 1. Get the package type, supplied as either a program input or -- via user prompt. This determines what targets will be built -- in later steps. -- -- 2. Generate package description and the targets specified by -- the package type. Once this is done, a prompt for building -- test suites is initiated, and this determines if we build -- test targets as well. Then we ask if the user wants to -- comment their .cabal file with pretty comments. -- -- 3. The targets are passed to the file creator script, and associated -- directories/files/modules are created, with the a .cabal file -- being generated as a final result. -- pkgType <- packageTypePrompt initFlags isMinimal <- getMinimal initFlags doOverwrite <- overwritePrompt initFlags pkgDir <- getPackageDir initFlags pkgDesc <- fixupDocFiles v =<< genPkgDescription initFlags srcDb let pkgName = _pkgName pkgDesc cabalSpec = _pkgCabalVersion pkgDesc mkOpts cs = WriteOpts doOverwrite isMinimal cs v pkgDir pkgType pkgName initFlags' = initFlags { cabalVersion = Flag cabalSpec } case pkgType of Library -> do libTarget <- genLibTarget initFlags' pkgIx testTarget <- addLibDepToTest pkgName <$> genTestTarget initFlags' pkgIx comments <- noCommentsPrompt initFlags' return $ ProjectSettings (mkOpts comments cabalSpec) pkgDesc (Just libTarget) Nothing testTarget Executable -> do exeTarget <- genExeTarget initFlags' pkgIx comments <- noCommentsPrompt initFlags' return $ ProjectSettings (mkOpts comments cabalSpec) pkgDesc Nothing (Just exeTarget) Nothing LibraryAndExecutable -> do libTarget <- genLibTarget initFlags' pkgIx exeTarget <- addLibDepToExe pkgName <$> genExeTarget initFlags' pkgIx testTarget <- addLibDepToTest pkgName <$> genTestTarget initFlags' pkgIx comments <- noCommentsPrompt initFlags' return $ ProjectSettings (mkOpts comments cabalSpec) pkgDesc (Just libTarget) (Just exeTarget) testTarget TestSuite -> do -- the line below is necessary because if both package type and test flags -- are *not* passed, the user will be prompted for a package type (which -- includes TestSuite in the list). It prevents that the user end up with a -- TestSuite target with initializeTestSuite set to NoFlag, thus avoiding the prompt. let initFlags'' = initFlags' { initializeTestSuite = Flag True } testTarget <- genTestTarget initFlags'' pkgIx comments <- noCommentsPrompt initFlags'' return $ ProjectSettings (mkOpts comments cabalSpec) pkgDesc Nothing Nothing testTarget -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Target and pkg description generation -- | Extract flags relevant to a package description and interactively -- generate a 'PkgDescription' object for creation. If the user specifies -- the generation of a simple package, then a simple target with defaults -- is generated. -- genPkgDescription :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> SourcePackageDb -> m PkgDescription genPkgDescription flags' srcDb = do csv <- cabalVersionPrompt flags' let flags = flags' { cabalVersion = Flag csv } PkgDescription csv <$> packageNamePrompt srcDb flags <*> versionPrompt flags <*> licensePrompt flags <*> authorPrompt flags <*> emailPrompt flags <*> homepagePrompt flags <*> synopsisPrompt flags <*> categoryPrompt flags <*> getExtraSrcFiles flags <*> getExtraDocFiles flags -- | Extract flags relevant to a library target and interactively -- generate a 'LibTarget' object for creation. If the user specifies -- the generation of a simple package, then a simple target with defaults -- is generated. -- genLibTarget :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> InstalledPackageIndex -> m LibTarget genLibTarget flags pkgs = LibTarget <$> srcDirsPrompt flags <*> languagePrompt flags "library" <*> getExposedModules flags <*> getOtherModules flags <*> getOtherExts flags <*> dependenciesPrompt pkgs flags <*> getBuildTools flags -- | Extract flags relevant to a executable target and interactively -- generate a 'ExeTarget' object for creation. If the user specifies -- the generation of a simple package, then a simple target with defaults -- is generated. -- genExeTarget :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> InstalledPackageIndex -> m ExeTarget genExeTarget flags pkgs = ExeTarget <$> mainFilePrompt flags <*> appDirsPrompt flags <*> languagePrompt flags "executable" <*> getOtherModules flags <*> getOtherExts flags <*> dependenciesPrompt pkgs flags <*> getBuildTools flags -- | Extract flags relevant to a test target and interactively -- generate a 'TestTarget' object for creation. If the user specifies -- the generation of a simple package, then a simple target with defaults -- is generated. -- -- Note: this workflow is only enabled if the user answers affirmatively -- when prompted, or if the user passes in the flag to enable -- test suites at command line. -- genTestTarget :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> InstalledPackageIndex -> m (Maybe TestTarget) genTestTarget flags pkgs = initializeTestSuitePrompt flags >>= go where go initialized | not initialized = return Nothing | otherwise = fmap Just $ TestTarget <$> testMainPrompt <*> testDirsPrompt flags <*> languagePrompt flags "test suite" <*> getOtherModules flags <*> getOtherExts flags <*> dependenciesPrompt pkgs flags <*> getBuildTools flags -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Prompts overwritePrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m Bool overwritePrompt flags = do isOverwrite <- getOverwrite flags promptYesNo "Do you wish to overwrite existing files (backups will be created) (y/n)" (DefaultPrompt isOverwrite) cabalVersionPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m CabalSpecVersion cabalVersionPrompt flags = getCabalVersion flags $ do v <- promptList "Please choose version of the Cabal specification to use" ppVersions (DefaultPrompt ppDefault) (Just takeVersion) False -- take just the version numbers for convenience return $ parseCabalVersion (takeVersion v) where -- only used when presenting the default in prompt takeVersion = takeWhile (/= ' ') ppDefault = displayCabalVersion defaultCabalVersion ppVersions = displayCabalVersion <$> defaultCabalVersions parseCabalVersion :: String -> CabalSpecVersion parseCabalVersion "1.24" = CabalSpecV1_24 parseCabalVersion "2.0" = CabalSpecV2_0 parseCabalVersion "2.2" = CabalSpecV2_2 parseCabalVersion "2.4" = CabalSpecV2_4 parseCabalVersion "3.0" = CabalSpecV3_0 parseCabalVersion "3.4" = CabalSpecV3_4 parseCabalVersion _ = defaultCabalVersion -- 2.4 displayCabalVersion :: CabalSpecVersion -> String displayCabalVersion v = case v of CabalSpecV1_24 -> "1.24 (legacy)" CabalSpecV2_0 -> "2.0 (+ support for Backpack, internal sub-libs, '^>=' operator)" CabalSpecV2_2 -> "2.2 (+ support for 'common', 'elif', redundant commas, SPDX)" CabalSpecV2_4 -> "2.4 (+ support for '**' globbing)" CabalSpecV3_0 -> "3.0 (+ set notation for ==, common stanzas in ifs, more redundant commas, better pkgconfig-depends)" CabalSpecV3_4 -> "3.4 (+ sublibraries in 'mixins', optional 'default-language')" _ -> showCabalSpecVersion v packageNamePrompt :: Interactive m => SourcePackageDb -> InitFlags -> m PackageName packageNamePrompt srcDb flags = getPackageName flags $ do defName <- case packageDir flags of Flag b -> filePathToPkgName b NoFlag -> currentDirPkgName go $ DefaultPrompt defName where go defName = prompt "Package name" defName >>= \n -> if isPkgRegistered n then do don'tUseName <- promptYesNo (promptOtherNameMsg n) (DefaultPrompt True) if don'tUseName then go defName else return n else return n isPkgRegistered = elemByPackageName (packageIndex srcDb) inUseMsg pn = "The name " ++ unPackageName pn ++ " is already in use by another package on Hackage." promptOtherNameMsg pn = inUseMsg pn ++ " Do you want to choose a different name (y/n)" versionPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m Version versionPrompt flags = getVersion flags go where go = do vv <- promptStr "Package version" (DefaultPrompt $ prettyShow defaultVersion) case simpleParsec vv of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Version must be a valid PVP format (e.g. " ++ vv go Just v -> return v licensePrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m SpecLicense licensePrompt flags = getLicense flags $ do let csv = fromFlagOrDefault defaultCabalVersion (cabalVersion flags) l <- promptList "Please choose a license" (licenses csv) MandatoryPrompt Nothing True case simpleParsec' csv l of Nothing -> do putStrLn ( "The license must be a valid SPDX expression:" ++ "\n - On the SPDX License List: https://spdx.org/licenses/" ++ "\n - NONE, if you do not want to grant any license" ++ "\n - LicenseRef-( alphanumeric | - | . )+" ) licensePrompt flags Just l' -> return l' where licenses csv = if csv >= CabalSpecV2_2 then SPDX.licenseId <$> defaultLicenseIds else fmap prettyShow knownLicenses authorPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m String authorPrompt flags = getAuthor flags $ do name <- guessAuthorName promptStr "Author name" (DefaultPrompt name) emailPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m String emailPrompt flags = getEmail flags $ do email' <- guessAuthorEmail promptStr "Maintainer email" (DefaultPrompt email') homepagePrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m String homepagePrompt flags = getHomepage flags $ promptStr "Project homepage URL" OptionalPrompt synopsisPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m String synopsisPrompt flags = getSynopsis flags $ promptStr "Project synopsis" OptionalPrompt categoryPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m String categoryPrompt flags = getCategory flags $ promptList "Project category" defaultCategories (DefaultPrompt "") (Just matchNone) True where matchNone s | null s = "(none)" | otherwise = s mainFilePrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m HsFilePath mainFilePrompt flags = getMainFile flags go where defaultMainIs' = show defaultMainIs go = do fp <- promptList "What is the main module of the executable" [defaultMainIs', "Main.lhs"] (DefaultPrompt defaultMainIs') Nothing True let hs = toHsFilePath fp case _hsFileType hs of InvalidHsPath -> do putStrLn $ concat [ "Main file " , show hs , " is not a valid haskell file. Source files must end in .hs or .lhs." ] go _ -> return hs testDirsPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m [String] testDirsPrompt flags = getTestDirs flags $ do dir <- promptStr "Test directory" (DefaultPrompt defaultTestDir) return [dir] languagePrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> String -> m Language languagePrompt flags pkgType = getLanguage flags $ do let h2010 = "Haskell2010" h98 = "Haskell98" ghc2021 = "GHC2021 (requires at least GHC 9.2)" l <- promptList ("Choose a language for your " ++ pkgType) [h2010, h98, ghc2021] (DefaultPrompt h2010) Nothing True if | l == h2010 -> return Haskell2010 | l == h98 -> return Haskell98 | l == ghc2021 -> return GHC2021 | all isAlphaNum l -> return $ UnknownLanguage l | otherwise -> do putStrLn $ "\nThe language must be alphanumeric. " ++ "Please enter a different language." languagePrompt flags pkgType noCommentsPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m Bool noCommentsPrompt flags = getNoComments flags $ do doComments <- promptYesNo "Add informative comments to each field in the cabal file. (y/n)" (DefaultPrompt True) -- -- if --no-comments is flagged, then we choose not to generate comments -- for fields in the cabal file, but it's a nicer UX to present the -- affirmative question which must be negated. -- return (not doComments) -- | Ask for the application root directory. appDirsPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m [String] appDirsPrompt flags = getAppDirs flags $ do dir <- promptList promptMsg [defaultApplicationDir, "exe", "src-exe"] (DefaultPrompt defaultApplicationDir) Nothing True return [dir] where promptMsg = case mainIs flags of Flag p -> "Application (" ++ p ++ ") directory" NoFlag -> "Application directory" -- | Ask for the source (library) root directory. srcDirsPrompt :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m [String] srcDirsPrompt flags = getSrcDirs flags $ do dir <- promptList "Library source directory" [defaultSourceDir, "lib", "src-lib"] (DefaultPrompt defaultSourceDir) Nothing True return [dir]