{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | This module deals with building and incrementally rebuilding a collection -- of packages. It is what backs the @cabal build@ and @configure@ commands, -- as well as being a core part of @run@, @test@, @bench@ and others. -- -- The primary thing is in fact rebuilding (and trying to make that quick by -- not redoing unnecessary work), so building from scratch is just a special -- case. -- -- The build process and the code can be understood by breaking it down into -- three major parts: -- -- * The 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' type -- -- * The \"what to do\" phase, where we look at the all input configuration -- (project files, .cabal files, command line etc) and produce a detailed -- plan of what to do -- the 'ElaboratedInstallPlan'. -- -- * The \"do it\" phase, where we take the 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' and we -- re-execute it. -- -- As far as possible, the \"what to do\" phase embodies all the policy, leaving -- the \"do it\" phase policy free. The first phase contains more of the -- complicated logic, but it is contained in code that is either pure or just -- has read effects (except cache updates). Then the second phase does all the -- actions to build packages, but as far as possible it just follows the -- instructions and avoids any logic for deciding what to do (apart from -- recompilation avoidance in executing the plan). -- -- This division helps us keep the code under control, making it easier to -- understand, test and debug. So when you are extending these modules, please -- think about which parts of your change belong in which part. It is -- perfectly ok to extend the description of what to do (i.e. the -- 'ElaboratedInstallPlan') if that helps keep the policy decisions in the -- first phase. Also, the second phase does not have direct access to any of -- the input configuration anyway; all the information has to flow via the -- 'ElaboratedInstallPlan'. -- module Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration ( -- * Discovery phase: what is in the project? CurrentCommand(..), establishProjectBaseContext, establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot, ProjectBaseContext(..), BuildTimeSettings(..), commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig, -- * Pre-build phase: decide what to do. withInstallPlan, runProjectPreBuildPhase, ProjectBuildContext(..), -- ** Selecting what targets we mean readTargetSelectors, reportTargetSelectorProblems, resolveTargets, TargetsMap, allTargetSelectors, uniqueTargetSelectors, TargetSelector(..), TargetImplicitCwd(..), PackageId, AvailableTarget(..), AvailableTargetStatus(..), TargetRequested(..), ComponentName(..), ComponentKind(..), ComponentTarget(..), SubComponentTarget(..), selectComponentTargetBasic, distinctTargetComponents, -- ** Utils for selecting targets filterTargetsKind, filterTargetsKindWith, selectBuildableTargets, selectBuildableTargetsWith, selectBuildableTargets', selectBuildableTargetsWith', forgetTargetsDetail, -- ** Adjusting the plan pruneInstallPlanToTargets, TargetAction(..), pruneInstallPlanToDependencies, CannotPruneDependencies(..), printPlan, -- * Build phase: now do it. runProjectBuildPhase, -- * Post build actions runProjectPostBuildPhase, dieOnBuildFailures, -- * Dummy projects establishDummyProjectBaseContext, establishDummyDistDirLayout, ) where import Prelude () import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude import Distribution.Compat.Directory ( makeAbsolute ) import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning hiding ( pruneInstallPlanToTargets ) import qualified Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning as ProjectPlanning ( pruneInstallPlanToTargets ) import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types import Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanOutput import Distribution.Client.TargetProblem ( TargetProblem (..) ) import Distribution.Client.Types ( GenericReadyPackage(..), UnresolvedSourcePackage , PackageSpecifier(..) , SourcePackageDb(..) , WriteGhcEnvironmentFilesPolicy(..) , PackageLocation(..) , DocsResult(..) , TestsResult(..) ) import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex ( lookupPackageName ) import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan import Distribution.Client.TargetSelector ( TargetSelector(..), TargetImplicitCwd(..) , ComponentKind(..), componentKind , readTargetSelectors, reportTargetSelectorProblems ) import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Anonymous (cabalInstallID) import qualified Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Anonymous as BuildReports import qualified Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Storage as BuildReports ( storeLocal ) import Distribution.Client.Config (getCabalDir) import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils import Distribution.Client.Setup hiding (packageName) import Distribution.Compiler ( CompilerFlavor(GHC) ) import Distribution.Types.ComponentName ( componentNameString ) import Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo ( InstalledPackageInfo ) import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName ( UnqualComponentName, packageNameToUnqualComponentName ) import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Types.Flag ( FlagAssignment, showFlagAssignment, diffFlagAssignment ) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( ComponentName(..), pkgComponents ) import Distribution.Simple.Flag ( fromFlagOrDefault, flagToMaybe ) import qualified Distribution.Simple.Setup as Setup import Distribution.Simple.Command (commandShowOptions) import Distribution.Simple.Configure (computeEffectiveProfiling) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die', warn, notice, noticeNoWrap, debugNoWrap, createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, ordNub ) import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Version ( mkVersion ) import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( compilerCompatVersion, showCompilerId, compilerId, compilerInfo , OptimisationLevel(..)) import Distribution.Utils.NubList ( fromNubList ) import Distribution.System ( Platform(Platform) ) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Exception ( assert ) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_unix import System.Posix.Signals (sigKILL, sigSEGV) #endif -- | Tracks what command is being executed, because we need to hide this somewhere -- for cases that need special handling (usually for error reporting). data CurrentCommand = InstallCommand | HaddockCommand | OtherCommand deriving (Show, Eq) -- | This holds the context of a project prior to solving: the content of the -- @cabal.project@ and all the local package @.cabal@ files. -- data ProjectBaseContext = ProjectBaseContext { distDirLayout :: DistDirLayout, cabalDirLayout :: CabalDirLayout, projectConfig :: ProjectConfig, localPackages :: [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage], buildSettings :: BuildTimeSettings, currentCommand :: CurrentCommand } establishProjectBaseContext :: Verbosity -> ProjectConfig -> CurrentCommand -> IO ProjectBaseContext establishProjectBaseContext verbosity cliConfig currentCommand = do projectRoot <- either throwIO return =<< findProjectRoot Nothing mprojectFile establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot verbosity cliConfig projectRoot currentCommand where mprojectFile = Setup.flagToMaybe projectConfigProjectFile ProjectConfigShared { projectConfigProjectFile} = projectConfigShared cliConfig -- | Like 'establishProjectBaseContext' but doesn't search for project root. establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot :: Verbosity -> ProjectConfig -> ProjectRoot -> CurrentCommand -> IO ProjectBaseContext establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot verbosity cliConfig projectRoot currentCommand = do cabalDir <- getCabalDir let distDirLayout = defaultDistDirLayout projectRoot mdistDirectory httpTransport <- configureTransport verbosity (fromNubList . projectConfigProgPathExtra $ projectConfigShared cliConfig) (flagToMaybe . projectConfigHttpTransport $ projectConfigBuildOnly cliConfig) (projectConfig, localPackages) <- rebuildProjectConfig verbosity httpTransport distDirLayout cliConfig let ProjectConfigBuildOnly { projectConfigLogsDir } = projectConfigBuildOnly projectConfig ProjectConfigShared { projectConfigStoreDir } = projectConfigShared projectConfig mlogsDir = Setup.flagToMaybe projectConfigLogsDir mstoreDir <- sequenceA $ makeAbsolute <$> Setup.flagToMaybe projectConfigStoreDir let cabalDirLayout = mkCabalDirLayout cabalDir mstoreDir mlogsDir buildSettings = resolveBuildTimeSettings verbosity cabalDirLayout projectConfig -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/6013 when (null (projectPackages projectConfig) && null (projectPackagesOptional projectConfig)) $ warn verbosity "There are no packages or optional-packages in the project" return ProjectBaseContext { distDirLayout, cabalDirLayout, projectConfig, localPackages, buildSettings, currentCommand } where mdistDirectory = Setup.flagToMaybe projectConfigDistDir ProjectConfigShared { projectConfigDistDir } = projectConfigShared cliConfig -- | This holds the context between the pre-build, build and post-build phases. -- data ProjectBuildContext = ProjectBuildContext { -- | This is the improved plan, before we select a plan subset based on -- the build targets, and before we do the dry-run. So this contains -- all packages in the project. elaboratedPlanOriginal :: ElaboratedInstallPlan, -- | This is the 'elaboratedPlanOriginal' after we select a plan subset -- and do the dry-run phase to find out what is up-to or out-of date. -- This is the plan that will be executed during the build phase. So -- this contains only a subset of packages in the project. elaboratedPlanToExecute:: ElaboratedInstallPlan, -- | The part of the install plan that's shared between all packages in -- the plan. This does not change between the two plan variants above, -- so there is just the one copy. elaboratedShared :: ElaboratedSharedConfig, -- | The result of the dry-run phase. This tells us about each member of -- the 'elaboratedPlanToExecute'. pkgsBuildStatus :: BuildStatusMap, -- | The targets selected by @selectPlanSubset@. This is useful eg. in -- CmdRun, where we need a valid target to execute. targetsMap :: TargetsMap } -- | Pre-build phase: decide what to do. -- withInstallPlan :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> (ElaboratedInstallPlan -> ElaboratedSharedConfig -> IO a) -> IO a withInstallPlan verbosity ProjectBaseContext { distDirLayout, cabalDirLayout, projectConfig, localPackages } action = do -- Take the project configuration and make a plan for how to build -- everything in the project. This is independent of any specific targets -- the user has asked for. -- (elaboratedPlan, _, elaboratedShared, _, _) <- rebuildInstallPlan verbosity distDirLayout cabalDirLayout projectConfig localPackages action elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared runProjectPreBuildPhase :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> (ElaboratedInstallPlan -> IO (ElaboratedInstallPlan, TargetsMap)) -> IO ProjectBuildContext runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity ProjectBaseContext { distDirLayout, cabalDirLayout, projectConfig, localPackages } selectPlanSubset = do -- Take the project configuration and make a plan for how to build -- everything in the project. This is independent of any specific targets -- the user has asked for. -- (elaboratedPlan, _, elaboratedShared, _, _) <- rebuildInstallPlan verbosity distDirLayout cabalDirLayout projectConfig localPackages -- The plan for what to do is represented by an 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' -- Now given the specific targets the user has asked for, decide -- which bits of the plan we will want to execute. -- (elaboratedPlan', targets) <- selectPlanSubset elaboratedPlan -- Check which packages need rebuilding. -- This also gives us more accurate reasons for the --dry-run output. -- pkgsBuildStatus <- rebuildTargetsDryRun distDirLayout elaboratedShared elaboratedPlan' -- Improve the plan by marking up-to-date packages as installed. -- let elaboratedPlan'' = improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages pkgsBuildStatus elaboratedPlan' debugNoWrap verbosity (InstallPlan.showInstallPlan elaboratedPlan'') return ProjectBuildContext { elaboratedPlanOriginal = elaboratedPlan, elaboratedPlanToExecute = elaboratedPlan'', elaboratedShared, pkgsBuildStatus, targetsMap = targets } -- | Build phase: now do it. -- -- Execute all or parts of the description of what to do to build or -- rebuild the various packages needed. -- runProjectBuildPhase :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> ProjectBuildContext -> IO BuildOutcomes runProjectBuildPhase _ ProjectBaseContext{buildSettings} _ | buildSettingDryRun buildSettings = return Map.empty runProjectBuildPhase verbosity ProjectBaseContext{..} ProjectBuildContext {..} = fmap (Map.union (previousBuildOutcomes pkgsBuildStatus)) $ rebuildTargets verbosity distDirLayout (cabalStoreDirLayout cabalDirLayout) elaboratedPlanToExecute elaboratedShared pkgsBuildStatus buildSettings where previousBuildOutcomes :: BuildStatusMap -> BuildOutcomes previousBuildOutcomes = Map.mapMaybe $ \status -> case status of BuildStatusUpToDate buildSuccess -> Just (Right buildSuccess) --TODO: [nice to have] record build failures persistently _ -> Nothing -- | Post-build phase: various administrative tasks -- -- Update bits of state based on the build outcomes and report any failures. -- runProjectPostBuildPhase :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> ProjectBuildContext -> BuildOutcomes -> IO () runProjectPostBuildPhase _ ProjectBaseContext{buildSettings} _ _ | buildSettingDryRun buildSettings = return () runProjectPostBuildPhase verbosity ProjectBaseContext {..} bc@ProjectBuildContext {..} buildOutcomes = do -- Update other build artefacts -- TODO: currently none, but could include: -- - bin symlinks/wrappers -- - haddock/hoogle/ctags indexes -- - delete stale lib registrations -- - delete stale package dirs postBuildStatus <- updatePostBuildProjectStatus verbosity distDirLayout elaboratedPlanOriginal pkgsBuildStatus buildOutcomes -- Write the .ghc.environment file (if allowed by the env file write policy). let writeGhcEnvFilesPolicy = projectConfigWriteGhcEnvironmentFilesPolicy . projectConfigShared $ projectConfig shouldWriteGhcEnvironment :: Bool shouldWriteGhcEnvironment = case fromFlagOrDefault NeverWriteGhcEnvironmentFiles writeGhcEnvFilesPolicy of AlwaysWriteGhcEnvironmentFiles -> True NeverWriteGhcEnvironmentFiles -> False WriteGhcEnvironmentFilesOnlyForGhc844AndNewer -> let compiler = pkgConfigCompiler elaboratedShared ghcCompatVersion = compilerCompatVersion GHC compiler in maybe False (>= mkVersion [8,4,4]) ghcCompatVersion when shouldWriteGhcEnvironment $ void $ writePlanGhcEnvironment (distProjectRootDirectory distDirLayout) elaboratedPlanOriginal elaboratedShared postBuildStatus -- Write the build reports writeBuildReports buildSettings bc elaboratedPlanToExecute buildOutcomes -- Finally if there were any build failures then report them and throw -- an exception to terminate the program dieOnBuildFailures verbosity currentCommand elaboratedPlanToExecute buildOutcomes -- Note that it is a deliberate design choice that the 'buildTargets' is -- not passed to phase 1, and the various bits of input config is not -- passed to phase 2. -- -- We make the install plan without looking at the particular targets the -- user asks us to build. The set of available things we can build is -- discovered from the env and config and is used to make the install plan. -- The targets just tell us which parts of the install plan to execute. -- -- Conversely, executing the plan does not directly depend on any of the -- input config. The bits that are needed (or better, the decisions based -- on it) all go into the install plan. -- Notionally, the 'BuildFlags' should be things that do not affect what -- we build, just how we do it. These ones of course do ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Taking targets into account, selecting what to build -- -- | The set of components to build, represented as a mapping from 'UnitId's -- to the 'ComponentTarget's within the unit that will be selected -- (e.g. selected to build, test or repl). -- -- Associated with each 'ComponentTarget' is the set of 'TargetSelector's that -- matched this target. Typically this is exactly one, but in general it is -- possible to for different selectors to match the same target. This extra -- information is primarily to help make helpful error messages. -- type TargetsMap = Map UnitId [(ComponentTarget, NonEmpty TargetSelector)] -- | Get all target selectors. allTargetSelectors :: TargetsMap -> [TargetSelector] allTargetSelectors = concatMap (NE.toList . snd) . concat . Map.elems -- | Get all unique target selectors. uniqueTargetSelectors :: TargetsMap -> [TargetSelector] uniqueTargetSelectors = ordNub . allTargetSelectors -- | Given a set of 'TargetSelector's, resolve which 'UnitId's and -- 'ComponentTarget's they ought to refer to. -- -- The idea is that every user target identifies one or more roots in the -- 'ElaboratedInstallPlan', which we will use to determine the closure -- of what packages need to be built, dropping everything from the plan -- that is unnecessary. This closure and pruning is done by -- 'pruneInstallPlanToTargets' and this needs to be told the roots in terms -- of 'UnitId's and the 'ComponentTarget's within those. -- -- This means we first need to translate the 'TargetSelector's into the -- 'UnitId's and 'ComponentTarget's. This translation has to be different for -- the different command line commands, like @build@, @repl@ etc. For example -- the command @build pkgfoo@ could select a different set of components in -- pkgfoo than @repl pkgfoo@. The @build@ command would select any library and -- all executables, whereas @repl@ would select the library or a single -- executable. Furthermore, both of these examples could fail, and fail in -- different ways and each needs to be able to produce helpful error messages. -- -- So 'resolveTargets' takes two helpers: one to select the targets to be used -- by user targets that refer to a whole package ('TargetPackage'), and -- another to check user targets that refer to a component (or a module or -- file within a component). These helpers can fail, and use their own error -- type. Both helpers get given the 'AvailableTarget' info about the -- component(s). -- -- While commands vary quite a bit in their behaviour about which components to -- select for a whole-package target, most commands have the same behaviour for -- checking a user target that refers to a specific component. To help with -- this commands can use 'selectComponentTargetBasic', either directly or as -- a basis for their own @selectComponentTarget@ implementation. -- resolveTargets :: forall err. (forall k. TargetSelector -> [AvailableTarget k] -> Either (TargetProblem err) [k]) -> (forall k. SubComponentTarget -> AvailableTarget k -> Either (TargetProblem err) k ) -> ElaboratedInstallPlan -> Maybe (SourcePackageDb) -> [TargetSelector] -> Either [TargetProblem err] TargetsMap resolveTargets selectPackageTargets selectComponentTarget installPlan mPkgDb = fmap mkTargetsMap . either (Left . toList) Right . checkErrors . map (\ts -> (,) ts <$> checkTarget ts) where mkTargetsMap :: [(TargetSelector, [(UnitId, ComponentTarget)])] -> TargetsMap mkTargetsMap targets = Map.map nubComponentTargets $ Map.fromListWith (<>) [ (uid, [(ct, ts)]) | (ts, cts) <- targets , (uid, ct) <- cts ] AvailableTargetIndexes{..} = availableTargetIndexes installPlan checkTarget :: TargetSelector -> Either (TargetProblem err) [(UnitId, ComponentTarget)] -- We can ask to build any whole package, project-local or a dependency checkTarget bt@(TargetPackage _ [pkgid] mkfilter) | Just ats <- fmap (maybe id filterTargetsKind mkfilter) $ Map.lookup pkgid availableTargetsByPackageId = fmap (componentTargets WholeComponent) $ selectPackageTargets bt ats | otherwise = Left (TargetProblemNoSuchPackage pkgid) checkTarget (TargetPackage _ pkgids _) = error ("TODO: add support for multiple packages in a directory. Got\n" ++ unlines (map prettyShow pkgids)) -- For the moment this error cannot happen here, because it gets -- detected when the package config is being constructed. This case -- will need handling properly when we do add support. -- -- TODO: how should this use case play together with the -- '--cabal-file' option of 'configure' which allows using multiple -- .cabal files for a single package? checkTarget bt@(TargetAllPackages mkfilter) = fmap (componentTargets WholeComponent) . selectPackageTargets bt . maybe id filterTargetsKind mkfilter . filter availableTargetLocalToProject $ concat (Map.elems availableTargetsByPackageId) checkTarget (TargetComponent pkgid cname subtarget) | Just ats <- Map.lookup (pkgid, cname) availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName = fmap (componentTargets subtarget) $ selectComponentTargets subtarget ats | Map.member pkgid availableTargetsByPackageId = Left (TargetProblemNoSuchComponent pkgid cname) | otherwise = Left (TargetProblemNoSuchPackage pkgid) checkTarget (TargetComponentUnknown pkgname ecname subtarget) | Just ats <- case ecname of Left ucname -> Map.lookup (pkgname, ucname) availableTargetsByPackageNameAndUnqualComponentName Right cname -> Map.lookup (pkgname, cname) availableTargetsByPackageNameAndComponentName = fmap (componentTargets subtarget) $ selectComponentTargets subtarget ats | Map.member pkgname availableTargetsByPackageName = Left (TargetProblemUnknownComponent pkgname ecname) | otherwise = Left (TargetNotInProject pkgname) checkTarget bt@(TargetPackageNamed pkgname mkfilter) | Just ats <- fmap (maybe id filterTargetsKind mkfilter) $ Map.lookup pkgname availableTargetsByPackageName = fmap (componentTargets WholeComponent) . selectPackageTargets bt $ ats | Just SourcePackageDb{ packageIndex } <- mPkgDb , let pkg = lookupPackageName packageIndex pkgname , not (null pkg) = Left (TargetAvailableInIndex pkgname) | otherwise = Left (TargetNotInProject pkgname) componentTargets :: SubComponentTarget -> [(b, ComponentName)] -> [(b, ComponentTarget)] componentTargets subtarget = map (fmap (\cname -> ComponentTarget cname subtarget)) selectComponentTargets :: SubComponentTarget -> [AvailableTarget k] -> Either (TargetProblem err) [k] selectComponentTargets subtarget = either (Left . NE.head) Right . checkErrors . map (selectComponentTarget subtarget) checkErrors :: [Either e a] -> Either (NonEmpty e) [a] checkErrors = (\(es, xs) -> case es of { [] -> Right xs; (e:es') -> Left (e:|es') }) . partitionEithers data AvailableTargetIndexes = AvailableTargetIndexes { availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName :: AvailableTargetsMap (PackageId, ComponentName), availableTargetsByPackageId :: AvailableTargetsMap PackageId, availableTargetsByPackageName :: AvailableTargetsMap PackageName, availableTargetsByPackageNameAndComponentName :: AvailableTargetsMap (PackageName, ComponentName), availableTargetsByPackageNameAndUnqualComponentName :: AvailableTargetsMap (PackageName, UnqualComponentName) } type AvailableTargetsMap k = Map k [AvailableTarget (UnitId, ComponentName)] -- We define a bunch of indexes to help 'resolveTargets' with resolving -- 'TargetSelector's to specific 'UnitId's. -- -- They are all derived from the 'availableTargets' index. -- The 'availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName' is just that main index, -- while the others are derived by re-grouping on the index key. -- -- They are all constructed lazily because they are not necessarily all used. -- availableTargetIndexes :: ElaboratedInstallPlan -> AvailableTargetIndexes availableTargetIndexes installPlan = AvailableTargetIndexes{..} where availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName :: Map (PackageId, ComponentName) [AvailableTarget (UnitId, ComponentName)] availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName = availableTargets installPlan availableTargetsByPackageId :: Map PackageId [AvailableTarget (UnitId, ComponentName)] availableTargetsByPackageId = Map.mapKeysWith (++) (\(pkgid, _cname) -> pkgid) availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName `Map.union` availableTargetsEmptyPackages availableTargetsByPackageName :: Map PackageName [AvailableTarget (UnitId, ComponentName)] availableTargetsByPackageName = Map.mapKeysWith (++) packageName availableTargetsByPackageId availableTargetsByPackageNameAndComponentName :: Map (PackageName, ComponentName) [AvailableTarget (UnitId, ComponentName)] availableTargetsByPackageNameAndComponentName = Map.mapKeysWith (++) (\(pkgid, cname) -> (packageName pkgid, cname)) availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName availableTargetsByPackageNameAndUnqualComponentName :: Map (PackageName, UnqualComponentName) [AvailableTarget (UnitId, ComponentName)] availableTargetsByPackageNameAndUnqualComponentName = Map.mapKeysWith (++) (\(pkgid, cname) -> let pname = packageName pkgid cname' = unqualComponentName pname cname in (pname, cname')) availableTargetsByPackageIdAndComponentName where unqualComponentName :: PackageName -> ComponentName -> UnqualComponentName unqualComponentName pkgname = fromMaybe (packageNameToUnqualComponentName pkgname) . componentNameString -- Add in all the empty packages. These do not appear in the -- availableTargetsByComponent map, since that only contains -- components, so packages with no components are invisible from -- that perspective. The empty packages need to be there for -- proper error reporting, so users can select the empty package -- and then we can report that it is empty, otherwise we falsely -- report there is no such package at all. availableTargetsEmptyPackages = Map.fromList [ (packageId pkg, []) | InstallPlan.Configured pkg <- InstallPlan.toList installPlan , case elabPkgOrComp pkg of ElabComponent _ -> False ElabPackage _ -> null (pkgComponents (elabPkgDescription pkg)) ] --TODO: [research required] what if the solution has multiple -- versions of this package? -- e.g. due to setup deps or due to multiple independent sets -- of packages being built (e.g. ghc + ghcjs in a project) filterTargetsKind :: ComponentKind -> [AvailableTarget k] -> [AvailableTarget k] filterTargetsKind ckind = filterTargetsKindWith (== ckind) filterTargetsKindWith :: (ComponentKind -> Bool) -> [AvailableTarget k] -> [AvailableTarget k] filterTargetsKindWith p ts = [ t | t@(AvailableTarget _ cname _ _) <- ts , p (componentKind cname) ] selectBuildableTargets :: [AvailableTarget k] -> [k] selectBuildableTargets = selectBuildableTargetsWith (const True) zipBuildableTargetsWith :: (TargetRequested -> Bool) -> [AvailableTarget k] -> [(k, AvailableTarget k)] zipBuildableTargetsWith p ts = [ (k, t) | t@(AvailableTarget _ _ (TargetBuildable k req) _) <- ts, p req ] selectBuildableTargetsWith :: (TargetRequested -> Bool) -> [AvailableTarget k] -> [k] selectBuildableTargetsWith p = map fst . zipBuildableTargetsWith p selectBuildableTargets' :: [AvailableTarget k] -> ([k], [AvailableTarget ()]) selectBuildableTargets' = selectBuildableTargetsWith' (const True) selectBuildableTargetsWith' :: (TargetRequested -> Bool) -> [AvailableTarget k] -> ([k], [AvailableTarget ()]) selectBuildableTargetsWith' p = (fmap . map) forgetTargetDetail . unzip . zipBuildableTargetsWith p forgetTargetDetail :: AvailableTarget k -> AvailableTarget () forgetTargetDetail = fmap (const ()) forgetTargetsDetail :: [AvailableTarget k] -> [AvailableTarget ()] forgetTargetsDetail = map forgetTargetDetail -- | A basic @selectComponentTarget@ implementation to use or pass to -- 'resolveTargets', that does the basic checks that the component is -- buildable and isn't a test suite or benchmark that is disabled. This -- can also be used to do these basic checks as part of a custom impl that -- selectComponentTargetBasic :: SubComponentTarget -> AvailableTarget k -> Either (TargetProblem a) k selectComponentTargetBasic subtarget AvailableTarget { availableTargetPackageId = pkgid, availableTargetComponentName = cname, availableTargetStatus } = case availableTargetStatus of TargetDisabledByUser -> Left (TargetOptionalStanzaDisabledByUser pkgid cname subtarget) TargetDisabledBySolver -> Left (TargetOptionalStanzaDisabledBySolver pkgid cname subtarget) TargetNotLocal -> Left (TargetComponentNotProjectLocal pkgid cname subtarget) TargetNotBuildable -> Left (TargetComponentNotBuildable pkgid cname subtarget) TargetBuildable targetKey _ -> Right targetKey -- | Wrapper around 'ProjectPlanning.pruneInstallPlanToTargets' that adjusts -- for the extra unneeded info in the 'TargetsMap'. -- pruneInstallPlanToTargets :: TargetAction -> TargetsMap -> ElaboratedInstallPlan -> ElaboratedInstallPlan pruneInstallPlanToTargets targetActionType targetsMap elaboratedPlan = assert (Map.size targetsMap > 0) $ ProjectPlanning.pruneInstallPlanToTargets targetActionType (Map.map (map fst) targetsMap) elaboratedPlan -- | Utility used by repl and run to check if the targets spans multiple -- components, since those commands do not support multiple components. -- distinctTargetComponents :: TargetsMap -> Set.Set (UnitId, ComponentName) distinctTargetComponents targetsMap = Set.fromList [ (uid, cname) | (uid, cts) <- Map.toList targetsMap , (ComponentTarget cname _, _) <- cts ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Displaying what we plan to do -- -- | Print a user-oriented presentation of the install plan, indicating what -- will be built. -- printPlan :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> ProjectBuildContext -> IO () printPlan verbosity ProjectBaseContext { buildSettings = BuildTimeSettings{buildSettingDryRun}, projectConfig = ProjectConfig { projectConfigLocalPackages = PackageConfig {packageConfigOptimization} } } ProjectBuildContext { elaboratedPlanToExecute = elaboratedPlan, elaboratedShared, pkgsBuildStatus } | null pkgs = notice verbosity "Up to date" | otherwise = noticeNoWrap verbosity $ unlines $ (showBuildProfile ++ "In order, the following " ++ wouldWill ++ " be built" ++ ifNormal " (use -v for more details)" ++ ":") : map showPkgAndReason pkgs where pkgs = InstallPlan.executionOrder elaboratedPlan ifVerbose s | verbosity >= verbose = s | otherwise = "" ifNormal s | verbosity >= verbose = "" | otherwise = s wouldWill | buildSettingDryRun = "would" | otherwise = "will" showPkgAndReason :: ElaboratedReadyPackage -> String showPkgAndReason (ReadyPackage elab) = unwords $ filter (not . null) $ [ " -" , if verbosity >= deafening then prettyShow (installedUnitId elab) else prettyShow (packageId elab) , case elabPkgOrComp elab of ElabPackage pkg -> showTargets elab ++ ifVerbose (showStanzas (pkgStanzasEnabled pkg)) ElabComponent comp -> "(" ++ showComp elab comp ++ ")" , showFlagAssignment (nonDefaultFlags elab) , showConfigureFlags elab , let buildStatus = pkgsBuildStatus Map.! installedUnitId elab in "(" ++ showBuildStatus buildStatus ++ ")" ] showComp :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> ElaboratedComponent -> String showComp elab comp = maybe "custom" prettyShow (compComponentName comp) ++ if Map.null (elabInstantiatedWith elab) then "" else " with " ++ intercalate ", " -- TODO: Abbreviate the UnitIds [ prettyShow k ++ "=" ++ prettyShow v | (k,v) <- Map.toList (elabInstantiatedWith elab) ] nonDefaultFlags :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> FlagAssignment nonDefaultFlags elab = elabFlagAssignment elab `diffFlagAssignment` elabFlagDefaults elab showTargets :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> String showTargets elab | null (elabBuildTargets elab) = "" | otherwise = "(" ++ intercalate ", " [ showComponentTarget (packageId elab) t | t <- elabBuildTargets elab ] ++ ")" showConfigureFlags :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> String showConfigureFlags elab = let fullConfigureFlags = setupHsConfigureFlags (ReadyPackage elab) elaboratedShared verbosity "$builddir" -- | Given a default value @x@ for a flag, nub @Flag x@ -- into @NoFlag@. This gives us a tidier command line -- rendering. nubFlag :: Eq a => a -> Setup.Flag a -> Setup.Flag a nubFlag x (Setup.Flag x') | x == x' = Setup.NoFlag nubFlag _ f = f (tryLibProfiling, tryExeProfiling) = computeEffectiveProfiling fullConfigureFlags partialConfigureFlags = mempty { configProf = nubFlag False (configProf fullConfigureFlags), configProfExe = nubFlag tryExeProfiling (configProfExe fullConfigureFlags), configProfLib = nubFlag tryLibProfiling (configProfLib fullConfigureFlags) -- Maybe there are more we can add } -- Not necessary to "escape" it, it's just for user output in unwords . ("":) $ commandShowOptions (Setup.configureCommand (pkgConfigCompilerProgs elaboratedShared)) partialConfigureFlags showBuildStatus :: BuildStatus -> String showBuildStatus status = case status of BuildStatusPreExisting -> "existing package" BuildStatusInstalled -> "already installed" BuildStatusDownload {} -> "requires download & build" BuildStatusUnpack {} -> "requires build" BuildStatusRebuild _ rebuild -> case rebuild of BuildStatusConfigure (MonitoredValueChanged _) -> "configuration changed" BuildStatusConfigure mreason -> showMonitorChangedReason mreason BuildStatusBuild _ buildreason -> case buildreason of BuildReasonDepsRebuilt -> "dependency rebuilt" BuildReasonFilesChanged mreason -> showMonitorChangedReason mreason BuildReasonExtraTargets _ -> "additional components to build" BuildReasonEphemeralTargets -> "ephemeral targets" BuildStatusUpToDate {} -> "up to date" -- doesn't happen showMonitorChangedReason :: MonitorChangedReason a -> String showMonitorChangedReason (MonitoredFileChanged file) = "file " ++ file ++ " changed" showMonitorChangedReason (MonitoredValueChanged _) = "value changed" showMonitorChangedReason MonitorFirstRun = "first run" showMonitorChangedReason MonitorCorruptCache = "cannot read state cache" showBuildProfile :: String showBuildProfile = "Build profile: " ++ unwords [ "-w " ++ (showCompilerId . pkgConfigCompiler) elaboratedShared, "-O" ++ (case packageConfigOptimization of Setup.Flag NoOptimisation -> "0" Setup.Flag NormalOptimisation -> "1" Setup.Flag MaximumOptimisation -> "2" Setup.NoFlag -> "1")] ++ "\n" writeBuildReports :: BuildTimeSettings -> ProjectBuildContext -> ElaboratedInstallPlan -> BuildOutcomes -> IO () writeBuildReports settings buildContext plan buildOutcomes = do let plat@(Platform arch os) = pkgConfigPlatform . elaboratedShared $ buildContext comp = pkgConfigCompiler . elaboratedShared $ buildContext getRepo (RepoTarballPackage r _ _) = Just r getRepo _ = Nothing fromPlanPackage (InstallPlan.Configured pkg) (Just result) = let installOutcome = case result of Left bf -> case buildFailureReason bf of DependentFailed p -> BuildReports.DependencyFailed p DownloadFailed _ -> BuildReports.DownloadFailed UnpackFailed _ -> BuildReports.UnpackFailed ConfigureFailed _ -> BuildReports.ConfigureFailed BuildFailed _ -> BuildReports.BuildFailed TestsFailed _ -> BuildReports.TestsFailed InstallFailed _ -> BuildReports.InstallFailed ReplFailed _ -> BuildReports.InstallOk HaddocksFailed _ -> BuildReports.InstallOk BenchFailed _ -> BuildReports.InstallOk Right _br -> BuildReports.InstallOk docsOutcome = case result of Left bf -> case buildFailureReason bf of HaddocksFailed _ -> BuildReports.Failed _ -> BuildReports.NotTried Right br -> case buildResultDocs br of DocsNotTried -> BuildReports.NotTried DocsFailed -> BuildReports.Failed DocsOk -> BuildReports.Ok testsOutcome = case result of Left bf -> case buildFailureReason bf of TestsFailed _ -> BuildReports.Failed _ -> BuildReports.NotTried Right br -> case buildResultTests br of TestsNotTried -> BuildReports.NotTried TestsOk -> BuildReports.Ok in Just $ (BuildReports.BuildReport (packageId pkg) os arch (compilerId comp) cabalInstallID (elabFlagAssignment pkg) (map packageId $ elabLibDependencies pkg) installOutcome docsOutcome testsOutcome, getRepo . elabPkgSourceLocation $ pkg) -- TODO handle failure log files? fromPlanPackage _ _ = Nothing buildReports = mapMaybe (\x -> fromPlanPackage x (InstallPlan.lookupBuildOutcome x buildOutcomes)) $ InstallPlan.toList plan BuildReports.storeLocal (compilerInfo comp) (buildSettingSummaryFile settings) buildReports plat -- Note this doesn't handle the anonymous build reports set by buildSettingBuildReports but those appear to not be used or missed from v1 -- The usage pattern appears to be that rather than rely on flags to cabal to send build logs to the right place and package them with reports, etc, it is easier to simply capture its output to an appropriate handle. -- | If there are build failures then report them and throw an exception. -- dieOnBuildFailures :: Verbosity -> CurrentCommand -> ElaboratedInstallPlan -> BuildOutcomes -> IO () dieOnBuildFailures verbosity currentCommand plan buildOutcomes | null failures = return () | isSimpleCase = exitFailure | otherwise = do -- For failures where we have a build log, print the log plus a header sequence_ [ do notice verbosity $ '\n' : renderFailureDetail False pkg reason ++ "\nBuild log ( " ++ logfile ++ " ):" readFile logfile >>= noticeNoWrap verbosity | (pkg, ShowBuildSummaryAndLog reason logfile) <- failuresClassification ] -- For all failures, print either a short summary (if we showed the -- build log) or all details dieIfNotHaddockFailure verbosity $ unlines [ case failureClassification of ShowBuildSummaryAndLog reason _ | verbosity > normal -> renderFailureDetail mentionDepOf pkg reason | otherwise -> renderFailureSummary mentionDepOf pkg reason ++ ". See the build log above for details." ShowBuildSummaryOnly reason -> renderFailureDetail mentionDepOf pkg reason | let mentionDepOf = verbosity <= normal , (pkg, failureClassification) <- failuresClassification ] where failures :: [(UnitId, BuildFailure)] failures = [ (pkgid, failure) | (pkgid, Left failure) <- Map.toList buildOutcomes ] failuresClassification :: [(ElaboratedConfiguredPackage, BuildFailurePresentation)] failuresClassification = [ (pkg, classifyBuildFailure failure) | (pkgid, failure) <- failures , case buildFailureReason failure of DependentFailed {} -> verbosity > normal _ -> True , InstallPlan.Configured pkg <- maybeToList (InstallPlan.lookup plan pkgid) ] dieIfNotHaddockFailure :: Verbosity -> String -> IO () dieIfNotHaddockFailure | currentCommand == HaddockCommand = die' | all isHaddockFailure failuresClassification = warn | otherwise = die' where isHaddockFailure (_, ShowBuildSummaryOnly (HaddocksFailed _) ) = True isHaddockFailure (_, ShowBuildSummaryAndLog (HaddocksFailed _) _) = True isHaddockFailure _ = False classifyBuildFailure :: BuildFailure -> BuildFailurePresentation classifyBuildFailure BuildFailure { buildFailureReason = reason, buildFailureLogFile = mlogfile } = maybe (ShowBuildSummaryOnly reason) (ShowBuildSummaryAndLog reason) $ do logfile <- mlogfile e <- buildFailureException reason ExitFailure 1 <- fromException e return logfile -- Special case: we don't want to report anything complicated in the case -- of just doing build on the current package, since it's clear from -- context which package failed. -- -- We generalise this rule as follows: -- - if only one failure occurs, and it is in a single root -- package (i.e. a package with nothing else depending on it) -- - and that failure is of a kind that always reports enough -- detail itself (e.g. ghc reporting errors on stdout) -- - then we do not report additional error detail or context. -- isSimpleCase :: Bool isSimpleCase | [(pkgid, failure)] <- failures , [pkg] <- rootpkgs , installedUnitId pkg == pkgid , isFailureSelfExplanatory (buildFailureReason failure) , currentCommand /= InstallCommand = True | otherwise = False -- NB: if the Setup script segfaulted or was interrupted, -- we should give more detailed information. So only -- assume that exit code 1 is "pedestrian failure." isFailureSelfExplanatory :: BuildFailureReason -> Bool isFailureSelfExplanatory (BuildFailed e) | Just (ExitFailure 1) <- fromException e = True isFailureSelfExplanatory (ConfigureFailed e) | Just (ExitFailure 1) <- fromException e = True isFailureSelfExplanatory _ = False rootpkgs :: [ElaboratedConfiguredPackage] rootpkgs = [ pkg | InstallPlan.Configured pkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan , hasNoDependents pkg ] ultimateDeps :: UnitId -> [InstallPlan.GenericPlanPackage InstalledPackageInfo ElaboratedConfiguredPackage] ultimateDeps pkgid = filter (\pkg -> hasNoDependents pkg && installedUnitId pkg /= pkgid) (InstallPlan.reverseDependencyClosure plan [pkgid]) hasNoDependents :: HasUnitId pkg => pkg -> Bool hasNoDependents = null . InstallPlan.revDirectDeps plan . installedUnitId renderFailureDetail :: Bool -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> BuildFailureReason -> String renderFailureDetail mentionDepOf pkg reason = renderFailureSummary mentionDepOf pkg reason ++ "." ++ renderFailureExtraDetail reason ++ maybe "" showException (buildFailureException reason) renderFailureSummary :: Bool -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> BuildFailureReason -> String renderFailureSummary mentionDepOf pkg reason = case reason of DownloadFailed _ -> "Failed to download " ++ pkgstr UnpackFailed _ -> "Failed to unpack " ++ pkgstr ConfigureFailed _ -> "Failed to build " ++ pkgstr BuildFailed _ -> "Failed to build " ++ pkgstr ReplFailed _ -> "repl failed for " ++ pkgstr HaddocksFailed _ -> "Failed to build documentation for " ++ pkgstr TestsFailed _ -> "Tests failed for " ++ pkgstr BenchFailed _ -> "Benchmarks failed for " ++ pkgstr InstallFailed _ -> "Failed to build " ++ pkgstr DependentFailed depid -> "Failed to build " ++ prettyShow (packageId pkg) ++ " because it depends on " ++ prettyShow depid ++ " which itself failed to build" where pkgstr = elabConfiguredName verbosity pkg ++ if mentionDepOf then renderDependencyOf (installedUnitId pkg) else "" renderFailureExtraDetail :: BuildFailureReason -> String renderFailureExtraDetail (ConfigureFailed _) = " The failure occurred during the configure step." renderFailureExtraDetail (InstallFailed _) = " The failure occurred during the final install step." renderFailureExtraDetail _ = "" renderDependencyOf :: UnitId -> String renderDependencyOf pkgid = case ultimateDeps pkgid of [] -> "" (p1:[]) -> " (which is required by " ++ elabPlanPackageName verbosity p1 ++ ")" (p1:p2:[]) -> " (which is required by " ++ elabPlanPackageName verbosity p1 ++ " and " ++ elabPlanPackageName verbosity p2 ++ ")" (p1:p2:_) -> " (which is required by " ++ elabPlanPackageName verbosity p1 ++ ", " ++ elabPlanPackageName verbosity p2 ++ " and others)" showException e = case fromException e of Just (ExitFailure 1) -> "" #ifdef MIN_VERSION_unix -- Note [Positive "signal" exit code] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- What's the business with the test for negative and positive -- signal values? The API for process specifies that if the -- process died due to a signal, it returns a *negative* exit -- code. So that's the negative test. -- -- What about the positive test? Well, when we find out that -- a process died due to a signal, we ourselves exit with that -- exit code. However, we don't "kill ourselves" with the -- signal; we just exit with the same code as the signal: thus -- the caller sees a *positive* exit code. So that's what -- happens when we get a positive exit code. Just (ExitFailure n) | -n == fromIntegral sigSEGV -> " The build process segfaulted (i.e. SIGSEGV)." | n == fromIntegral sigSEGV -> " The build process terminated with exit code " ++ show n ++ " which may be because some part of it segfaulted. (i.e. SIGSEGV)." | -n == fromIntegral sigKILL -> " The build process was killed (i.e. SIGKILL). " ++ explanation | n == fromIntegral sigKILL -> " The build process terminated with exit code " ++ show n ++ " which may be because some part of it was killed " ++ "(i.e. SIGKILL). " ++ explanation where explanation = "The typical reason for this is that there is not " ++ "enough memory available (e.g. the OS killed a process " ++ "using lots of memory)." #endif Just (ExitFailure n) -> " The build process terminated with exit code " ++ show n _ -> " The exception was:\n " #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) ++ displayException e #else ++ show e #endif buildFailureException :: BuildFailureReason -> Maybe SomeException buildFailureException reason = case reason of DownloadFailed e -> Just e UnpackFailed e -> Just e ConfigureFailed e -> Just e BuildFailed e -> Just e ReplFailed e -> Just e HaddocksFailed e -> Just e TestsFailed e -> Just e BenchFailed e -> Just e InstallFailed e -> Just e DependentFailed _ -> Nothing data BuildFailurePresentation = ShowBuildSummaryOnly BuildFailureReason | ShowBuildSummaryAndLog BuildFailureReason FilePath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dummy projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create a dummy project context, without a .cabal or a .cabal.project file -- (a place where to put a temporary dist directory is still needed) establishDummyProjectBaseContext :: Verbosity -> ProjectConfig -- ^ Project configuration including the global config if needed -> DistDirLayout -- ^ Where to put the dist directory -> [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage] -- ^ The packages to be included in the project -> CurrentCommand -> IO ProjectBaseContext establishDummyProjectBaseContext verbosity projectConfig distDirLayout localPackages currentCommand = do cabalDir <- getCabalDir let ProjectConfigBuildOnly { projectConfigLogsDir } = projectConfigBuildOnly projectConfig ProjectConfigShared { projectConfigStoreDir } = projectConfigShared projectConfig mlogsDir = flagToMaybe projectConfigLogsDir mstoreDir = flagToMaybe projectConfigStoreDir cabalDirLayout = mkCabalDirLayout cabalDir mstoreDir mlogsDir buildSettings :: BuildTimeSettings buildSettings = resolveBuildTimeSettings verbosity cabalDirLayout projectConfig return ProjectBaseContext { distDirLayout, cabalDirLayout, projectConfig, localPackages, buildSettings, currentCommand } establishDummyDistDirLayout :: Verbosity -> ProjectConfig -> FilePath -> IO DistDirLayout establishDummyDistDirLayout verbosity cliConfig tmpDir = do let distDirLayout = defaultDistDirLayout projectRoot mdistDirectory -- Create the dist directories createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True $ distDirectory distDirLayout createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True $ distProjectCacheDirectory distDirLayout return distDirLayout where mdistDirectory = flagToMaybe $ projectConfigDistDir $ projectConfigShared cliConfig projectRoot = ProjectRootImplicit tmpDir