{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Init.Golden ( tests ) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Golden import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS8 import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList) import Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL (NonEmpty, drop) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804 import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) #endif import Distribution.Client.Init.Types import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex hiding (fromList) import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Client.Types.SourcePackageDb import Distribution.Client.Init.Interactive.Command import Distribution.Client.Init.Format import Distribution.Fields.Pretty import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName) import Distribution.Client.Init.FlagExtractors import Distribution.Simple.Flag import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion import System.FilePath import UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Init.Utils import Distribution.Client.Init.Defaults -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- golden test suite -- | Golden executable tests. -- -- We test target generation against a golden file in @tests/fixtures/init/@ for -- executables, libraries, and test targets with the following: -- -- * Empty flags, non-simple target gen, no special options -- * Empty flags, simple target gen, no special options -- * Empty flags, non-simple target gen, with generated comments (no minimal setting) -- * Empty flags, non-simple target gen, with minimal setting (no generated comments) -- * Empty flags, non-simple target gen, minimal and generated comments set. -- -- Additionally, we test whole @.cabal@ file generation for every combination -- of library, lib + tests, exe, exe + tests, exe + lib, exe + lib + tests -- and so on against the same options. -- tests :: Verbosity -> InitFlags -> InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> TestTree tests v initFlags pkgIx srcDb = testGroup "golden" [ goldenLibTests v pkgIx pkgDir pkgName , goldenExeTests v pkgIx pkgDir pkgName , goldenTestTests v pkgIx pkgDir pkgName , goldenPkgDescTests v srcDb pkgDir pkgName , goldenCabalTests v pkgIx srcDb ] where pkgDir = evalPrompt (getPackageDir initFlags) $ fromList ["."] pkgName = evalPrompt (packageNamePrompt srcDb initFlags) $ fromList ["test-package", "test-package", "y"] goldenPkgDescTests :: Verbosity -> SourcePackageDb -> FilePath -> PackageName -> TestTree goldenPkgDescTests v srcDb pkgDir pkgName = testGroup "package description golden tests" [ goldenVsString "Empty flags, non-simple, no comments" (goldenPkgDesc "pkg.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runPkgDesc opts emptyFlags pkgArgs , goldenVsString "Empty flags, non-simple, with comments" (goldenPkgDesc "pkg-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runPkgDesc opts emptyFlags pkgArgs , goldenVsString "Dummy flags, with comments" (goldenPkgDesc "pkg-with-flags.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runPkgDesc opts dummyFlags pkgArgs , goldenVsString "Dummy flags, old cabal version, with comments" (goldenPkgDesc "pkg-old-cabal-with-flags.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runPkgDesc opts (dummyFlags {cabalVersion = Flag CabalSpecV2_0}) pkgArgs ] where runPkgDesc opts flags args = do case _runPrompt (genPkgDescription flags srcDb) args of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right (pkg, _) -> mkStanza $ mkPkgDescription opts pkg goldenExeTests :: Verbosity -> InstalledPackageIndex -> FilePath -> PackageName -> TestTree goldenExeTests v pkgIx pkgDir pkgName = testGroup "exe golden tests" [ goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, no options, no comments" (goldenExe "exe-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False True v pkgDir Executable pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenExe opts exeArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenExe "exe-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Executable pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenExe opts exeArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with minimal + no comments" (goldenExe "exe-minimal-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False True True v pkgDir Executable pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenExe opts exeArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with minimal + comments" (goldenExe "exe-simple-minimal-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False True False v pkgDir Executable pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenExe opts exeArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Build tools flag, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenExe "exe-build-tools-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Executable pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenExe opts exeArgs (emptyFlags {buildTools = Flag ["happy"]}) ] where runGoldenExe opts args flags = case _runPrompt (genExeTarget flags pkgIx) args of Right (t, _) -> mkStanza [mkExeStanza opts $ t {_exeDependencies = mangleBaseDep t _exeDependencies}] Left e -> assertFailure $ show e goldenLibTests :: Verbosity -> InstalledPackageIndex -> FilePath -> PackageName -> TestTree goldenLibTests v pkgIx pkgDir pkgName = testGroup "lib golden tests" [ goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, no options, no comments" (goldenLib "lib-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False True v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenLib opts libArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, simple, no options, no comments" (goldenLib "lib-simple-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False True v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenLib opts libArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenLib "lib-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenLib opts libArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with minimal + no comments" (goldenLib "lib-minimal-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False True True v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenLib opts libArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with minimal + comments" (goldenLib "lib-simple-minimal-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False True False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenLib opts libArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Build tools flag, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenLib "lib-build-tools-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenLib opts libArgs (emptyFlags {buildTools = Flag ["happy"]}) ] where runGoldenLib opts args flags = case _runPrompt (genLibTarget flags pkgIx) args of Right (t, _) -> mkStanza [mkLibStanza opts $ t {_libDependencies = mangleBaseDep t _libDependencies}] Left e -> assertFailure $ show e goldenTestTests :: Verbosity -> InstalledPackageIndex -> FilePath -> PackageName -> TestTree goldenTestTests v pkgIx pkgDir pkgName = testGroup "test golden tests" [ goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, no options, no comments" (goldenTest "test-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False True v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenTest "test-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with minimal + no comments" (goldenTest "test-minimal-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False True True v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Empty flags, not simple, with minimal + comments" (goldenTest "test-simple-minimal-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False True False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Build tools flag, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenTest "test-build-tools-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir Library pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs (emptyFlags {buildTools = Flag ["happy"]}) , goldenVsString "Standalone tests, empty flags, not simple, no options, no comments" (goldenTest "standalone-test-no-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False True v pkgDir TestSuite pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Standalone tests, empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenTest "standalone-test-with-comments.golden") $ let opts = WriteOpts False False False v pkgDir TestSuite pkgName defaultCabalVersion in runGoldenTest opts testArgs emptyFlags ] where runGoldenTest opts args flags = case _runPrompt (genTestTarget flags pkgIx) args of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right (Nothing, _) -> assertFailure "goldenTestTests: Tests not enabled." Right (Just t, _) -> mkStanza [mkTestStanza opts $ t {_testDependencies = mangleBaseDep t _testDependencies}] -- | Full cabal file golden tests goldenCabalTests :: Verbosity -> InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> TestTree goldenCabalTests v pkgIx srcDb = testGroup ".cabal file golden tests" [ goldenVsString "Library and executable, empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenCabal "cabal-lib-and-exe-with-comments.golden") $ runGoldenTest (fullProjArgs "Y") emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Library and executable, empty flags, not simple, no comments + no minimal" (goldenCabal "cabal-lib-and-exe-no-comments.golden") $ runGoldenTest (fullProjArgs "N") emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Library, empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenCabal "cabal-lib-with-comments.golden") $ runGoldenTest (libProjArgs "Y") emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Library, empty flags, not simple, no comments + no minimal" (goldenCabal "cabal-lib-no-comments.golden") $ runGoldenTest (libProjArgs "N") emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Test suite, empty flags, not simple, with comments + no minimal" (goldenCabal "cabal-test-suite-with-comments.golden") $ runGoldenTest (testProjArgs "Y") emptyFlags , goldenVsString "Test suite, empty flags, not simple, no comments + no minimal" (goldenCabal "cabal-test-suite-no-comments.golden") $ runGoldenTest (testProjArgs "N") emptyFlags ] where runGoldenTest args flags = case _runPrompt (createProject v pkgIx srcDb flags) args of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e (Right (ProjectSettings opts pkgDesc (Just libTarget) (Just exeTarget) (Just testTarget), _)) -> do let pkgFields = mkPkgDescription opts pkgDesc commonStanza = mkCommonStanza opts libStanza = mkLibStanza opts $ libTarget {_libDependencies = mangleBaseDep libTarget _libDependencies} exeStanza = mkExeStanza opts $ exeTarget {_exeDependencies = mangleBaseDep exeTarget _exeDependencies} testStanza = mkTestStanza opts $ testTarget {_testDependencies = mangleBaseDep testTarget _testDependencies} mkStanza $ pkgFields ++ [commonStanza, libStanza, exeStanza, testStanza] (Right (ProjectSettings opts pkgDesc (Just libTarget) Nothing (Just testTarget), _)) -> do let pkgFields = mkPkgDescription opts pkgDesc commonStanza = mkCommonStanza opts libStanza = mkLibStanza opts $ libTarget {_libDependencies = mangleBaseDep libTarget _libDependencies} testStanza = mkTestStanza opts $ testTarget {_testDependencies = mangleBaseDep testTarget _testDependencies} mkStanza $ pkgFields ++ [commonStanza, libStanza, testStanza] (Right (ProjectSettings opts pkgDesc Nothing Nothing (Just testTarget), _)) -> do let pkgFields = mkPkgDescription opts pkgDesc commonStanza = mkCommonStanza opts testStanza = mkTestStanza opts $ testTarget {_testDependencies = mangleBaseDep testTarget _testDependencies} mkStanza $ pkgFields ++ [commonStanza, testStanza] (Right (ProjectSettings _ _ l e t, _)) -> assertFailure $ show l ++ "\n" ++ show e ++ "\n" ++ show t -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- utils mkStanza :: [PrettyField FieldAnnotation] -> IO BS8.ByteString mkStanza fields = return . BS8.pack $ showFields' annCommentLines postProcessFieldLines 4 fields golden :: FilePath golden = "tests" "fixtures" "init" "golden" goldenExe :: FilePath -> FilePath goldenExe file = golden "exe" file goldenTest :: FilePath -> FilePath goldenTest file = golden "test" file goldenLib :: FilePath -> FilePath goldenLib file = golden "lib" file goldenCabal :: FilePath -> FilePath goldenCabal file = golden "cabal" file goldenPkgDesc :: FilePath -> FilePath goldenPkgDesc file = golden "pkg-desc" file libArgs :: NonEmpty String libArgs = fromList ["1", "2"] exeArgs :: NonEmpty String exeArgs = fromList ["1", "2", "1"] testArgs :: NonEmpty String testArgs = fromList ["y", "1", "test", "1"] pkgArgs :: NonEmpty String pkgArgs = fromList [ "5" , "foo-package" , "foo-package" , "y" , "" , "2" , "git username" , "foo-kmett" , "git email" , "foo-kmett@kmett.kmett" , "home" , "synopsis" , "4" ] testProjArgs :: String -> NonEmpty String testProjArgs comments = fromList ["4", "n", "foo-package"] <> pkgArgs <> fromList (NEL.drop 1 testArgs) <> fromList [comments] libProjArgs :: String -> NonEmpty String libProjArgs comments = fromList ["1", "n", "foo-package"] <> pkgArgs <> libArgs <> testArgs <> fromList [comments] fullProjArgs :: String -> NonEmpty String fullProjArgs comments = fromList ["3", "n", "foo-package"] <> pkgArgs <> libArgs <> exeArgs <> testArgs <> fromList [comments]