# cabal v2-update Downloading the latest package list from test-local-repo # cabal v2-run Resolving dependencies... Build profile: -w ghc- -O1 In order, the following will be built: - some-exe- (exe:some-exe) (requires build) Configuring some-exe- Preprocessing executable 'some-exe' for some-exe- Building executable 'some-exe' for some-exe- Installing executable some-exe in Warning: The directory /cabal.dist/home/.cabal/store/ghc-/incoming/new-/cabal.dist/home/.cabal/store/ghc-/-/bin is not in the system search path. # cabal v2-build Error: cabal: Error parsing project file /cabal-cyclical.project:3: cyclical import of cabal-cyclical.project # cabal v2-build Error: cabal: Error parsing project file /cabal-bad-conditional.project: Cannot set compiler in a conditional clause of a cabal project file