module Hadolint.Rule.ShellcheckSpec (spec) where import Data.Default import Data.Text as Text import Helpers import Test.Hspec spec :: SpecWith () spec = do let ?config = def describe "Shellcheck" $ do it "runs shellchek on RUN instructions" $ do assertChecks "RUN echo $MISSING_QUOTES" failsShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks "RUN echo $MISSING_QUOTES" failsShellcheck it "not warns on valid scripts" $ do assertChecks "RUN echo foo" passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks "RUN echo foo" passesShellcheck it "Does not complain on default env vars" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "RUN echo \"$HTTP_PROXY\"", "RUN echo \"$http_proxy\"", "RUN echo \"$HTTPS_PROXY\"", "RUN echo \"$https_proxy\"", "RUN echo \"$FTP_PROXY\"", "RUN echo \"$ftp_proxy\"", "RUN echo \"$NO_PROXY\"", "RUN echo \"$no_proxy\"" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck it "Complain on missing env vars" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "RUN echo \"$RTTP_PROXY\"" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck it "Is aware of ARGS and ENV" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "ARG foo=bar", "ARG another_foo", "ENV bar=10 baz=20", "RUN echo \"$foo\"", "RUN echo \"$another_foo\"", "RUN echo \"$bar\"", "RUN echo \"$baz\"" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck it "Resets env vars after a FROM" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "ARG foo=bar", "ARG another_foo", "ENV bar=10 baz=20", "FROM debian", "RUN echo \"$foo\"" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck it "Defaults the shell to sh" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "RUN echo $RANDOM" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck it "Can change the shell check to bash" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "SHELL [\"/bin/bash\", \"-eo\", \"pipefail\", \"-c\"]", "RUN echo $RANDOM" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck -- This is debatable, as it should actaully pass, but detecting it correctly -- is quite difficult assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck it "Resets the SHELL to sh after a FROM" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "SHELL [\"/bin/bash\", \"-eo\", \"pipefail\", \"-c\"]", "FROM debian", "RUN echo $RANDOM" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile failsShellcheck it "Does not complain on ash shell" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "SHELL [\"/bin/ash\", \"-o\", \"pipefail\", \"-c\"]", "RUN echo hello" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck it "Does not complain on non-posix shells: pwsh" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "SHELL [\"pwsh\", \"-c\"]", "RUN Get-Variable PSVersionTable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck it "Does not complain on non-posix shells: cmd.exe" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "SHELL [\"cmd.exe\", \"/c\"]", "RUN Get-Variable PSVersionTable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck it "Does not complain on non-posix shells, powershell - absolute path" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "SHELL [\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\\ \v1.0\\\\powershell.exe\", \"-noprofile\", \"-noninteractive\"\ \, \"-command\"]", "RUN Get-Variable PSVersionTable | Select-Object \ \-ExpandProperty Value" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck it "Respects shell pragma" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "FROM", "# hadolint shell = powershell.exe", "RUN Get-Variable PSVersionTable | Select-Object \ \-ExpandProperty Value" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck it "Respects global shell pragma" $ let dockerFile = Text.unlines [ "# hadolint shell=powershell.exe", "FROM", "RUN Get-Variable PSVersionTable | Select-Object \ \-ExpandProperty Value", "FROM", "RUN Get-Variable PSVersionTable | Select-Object \ \-ExpandProperty Value" ] in do assertChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck assertOnBuildChecks dockerFile passesShellcheck