module Hadolint.Rule.DL3047Spec (spec) where import Data.Default import Data.Text as Text import Helpers import Test.Hspec spec :: SpecWith () spec = do let ?config = def describe "DL3047 - `wget` without flag `--progress` will result in excessively bloated build logs when downloading larger files." $ do it "warns when using wget without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget" ] in ruleCatches "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget --progress=dot:giga" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with -q (quiet short option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget -q" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with --quiet (quiet long option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget --quiet" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with -nv (no-verbose short option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget -nv" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with --no-verbose (no-verbose long option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget --no-verbose" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with --output-file (output-file long option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget --output-file=/tmp/wget.log" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with -o (output-file long option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget -o /tmp/wget.log" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with --append-output (append-output long option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget --append-output=/tmp/wget.log" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile it "does not warn when running with -a (append-output long option) and without --progress option" $ let dockerFile = [ "FROM node as foo", "RUN wget -a /tmp/wget.log" ] in ruleCatchesNot "DL3047" $ Text.unlines dockerFile