module HAHP.Algorithm where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord (comparing) import HAHP.Algorithm.Consistency import HAHP.Algorithm.PriorityVector import HAHP.Algorithm.Ranking import HAHP.Data import HAHP.Validation.Alternatives import HAHP.Validation.Tree import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix -- |This function is a quick way to rank a set of alternatives with AHP algorithm. -- This function call everithing required to configure an execute AHP process. -- If something goes wrong, an error is raised. simpleAHP :: AHPDataSet -> (AHPDataSet, [TreeError], [AlternativesError]) simpleAHP inputDataSet = if null inputTreeErrors && null altsErrors then (processedDataSet, treeErrors, []) else (inputDataSet, inputTreeErrors ++ treeErrors, altsErrors) where (ahpTree, alts) = inputDataSet initializedTree = initAHP ahpTree processedDataSet = rankAlternatives (initializedTree, alts) --- inputTreeErrors = validateInputAHPTree ahpTree altsErrors = validateAlternatives inputDataSet treeErrors = if null inputTreeErrors then validateAHPTree initializedTree else [] -- * Part 1 = static part initAHP :: AHPTree -> AHPTree initAHP ahpTree = computeTreePriorityVectors . computeTreeConsistencies $ ahpTree -- * Part 2 = dynamic part rankAlternatives :: AHPDataSet -> AHPDataSet rankAlternatives (ahpTree, alts) = (rankedAhpTree, sortedRankedAlternatives) where ranks = concat . toLists . fromJust . alternativesPriority $ rankedAhpTree rankedAhpTree = computeTreeAlternativesPriorities alts ahpTree sortedRankedAlternatives = reverse . map fst . sortOn' snd $ zip alts ranks -- | Sort a list by comparing the results of a key function applied to each -- element. @sortOn f@ is equivalent to @sortBy . comparing f@, but has the -- performance advantage of only evaluating @f@ once for each element in the -- input list. This is called the decorate-sort-undecorate paradigm, or -- Schwartzian transform. -- see -- -- TODO : Remote this function and use default haskell sortOn. -- Note: Compilation issues on mac. sortOn is not provided. -- -- @since sortOn' :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn' f = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x))