{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Text.Haiji.TH ( haiji , haijiFile , key ) where #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) #else import Control.Applicative #endif import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Data.Dynamic import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Data.Maybe import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (lift) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Text.Haiji.Parse import Text.Haiji.Syntax import Text.Haiji.Dictionary import Text.Haiji.Types -- | QuasiQuoter to generate a Haiji template haiji :: Environment -> QuasiQuoter haiji env = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = haijiExp env , quotePat = undefined , quoteType = undefined , quoteDec = undefined } -- | Generate a Haiji template from external file haijiFile :: Quasi q => Environment -> FilePath -> q Exp haijiFile env file = runQ (parseFile file) >>= haijiTemplate env haijiExp :: Quasi q => Environment -> String -> q Exp haijiExp env str = runQ (runIO $ parseString str) >>= haijiTemplate env -- | Generate a dictionary with single item key :: QuasiQuoter key = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \k -> [e| \v -> singleton v (Key :: Key $(litT . strTyLit $ k)) |] , quotePat = undefined , quoteType = undefined , quoteDec = undefined } haijiTemplate :: Quasi q => Environment -> Jinja2 -> q Exp haijiTemplate env tmpl = runQ [e| Template $(haijiASTs env Nothing (jinja2Child tmpl) (jinja2Base tmpl)) |] haijiASTs :: Quasi q => Environment -> Maybe [AST 'Fully] -> [AST 'Fully] -> [AST 'Fully] -> q Exp haijiASTs env parentBlock children asts = runQ [e| LT.concat <$> sequence $(listE $ map (haijiAST env parentBlock children) asts) |] haijiAST :: Quasi q => Environment -> Maybe [AST 'Fully] -> [AST 'Fully] -> AST 'Fully -> q Exp haijiAST _env _parentBlock _children (Literal l) = runQ [e| return $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack l) |] haijiAST env _parentBlock _children (Eval x) = if autoEscape env then runQ [e| (`escapeBy` htmlEscape) . toLT <$> $(eval x) |] else runQ [e| (`escapeBy` rawEscape) . toLT <$> $(eval x) |] haijiAST env parentBlock children (Condition p ts fs) = runQ [e| do cond <- $(eval p) if cond then $(haijiASTs env parentBlock children ts) else $(maybe [e| return "" |] (haijiASTs env parentBlock children) fs) |] haijiAST env parentBlock children (Foreach k xs loopBody elseBody) = runQ [e| do dicts <- $(eval xs) p <- ask let len = toInteger $ length dicts if 0 < len then return $ LT.concat [ runReader $(haijiASTs env parentBlock children loopBody) (p `merge` singleton x (Key :: Key $(litT . strTyLit $ show k)) `merge` singleton (loopVariables len ix) (Key :: Key "loop") ) | (ix, x) <- zip [0..] dicts ] else $(maybe [e| return "" |] (haijiASTs env parentBlock children) elseBody) |] haijiAST _env _parentBlock _children (Raw raw) = runQ [e| return raw |] haijiAST _env _parentBlock _children (Base _asts) = undefined haijiAST env parentBlock children (Block _base name _scoped body) = case listToMaybe [ b | Block _ n _ b <- children, n == name ] of Nothing -> haijiASTs env parentBlock children body Just child -> haijiASTs env (Just body) children child haijiAST env parentBlock children Super = maybe (error "invalid super()") (haijiASTs env Nothing children) parentBlock haijiAST _env _parentBlock _children (Comment _) = runQ [e| return "" |] haijiAST env parentBlock children (Set lhs rhs scopes) = runQ [e| do val <- $(eval rhs) p <- ask return $ runReader $(haijiASTs env parentBlock children scopes) (p `merge` singleton val (Key :: Key $(litT . strTyLit $ show lhs))) |] loopVariables :: Integer -> Integer -> Dict '["first" :-> Bool, "index" :-> Integer, "index0" :-> Integer, "last" :-> Bool, "length" :-> Integer, "revindex" :-> Integer, "revindex0" :-> Integer] loopVariables len ix = Dict $ M.fromList [ ("first", toDyn (ix == 0)) , ("index", toDyn (ix + 1)) , ("index0", toDyn ix) , ("last", toDyn (ix == len - 1)) , ("length", toDyn len) , ("revindex", toDyn (len - ix)) , ("revindex0", toDyn (len - ix - 1)) ] eval :: Quasi q => Expression -> q Exp eval (Expression expression) = go expression where go :: Quasi q => Expr External level -> q Exp go (ExprLift e) = go e go (ExprIntegerLiteral n) = runQ [e| return (n :: Integer) |] go (ExprStringLiteral s) = let x = unwrap s in runQ [e| return (x :: T.Text) |] go (ExprBooleanLiteral b) = runQ [e| return b |] go (ExprVariable v) = runQ [e| retrieve <$> ask <*> return (Key :: Key $(litT . strTyLit $ show v)) |] go (ExprParen e) = go e go (ExprRange [stop]) = runQ [e| (\b -> [0..b-1]) <$> $(go stop) |] go (ExprRange [start, stop]) = runQ [e| (\a b -> [a..b-1]) <$> $(go start) <*> $(go stop) |] go (ExprRange [start, stop, step]) = runQ [e| (\a b c -> [a,a+c..b-1]) <$> $(go start) <*> $(go stop) <*> $(go step) |] go (ExprRange _) = error "unreachable" go (ExprAttributed e []) = go e go (ExprAttributed e attrs) = runQ [e| retrieve <$> $(go $ ExprAttributed e $ init attrs) <*> return (Key :: Key $(litT . strTyLit $ show $ last attrs)) |] go (ExprFiltered e []) = go e go (ExprFiltered e filters) = runQ [e| $(applyFilter (last filters) $ ExprFiltered e $ init filters) |] where applyFilter FilterAbs e' = runQ [e| abs <$> $(go e') |] applyFilter FilterLength e' = runQ [e| toInteger . length <$> $(go e') |] go (ExprPow e1 e2) = runQ [e| (^) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprMul e1 e2) = runQ [e| (*) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprDivF e1 e2) = runQ [e| (/) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprDivI e1 e2) = runQ [e| div <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprMod e1 e2) = runQ [e| mod <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprAdd e1 e2) = runQ [e| (+) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprSub e1 e2) = runQ [e| (-) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprEQ e1 e2) = runQ [e| (==) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprNEQ e1 e2) = runQ [e| (/=) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprGT e1 e2) = runQ [e| (>) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprGE e1 e2) = runQ [e| (>=) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprLT e1 e2) = runQ [e| (<) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprLE e1 e2) = runQ [e| (<=) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprAnd e1 e2) = runQ [e| (&&) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |] go (ExprOr e1 e2) = runQ [e| (||) <$> $(go e1) <*> $(go e2) |]