-- | Exports a datastructure for the top-level hakyll configuration
module Hakyll.Core.Configuration
    ( Configuration (..)
    , shouldIgnoreFile
    , defaultConfiguration
    ) where

import           Data.Default     (Default (..))
import           Data.List        (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
import           System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import           System.Exit      (ExitCode)
import           System.FilePath  (isAbsolute, normalise, takeFileName)
import           System.IO.Error  (catchIOError)
import           System.Process   (system)

data Configuration = Configuration
    { -- | Directory in which the output written
      destinationDirectory :: FilePath
    , -- | Directory where hakyll's internal store is kept
      storeDirectory       :: FilePath
    , -- | Directory in which some temporary files will be kept
      tmpDirectory         :: FilePath
    , -- | Directory where hakyll finds the files to compile. This is @.@ by
      -- default.
      providerDirectory    :: FilePath
    , -- | Function to determine ignored files
      -- In 'defaultConfiguration', the following files are ignored:
      -- * files starting with a @.@
      -- * files starting with a @#@
      -- * files ending with a @~@
      -- * files ending with @.swp@
      -- Note that the files in 'destinationDirectory' and 'storeDirectory' will
      -- also be ignored. Note that this is the configuration parameter, if you
      -- want to use the test, you should use 'shouldIgnoreFile'.
      ignoreFile           :: FilePath -> Bool
    , -- | Here, you can plug in a system command to upload/deploy your site.
      -- Example:
      -- > rsync -ave 'ssh -p 2217' _site jaspervdj@jaspervdj.be:hakyll
      -- You can execute this by using
      -- > ./site deploy
      deployCommand        :: String
    , -- | Function to deploy the site from Haskell.
      -- By default, this command executes the shell command stored in
      -- 'deployCommand'. If you override it, 'deployCommand' will not
      -- be used implicitely.
      -- The 'Configuration' object is passed as a parameter to this
      -- function.
      deploySite           :: Configuration -> IO ExitCode
    , -- | Use an in-memory cache for items. This is faster but uses more
      -- memory.
      inMemoryCache        :: Bool

instance Default Configuration where
    def = defaultConfiguration

-- | Default configuration for a hakyll application
defaultConfiguration :: Configuration
defaultConfiguration = Configuration
    { destinationDirectory = "_site"
    , storeDirectory       = "_cache"
    , tmpDirectory         = "_cache/tmp"
    , providerDirectory    = "."
    , ignoreFile           = ignoreFile'
    , deployCommand        = "echo 'No deploy command specified' && exit 1"
    , deploySite           = system . deployCommand
    , inMemoryCache        = True
    ignoreFile' path
        | "."    `isPrefixOf` fileName = True
        | "#"    `isPrefixOf` fileName = True
        | "~"    `isSuffixOf` fileName = True
        | ".swp" `isSuffixOf` fileName = True
        | otherwise                    = False
        fileName = takeFileName path

-- | Check if a file should be ignored
shouldIgnoreFile :: Configuration -> FilePath -> IO Bool
shouldIgnoreFile conf path = orM
    [ inDir (destinationDirectory conf)
    , inDir (storeDirectory conf)
    , inDir (tmpDirectory conf)
    , return (ignoreFile conf path')
    path'    = normalise path
    absolute = isAbsolute path

    inDir dir
        | absolute  = do
            dir' <- catchIOError (canonicalizePath dir) (const $ return dir)
            return $ dir' `isPrefixOf` path'
        | otherwise = return $ dir `isPrefixOf` path'

    orM :: [IO Bool] -> IO Bool
    orM []       = return False
    orM (x : xs) = x >>= \b -> if b then return True else orM xs