{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Text.Cassius
    ( Cassius
    , Css (..)
    , renderCassius
    , CassiusMixin
    , cassiusMixin
    , cassius
    , Color (..)
    , colorRed
    , colorBlack
    , cassiusFile
    , cassiusFileDebug
    ) where

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (Line)
import Data.Neither (AEither (..), either)
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Char (isUpper, isDigit)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Text.Blaze.Builder.Core (Builder, fromByteString, toLazyByteString)
import Text.Blaze.Builder.Utf8 (fromString)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Prelude hiding (either)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Bits
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

data Color = Color Word8 Word8 Word8
    deriving Show
instance ToCss Color where
    toCss (Color r g b) =
        let (r1, r2) = toHex r
            (g1, g2) = toHex g
            (b1, b2) = toHex b
         in '#' :
            if r1 == r2 && g1 == g2 && b1 == b2
                then [r1, g1, b1]
                else [r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2]
        toHex :: Word8 -> (Char, Char)
        toHex x = (toChar $ shiftR x 4, toChar $ x .&. 15)
        toChar :: Word8 -> Char
        toChar c
            | c < 10 = mkChar c 0 '0'
            | otherwise = mkChar c 10 'A'
        mkChar :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Char -> Char
        mkChar a b' c =
            toEnum $ fromIntegral $ a - b' + fromIntegral (fromEnum c)

colorRed :: Color
colorRed = Color 255 0 0

colorBlack :: Color
colorBlack = Color 0 0 0

renderCss :: Css -> L.ByteString
renderCss (Css b) = toLazyByteString b

renderCassius :: (url -> [(String, String)] -> String) -> Cassius url -> L.ByteString
renderCassius r s = renderCss $ s r

newtype Css = Css Builder
    deriving Monoid
type Cassius url = (url -> [(String, String)] -> String) -> Css

class ToCss a where
    toCss :: a -> String
instance ToCss [Char] where toCss = id

data ContentPair = CPSimple Contents Contents
                 | CPMixin Deref
    deriving Show
contentPairToContents :: ContentPair -> Contents
contentPairToContents (CPSimple x y) = concat [x, ContentRaw ":" : y]
contentPairToContents (CPMixin deref) = [ContentMix deref]

data FlatDec = FlatDec Contents [ContentPair]
    deriving Show

data Deref = DerefLeaf String
           | DerefBranch Deref Deref
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Lift Deref where
    lift (DerefLeaf s) = do
        dl <- [|DerefLeaf|]
        return $ dl `AppE` (LitE $ StringL s)
    lift (DerefBranch x y) = do
        x' <- lift x
        y' <- lift y
        db <- [|DerefBranch|]
        return $ db `AppE` x' `AppE` y'

data Content = ContentRaw String
             | ContentVar Deref
             | ContentUrl Deref
             | ContentUrlParam Deref
             | ContentMix Deref
    deriving Show
type Contents = [Content]

data DecS = Attrib Contents Contents
          | Block Contents [DecS]
          | MixinDec Deref
    deriving Show

data Line = LinePair Contents Contents
          | LineSingle Contents
          | LineMix Deref
    deriving Show

data Nest = Nest Line [Nest]
    deriving Show

parseLines :: Parser [(Int, Line)]
parseLines = fmap (catMaybes)
           $ many (parseEmptyLine <|> try parseComment <|> parseLine)

eol :: Parser ()
eol =
    (char '\n' >> return ()) <|> (string "\r\n" >> return ())

parseEmptyLine :: Parser (Maybe (Int, Line))
parseEmptyLine = eol >> return Nothing

parseComment :: Parser (Maybe (Int, Line))
parseComment = do
    _ <- many $ oneOf " \t"
    _ <- string "$#"
    _ <- many $ noneOf "\r\n"
    eol <|> return ()
    return Nothing

parseLine :: Parser (Maybe (Int, Line))
parseLine = do
    ss <- fmap sum $ many ((char ' ' >> return 1) <|>
                           (char '\t' >> return 4))
    x <- parseLineMix <|> do
            key' <- many1 $ parseContent False
            let key = trim key'
            parsePair key <|> return (LineSingle key)
    eol <|> eof
    return $ Just (ss, x)
    parseLineMix = do
        _ <- char '^'
        d <- parseDeref
        _ <- char '^'
        return $ LineMix d
    parsePair key = do
        _ <- try $ string ": "
        _ <- spaces
        val <- many1 $ parseContent True
        return $ LinePair key $ trim val
    --trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
    trim = id -- FIXME

parseContent :: Bool -> Parser Content
parseContent allowColon = do
    (char '$' >> (parseDollar <|> parseVar)) <|>
      (char '@' >> (parseAt <|> parseUrl)) <|> safeColon <|> do
        s <- many1 $ noneOf $ (if allowColon then id else (:) ':') "\r\n$@"
        return $ ContentRaw s
    safeColon = try $ do
        _ <- char ':'
        notFollowedBy $ oneOf " \t"
        return $ ContentRaw ":"
    parseAt = char '@' >> return (ContentRaw "@")
    parseUrl = do
        c <- (char '?' >> return ContentUrlParam) <|> return ContentUrl
        d <- parseDeref
        _ <- char '@'
        return $ c d
    parseDollar = char '$' >> return (ContentRaw "$")
    parseVar = do
        d <- parseDeref
        _ <- char '$'
        return $ ContentVar d

parseDeref :: Parser Deref
parseDeref =
    derefParens = between (char '(') (char ')') deref
    derefSingle = derefParens <|> fmap DerefLeaf ident
    deref = do
        let delim = (char '.' <|> (many1 (char ' ') >> return ' '))
        x <- derefSingle
        xs <- many $ delim >> derefSingle
        return $ foldr1 DerefBranch $ x : xs
    ident = many1 (alphaNum <|> char '_' <|> char '\'')

nestLines :: [(Int, Line)] -> [Nest]
nestLines [] = []
nestLines ((i, l):rest) =
    let (deeper, rest') = span (\(i', _) -> i' > i) rest
     in Nest l (nestLines deeper) : nestLines rest'

nestToDec :: Bool -> Nest -> AEither [String] DecS
nestToDec _ (Nest LineMix{} (_:_)) =
    ALeft ["Mixins may not have nested content"]
nestToDec True (Nest LineMix{} []) =
    ALeft ["Cannot have LineMix at top level"]
nestToDec False (Nest (LineMix deref) []) =
    ARight $ MixinDec deref
nestToDec _ (Nest LinePair{} (_:_)) =
    ALeft ["Only LineSingle may have nested content"]
nestToDec _ (Nest LineSingle{} []) =
    ALeft ["A LineSingle must have nested content"]
nestToDec True (Nest LinePair{} _) =
    ALeft ["Cannot have a LinePair at top level"]
nestToDec _ (Nest (LineSingle name) nests) =
    Block name <$> sequenceA (map (nestToDec False) nests)
nestToDec _ (Nest (LinePair key val) []) = ARight $ Attrib key val

flatDec :: DecS -> [FlatDec]
flatDec Attrib{} = error "flatDec Attrib"
flatDec MixinDec{} = error "flatDec MixinDec"
flatDec (Block name decs) =
    let as = concatMap getAttrib decs
        bs = concatMap getBlock decs
        a = case as of
                [] -> id
                _ -> (:) (FlatDec name as)
        b = concatMap flatDec bs
     in a b
    getAttrib (Attrib x y) = [CPSimple x y]
    getAttrib (MixinDec d) = [CPMixin d]
    getAttrib Block{} = []
    getBlock (Block n d) = [Block (concat [name, ContentRaw " " : n]) d]
    getBlock _ = []

render :: FlatDec -> Contents
render (FlatDec n pairs) =
    let inner = intercalate [ContentRaw ";"]
              $ map contentPairToContents pairs
     in concat [n, [ContentRaw "{"], inner, [ContentRaw "}"]]

compressContents :: Contents -> Contents
compressContents [] = []
compressContents (ContentRaw x:ContentRaw y:z) =
    compressContents $ ContentRaw (x ++ y) : z
compressContents (x:y) = x : compressContents y

contentsToCassius :: [Content] -> Q Exp
contentsToCassius a = do
    r <- newName "_render"
    c <- mapM (contentToCss r) $ compressContents a
    d <- case c of
            [] -> [|mempty|]
            [x] -> return x
            _ -> do
                mc <- [|mconcat|]
                return $ mc `AppE` ListE c
    return $ LamE [VarP r] d

cassiusMixin :: QuasiQuoter
cassiusMixin =
    QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = e }
    e s = do
        let a = either (error . show) id
              $ parse parseLines s s
        let b = flip map a $ \(_, l) ->
                    case l of
                        LinePair x y -> CPSimple x y
                        LineMix deref -> CPMixin deref
                        LineSingle _ -> error "Mixins cannot contain singles"
        d <- contentsToCassius
           $ intercalate [ContentRaw ";"]
           $ map contentPairToContents b
        sm <- [|CassiusMixin|]
        return $ sm `AppE` d

newtype CassiusMixin url = CassiusMixin { unCassiusMixin :: Cassius url }

cassius :: QuasiQuoter
cassius = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = cassiusFromString }

cassiusFromString :: String -> Q Exp
cassiusFromString s = do
    let a = either (error . show) id $ parse parseLines s s
    let b = either (error . unlines) id
          $ sequenceA $ map (nestToDec True) $ nestLines a
    contentsToCassius $ concatMap render $ concatMap flatDec b

contentToCss :: Name -> Content -> Q Exp
contentToCss _ (ContentRaw s') = do
    let d = S8.unpack $ BSU.fromString s'
    ts <- [|Css . fromByteString . S8.pack|]
    return $ ts `AppE` LitE (StringL d)
contentToCss _ (ContentVar d) = do
    ts <- [|Css . fromString . toCss|]
    return $ ts `AppE` derefToExp d
contentToCss r (ContentUrl d) = do
    ts <- [|Css . fromString|]
    return $ ts `AppE` (VarE r `AppE` derefToExp d `AppE` ListE [])
contentToCss r (ContentUrlParam d) = do
    ts <- [|Css . fromString|]
    up <- [|\r' (u, p) -> r' u p|]
    return $ ts `AppE` (up `AppE` VarE r `AppE` derefToExp d)
contentToCss r (ContentMix d) = do
    un <- [|unCassiusMixin|]
    return $ un `AppE` derefToExp d `AppE` VarE r

derefToExp :: Deref -> Exp
derefToExp (DerefBranch x y) =
    let x' = derefToExp x
        y' = derefToExp y
     in x' `AppE` y'
derefToExp (DerefLeaf "") = error "Illegal empty ident"
derefToExp (DerefLeaf v@(s:_))
    | all isDigit v = LitE $ IntegerL $ read v
    | isUpper s = ConE $ mkName v
    | otherwise = VarE $ mkName v

cassiusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
cassiusFile fp = do
    contents <- fmap BSU.toString $ qRunIO $ S8.readFile fp
    cassiusFromString contents

data VarType = VTPlain | VTUrl | VTUrlParam | VTMixin

getVars :: Line -> [(Deref, VarType)]
getVars (LinePair x y) = concatMap getVars' $ x ++ y
getVars (LineSingle x) = concatMap getVars' x
getVars (LineMix x) = [(x, VTMixin)]

getVars' :: Content -> [(Deref, VarType)]
getVars' ContentRaw{} = []
getVars' (ContentVar d) = [(d, VTPlain)]
getVars' (ContentUrl d) = [(d, VTUrl)]
getVars' (ContentUrlParam d) = [(d, VTUrlParam)]
getVars' (ContentMix d) = [(d, VTMixin)]

data CDData url = CDPlain String
                | CDUrl url
                | CDUrlParam (url, [(String, String)])
                | CDMixin (CassiusMixin url)

vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp
vtToExp (d, vt) = do
    d' <- lift d
    c' <- c vt
    return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp d]
    c VTPlain = [|CDPlain . toCss|]
    c VTUrl = [|CDUrl|]
    c VTUrlParam = [|CDUrlParam|]
    c VTMixin = [|CDMixin|]

cassiusFileDebug :: FilePath -> Q Exp
cassiusFileDebug fp = do
    s <- fmap BSU.toString $ qRunIO $ S8.readFile fp
    let a = either (error . show) id $ parse parseLines s s
        b = concatMap (getVars . snd) a
    c <- mapM vtToExp b
    cr <- [|cassiusRuntime|]
    return $ cr `AppE` (LitE $ StringL fp) `AppE` ListE c

cassiusRuntime :: FilePath -> [(Deref, CDData url)] -> Cassius url
cassiusRuntime fp cd render' = unsafePerformIO $ do
    s <- fmap BSU.toString $ qRunIO $ S8.readFile fp
    let a = either (error . show) id $ parse parseLines s s
    let b = either (error . unlines) id
          $ sequenceA $ map (nestToDec True) $ nestLines a
    return $ mconcat $ map go $ concatMap render $ concatMap flatDec b
    go :: Content -> Css
    go (ContentRaw s) = Css $ fromString s
    go (ContentVar d) =
        case lookup d cd of
            Just (CDPlain s) -> Css $ fromString s
            _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected CDPlain"
    go (ContentUrl d) =
        case lookup d cd of
            Just (CDUrl u) -> Css $ fromString $ render' u []
            _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected CDUrl"
    go (ContentUrlParam d) =
        case lookup d cd of
            Just (CDUrlParam (u, p)) ->
                Css $ fromString $ render' u p
            _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected CDUrlParam"
    go (ContentMix d) =
        case lookup d cd of
            Just (CDMixin (CassiusMixin m)) -> m render'
            _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected CDMixin"