Zip module is result of merging Melodic and Rhyhm modules. \begin{code}
-- | 
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- This module join Melodic and Rhythm
module Music.Analysis.Abstract.Zip where
import Music.Analysis.PF ((><), p2)
import Music.Analysis.Base (Number, toRatio, toInteger)
import Music.Analysis.Abstract.Settings (Settings, union)
import Music.Analysis.Abstract.Motive 
import Music.Analysis.Abstract.Melodic as Melodic
import Music.Analysis.Abstract.Rhythm as Rhythm
import Data.Function ((.), id)
import Prelude ()
\end{code} At this stage will be join pieces, like melodic and rhythm. \begin{code}
-- * Types
-- | VoiceZipNode definition
type VoiceZipNode = (MelodicNode, RhythmNode)
type VoiceZipAbsolute = (MelodicAbsolute, RhythmAbsolute)
type VoiceZipRelative = (MelodicRelative, RhythmRelative)
-- | default settings
settings :: Settings
settings = Melodic.settings `union` Rhythm.settings
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- | transposes
transpose :: Number -> Motive VoiceZipAbsolute -> Motive VoiceZipAbsolute
transpose n = 
    joinMotivePair . (Melodic.transpose n >< id) . splitMotivePair 
-- | changes duration
tempo :: Number -> Motive VoiceZipAbsolute -> Motive VoiceZipAbsolute
tempo n = joinMotivePair . 
    (id >< (Rhythm.tempo . toRatio . toInteger) n) .
-- | computes duration
duration :: Motive VoiceZipNode -> Number
duration = Rhythm.duration . p2 . splitMotivePair
-- | reverse
reverse :: Motive VoiceZipNode -> Motive VoiceZipNode
reverse = 
    joinMotivePair . (Melodic.reverse >< Rhythm.reverse) . splitMotivePair
-- | relative
relative :: Motive VoiceZipAbsolute -> Motive VoiceZipRelative
relative = 
    joinMotivePair . (Melodic.relative >< Rhythm.relative) . splitMotivePair
-- | absolute
absolute :: Motive VoiceZipRelative -> Motive VoiceZipAbsolute
absolute = 
    joinMotivePair . (Melodic.absolute >< Rhythm.absolute) . splitMotivePair