import Game.Hanabi.Backend import Game.Hanabi.VersionInfo import Game.Hanabi.Strategies.SimpleStrategy hiding (main) import Game.Hanabi.Strategies.StatefulStrategy hiding (main) import Game.Hanabi.Strategies.Stateless hiding (main) import Game.Hanabi.Strategies.EndGameSearch hiding (main) main = server defOpt{strategies=strs} strs :: [(String, IO (DynamicStrategy IO))] strs = [ ("Stupid example strategy", return $ mkDS "Stupid example strategy" S), ("Example strategy with states", return $ mkDS "Example strategy with states" $ SF []), ("Stateless implementation of the strategy with states", return $ mkDS "Stateless implementation of the strategy with states" SL), ("Strategy with end game search", return $ mkDS "Strategy with end game search" EG) -- x , ("Sontakki", return $ mkDS "Sontakki" (Sontakki emptyDefault)) ]