{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}

module Hans.Layer.Ethernet (
  , runEthernetLayer

    -- * External Interface
  , Tx
  , Rx
  , sendEthernet
  , queueEthernet
  , addEthernetDevice
  , removeEthernetDevice
  , addEthernetHandler
  , removeEthernetHandler
  , startEthernetDevice
  , stopEthernetDevice
  ) where

import Hans.Address.Mac
import Hans.Channel
import Hans.Layer
import Hans.Message.EthernetFrame
import Hans.Utils (void,just)

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO,ThreadId,killThread)
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import MonadLib (get,set)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict      as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString      as S

-- Ethernet Layer --------------------------------------------------------------

type Handler = S.ByteString -> IO ()

type Tx = L.ByteString   -> IO ()
type Rx = EthernetHandle -> IO ()

type EthernetHandle = Channel (Eth ())

-- | Run the ethernet layer.
runEthernetLayer :: EthernetHandle -> IO ()
runEthernetLayer h =
  void (forkIO (loopLayer "ethernet" (emptyEthernetState h) (receive h) id))

-- External Interface ----------------------------------------------------------

sendEthernet :: EthernetHandle -> EthernetFrame -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
sendEthernet h !frame body = send h (handleOutgoing frame body)

queueEthernet :: EthernetHandle -> S.ByteString -> IO ()
queueEthernet h !pkt = send h (handleIncoming pkt)

startEthernetDevice :: EthernetHandle -> Mac -> IO ()
startEthernetDevice h !m = send h (startDevice m)

stopEthernetDevice :: EthernetHandle -> Mac -> IO ()
stopEthernetDevice h !m = send h (stopDevice m)

addEthernetDevice :: EthernetHandle -> Mac -> Tx -> Rx -> IO ()
addEthernetDevice h !mac tx rx = send h (addDevice mac tx rx)

removeEthernetDevice :: EthernetHandle -> Mac -> IO ()
removeEthernetDevice h !mac = send h (delDevice mac)

addEthernetHandler :: EthernetHandle -> EtherType -> Handler -> IO ()
addEthernetHandler h !et k = send h (addHandler et k)

removeEthernetHandler :: EthernetHandle -> EtherType -> IO ()
removeEthernetHandler h !et = send h (removeHandler et)

-- Ethernet Message Monad ------------------------------------------------------

data EthernetDevice = EthernetDevice
  { devTx :: Tx
  , devRx :: IO ()
  , devUp :: Maybe ThreadId

emptyDevice :: Tx -> IO () -> EthernetDevice
emptyDevice tx rx = EthernetDevice
  { devTx = tx
  , devRx = rx
  , devUp = Nothing

type Eth = Layer EthernetState

data EthernetState = EthernetState
  { ethHandlers :: !(Handlers EtherType Handler)
  , ethDevices  :: !(Map.Map Mac EthernetDevice)
  , ethHandle   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !EthernetHandle

instance ProvidesHandlers EthernetState EtherType Handler where
  getHandlers      = ethHandlers
  setHandlers hs i = i { ethHandlers = hs }

emptyEthernetState :: EthernetHandle -> EthernetState
emptyEthernetState h = EthernetState
  { ethHandlers = emptyHandlers
  , ethDevices  = Map.empty
  , ethHandle   = h

self :: Eth EthernetHandle
self = ethHandle `fmap` get

-- Message Handling ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Handle an incoming packet, from a device.
handleIncoming :: S.ByteString -> Eth ()
handleIncoming pkt = do
  (hdr,body) <- liftRight (parseEthernetFrame pkt)
  h          <- getHandler (etherType hdr)
  output (h body)

-- | Get the device associated with a mac address.
getDevice :: Mac -> Eth EthernetDevice
getDevice mac = do
  state <- get
  just (Map.lookup mac (ethDevices state))

-- | Set the device associated with a mac address.
setDevice :: Mac -> EthernetDevice -> Eth ()
setDevice mac dev = do
  state <- get
  let ds' = Map.insert mac dev (ethDevices state)
  ds' `seq` set state { ethDevices = ds' }

-- | Send an outgoing ethernet frame via the device that it's associated with.
handleOutgoing :: EthernetFrame -> L.ByteString -> Eth ()
handleOutgoing frame body = do
  dev <- getDevice (etherSource frame)
  output (devTx dev (renderEthernetFrame frame body))

-- | Add an ethernet device to the state.
addDevice :: Mac -> Tx -> Rx -> Eth ()
addDevice mac tx rx = do
  stopDevice mac `mplus` return ()
  h <- self
  setDevice mac (emptyDevice tx (rx h))

-- | Remove a device
delDevice :: Mac -> Eth ()
delDevice mac = do
  stopDevice mac
  state <- get
  let ds' = Map.delete mac (ethDevices state)
  ds' `seq` set state { ethDevices = ds' }

-- | Stop an ethernet device.
stopDevice :: Mac -> Eth ()
stopDevice mac = do
  dev <- getDevice mac
  case devUp dev of
    Nothing  -> return ()
    Just tid -> do
      output (killThread tid)
      setDevice mac dev { devUp = Nothing }

-- | Start an ethernet device.
startDevice :: Mac -> Eth ()
startDevice mac = do
  dev <- getDevice mac
  case devUp dev of
    Just _  -> return ()
    -- XXX: add functionality to pipe the threadid back into the layer state.
    Nothing -> output (void (forkIO (devRx dev)))
               --setDevice mac dev { devUp = Just tid }