module Main where import Data.Version (showVersion) import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, killThread) import Control.Exception (bracket) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Log.Logger (Priority(..), logM) import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(..), exitFailure) import System.Console.GetOpt import Happstack.Util.Cron (cron) import Happstack.State (waitForTermination) import Happstack.Server ( Conf(port) , simpleHTTP , nullConf , validator , wdgHTMLValidator ) import Happstack.State ( Component , Proxy(..) , Methods , TxControl , Saver(Queue, FileSaver) , runTxSystem , shutdownSystem , createCheckpoint ) import App.Logger (withLogger) import App.State (AppState(..)) import App.Control (appHandler) -- NOTE: You need to change this file name such that it reflects the name of -- your project in the .cabal file, because it is auto-generated by cabal. import Paths_guestbook (version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main Function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ main = withLogger $ do -- convert command line arguments into list of flags flags <- parseConfig =<< getArgs -- display information like help or version, if required displayInfo flags -- run server runServer flags -- | Display information required by flags. Currently, this is either the help -- message or the version information. displayInfo :: [Flag] -> IO () displayInfo flags | any isHelp flags = putStr helpMessage >> exitWith ExitSuccess | any isVersion flags = putStr versionInfo >> exitWith ExitSuccess | otherwise = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Command Line Interface Content ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Program name used to identify your application. -- It influences the version and help message, as well as the directory name -- for the state of your application. progName = "guestbook-server" fullName = "Happstack Guestbook Example" copyrightInfo = "Copyright (C) 2009 " licenceInfo = "See the accompanying licence for copying conditions." -- | Version information extracted from Paths_guestbook versionInfo = unlines [ fullName ++ " (" ++ progName ++ "), version " ++ showVersion version , copyrightInfo , licenceInfo ] -- | A simple usage message listing all flags possible. helpMessage = usageInfo header opts where header = "Usage: "++progName++" [OPTION...]" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Configuration information data AppConf = AppConf { httpConf :: Conf , store :: FilePath , static :: FilePath } -- | Default configuration -- FIXME: Should incorporate directories queried via Paths_guestbook module defaultConf :: String -> AppConf defaultConf progName = AppConf { httpConf = nullConf , store = "_local/" ++ progName ++ "_state" , static = "public" } -- | Run the server with the given configuration. runServer :: [Flag] -> IO () runServer flags = do -- combine all server config flags let appConf = foldr ($) (defaultConf progName) [f | ServerConfig f <- flags] -- start the state system withSystemState' (store appConf) stateProxy $ \control -> do -- start the http server withThread (simpleHTTP (httpConf appConf) appHandler) $ do -- checkpoint the state once a day withThread (cron (60*60*24) (createCheckpoint control)) $ do -- wait for termination signal logM "Happstack.Server" NOTICE "System running, press 'e ' or Ctrl-C to stop server" waitForTermination where startSystemState' :: (Component st, Methods st) => String -> Proxy st -> IO (MVar TxControl) startSystemState' = runTxSystem . Queue . FileSaver withSystemState' :: (Component st, Methods st) => String -> Proxy st -> (MVar TxControl -> IO a) -> IO a withSystemState' name proxy action = bracket (startSystemState' name proxy) createCheckpointAndShutdown action withThread init action = bracket (forkIO $ init) (killThread) (\_ -> action) createCheckpointAndShutdown control = do logM "Happstack.Server" NOTICE "Creating system checkpoint" createCheckpoint control logM "Happstack.Server" NOTICE "System shutdown" shutdownSystem control -- I currently don't know what this is used for! -- FIXME: Add sensible comment. stateProxy :: Proxy AppState stateProxy = Proxy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Command Line Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags data Flag = ServerConfig (AppConf -> AppConf) | Help | Version -- Flag selectors isHelp flag = case flag of Help -> True; _ -> False isVersion flag = case flag of Version -> True; _ -> False -- | Command line options. opts :: [OptDescr Flag] opts = [ Option [] ["http-port"] (ReqArg setPort "port") "Port to bind http server" , Option [] ["no-validate"] (NoArg $ setValidator Nothing) "Turn off HTML validation" , Option [] ["validate"] (NoArg $ setValidator (Just wdgHTMLValidator)) "Turn on HTML validation" , Option [] ["store"] (ReqArg setMacidDir "PATH") "The directory used for database storage." , Option [] ["static"] (ReqArg setStaticDir "PATH") "The directory searched for static files" , Option [] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "Display version information" , Option [] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "Display this help message" ] where setPort p = ServerConfig $ \c -> c { httpConf = (httpConf c) {port = read p} } setValidator v = ServerConfig $ \c -> c { httpConf = (httpConf c) {validator = v } } setMacidDir p = ServerConfig $ \c -> c { store = p } setStaticDir p = ServerConfig $ \c -> c { static = p } -- | Parse the command line arguments into a list of flags. Exits with usage -- message, in case of failure. parseConfig :: [String] -> IO [Flag] parseConfig args = case getOpt Permute opts args of (flags,_,[]) -> return flags (_,_,errs) -> do logM progName ERROR ("Failure while parsing command line:\n"++unlines errs) putStr helpMessage exitFailure