{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, RecordWildCards, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, OverloadedStrings, StandaloneDeriving #-} module Happstack.Authenticate.Password.Core where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), optional) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Lens ((?~), (^.), (.=), (?=), assign, makeLenses, set, use, view, over) import Control.Lens.At (at) import qualified Crypto.PasswordStore as PasswordStore import Crypto.PasswordStore (genSaltIO, exportSalt, makePassword) import Data.Acid (AcidState, Query, Update, closeAcidState, makeAcidic) import Data.Acid.Advanced (query', update') import Data.Acid.Local (createCheckpointAndClose, openLocalStateFrom) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson (Value(..), Object(..), Result(..), decode, encode, fromJSON) import Data.Aeson.Types (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..), Options(fieldLabelModifier), defaultOptions, genericToJSON, genericParseJSON) #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM #endif import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import Data.Data (Data, Typeable) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust) import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty) import Data.SafeCopy (SafeCopy, Migrate(..), base, extension, deriveSafeCopy) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Data.UserId (UserId) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Happstack.Authenticate.Core (AuthenticationHandler, AuthenticationMethod(..), AuthenticateState(..), AuthenticateConfig, usernameAcceptable, requireEmail, AuthenticateURL, CoreError(..), CreateUser(..), Email(..), unEmail, GetUserByUserId(..), GetUserByUsername(..), HappstackAuthenticateI18N(..), SharedSecret(..), SimpleAddress(..), User(..), Username(..), GetSharedSecret(..), addTokenCookie, createUserCallback, email, getToken, getOrGenSharedSecret, jsonOptions, userId, username, systemFromAddress, systemReplyToAddress, systemSendmailPath, toJSONSuccess, toJSONResponse, toJSONError, tokenUser) import Happstack.Authenticate.Password.URL (AccountURL(..)) import Happstack.Server import HSP.JMacro import Language.Javascript.JMacro import Network.HTTP.Types (toQuery, renderQuery) import Network.Mail.Mime (Address(..), Mail(..), simpleMail', renderMail', renderSendMail, renderSendMailCustom, sendmail) import System.FilePath (combine) import qualified Text.Email.Validate as Email import Text.Shakespeare.I18N (RenderMessage(..), Lang, mkMessageFor) import qualified Web.JWT as JWT import Web.JWT (Algorithm(HS256), JWT, VerifiedJWT, JWTClaimsSet(..), encodeSigned, claims, decode, decodeAndVerifySignature, intDate, secondsSinceEpoch, verify) #if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0) import Web.JWT (ClaimsMap(..), hmacSecret) #else import Web.JWT (secret) #endif import Web.Routes import Web.Routes.TH #if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0) #else unClaimsMap = id #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PasswordConfig ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data PasswordConfig = PasswordConfig { _resetLink :: Text , _domain :: Text , _passwordAcceptable :: Text -> Maybe Text } deriving (Typeable, Generic) makeLenses ''PasswordConfig ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PasswordError ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data PasswordError = NotAuthenticated | NotAuthorized | InvalidUsername | InvalidPassword | InvalidUsernamePassword | NoEmailAddress | MissingResetToken | InvalidResetToken | PasswordMismatch | UnacceptablePassword { passwordErrorMessageMsg :: Text } | CoreError { passwordErrorMessageE :: CoreError } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance ToJSON PasswordError where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions instance FromJSON PasswordError where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions instance ToJExpr PasswordError where toJExpr = toJExpr . toJSON mkMessageFor "HappstackAuthenticateI18N" "PasswordError" "messages/password/error" ("en") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- HashedPass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ newtype HashedPass = HashedPass { _unHashedPass :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''HashedPass makeLenses ''HashedPass -- | hash a password string mkHashedPass :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => Text -- ^ password in plain text -> m HashedPass -- ^ salted and hashed mkHashedPass pass = HashedPass <$> (liftIO $ makePassword (Text.encodeUtf8 pass) 12) -- | verify a password verifyHashedPass :: Text -- ^ password in plain text -> HashedPass -- ^ hashed version of password -> Bool verifyHashedPass passwd (HashedPass hashedPass) = PasswordStore.verifyPassword (Text.encodeUtf8 passwd) hashedPass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PasswordState ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data PasswordState = PasswordState { _passwords :: Map UserId HashedPass } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''PasswordState makeLenses ''PasswordState initialPasswordState :: PasswordState initialPasswordState = PasswordState { _passwords = Map.empty } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- AcidState PasswordState queries/updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | set the password for 'UserId' setPassword :: UserId -- ^ UserId -> HashedPass -- ^ the hashed password -> Update PasswordState () setPassword userId hashedPass = passwords . at userId ?= hashedPass -- | delete the password for 'UserId' deletePassword :: UserId -- ^ UserId -> Update PasswordState () deletePassword userId = passwords . at userId .= Nothing -- | verify that the supplied password matches the stored hashed password for 'UserId' verifyPasswordForUserId :: UserId -- ^ UserId -> Text -- ^ plain-text password -> Query PasswordState Bool verifyPasswordForUserId userId plainPassword = do mHashed <- view (passwords . at userId) case mHashed of Nothing -> return False (Just hashed) -> return (verifyHashedPass plainPassword hashed) makeAcidic ''PasswordState [ 'setPassword , 'deletePassword , 'verifyPasswordForUserId ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | verify that the supplied username/password is valid verifyPassword :: (MonadIO m) => AcidState AuthenticateState -> AcidState PasswordState -> Username -> Text -> m Bool verifyPassword authenticateState passwordState username password = do mUser <- query' authenticateState (GetUserByUsername username) case mUser of Nothing -> return False (Just user) -> query' passwordState (VerifyPasswordForUserId (view userId user) password) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- API ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data UserPass = UserPass { _user :: Username , _password :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) makeLenses ''UserPass instance ToJSON UserPass where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions instance FromJSON UserPass where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions instance ToJExpr UserPass where toJExpr = toJExpr . toJSON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- token ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ token :: (Happstack m) => AcidState AuthenticateState -> AuthenticateConfig -> AcidState PasswordState -> m Response token authenticateState authenticateConfig passwordState = do method POST ~(Just (Body body)) <- takeRequestBody =<< askRq case Aeson.decode body of Nothing -> badRequest $ toJSONError (CoreError JSONDecodeFailed) (Just (UserPass username password)) -> do mUser <- query' authenticateState (GetUserByUsername username) case mUser of Nothing -> forbidden $ toJSONError InvalidPassword (Just u) -> do valid <- query' passwordState (VerifyPasswordForUserId (u ^. userId) password) if not valid then unauthorized $ toJSONError InvalidUsernamePassword else do token <- addTokenCookie authenticateState authenticateConfig u #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) resp 201 $ toJSONSuccess (Object $ KM.fromList [("token", toJSON token)]) -- toResponseBS "application/json" $ encode $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [("token", toJSON token)] #else resp 201 $ toJSONSuccess (Object $ HashMap.fromList [("token", toJSON token)]) -- toResponseBS "application/json" $ encode $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [("token", toJSON token)] #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- account ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | JSON record for new account data data NewAccountData = NewAccountData { _naUser :: User , _naPassword :: Text , _naPasswordConfirm :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) makeLenses ''NewAccountData instance ToJSON NewAccountData where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions instance FromJSON NewAccountData where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions -- | JSON record for change password data data ChangePasswordData = ChangePasswordData { _cpOldPassword :: Text , _cpNewPassword :: Text , _cpNewPasswordConfirm :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) makeLenses ''ChangePasswordData instance ToJSON ChangePasswordData where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions instance FromJSON ChangePasswordData where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions -- | account handler account :: (Happstack m) => AcidState AuthenticateState -> AcidState PasswordState -> AuthenticateConfig -> PasswordConfig -> Maybe (UserId, AccountURL) -> m (Either PasswordError UserId) -- handle new account creation via POST to \/account -- FIXME: check that password and password confirmation match account authenticateState passwordState authenticateConfig passwordConfig Nothing = do method POST ~(Just (Body body)) <- takeRequestBody =<< askRq case Aeson.decode body of Nothing -> badRequest (Left $ CoreError JSONDecodeFailed) (Just newAccount) -> case (authenticateConfig ^. usernameAcceptable) (newAccount ^. naUser ^. username) of (Just e) -> return $ Left (CoreError e) Nothing -> case validEmail (authenticateConfig ^. requireEmail) (newAccount ^. naUser ^. email) of (Just e) -> return $ Left e Nothing -> if (newAccount ^. naPassword /= newAccount ^. naPasswordConfirm) then ok $ Left PasswordMismatch else case (passwordConfig ^. passwordAcceptable) (newAccount ^. naPassword) of (Just passwdError) -> ok $ Left (UnacceptablePassword passwdError) Nothing -> do eUser <- update' authenticateState (CreateUser $ _naUser newAccount) case eUser of (Left e) -> return $ Left (CoreError e) (Right user) -> do hashed <- mkHashedPass (_naPassword newAccount) update' passwordState (SetPassword (user ^. userId) hashed) case (authenticateConfig ^. createUserCallback) of Nothing -> pure () (Just callback) -> liftIO $ callback user ok $ (Right (user ^. userId)) where validEmail :: Bool -> Maybe Email -> Maybe PasswordError validEmail required mEmail = case (required, mEmail) of (True, Nothing) -> Just $ CoreError InvalidEmail (False, Just (Email "")) -> Nothing (False, Nothing) -> Nothing (_, Just email) -> if Email.isValid (Text.encodeUtf8 (email ^. unEmail)) then Nothing else Just $ CoreError InvalidEmail -- handle updates to '/account//*' account authenticateState passwordState authenticateConfig passwordConfig (Just (uid, url)) = case url of Password -> do method POST mUser <- getToken authenticateState case mUser of Nothing -> unauthorized (Left NotAuthenticated) (Just (token, _)) -> -- here we could have fancier policies that allow super-users to change passwords if ((token ^. tokenUser ^. userId) /= uid) then return (Left NotAuthorized) else do mBody <- takeRequestBody =<< askRq case mBody of Nothing -> badRequest (Left $ CoreError JSONDecodeFailed) ~(Just (Body body)) -> case Aeson.decode body of Nothing -> do -- liftIO $ print body badRequest (Left $ CoreError JSONDecodeFailed) (Just changePassword) -> do b <- verifyPassword authenticateState passwordState (token ^. tokenUser ^. username) (changePassword ^. cpOldPassword) if not b then forbidden (Left InvalidPassword) else if (changePassword ^. cpNewPassword /= changePassword ^. cpNewPasswordConfirm) then ok $ (Left PasswordMismatch) else case (passwordConfig ^. passwordAcceptable) (changePassword ^. cpNewPassword) of (Just e) -> ok (Left $ UnacceptablePassword e) Nothing -> do pw <- mkHashedPass (changePassword ^. cpNewPassword) update' passwordState (SetPassword uid pw) ok $ (Right uid) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- passwordReset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | JSON record for new account data data RequestResetPasswordData = RequestResetPasswordData { _rrpUsername :: Username } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) makeLenses ''RequestResetPasswordData instance ToJSON RequestResetPasswordData where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions instance FromJSON RequestResetPasswordData where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions -- | request reset password passwordRequestReset :: (Happstack m) => AuthenticateConfig -> PasswordConfig -> AcidState AuthenticateState -> AcidState PasswordState -> m (Either PasswordError Text) passwordRequestReset authenticateConfig passwordConfig authenticateState passwordState = do method POST ~(Just (Body body)) <- takeRequestBody =<< askRq case Aeson.decode body of Nothing -> badRequest $ Left $ CoreError JSONDecodeFailed (Just (RequestResetPasswordData username)) -> do mUser <- query' authenticateState (GetUserByUsername username) case mUser of Nothing -> notFound $ Left InvalidUsername (Just user) -> case user ^. email of Nothing -> return $ Left NoEmailAddress (Just toEm) -> do resetToken <- issueResetToken authenticateState user let resetLink' = resetTokenLink (passwordConfig ^. resetLink) resetToken -- liftIO $ Text.putStrLn resetLink' -- FIXME: don't print to stdout let from = fromMaybe (SimpleAddress Nothing (Email ("no-reply@" <> (passwordConfig ^. domain)))) (authenticateConfig ^. systemFromAddress) sendResetEmail (authenticateConfig ^. systemSendmailPath) toEm from (authenticateConfig ^. systemReplyToAddress) resetLink' return (Right "password reset request email sent.") -- FIXME: I18N -- | generate a reset token for a UserId resetTokenForUserId :: Text -> AcidState AuthenticateState -> AcidState PasswordState -> UserId -> IO (Either PasswordError Text) resetTokenForUserId resetLink authenticateState passwordState userId = do mUser <- query' authenticateState (GetUserByUserId userId) case mUser of Nothing -> pure $ Left (CoreError InvalidUserId) (Just user) -> do resetToken <- issueResetToken authenticateState user pure $ Right $ resetTokenLink resetLink resetToken -- | create a link for a reset token resetTokenLink :: Text -- ^ base URI -> Text -- ^ reset token -> Text resetTokenLink baseURI resetToken = baseURI <> (Text.decodeUtf8 $ renderQuery True $ toQuery [("reset_token"::Text, resetToken)]) -- | issueResetToken issueResetToken :: (MonadIO m) => AcidState AuthenticateState -> User -> m Text issueResetToken authenticateState user = do ssecret <- getOrGenSharedSecret authenticateState (user ^. userId) -- FIXME: add expiration time now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime let claims = JWT.JWTClaimsSet { JWT.iss = Nothing , JWT.sub = Nothing , JWT.aud = Nothing , JWT.exp = intDate $ now + 60 , JWT.nbf = Nothing , JWT.iat = Nothing , JWT.jti = Nothing , JWT.unregisteredClaims = #if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0) JWT.ClaimsMap $ #endif Map.singleton "reset-password" (toJSON user) } #if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,10,0) return $ encodeSigned (hmacSecret $ _unSharedSecret ssecret) mempty claims #elif MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,9,0) return $ encodeSigned (hmacSecret $ _unSharedSecret ssecret) claims #else return $ encodeSigned HS256 (secret $ _unSharedSecret ssecret) claims #endif -- FIXME: I18N -- FIXME: call renderSendMail sendResetEmail :: (MonadIO m) => Maybe FilePath -> Email -> SimpleAddress -> Maybe SimpleAddress -> Text -> m () sendResetEmail mSendmailPath (Email toEm) (SimpleAddress fromNm (Email fromEm)) mReplyTo resetLink = liftIO $ do let mail = addReplyTo mReplyTo $ simpleMail' (Address Nothing toEm) (Address fromNm fromEm) "Reset Password Request" (LT.fromStrict resetLink) case mSendmailPath of Nothing -> renderSendMail mail (Just sendmailPath) -> renderSendMailCustom sendmailPath ["-t"] mail where addReplyTo :: Maybe SimpleAddress -> Mail -> Mail addReplyTo Nothing m = m addReplyTo (Just (SimpleAddress rplyToNm rplyToEm)) m = let m' = m { mailHeaders = (mailHeaders m) } in m' -- | JSON record for new account data data ResetPasswordData = ResetPasswordData { _rpPassword :: Text , _rpPasswordConfirm :: Text , _rpResetToken :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) makeLenses ''ResetPasswordData instance ToJSON ResetPasswordData where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions instance FromJSON ResetPasswordData where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions passwordReset :: (Happstack m) => AcidState AuthenticateState -> AcidState PasswordState -> PasswordConfig -> m (Either PasswordError Text) passwordReset authenticateState passwordState passwordConfig = do method POST ~(Just (Body body)) <- takeRequestBody =<< askRq case Aeson.decode body of Nothing -> badRequest $ Left $ CoreError JSONDecodeFailed (Just (ResetPasswordData password passwordConfirm resetToken)) -> do mUser <- decodeAndVerifyResetToken authenticateState resetToken case mUser of Nothing -> return (Left InvalidResetToken) (Just (user, _)) -> if password /= passwordConfirm then return (Left PasswordMismatch) else case (passwordConfig ^. passwordAcceptable) password of (Just e) -> ok $ Left $ UnacceptablePassword e Nothing -> do pw <- mkHashedPass password update' passwordState (SetPassword (user ^. userId) pw) ok $ Right "Password Reset." -- I18N {- do mTokenTxt <- optional $ queryString $ lookText' "reset_btoken" case mTokenTxt of Nothing -> badRequest $ Left MissingResetToken (Just tokenTxt) -> do mUser <- decodeAndVerifyResetToken authenticateState tokenTxt case mUser of Nothing -> return (Left InvalidResetToken) (Just (user, _)) -> if password /= passwordConfirm then return (Left PasswordMismatch) else do pw <- mkHashedPass password update' passwordState (SetPassword (user ^. userId) pw) ok $ Right () -- ok $ Right $ Text.pack $ show (password, passwordConfirm) -} {- do mToken <- optional <$> queryString $ lookText "token" case mToken of Nothing -> return (Left MissingResetToken) (Just token) -> do method GET -} decodeAndVerifyResetToken :: (MonadIO m) => AcidState AuthenticateState -> Text -> m (Maybe (User, JWT VerifiedJWT)) decodeAndVerifyResetToken authenticateState token = do let mUnverified = JWT.decode token case mUnverified of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just unverified) -> case Map.lookup "reset-password" (unClaimsMap (unregisteredClaims (claims unverified))) of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just uv) -> case fromJSON uv of (Error _) -> return Nothing (Success u) -> do mssecret <- query' authenticateState (GetSharedSecret (u ^. userId)) case mssecret of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just ssecret) -> #if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,11,0) case verify (JWT.toVerify $ hmacSecret (_unSharedSecret ssecret)) unverified of #elif MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0) case verify (hmacSecret (_unSharedSecret ssecret)) unverified of #else case verify (secret (_unSharedSecret ssecret)) unverified of #endif Nothing -> return Nothing (Just verified) -> do now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime case JWT.exp (claims verified) of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just exp') -> if (now > secondsSinceEpoch exp') then return Nothing else return (Just (u, verified))