{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleInstances,
             OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances, CPP,
             ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs,
             PolymorphicComponents, FlexibleContexts,
             MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable,
             PatternSignatures, PatternGuards #-}

module Happstack.Data.Xml.Base where

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Basics
import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Instances ()
import Data.Maybe
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Happstack.Data.Default
import Happstack.Data.DeriveAll
import Happstack.Data.Migrate
import Happstack.Data.Normalize
import Happstack.Util.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Data.Generics as G

{-| Element recursively represents XML data.  
    Elem n elems -> XML element with name n and described by elems.  Note that elems contains sub-elements as well as the attributes or literal data of the element.
    CData d -> Literal string data
    Attr key val -> Key/Value pair of the element attribute.

$(deriveAll [''Default, ''Eq,''Read,''Ord] [d|
    data Element = Elem String [Element]
                 | CData String
                 | Attr String String

-- | insEl a b will convert a to xml and insert it into the
-- xml of b if b results in an Elem constructor.
insEl :: (Data XmlD a, Default a, Data NormalizeD a,
          Data XmlD b, Default b, Data NormalizeD b) =>
         a -> b -> Element
insEl a b = case toXml b  of
            (Elem n xs:_) -> Elem n $ toPublicXml a ++ xs
            _ -> error "can't insert a into b"

-- This is a more readable representation than the default, but is still
-- Haskell syntax
instance Show Element where
    show (Elem s es) = "Elem " ++ show s ++ " ["
                       ++ fiddle (unlines (indent (concatMap lines $ comma $ map show es)))
                      ++ "]"
        where indent = map ("    " ++)
              comma [] = []
              comma (x:xs) = (' ':x):map (',':) xs
              fiddle "" = ""
              fiddle xs = '\n' : (if last xs == '\n' then init xs else xs)
    show (CData s) = "CData " ++ show s
    show (Attr k v) = "Attr " ++ show k ++ " " ++ show v

-- | Wrapper around the Xml class method readXml.
-- The Rigidity will determine the behavior in the case of a failed parsing:  Rigid will return Nothing and Flexible will return Identity (defaultValue)
fromXml :: forall m a . (Monad m, Xml a) => Rigidity m -> [Element] -> m a
fromXml r xs = case readXml r xs of
               Just (_, v) ->
                   return v
               Nothing ->
                   case r of
                   Rigid -> fail "fromXml XXX"
                   Flexible -> return defaultValue

data Other b = forall a . (Migrate a b, Xml a) => Other a
             | NoOther

-- | Identical to toXml from Xml class except that it will remove attributes named haskellType or haskellTypeVersion
toPublicXml :: Xml a => a -> [Element]
toPublicXml x = clean $ toXml x
    clean [] = []
    clean ((Elem n xs):rest) = (Elem n $ clean xs): clean rest
    clean (CData s:rest)=CData s:clean rest
    clean (Attr n v:rest) = if n `elem` [typeAttr,versionAttr] then clean rest
                            else Attr n v:clean rest
-- | Rigidity is used to designate the result of a failed Xml parsing.
data Rigidity m where
    Rigid :: Rigidity Maybe
    Flexible :: Rigidity Identity

instance Show (Rigidity m) where
    show Rigid = "Rigid"
    show Flexible = "Flexible"

class (Data XmlD a,
       Default a, -- We'd rather have this only in the Flexible case,
                  -- but bugs in GHC 6.6.1 and problems getting the
                  -- instance for child types in constrFromElements
                  -- mean it's a constraint of the Xml class for now.
       Normalize a)
   => Xml a where
    toXml :: a -> [Element]
    toXml = defaultToXml

   -- readXml is like readXml' except it normalises the Elements and
    -- the result
    readXml :: Monad m => Rigidity m -> [Element] -> Maybe ([Element], a)
    readXml = defaultReadXml

    readXml' :: Monad m => Rigidity m -> [Element] -> Maybe ([Element], a)
    readXml' = defaultReadXml'

    normalizeXml :: a{- can't look at this value -} -> [Element] -> [Element]
    normalizeXml _ = id

    version :: a{- can't look at this value -} -> Maybe String
    version _ = Just "0"

    otherVersion :: a{- can't look at this value -} -> Other a
    otherVersion _ = NoOther

    typ :: a{- can't look at this value -} -> String
    typ _ = dataTypeName (dataTypeOf xmlProxy (undefined :: a))

instance (Data XmlD t, Default t, Normalize t) => Xml t

data XmlD a = XmlD { toXmlD :: a -> [Element],
                     readMXmlD :: forall m . Monad m
                               => Rigidity m -> ReadM m a,
                     readMXmlNoRootDefaultD :: forall m . Monad m
                                            => Rigidity m -> ReadM Maybe a }

-- | Used as a type witness for usage with syb-with-class Data class.
xmlProxy :: Proxy XmlD
xmlProxy = error "xmlProxy"

instance Xml t => Sat (XmlD t) where
    dict = XmlD { toXmlD = toXml,
                  readMXmlD = readMXml,
                  readMXmlNoRootDefaultD = readMXmlNoRootDefault }

-- | Applies function to only first element of the list.  Safe on empty lists.
first :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
first _ [] = []
first f (x:xs) = f x : xs

{- | Converts the argument to an Xml element with the constructor 
   name as the root of the Elem and the additional attributes corresponding 
   to haskellType and haskellTypeVersion added
defaultToXml :: Xml t => t -> [Element]
defaultToXml x
 = let me = first toLower $ constring $ toConstr xmlProxy x
       rest = Attr typeAttr (dataTypeName (dataTypeOf xmlProxy x)) :
            transparentToXml x
       rest' = case version x of
                   Nothing -> rest
                   Just v -> Attr versionAttr v : rest
   in [Elem me rest']

-- | Generically traverses an instance of Xml and converts it into a list of elements 
transparentToXml :: Xml t => t -> [Element]
transparentToXml = concat . gmapQ xmlProxy (toXmlD dict)

-- | Attempts to parse the set of elements and return the first constructor it
-- can successfully parse of the inferred type.
transparentReadXml :: forall m t . (Monad m, Xml t)
                   => Rigidity m -> [Element] -> Maybe ([Element], t)
transparentReadXml r es
 = aConstrFromElements r (dataTypeConstrs (dataTypeOf xmlProxy resType)) es
   where resType :: t
         resType = typeNotValue resType

-- | Create an Xml instance using transparentToXml and transparentReadXml
transparentXml :: Name -> Q [Dec]
transparentXml n
 = do i <- reify n
      case i of
          TyConI (DataD _ _ vs _ _) ->
              do argNames <- replicateM (length vs) (newName "a")
                 let args = map varT argNames
                     mkXml a = conT ''Xml `appT` a
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,4,0)
                     mkXmlPred a = classP ''Xml [a]
                     ctxt = cxt $ map mkXmlPred args
                     ctxt = cxt $ map mkXml args
                     instanceHead = mkXml $ foldl appT (conT n) args
                     decs = [d|
                                toXml :: Xml a => a -> [Element]
                                toXml = transparentToXml

                                readXml :: (Monad m, Xml a)
                                        => Rigidity m -> [Element]
                                        -> Maybe ([Element], a)
                                readXml = transparentReadXml
                 d <- instanceD' ctxt instanceHead decs
                 return [d]
          _ ->
              fail ("transparentXml: Not given a type constructor's name: " ++
                    show n)

-- Don't do any defaulting here, as these functions can be implemented
-- differently by the user. We do the defaulting elsewhere instead.
-- The t' type is thus not used.

defaultReadXml :: (Monad m, Xml t)
               => Rigidity m -> [Element] -> Maybe ([Element], t)
defaultReadXml r es = res
    where res = case readXml' r $ normalizeXml valType es of
                    Nothing -> Nothing
                    Just (es', v) -> Just (es', normalize v)
          valType = snd $ fromJust res

defaultReadXml' :: (Monad m, Xml t)
                => Rigidity m -> [Element] -> Maybe ([Element], t)
defaultReadXml' = readXmlWith readVersionedElement

readXmlWith :: Xml t
            => (Rigidity m -> Element -> Maybe t)
            -> Rigidity m
            -> [Element]
            -> Maybe ([Element], t)
readXmlWith f r@Rigid es = case es of
                               e : es' ->
                                   case f r e of
                                       Just v -> Just (es', v)
                                       Nothing -> Nothing
                               [] ->
readXmlWith f r@Flexible es = readXmlWith' [] es
    where readXmlWith' acc (x:xs)
           = case f r x of
                 Nothing -> readXmlWith' (x:acc) xs
                 Just v -> Just (reverse acc ++ xs, v)
          readXmlWith' _ [] = Nothing

readVersionedElement :: forall m t . (Monad m, Xml t)
                     => Rigidity m -> Element -> Maybe t
readVersionedElement r (Elem n es)
    = case getAttr typeAttr es of
      Nothing ->
          readElement r (Elem n es)
      Just (t, es')
       | t == typ resType ->
          case version resType of
          Nothing ->
              readElement r (Elem n es')
          Just v ->
              case getAttr versionAttr es' of
              Nothing -> readElement r (Elem n es')
              Just (v', es'')
               | v == v' -> readElement r (Elem n es'')
               | otherwise ->
                  case otherVersion resType of
                  NoOther ->
                  Other (_ :: u) ->
                      case readVersionedElement r (Elem n es'') of
                      Just (res :: u) ->
                          Just (migrate res)
                      Nothing -> Nothing
       | otherwise ->
    where resType :: t
          resType = typeNotValue resType
readVersionedElement _ _ = Nothing

-- | Matches the provided string to the key of an attribute.  Returns False if any other Element constructor is given.
isTheAttr :: String -> Element -> Bool
isTheAttr a (Attr k _) = a == k
isTheAttr _ _          = False

-- | Fetch the value of the given attribute if present, if not present will return Nothing
getAttr :: String -> [Element] -> Maybe (String, [Element])
getAttr a es = case break (isTheAttr a) es of
                (prefix, Attr _ v : suffix) -> Just (v, prefix ++ suffix)
                _ -> Nothing

-- | Attribute used for Xml class version information
versionAttr :: String
versionAttr = "haskellTypeVersion"

-- | Attribute used for recording the actual Haskell type in the xml serialization 
typeAttr :: String
typeAttr = "haskellType"

readElement :: forall m t . (Monad m, Xml t) => Rigidity m -> Element -> Maybe t
readElement r (Elem n es) = res
    where resType = dataTypeOf xmlProxy (undefined :: t)
          res = case readConstr resType $ first toUpper n of
                Just c -> f c
                Nothing -> if endsWithNum n then readElement r (Elem (noNum n) es) else Nothing
          f :: Constr -> Maybe t
          f c =     let m :: m ([Element], t)
                        m = constrFromElements r c es
                    in case r of
                       Rigid -> case m of
                                    Just ([], x) -> Just x
                                    _ -> Nothing
                       Flexible -> case runIdentity m of
                                       -- We ignore left over elements
                                       (_, x) -> Just x
          endsWithNum m = (last m) `elem` "0123456789"
          noNum  = reverse . dropWhile (`elem` "012344566789") . reverse 

readElement _ _ = Nothing

-- When just trying all the constructors of a type, if defaulting is
-- allowed we would always get the first constructor as all of its
-- arguments could be defaulted. Therefore we have the choice of
--  * accepting this
--  * turning off defaulting for this level only
--  * turning off defaulting recursively
-- We choose the second option, and thus have to duplicate
-- constrFromElements and readXml(D).

-- | aConstrFromElements will return the results of the first constructor
-- that parses correctly.
aConstrFromElements :: forall m t . (Monad m, Xml t)
                    => Rigidity m -> [Constr] -> [Element]
                    -> Maybe ([Element], t)
aConstrFromElements r cs es
 = msum [ constrFromElementsNoRootDefault r c es | c <- cs ]

-- | Like constrFromElements but does not allow defaulting in case of
-- a parse error.
constrFromElementsNoRootDefault :: forall m t . (Monad m, Xml t)
                                => Rigidity m -> Constr -> [Element]
                                -> Maybe ([Element], t)
constrFromElementsNoRootDefault r c es
 = do let st = ReadState { xmls = es }
          m :: ReadM Maybe t
          m = fromConstrM xmlProxy (readMXmlNoRootDefaultD dict r) c
      -- XXX Should we flip the result order?
      (x, st') <- runStateT m st
      return (xmls st', x)

{- | Attempts to parse the given elements to build the particular type
     given by the constructor argument.
constrFromElements :: forall m t . (Monad m, Xml t)
                   => Rigidity m -> Constr -> [Element]
                   -> m ([Element], t)
constrFromElements r c es
 = do let st = ReadState { xmls = es }
          m :: ReadM m t
          m = fromConstrM xmlProxy (readMXmlD dict r) c
      -- XXX Should we flip the result order?
      (x, st') <- runStateT m st
      return (xmls st', x)

type ReadM m = StateT ReadState m

data ReadState = ReadState {
                     xmls :: [Element]

-- | Returns the elements currently in the state
getXmls :: Monad m => ReadM m [Element]
getXmls = do st <- get
             return $ xmls st

-- | Sets the state of the xml parsing to the given value
putXmls :: Monad m => [Element] -> ReadM m ()
putXmls xs = do st <- get
                put $ st { xmls = xs }

{- | Attempts to parse the current set of elements.  If it fails the behavior
is dependent on the Rigidity.  If it is Rigid, then it will return Nothing
but if it is Flexible it will return the defaultValue.
If the parsing succeeds, it will return the value and store the remaining
XML elements in the parser state.
readMXml :: (Monad m, Xml a) => Rigidity m -> ReadM m a
readMXml r
 = do xs <- getXmls
      case readXml r xs of
          Nothing ->
              case r of
              Rigid -> fail "Cannot read value"
              Flexible -> return defaultValue
          Just (xs', v) ->
              do putXmls xs'
                 return v
-- | Identical to readMXml except that in the case of a failed parsing it will not use defaultValue.
readMXmlNoRootDefault :: (Monad m, Xml a) => Rigidity m -> ReadM Maybe a
readMXmlNoRootDefault r
 = do xs <- getXmls
      case readXml r xs of
          Nothing -> fail "Cannot read value"
          Just (xs', v) ->
              do putXmls xs'
                 return v

xmlAttr :: Name -> Q [Dec]
xmlAttr newTypeName
 = do i <- reify newTypeName
      case i of
          TyConI (NewtypeD _ n _ (NormalC c [(_, ConT t)]) _)
           | t == ''ByteString -> mkDecs n c t
          _ -> fail "xmlAttr: Didn't get what I wanted"

    where mkDecs n c t =
            do let x = mkName "x"
                   f = mkName "f"
                   cstr = stringL $ first toLower $ nameBase c
                   toFun = funD
                                 [conP c [varP x]]
                                 (normalB [| [Attr $(litE cstr)
                                                   $ BS.unpack $(varE x)] |])

                   readFun = funD
                                 (normalB [| readXmlWith $(varE f) |])

                    = funD f
                            clause [conP 'Attr [litP cstr, (varP x)]]
                                   (normalB [| Just $ $(conE c)
                                                    $ BS.pack $(varE x) |])
                            clause [wildP]
                                   (normalB [| Nothing |])
               inst <- instanceD (cxt [])
                                 ( conT ''Xml `appT` conT n)
                                 [toFun, readFun]
               return [inst]

-- | xmlShowCData lifted to act on lists
xmlShowCDatas :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]
xmlShowCDatas = liftM concat . mapM xmlShowCData

{- | automatically creates an Xml definition for a type that is an instance
of Show and Read.  This will result in an instance that converts the type to and from CData.
xmlShowCData :: Name -> Q [Dec]
xmlShowCData newTypeName
 = do d <- instanceD' (cxt [])
                      (conT ''Xml `appT` conT newTypeName)
                          toXml :: (Show a, Xml a) => a -> [Element]
                          toXml x = [CData $ show x]

                          readXml :: (Read a, Xml a)
                                  => Rigidity m -> [Element]
                                  -> Maybe ([Element], a)
                          readXml = readXmlWith f
                              where f _ (CData x)
                                     | [(v, "")] <- reads x = Just v
                                    f _ _ = Nothing
      return [d]

-- | xmlCDataLists lifted to act on lists
xmlCDataLists :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]
xmlCDataLists = liftM concat . mapM xmlCDataList

{- | Creates an instance similar to xmlShowCData except for lists of the
provided type -}
xmlCDataList :: Name -> Q [Dec]
xmlCDataList newTypeName
 = do d <- instanceD' (cxt [])
                      (conT ''Xml `appT` (listT `appT` conT newTypeName))
                        toXml :: (Show a, Xml a) => [a] -> [Element]
                        toXml xs = [CData $ concat $ intersperse ","
                                          $ map show xs]

                        readXml :: (Read a, Xml a)
                                => Rigidity m -> [Element]
                                -> Maybe ([Element], [a])
                        readXml = readXmlWith f
                            where f _ (CData x) =
                                      let list = words $ noCommas x
                                          is = concatMap reads list
                                      in if length is == length list
                                         then Just $ map fst is
                                         else Nothing
                                  f _ _ = Nothing
      return [d]

-- | Replaces commas in the string with single spaces
noCommas :: String -> String
noCommas = map (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x)

-- | Throws an error when called
typeNotValue :: Xml a => a -> a
typeNotValue t = error ("Type used as value: " ++ typeName)
    where typeName = dataTypeName (dataTypeOf xmlProxy t)