{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude, PackageImports  #-}
{- |

The server-side half of a typed AJAX communication channel.

To use this library, you could start by defining a type in a file that
can be shared between the Haskell Server and Fay client. For example:

    data Command
        = SendGuess Guess (ResponseType (Maybe Row))
        | FetchBoard (ResponseType (Maybe Board))
        deriving (Read, Show, Data, Typeable)
    instance Foreign Command

The 'ResponseType' argument specifies what type each command should
return. Using GADTs would be cleaner, but Fay does not support GADTs

In the server, you would then have a route that handles ajax requests such as:

    , dir "ajax"     $ handleCommand (commandR acid)

@commandR@ would then call functions to handle the various requests:

-- | handle an AJAX request
commandR :: AcidState Games
         -> Command
         -> ServerPart Response
commandR acid cmd =
    case cmd of
      (SendGuess guess rt) -> fayResponse rt $ sendGuessC acid guess
      (FetchBoard rt)      -> fayResponse rt $ fetchBoardC acid

@commandR@ uses 'fayResponse' to convert the value returned by each
command handler to a valid Fay value. Note that it takes
'ResponseType' argument and passes it to 'fayResponse'. This is how we
ensure that each commend handler is returning the right type.

See also @AJAX@ from the @happstack-client-fay@ package.

module Happstack.Fay where

-- NOTE: we do not really need to use NoImplicitPrelude and
-- PackageImports here since this module only needs things from "base"
-- and we do not compile against "fay-base". However, when debugging
-- things in GHCi, we might have both "base" and "fay-base"
-- loaded. So, using PackageImports just makes things easier.

import "base" Prelude
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson
import "base" Data.Data
import Happstack.Server
import ResponseType
import Fay.Convert

-- | decode the 'cmd' and call the response handler.
-- See also: 'fayResponse'
handleCommand :: (Data cmd, Show cmd, Happstack m) =>
                 (cmd -> m Response)
              -> m Response
handleCommand handler =
    do json <- lookBS "json"
       liftIO $ print json
       let val = (decode' json)
           mCmd = readFromFay =<< val
       liftIO $ print val
       liftIO $ print mCmd
       case mCmd of
         Nothing    -> badRequest $ toResponse ("Failed to turn this into a command: " ++ show (val))
         (Just cmd) -> handler cmd

-- | convert the return value to a fay response.
fayResponse :: (Happstack m, Show a) =>
               ResponseType a -- ^ used to help the type-checker enforce type safety
            -> m a            -- ^ handler that calculates a response
            -> m Response
fayResponse _rt m =
    do a <- m
       case showToFay a of
         Nothing -> internalServerError $ toResponse ("showToFay failed to convert response." :: String)
         (Just json) ->
             ok $ toResponseBS "application/json;charset=UTF-8" $ encode json