{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, NoImplicitPrelude, PackageImports #-}
{- |

client-side half of a typed AJAX communication channel.

To use this library, you could start by defining a type in a file that
can be shared between the Haskell Server and Fay client. For example:

    data Command
        = SendGuess Guess (ResponseType (Maybe Row))
        | FetchBoard (ResponseType (Maybe Board))
        deriving (Read, Show, Data, Typeable)
    instance Foreign Command

The 'ResponseType' argument specifies what type each command should
return. Using GADTs would be cleaner, but Fay does not support GADTs

To execute a remote function we use the 'call' function:

      call "/ajax" FetchBoard $ \mboard -> ...

Due to the single-threaded nature of Javascript, we do not want to
block until the 'call' returns a value, so we perform the AJAX request
asynchronously. The third argument to 'call' is the callback function
to run when the response is received.

module AJAX where

import "fay-base" Data.Data
import FFI
import JQuery
import ResponseType
import "fay-base" Prelude

-- | Asynchronously call a command
-- Note: if the server returns 404 or some other non-success exit
-- code, the callback function will never be run.
-- This function is just a wrapper around 'ajaxCommand' which uses the
-- 'ResponseType res' phantom-typed parameter for added type safety.
call :: String                    -- ^ URL to 'POST' AJAX request to
     -> (ResponseType res -> cmd) -- ^ AJAX command to send to server
     -> (res -> Fay ())           -- ^ callback function to handle response
     -> Fay ()
call uri f g = ajaxCommand uri (f ResponseType) g

-- | Run the AJAX command. (internal)
-- You probably want to use 'call' which provides additional
-- type-safety.
-- Note: if the server returns 404 or some other non-success exit
-- code, the callback function will never be run.
-- see also: 'call'
ajaxCommand :: String -> Automatic cmd -> (Automatic res -> Fay ()) -> Fay ()
ajaxCommand =
    ffi "jQuery['ajax']({'url': %1, 'type': 'POST', 'data': { 'json' : JSON.stringify(%2) }, 'dataType': 'json', 'success' : %3 })"