{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmFhsx2hs #-} module Main where import Control.Exception (bracket, finally) import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Data.Acid.Local (createCheckpointAndClose) import qualified Data.IxSet as IxSet import Data.IxSet (IxSet, Indexable, Proxy(..), (@=), getEQ, getOne, ixSet, ixFun) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.UserId (UserId(..)) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Happstack.Authenticate.Core (AuthenticateState, AuthenticateConfig(..), AuthenticateURL(Controllers), Username, getToken, tokenUser, unUsername, username, usernamePolicy) import Happstack.Authenticate.Route (initAuthentication) import Happstack.Authenticate.Password.Core (PasswordConfig(..)) import Happstack.Authenticate.Password.Route (initPassword) -- import Happstack.Authenticate.Password.URL(PasswordURL(..)) -- import Happstack.Authenticate.OpenId.Core (OpenIdState) import Happstack.Authenticate.OpenId.Route (initOpenId) -- import Happstack.Authenticate.OpenId.URL (OpenIdURL(..)) import qualified Happstack.Server.HSP.HTML as HTML import Happstack.Server.JMacro () import Happstack.Foundation import HSP (toName) import HSP.XML as HTML import Language.Javascript.JMacro import System.Environment import System.FilePath (()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | an id which uniquely identifies a paste -- -- NOTE: 'PasteId 0' indicates that a 'Paste' has not been assigned an -- id yet. Though.. I am not thrilled about 0 having special meaning -- that is not enforced by the type system. newtype PasteId = PasteId { unPasteId :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Data, Typeable) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''PasteId) $(derivePathInfo ''PasteId) -- | The format of the paste. Currently we only support plain-text, -- but later we might add support for Haskell syntax hightlighting, -- etc. data Format = PlainText deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Format) -- | the meta-data for a 'Paste' -- -- We break this out separately from the paste, because we often want -- only the meta-data. For example, when generating a list of recent pastes. data PasteMeta = PasteMeta { pasteId :: PasteId , replyTo :: Maybe PasteId , title :: Text , nickname :: Username , format :: Format , pasted :: UTCTime } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''PasteMeta) -- | a 'Paste' data Paste = Paste { pasteMeta :: PasteMeta , paste :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Paste) -- | The 'Indexable Paste' instance will allow us to create an 'IxSet Paste' -- -- We index on the 'PasteId' and the time it was pasted. instance Indexable Paste where empty = ixSet [ ixFun $ (:[]) . pasteId . pasteMeta , ixFun $ (:[]) . pasted . pasteMeta ] -- | record to store in acid-state data CtrlVState = CtrlVState { pastes :: IxSet Paste , nextPasteId :: PasteId } deriving (Data, Typeable) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''CtrlVState) -- | initial value to use with acid-state when no prior state is found initialCtrlVState :: CtrlVState initialCtrlVState = CtrlVState { pastes = IxSet.empty , nextPasteId = PasteId 1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Acid-State events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | add or update a paste -- -- If the PasteId is '0', then update the paste to use the next unused PasteId and insert it into the IxSet. -- -- Otherwise, we update the existing paste. insertPaste :: Paste -> Update CtrlVState PasteId insertPaste p@Paste{..} | pasteId pasteMeta == PasteId 0 = do cvs@CtrlVState{..} <- get put $ cvs { pastes = IxSet.insert (p { pasteMeta = pasteMeta { pasteId = nextPasteId }}) pastes , nextPasteId = succ nextPasteId } return nextPasteId | otherwise = do cvs@CtrlVState{..} <- get put $ cvs { pastes = IxSet.updateIx (pasteId pasteMeta) p pastes } return (pasteId pasteMeta) -- | get a paste by it's 'PasteId' getPasteById :: PasteId -> Query CtrlVState (Maybe Paste) getPasteById pid = getOne . getEQ pid . pastes <$> ask type Limit = Int type Offset = Int -- | get recent pastes getRecentPastes :: Limit -- ^ maximum number of recent pastes to return -> Offset -- ^ number of pastes skip (useful for pagination) -> Query CtrlVState [PasteMeta] getRecentPastes limit offset = do CtrlVState{..} <- ask return $ map pasteMeta $ take limit $ drop offset $ IxSet.toDescList (Proxy :: Proxy UTCTime) pastes -- | get a list of all paste ids getPasteIds :: Query CtrlVState [PasteId] getPasteIds = do CtrlVState{..} <- ask return $ map (pasteId . pasteMeta) $ IxSet.toAscList (Proxy :: Proxy PasteId) pastes -- | now we need to tell acid-state which functions should be turn into -- acid-state events. $(makeAcidic ''CtrlVState [ 'getPasteById , 'getRecentPastes , 'getPasteIds , 'insertPaste ]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | All the routes for our web application data Route = ViewRecent | ViewPaste PasteId | NewPaste | CSS | Authenticate AuthenticateURL | CtrlVAppJs deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable) -- | we will just use template haskell to derive the route mapping $(derivePathInfo ''Route) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- CtrlV type-aliases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The foundation types are heavily parameterized -- but for our app -- we can pin all the type parameters down. type CtrlV' = FoundationT' Route Acid () IO type CtrlV = XMLGenT CtrlV' type CtrlVForm = FoundationForm Route Acid () IO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- From demo-hsp Acid.hs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | 'Acid' holds all the 'AcidState' handles for this site. data Acid = Acid { acidAuthenticate :: AcidState AuthenticateState , acidPaste :: AcidState CtrlVState } instance (Functor m, Monad m) => HasAcidState (FoundationT' url Acid reqSt m) AuthenticateState where getAcidState = acidAuthenticate <$> getAcidSt instance (Functor m, Monad m) => HasAcidState (FoundationT' url Acid reqSt m) CtrlVState where getAcidState = acidPaste <$> getAcidSt -- | run an action which takes 'Acid'. -- -- Uses 'bracket' to open / initialize / close all the 'AcidState' handles. -- -- WARNING: The database files should only be opened by one thread in -- one application at a time. If you want to access the database from -- multiple threads (which you almost certainly do), then simply pass -- the 'Acid' handle to each thread. withAcid :: AcidState AuthenticateState -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ state directory -> (Acid -> IO a) -- ^ action -> IO a withAcid authenticateState mBasePath f = let basePath = fromMaybe "_state" mBasePath in bracket (openLocalStateFrom (basePath "paste") initialCtrlVState) (createCheckpointAndClose) $ \paste -> f (Acid authenticateState paste) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- angular App Controler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ctrlVAppJs :: JStat ctrlVAppJs = [jmacro| { var ctrlVApp = angular.module('ctrlVApp', [ 'happstackAuthentication', 'usernamePassword', 'openId', 'ngRoute' ]); ctrlVApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/resetPassword', { templateUrl: '/authenticate/authentication-methods/password/partial/reset-password-form', controller: 'UsernamePasswordCtrl' }); }]); } |] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- appTemplate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | page template function appTemplate :: ( EmbedAsChild CtrlV' headers , EmbedAsChild CtrlV' body ) => Lazy.Text -- ^ page title -> headers -- ^ extra headers to add to \ tag -> body -- ^ contents of \ tag -> CtrlV Response appTemplate ttl moreHdrs bdy = do routeFn <- askRouteFn html <- <% ttl %> <% moreHdrs %>
-- <% bdy %>
{- <% do mUserId <- join $ liftM2 getUserId getAcidState getAcidState -- Debugging -- authState <- query' acidAuth AskAuthState -- let authDump = traceMsg "authState: " $ ppDoc authState case mUserId of Nothing -> do (Just uid) -> do %> -} return (toResponse html) -- | This makes it easy to embed a PasteId in an HSP template instance EmbedAsChild CtrlV' PasteId where asChild (PasteId i) = asChild ('#' : show i) -- | This makes it easy to embed a timestamp into an HSP -- template. 'show' provides way too much precision, so something -- using formatTime would be better. instance EmbedAsChild CtrlV' UTCTime where asChild time = asChild (show time) instance EmbedAsChild CtrlV' Username where asChild u = asChild (u ^. unUsername) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Pages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | page handler for 'ViewRecent' viewRecentPage :: CtrlV Response viewRecentPage = do method GET recent <- query (GetRecentPastes 20 0) case recent of [] -> appTemplate "Recent Pastes" ()

There are no pastes yet.

_ -> appTemplate "Recent Pastes" () $ <%>

Recent Pastes

<% mapM mkTableRow recent %>
id replyto title author date format
where mkTableRow PasteMeta{..} = <% show $ unPasteId pasteId %> <% case replyTo of Nothing -> (Just pid) -> <% pid %> %> <% title %> <% nickname %> <% pasted %> <% show format %> -- | page handler for 'ViewPaste' viewPastePage :: PasteId -> CtrlV Response viewPastePage pid = do method GET mPaste <- query (GetPasteById pid) case mPaste of Nothing -> do notFound () appTemplate "Paste not found." () $

Paste <% pid %> could not be found.

(Just (Paste (PasteMeta{..}) paste)) -> do ok () appTemplate (Lazy.pack $ "Paste " ++ (show $ unPasteId pid)) () $
<% pid %>
<% case replyTo of Nothing -> <%> (Just rid) -> <%>
Reply To:
<% rid %>
<% title %>
<% nickname %>
<% formatPaste format paste %>
-- | convert the paste to HTML. We currently only support 'PlainText', -- but eventually it might do syntax hightlighting, markdown, etc. -- -- Note that we do not have to worry about escaping the txt -- value.. that is done automatically by HSP. formatPaste :: Format -> Text -> CtrlV XML formatPaste PlainText txt =
<% txt %>
-- | page handler for 'NewPaste' newPastePage :: CtrlV Response newPastePage = do here <- whereami appTemplate "Add a Paste" () $ <%>

You Are Not Logged In

If you don't have an account already you can signup:

If you have forgotten your password you can request it to be sent to your email address:

You could also sign in using your Google OpenId:

Add a paste

<% theForm here %>

You are logged in. You can Click Here To Logout. Or you can change your password here:

If you are an admin you can edit the realm:

where theForm :: Route -> CtrlV [CtrlV XML] theForm here = do pasteIds <- query GetPasteIds reform (form here) "add" success Nothing (pasteForm pasteIds) success :: Paste -> CtrlV Response success paste = do pid <- update (InsertPaste paste) seeOtherURL (ViewPaste pid) -- | the 'Form' used for entering a new paste pasteForm :: [PasteId] -> CtrlVForm Paste pasteForm pasteIds = (fieldset $ ul $ (,,,) <$> (li $ label reply to ++> (select ((PasteId 0,"none") : [(pid, show (unPasteId pid)) | pid <- pasteIds]) (== PasteId 0))) <*> (li $ label title ++> (inputText "" `transformEither` required) <++ errorList) <*> (li $ label format ++> formatForm) <*> (li $ label
++> errorList ++> (textarea 80 25 "" `transformEither` required)) <* inputSubmit "paste!" ) `transformEitherM` toPaste where formatForm = select [(a, show a) | a <- [minBound .. maxBound]] (== PlainText) toPaste (rid, ttl, fmt, bdy) = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime as <- getAcidState mToken <- lift $ getToken as case mToken of Nothing -> return $ Left $ "You must login to post." (Just (token, _)) -> return $ Right $ (Paste { pasteMeta = PasteMeta { pasteId = PasteId 0 , replyTo = case rid of (PasteId 0) -> Nothing ; _ -> Just rid , title = ttl , nickname = token ^. tokenUser ^. username , format = fmt , pasted = now } , paste = bdy }) required txt | Text.null txt = Left "Required" | otherwise = Right txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | the route mapping function route :: (AuthenticateURL -> RouteT AuthenticateURL (ServerPartT IO) Response) -> Text -> Route -> CtrlV Response route routeAuthenticate _baseURL url = case url of -- FIXME: replace the ViewRecent thing here with "go back to -- the last page we were on". - rlpowell Authenticate authenticateURL -> lift $ nestURL Authenticate $ mapRouteT lift $ routeAuthenticate authenticateURL CtrlVAppJs -> do ok $ toResponse $ ctrlVAppJs ViewRecent -> viewRecentPage (ViewPaste pid) -> viewPastePage pid NewPaste -> newPastePage CSS -> serveFile (asContentType "text/css") "style.css" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | start the app. listens on port 8000. main :: IO () main = do (cleanup, routeAuthenticate, authenticateState) <- let authenticateConfig = AuthenticateConfig { _isAuthAdmin = const $ return True , _usernameAcceptable = usernamePolicy , _requireEmail = True } passwordConfig = PasswordConfig { _resetLink = "http://localhost:8000/#resetPassword" , _domain = "example.org" , _passwordAcceptable = \t -> if Text.length t >= 5 then Nothing else Just "Must be at least 5 characters." } in initAuthentication Nothing authenticateConfig [ initPassword passwordConfig , initOpenId ] withAcid authenticateState Nothing $ \acid -> do args <- getArgs let appPort = if (length args > 0) then (read (args !! 0) :: Int) else 8000 let hosturl = if (length args > 1) then (Text.pack ((args !! 1) :: String)) else (Text.pack "http://localhost:8000") (simpleApp id defaultConf { httpConf = nullConf { port = appPort } } (AcidUsing acid) () ViewRecent hosturl (route routeAuthenticate hosturl)) `finally` cleanup