{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Happstack.Server.Helpers -- ( smartserver, exactdir, smartserver',getData',vhosts,vhost, cleanUpLockFile, scrapeUrl, websiteUp, stateShutDown ) where import Control.Monad.Error import Happstack.Server import Happstack.State import Control.Concurrent import System.Time import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B -- run the happs server on some port -- using simpleHTTPWithSocket instead of simpleHTTP helps the app restart sanely when daemonized with supervisord, instead of getting bind failed -- error because of lingering open socket when kill-9'd or out-of-memory errord. {- supervisord start file with lock cleanup looks something like #!/bin/bash -uxe #ulimit -v 262144 #ulimit -v 600000 ulimit -v 300000 cd /home/thartman/appserver /bin/rm -f _local/appserver_state.lock ./dist/build/patchtagserver/patchtagserver --port=80 --pubdomain=localhost --privdomain=localhost --analytics=False --adminusers=['"'tphyahoo21'"'] /bin/rm -f _local/appserver_state.lock echo sleeping for 1 seconds sleep 1 -} smartserver conf h stateProxy = do socket <- bindPort conf webserverTid <- forkIO $ simpleHTTPWithSocket socket conf h putStrLn . ( "starting happs server" ++ ) =<< time control <- startSystemState stateProxy -- start the HAppS state system putStrLn . ( "happs state started" ++ ) =<< time waitForTermination killThread webserverTid stateShutdown control time = return . ("\ntime: " ++ ) . show =<< getClockTime stateShutdown control = do putStrLn . ( "creating checkpoint: " ++ ) =<< time createCheckpoint control putStrLn . ( "shutting down system: " ++ ) =<< time shutdownSystem control putStrLn . ( "exiting: " ++ ) =<< time exactdir :: (Monad m) => String -> ServerPartT m a -> ServerPartT m a exactdir staticPath = spsIf (\rq -> rqURL rq == staticPath) spsIf :: (Monad m) => (Request -> Bool) -> ServerPartT m a -> ServerPartT m a spsIf p sps = do rq <- askRq if p rq then sps else mzero getData' :: (ServerMonad m, FromData a, MonadPlus m) => m a getData' = getData >>= maybe mzero return -- | multiple vhosts to a server, eg -- | vhosts [("mysite.com",80),("www.mysite.com",80)] mySiteController vhosts hosts sp = msum . map (\h -> vhost h sp) $ hosts {- | vhost doms h = msum . map (\d -> site d h) doms similar to apache vhost. given (domain,port) and a main request handler, handle requests if it's the specified domain and port vhost ("mysite.com",80) mySiteController -} vhost :: (String,Int) -> ServerPartT IO Response -> ServerPartT IO Response vhost vh@(_, _) sp = do (p :: Int) <- liftM ( snd . rqPeer ) askRq (d :: String) <- (B.unpack . fromMaybe (error "Happstack.Helpers.Server.vhost, no host header")) `liftM` getHeaderM "host" guardRq $ \_ -> (d,p) == vh sp -- REMOVED. The better way to solve this problem is to use simpleHTTPWithWebSocket, which doesn't prevent startup on kill-9 that leaves -- ghost socket around. {-| If a forked IO action throws an exception within a certain amount of time, return the exception along with the threadId. wait time needs to be long enough for the exception to arise, so when in doubt, err on the side of longer wait time -} {- catchStartupErrorInForkIO :: IO () -> Int -> IO (ThreadId, Either E.SomeException ()) catchStartupErrorInForkIO ioAction waitSeconds = do eIOref <- newIORef $ Right () tid <- forkIO $ ioAction `E.catch` (\e -> writeIORef eIOref (Left e)) threadDelay $ waitSeconds * (10^6) new <- readIORef eIOref return (tid,new) -} -- REMOVED. The better way to solve this problem is to use simpleHTTPWithWebSocket, which doesn't prevent startup on kill-9 that leaves -- ghost socket around. -- WAS: -- This is useful if you have a web server that crashes, but sometimes leaves the lock file hanging around. -- But sometimes, due to unknown reasons, has a false restart that should quickly exit because the lock file exists and the app is really running. -- What this function does is clean up the lock file, but only if a curl request for the actual web site fails. -- This feels like risky business, try to find a better way (unclear on what the race condition, if any, is exactly but uneasy...) -- Another danger is, what if the generated lock file doesn't match the actual lock file? (like if the underlying library call changes?) {- cleanUpLockFile thisprog checkurl teststring waitSecs = do progName <- getProgName -- prevents inadvertent running from inside ghci. unless (thisprog == progName) $ error $ "prog name isn't " ++ progName ++ " exiting: " ++ progName lockFile <- liftM ( "_local" progName ++ "_state.lock") getCurrentDirectory putStrLn $ "cleanUpLockFile, lock file: " ++ lockFile lock_fileExists <- doesFileExist lockFile when lock_fileExists $ do -- Q: What if website really is up, but slower to respond than waitSecs. -- A: The lock would be deleted and the app would attempt to start -- It would probably fail because port is blocked. -- It would keep trying to start because that's what supervisord does. -- Q. Can I conceive of scenario where website is up and a second server process is attempted to be started, -- when daemonized under supervisord? -- A. Not at the moment. up <- websiteUp waitSecs checkurl teststring if up then do threadDelay $ 2 * 10^6 error $ " cleanUpLockFile: " ++ progName ++ " is already running. That's odd. Exiting now." else removeFile lockFile -} -- REMOVED. The better way to solve this problem is to use simpleHTTPWithWebSocket, which doesn't prevent startup on kill-9 that leaves -- ghost socket around. -- WAS: {- websiteUp secsWaitRequest url teststring = do let timeoutSecs n = timeout $ (10^6) * n mbEtR <- timeoutSecs secsWaitRequest $ runErrorT $ scrapeUrl url case mbEtR of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "scrapeUrl returned nothing after " ++ (show secsWaitRequest) ++ "seconds, so we conclude it's donwn" return False Just etR -> case etR of Left e -> return False Right s -> return $ isInfixOf (lc teststring) (lc s) where lc = map toLower scrapeUrl :: String -> ErrorT String IO String scrapeUrl url = do rq <- ErrorT $ case Network.URI.parseURI url of Nothing -> return . Left $ "bad url: " ++ url Just uri -> return . Right $ HTTP.Request uri HTTP.GET [] "" ErrorT $ do r <- catch ( HTTP.simpleHTTP rq ) ( \e -> return . Left . Network.Stream.ErrorMisc . show $ e) case r of Right x -> return . Right . HTTP.rspBody $ x Left y -> return . Left $ "web fetch failed: " ++ (show rq) -}