{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSignatures #-}

{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
-- Copyright   :  (c) Happstack.com 2009; (c) HAppS Inc 2007
-- License     :  BSD-like
-- Maintainer  :  lemmih@vo.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  requires mtl
-- SimpleHTTP provides a back-end independent API for handling HTTP requests.
-- By default, the built-in HTTP server will be used. However, other back-ends
-- like CGI\/FastCGI can used if so desired.
-- So the general nature of 'simpleHTTP' is no different than what you'd expect
-- from a web application container.  First you figure out when function is
-- going to process your request, process the request to generate a response,
-- then return that response to the client. The web application container is
-- started with 'simpleHTTP', which takes a configuration and a
-- response-building structure ('ServerPartT' which I'll return too in a
-- moment), and picks the first handler that is willing to accept the request,
-- passes the request into the handler.  A simple "hello world" style HAppS
-- simpleHTTP server looks like:
-- @
--   main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ return \"Hello World!\"
-- @
-- @simpleHTTP nullConf@ creates a HTTP server on port 8000.
-- return \"Hello World!\" creates a serverPartT that just returns that text.
-- 'ServerPartT' is the basic response builder.  As you might expect, it's a
-- container for a function that takes a Request and converts it a response
-- suitable for sending back to the server.  Most of the time though you don't
-- even need to worry about that as ServerPartT hides almost all the machinery
-- for building your response by exposing a few type classes.
-- 'ServerPartT' is a pretty rich monad.  You can interact with your request,
-- your response, do IO, etc.  Here is a do block that validates basic
-- authentication It takes a realm name as a string, a Map of username to
-- password and a server part to run if authentication fails.
-- @basicAuth'@ acts like a guard, and only produces a response when
-- authentication fails.  So put it before any ServerPartT you want to demand
-- authentication for in any collection of ServerPartTs.
-- @
-- main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ myAuth, return \"Hello World!\"
--     where
--         myAuth = basicAuth\' \"Test\"
--             (M.fromList [(\"hello\", \"world\")]) (return \"Login Failed\")
-- basicAuth\' realmName authMap unauthorizedPart =
--    do
--        let validLogin name pass = M.lookup name authMap == Just pass
--        let parseHeader = break (\':\'==) . Base64.decode . B.unpack . B.drop 6
--        authHeader <- getHeaderM \"authorization\"
--        case authHeader of
--            Nothing -> err
--            Just x  -> case parseHeader x of
--                (name, \':\':pass) | validLogin name pass -> mzero
--                                   | otherwise -> err
--                _                                       -> err
--    where
--        err = do
--            unauthorized ()
--            setHeaderM headerName headerValue
--            unauthorizedPart
--        headerValue = \"Basic realm=\\\"\" ++ realmName ++ \"\\\"\"
--        headerName  = \"WWW-Authenticate\"
-- @
-- Here is another example that uses liftIO to embed IO in a request process
-- @
--   main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ myPart
--   myPart = do
--     line <- liftIO $ do -- IO
--         putStr \"return? \"
--         getLine
--     when (take 2 line \/= \"ok\") $ (notfound () >> return \"refused\")
--     return \"Hello World!\"
-- @
-- This example will ask in the console \"return? \" if you type \"ok\" it will
-- show \"Hello World!\" and if you type anything else it will return a 404.
module Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
    ( module Happstack.Server.HTTP.Types
    , module Happstack.Server.Cookie
    -- * SimpleHTTP
    , simpleHTTP
    , simpleHTTP'
    , parseConfig
    -- * ServerPartT
    , ServerPartT(..)
    , ServerPart
    , runServerPartT
    , mapServerPartT
    , mapServerPartT'
    , withRequest
    , anyRequest
    -- * WebT
    , WebT(..)
    , UnWebT
    , FilterFun
    , Web
    , mkWebT
    , ununWebT
    , runWebT
    , mapWebT
    -- * Type Classes
    , FromReqURI(..)
    , ToMessage(..)

      -- * Manipulating requests
    , FromData(..)
    , ServerMonad(..)
    , RqData
    , noHandle
    , getHeaderM
    , escape
    , escape'
    , multi
      -- * Manipulating responses
    , FilterMonad(..)
    , ignoreFilters
    , SetAppend(..)
    , FilterT(..)
    , WebMonad(..)
    , ok
    , modifyResponse
    , setResponseCode
    , badGateway
    , internalServerError
    , badRequest
    , unauthorized
    , forbidden
    , notFound
    , seeOther
    , found
    , movedPermanently
    , tempRedirect
    , addCookie
    , addCookies
    , addHeaderM
    , setHeaderM

     -- * guards and building blocks
    , guardRq
    , dir
    , method
    , methodSP
    , methodM
    , methodOnly
    , nullDir
    , path
    , anyPath
    , anyPath'
    , withData
    , withDataFn
    , getDataFn
    , getData
    , require
    , requireM
    , basicAuth
    , uriRest
    , flatten
    , localContext
      -- * proxying
    , proxyServe
    , rproxyServe
      -- * unknown
    , debugFilter
    , applyRequest
      -- * Parsing input and cookies
    , lookInput   -- :: String -> Data Input
    , lookBS      -- :: String -> Data B.ByteString
    , look        -- :: String -> Data String
    , lookCookie  -- :: String -> Data Cookie
    , lookCookieValue -- :: String -> Data String
    , readCookieValue -- :: Read a => String -> Data a
    , lookRead    -- :: Read a => String -> Data a
    , lookPairs
      -- * XSLT
    , xslt ,doXslt
      -- * Error Handlng
    , errorHandlerSP
    , simpleErrorHandler
    , spUnwrapErrorT
      -- * Output Validation
    , setValidator
    , setValidatorSP
    , validateConf
    , runValidator
    , wdgHTMLValidator
    , noopValidator
    , lazyProcValidator
    ) where

import Happstack.Server.HTTP.Types hiding (Version(..))
import Happstack.Server.Cookie

import qualified Paths_happstack_server          as Cabal

import qualified Data.Version                    as DV
import Happstack.Server.HTTP.Client              (getResponse, unproxify, unrproxify)
import Happstack.Data.Xml.HaXml                  (toHaXmlEl)
import qualified Happstack.Server.MinHaXML       as H
import qualified Happstack.Server.HTTP.Listen    as Listen (listen) -- So that we can disambiguate 'Writer.listen'
import Happstack.Server.XSLT                     (XSLTCmd, XSLPath, procLBSIO)
import Happstack.Server.SURI                     (ToSURI)
import Happstack.Util.Common                     (Seconds, readM)
import Happstack.Data                            (Xml, normalize, fromPairs, Element, toXml, toPublicXml) -- used by default implementation of fromData
import Control.Applicative                       (Applicative, pure, (<*>))
import Control.Concurrent                        (forkIO)
import Control.Exception                         (evaluate)
import Control.Monad                             ( MonadPlus, mzero, mplus
                                                 , msum, ap, unless
                                                 , liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4
import Control.Monad.Trans                       ( MonadTrans, lift
                                                 , MonadIO, liftIO
import Control.Monad.Reader                      ( ReaderT(ReaderT), runReaderT
                                                 , MonadReader, ask, local
                                                 , asks
import Control.Monad.Writer                      ( WriterT(WriterT), runWriterT
                                                 , MonadWriter, tell, pass
                                                 , listens
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer            as Writer (listen) -- So that we can disambiguate 'Listen.listen'
import Control.Monad.State                       (MonadState, get, put)
import Control.Monad.Error                       ( ErrorT(ErrorT), runErrorT
                                                 , Error, strMsg
                                                 , MonadError, throwError, catchError
import Control.Monad.Maybe                       (MaybeT(MaybeT), runMaybeT)
import Data.Char                                 (ord)
import Data.Maybe                                (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid                               ( Monoid, mempty, mappend
                                                 , Dual(Dual), getDual
                                                 , Endo(Endo), appEndo

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8           as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8      as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8       as LU (toString)

import qualified Data.Generics                   as G
import qualified Data.Map                        as M

import Text.Html                                 (Html, renderHtml)
import qualified Text.XHtml                      as XHtml (Html, renderHtml)

import qualified Happstack.Crypto.Base64         as Base64
import Data.Char                                 (toLower)
import Data.List                                 (isPrefixOf)
import System.IO                                 (hGetContents, hClose)
import System.Console.GetOpt                     ( OptDescr(Option)
                                                 , ArgDescr(ReqArg)
                                                 , ArgOrder(Permute)
                                                 , getOpt
import System.Process                            (runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess)
import System.Exit                               (ExitCode(ExitSuccess, ExitFailure))

-- | An alias for WebT when using IO
type Web a = WebT IO a
-- | An alias for using ServerPartT when using the IO
type ServerPart a = ServerPartT IO a

-- HERE BEGINS ServerPartT definitions

-- | ServerPartT is a container for processing requests and returning results
newtype ServerPartT m a = ServerPartT { unServerPartT :: ReaderT Request (WebT m) a }
    deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadPlus, Functor)

-- | particularly useful when combined with runWebT to produce
-- a @m (Maybe Response)@ from a request.
runServerPartT :: ServerPartT m a -> Request -> WebT m a
runServerPartT = runReaderT . unServerPartT

withRequest :: (Request -> WebT m a) -> ServerPartT m a
withRequest = ServerPartT . ReaderT

-- | Used to manipulate the containing monad.  Very useful when embedding a
-- monad into a ServerPartT, since simpleHTTP requires a @ServerPartT IO a@.
-- Refer to 'WebT' for an explanation of the structure of the monad.
-- Here is an example.  Suppose you want to embed an ErrorT into your
-- ServerPartT to enable throwError and catchError in your Monad.
-- @
--   type MyServerPartT e m a = ServerPartT (ErrorT e m) a
-- @
-- Now suppose you want to pass MyServerPartT into a function
-- that demands a @ServerPartT IO a@ (e.g. simpleHTTP).  You
-- can provide the function:
-- @
--   unpackErrorT:: (Monad m, Show e) => UnWebT (ErrorT e m) a -> UnWebT m a
--   unpackErrorT handler et = do
--      eitherV <- runErrorT et
--      case eitherV of
--          Left err -> return $ Just (Left "Catastrophic failure " ++ show e, Set $ Endo \r -> r{rsCode = 500})
--          Right x -> return x
-- @
-- With @unpackErrorT@ you can now call simpleHTTP.  Just wrap your @ServerPartT@ list.
-- @
--   simpleHTTP nullConf $ mapServerPartT unpackErrorT (myPart \`catchError\` myHandler)
-- @
-- Or alternatively:
-- @
--   simpleHTTP' unpackErrorT nullConf (myPart \`catchError\` myHandler)
-- @
-- Also see 'spUnwrapErrorT' for a more sophisticated version of this function
mapServerPartT :: (     UnWebT m a ->      UnWebT n b)
               -> (ServerPartT m a -> ServerPartT n b)
mapServerPartT f ma = withRequest $ \rq -> mapWebT f (runServerPartT ma rq)

-- | A varient of mapServerPartT where the first argument, also takes a request.
-- useful if you want to runServerPartT on a different ServerPartT inside your
-- monad (see spUnwrapErrorT)
mapServerPartT' :: (Request -> UnWebT m a ->      UnWebT n b)
                -> (      ServerPartT m a -> ServerPartT n b)
mapServerPartT' f ma = withRequest $ \rq -> mapWebT (f rq) (runServerPartT ma rq)

instance MonadTrans (ServerPartT) where
    lift m = withRequest (\_ -> lift m)

instance (Monad m) => Monoid (ServerPartT m a) where
    mempty  = mzero
    mappend = mplus

instance (Monad m, Functor m) => Applicative (ServerPartT m) where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance (Monad m, MonadWriter w m) => MonadWriter w (ServerPartT m) where
    tell = lift . tell
    listen m = withRequest $ \rq ->  Writer.listen (runServerPartT m rq) >>= return
    pass m = withRequest $ \rq -> pass (runServerPartT m rq) >>= return

instance (Monad m, MonadError e m) => MonadError e (ServerPartT m) where
    throwError e = lift $ throwError e
    catchError action handler = withRequest $ \rq -> (runServerPartT action rq) `catchError` ((flip runServerPartT $ rq) . handler)

instance (Monad m, MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (ServerPartT m) where
    ask = lift ask
    local fn m = withRequest $ \rq-> local fn (runServerPartT m rq)

instance Monad m => FilterMonad Response (ServerPartT m) where
    setFilter = anyRequest . setFilter
    composeFilter = anyRequest . composeFilter
    getFilter m = withRequest $ \rq -> getFilter (runServerPartT m rq)

instance Monad m => WebMonad Response (ServerPartT m) where
    finishWith r = anyRequest $ finishWith r

-- | yes, this is exactly like 'ReaderT' with new names.
-- Why you ask? Because ServerT can lift up a ReaderT.
-- If you did that, it would shadow ServerT's behavior
-- as a ReaderT, thus meaning if you lifted the ReaderT
-- you could no longer modify the Request.  This way
-- you can add a ReaderT to your monad stack without
-- any trouble.
class Monad m => ServerMonad m where
    askRq   :: m Request
    localRq :: (Request -> Request) -> m a -> m a

instance (Monad m) => ServerMonad (ServerPartT m) where
    askRq = ServerPartT $ ask
    localRq f m = ServerPartT $ local f (unServerPartT m)

-- HERE BEGINS WebT definitions

-- | A monoid operation container.
-- If a is a monoid, then SetAppend is a monoid with the following behaviors:
-- @
--   Set    x `mappend` Append y = Set    (x `mappend` y)
--   Append x `mappend` Append y = Append (x `mappend` y)
--   \_       `mappend` Set y    = Set y
-- @
-- A simple way of sumerizing this is, if the right side is Append, then the
-- right is appended to the left.  If the right side is Set, then the right side
-- is ignored.

data SetAppend a = Set a | Append a
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid a => Monoid (SetAppend a) where
   mempty = Append mempty

   Set    x `mappend` Append y = Set    (x `mappend` y)
   Append x `mappend` Append y = Append (x `mappend` y)
   _        `mappend` Set y    = Set y

-- | Extract the value from a SetAppend
-- Note that a SetAppend is actually a CoPointed from:
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/category-extras/latest/doc/html/Control-Functor-Pointed.html>
-- But lets not drag in that dependency. yet...
extract :: SetAppend t -> t
extract (Set    x) = x
extract (Append x) = x

instance Functor (SetAppend) where
    fmap f (Set    x) = Set    $ f x
    fmap f (Append x) = Append $ f x

-- | @FilterFun@ is a lot more fun to type than @SetAppend (Dual (Endo a))@
type FilterFun a = SetAppend (Dual (Endo a))

unFilterFun :: FilterFun a -> (a -> a)
unFilterFun = appEndo . getDual . extract

newtype FilterT a m b = FilterT { unFilterT :: WriterT (FilterFun a) m b }
   deriving (Monad, MonadTrans, Functor, MonadIO)

-- | A set of functions for manipulating filters.  A ServerPartT implements
-- FilterMonad Response so these methods are the fundamental ways of
-- manipulating the response object, especially before you've converted your
-- monadic value to a 'Response'
class Monad m => FilterMonad a m | m->a where
    -- | Ignores all previous
    -- alterations to your filter
    -- As an example:
    -- @
    --   do
    --     composeFilter f
    --     setFilter g
    --     return \"Hello World\"
    -- @
    -- setFilter g will cause the first composeFilter to be
    -- ignored.
    setFilter :: (a->a) -> m ()
    -- |
    -- composes your filter function with the
    -- existing filter function.
    composeFilter :: (a->a) -> m ()
    -- | retrives the filter from the environment
    getFilter :: m b -> m (b, a->a)

instance (Monad m) => FilterMonad a (FilterT a m) where
    setFilter     = FilterT . tell                . Set    . Dual . Endo
    composeFilter = FilterT . tell                . Append . Dual . Endo
    getFilter     = FilterT . listens unFilterFun . unFilterT

-- | The basic response building object.
newtype WebT m a = WebT { unWebT :: ErrorT Response (FilterT (Response) (MaybeT m)) a }
    deriving (MonadIO, Functor)

-- |
--  It is worth discussing the unpacked structure of WebT a bit as it's exposed
--  in 'mapServerPartT' and 'mapWebT'.
--  A fully unpacked WebT has a structure that looks like:
--  @
--    ununWebT $ WebT m a :: m (Maybe (Either Response a, FilterFun Response))
--  @
--  So, ignoring m, as it is just the containing Monad, the outermost layer is
--  a Maybe.  This is 'Nothing' if 'mzero' was called or @Just (Either Response
--  a, SetAppend (Endo Response))@ if 'mzero' wasn't called.  Inside the Maybe,
--  there is a pair.  The second element of the pair is our filter function
--  @FilterFun Response@.  @FilterFun Response@ is a type alias for @SetAppend
--  (Dual (Endo Response))@.  This is just a wrapper for a @Response->Response@
--  function with a particular Monoid behavior.  The value
--  @
--      Append (Dual (Endo f))
--  @
--  Causes f to be composed with the previous filter.
--  @
--      Set (Dual (Endo f))
--  @
--  Causes f to not be composed with the previous filter.
--  Finally, the first element of the pair is either @Left Response@ or @Right a@.
--  Another way of looking at all these pieces is from the behaviors they control.  The Maybe
--  controls the mzero behavior.  @Set (Endo f)@ comes from the setFilter behavior.
--  Likewise, @Append (Endo f)@ is from composeFilter.  @Left Response@ is what you
--  get when you call "finishWith" and @Right a@ is the normal exit.
--  An example case statement looks like:
--  @
--    ex1 webt = do
--      val <- ununWebT webt
--      case val of
--          Nothing -> Nothing  -- this is the interior value when mzero was used
--          Just (Left r, f) -> Just (Left r, f) -- r is the value that was passed into "finishWith"
--                                               -- f is our filter function
--          Just (Right a, f) -> Just (Right a, f) -- a is our normal monadic value
--                                                 -- f is still our filter function
--  @
type UnWebT m a = m (Maybe (Either Response a, FilterFun Response))

instance Monad m => Monad (WebT m) where
    m >>= f = WebT $ unWebT m >>= unWebT . f
    return a = WebT $ return a
    fail s = mkFailMessage s

instance Error Response where
    strMsg = toResponse

class Monad m => WebMonad a m | m->a where
    -- | A control structure
    -- It ends the computation and returns the Response you passed into it
    -- immediately.  This provides an alternate escape route.  In particular
    -- it has a monadic value of any type.  And unless you call @'setFilter' id@
    -- first your response filters will be applied normally.
    -- Extremely useful when you're deep inside a monad and decide that you
    -- want to return a completely different content type, since it doesn't
    -- force you to convert all your return types to Response early just to
    -- accomodate this.
    finishWith :: a -> m b

instance (Monad m) => WebMonad Response (WebT m) where
    finishWith r = WebT $ throwError r

instance MonadTrans WebT where
    lift = WebT . lift . lift . lift

instance (Monad m) => MonadPlus (WebT m) where
    -- | Aborts a computation.
    -- This is primarily useful because msum will take an array
    -- of MonadPlus and return the first one that isn't mzero,
    -- which is exactly the semantics expected from objects
    -- that take lists of ServerPartT
    mzero = WebT $ lift $ lift $ mzero
    mplus x y =  WebT $ ErrorT $ FilterT $ (lower x) `mplus` (lower y)
        where lower = (unFilterT . runErrorT . unWebT)

-- | deprecated.  use mzero
noHandle :: (MonadPlus m) => m a
noHandle = mzero
{-# DEPRECATED noHandle "Use mzero" #-}

instance (Monad m) => FilterMonad Response (WebT m) where
    setFilter f = WebT $ lift $ setFilter $ f
    composeFilter f = WebT . lift . composeFilter $ f
    getFilter     m = WebT $ ErrorT $ fmap lft $ getFilter (runErrorT $ unWebT m)
          lft (Left  r, _) = Left r
          lft (Right a, f) = Right (a, f)

instance (Monad m) => Monoid (WebT m a) where
    mempty = mzero
    mappend = mplus

-- | takes your WebT, if it is 'mempty' it returns Nothing else it
-- converts the value to a Response and applies your filter to it.
runWebT :: forall m b. (Functor m, ToMessage b) => WebT m b -> m (Maybe Response)
runWebT = (fmap . fmap) appFilterToResp . ununWebT
      appFilterToResp :: (Either Response b, FilterFun Response) -> Response
      appFilterToResp (e, ff) = unFilterFun ff $ either id toResponse e

-- | for when you really need to unpack a WebT entirely (and not
-- just unwrap the first layer with unWebT)
ununWebT :: WebT m a -> UnWebT m a
ununWebT = runMaybeT . runWriterT . unFilterT . runErrorT . unWebT

-- | for wrapping a WebT back up.  @mkWebT . ununWebT = id@
mkWebT :: UnWebT m a -> WebT m a
mkWebT = WebT . ErrorT . FilterT . WriterT . MaybeT

-- | see 'mapServerPartT' for a discussion of this function
mapWebT :: (UnWebT m a -> UnWebT n b)
        -> (  WebT m a ->   WebT n b)
mapWebT f ma = mkWebT $ f (ununWebT ma)

instance (Monad m, Functor m) => Applicative (WebT m) where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (WebT m) where
    ask = lift ask
    local fn m = mkWebT $ local fn (ununWebT m)

instance MonadState st m => MonadState st (WebT m) where
    get = lift get
    put = lift . put

instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (WebT m) where
	throwError err = lift $ throwError err
 	catchError action handler = mkWebT $ catchError (ununWebT action) (ununWebT . handler)

instance MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (WebT m) where
    tell = lift . tell
    listen m = mkWebT $ Writer.listen (ununWebT m) >>= (return . liftWebT)
        where liftWebT (Nothing, _) = Nothing
              liftWebT (Just (Left x,f), _) = Just (Left x,f)
              liftWebT (Just (Right x,f),w) = Just (Right (x,w),f)
    pass m = mkWebT $ ununWebT m >>= liftWebT
        where liftWebT Nothing = return Nothing
              liftWebT (Just (Left x,f)) = return $ Just (Left x, f)
              liftWebT (Just (Right x,f)) = pass (return x)>>= (\a -> return $ Just (Right a,f))

-- | An alias for setFilter id
-- It resets all your filters
ignoreFilters :: (FilterMonad a m) => m ()
ignoreFilters = setFilter id

-- | Used to ignore all your filters
-- and immediately end the computation.  A combination of
-- 'ignoreFilters' and 'finishWith'
escape :: (WebMonad a m, FilterMonad a m) => m a -> m b
escape gen = ignoreFilters >> gen >>= finishWith

-- | An alternate form of 'escape' that can
-- be easily used within a do block.
escape' :: (WebMonad a m, FilterMonad a m) => a -> m b
escape' a = ignoreFilters >> finishWith a

-- additional types

-- | An array of 'OptDescr', useful for processing
-- command line options into an 'Conf' for 'simpleHTTP'
ho :: [OptDescr (Conf -> Conf)]
ho = [Option [] ["http-port"] (ReqArg (\h c -> c { port = read h }) "port") "port to bind http server"]

-- | parseConfig tries to parse your command line options
-- into a Conf.
parseConfig :: [String] -> Either [String] Conf
parseConfig args
    = case getOpt Permute ho args of
        (flags,_,[]) -> Right $ foldr ($) nullConf flags
        (_,_,errs)   -> Left errs

-- | Use the built-in web-server to serve requests according to a 'ServerPartT'.
-- Use msum to pick the first handler from a list of handlers that doesn't call
-- noHandle.
simpleHTTP :: (ToMessage a) => Conf -> ServerPartT IO a -> IO ()
simpleHTTP = simpleHTTP' id

-- | a combination of simpleHTTP and 'mapServerPartT'.  See 'mapServerPartT' for a discussion
-- of the first argument of this function.
simpleHTTP' :: (ToMessage b, Monad m, Functor m) => (UnWebT m a -> UnWebT IO b)
            -> Conf -> ServerPartT m a -> IO ()
simpleHTTP' toIO conf hs =
    Listen.listen conf (\req -> runValidator (fromMaybe return (validator conf)) =<< (simpleHTTP'' (mapServerPartT toIO hs) req))

-- | Generate a result from a 'ServerPart' and a 'Request'. This is mainly used
-- by CGI (and fast-cgi) wrappers.
simpleHTTP'' :: (ToMessage b, Monad m, Functor m) => ServerPartT m b -> Request -> m Response
simpleHTTP'' hs req =  (runWebT $ runServerPartT hs req) >>= (return . (maybe standardNotFound id))
        standardNotFound = setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html" $ toResponse notFoundHtml

-- | This class is used by 'path' to parse a path component into a value.
-- At present, the instances for number types (Int, Float, etc) just
-- call 'readM'. The instance for 'String' however, just passes the
-- path component straight through. This is so that you can read a
-- path component which looks like this as a String:
--  \/somestring\/
-- instead of requiring the path component to look like:
-- \/"somestring"\/
class FromReqURI a where
    fromReqURI :: String -> Maybe a

instance FromReqURI String  where fromReqURI = Just
instance FromReqURI Int     where fromReqURI = readM
instance FromReqURI Integer where fromReqURI = readM
instance FromReqURI Float   where fromReqURI = readM
instance FromReqURI Double  where fromReqURI = readM

type RqData a = ReaderT ([(String,Input)], [(String,Cookie)]) Maybe a

-- | Useful for withData and getData'  implement this on your preferred type
-- to use those functions
class FromData a where
    fromData :: RqData a

instance (Eq a,Show a,Xml a,G.Data a) => FromData a where
    fromData = do mbA <- lookPairs >>= return . normalize . fromPairs
                  case mbA of
                    Just a -> return a
                    Nothing -> fail "FromData G.Data failure"
--    fromData = lookPairs >>= return . normalize . fromPairs

instance (FromData a, FromData b) => FromData (a,b) where
    fromData = liftM2 (,) fromData fromData
instance (FromData a, FromData b, FromData c) => FromData (a,b,c) where
    fromData = liftM3 (,,) fromData fromData fromData
instance (FromData a, FromData b, FromData c, FromData d) => FromData (a,b,c,d) where
    fromData = liftM4 (,,,) fromData fromData fromData fromData
instance FromData a => FromData (Maybe a) where
    fromData = fmap Just fromData `mplus` return Nothing

-- |
--  Minimal definition: 'toMessage'
--  Used to convert arbitrary types into an HTTP response.  You need to implement
--  this if you want to pass @ServerPartT m@ containing your type into simpleHTTP
class ToMessage a where
    toContentType :: a -> B.ByteString
    toContentType _ = B.pack "text/plain"
    toMessage :: a -> L.ByteString
    toMessage = error "Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP.ToMessage.toMessage: Not defined"
    toResponse:: a -> Response
    toResponse val =
        let bs = toMessage val
            res = Response 200 M.empty nullRsFlags bs Nothing
        in setHeaderBS (B.pack "Content-Type") (toContentType val)

instance ToMessage [Element] where
    toContentType _ = B.pack "application/xml"
    toMessage [el] = L.pack $ H.simpleDoc H.NoStyle $ toHaXmlEl el -- !! OPTIMIZE
    toMessage x    = error ("Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP 'instance ToMessage [Element]' Can't handle " ++ show x)

instance ToMessage () where
    toContentType _ = B.pack "text/plain"
    toMessage () = L.empty
instance ToMessage String where
    toContentType _ = B.pack "text/plain"
    toMessage = L.pack
instance ToMessage Integer where
    toMessage = toMessage . show
instance ToMessage a => ToMessage (Maybe a) where
    toContentType _ = toContentType (undefined :: a)
    toMessage Nothing = toMessage "nothing"
    toMessage (Just x) = toMessage x

instance ToMessage Html where
    toContentType _ = B.pack "text/html"
    toMessage = L.pack . renderHtml

instance ToMessage XHtml.Html where
    toContentType _ = B.pack "text/html"
    toMessage = L.pack . XHtml.renderHtml

instance ToMessage Response where
    toResponse = id

instance (Xml a)=>ToMessage a where
    toContentType = toContentType . toXml
    toMessage = toMessage . toPublicXml

--    toMessageM = toMessageM . toPublicXml

class MatchMethod m where matchMethod :: m -> Method -> Bool
instance MatchMethod Method where matchMethod m = (== m)
instance MatchMethod [Method] where matchMethod methods = (`elem` methods)
instance MatchMethod (Method -> Bool) where matchMethod f = f
instance MatchMethod () where matchMethod () _ = True

-- | flatten turns your arbitrary @m a@ and converts it too
-- a @m 'Response'@ with @'toResponse'@
flatten :: (ToMessage a, Functor f) => f a -> f Response
flatten = fmap toResponse

-- | This is kinda like a very oddly shaped mapServerPartT or mapWebT
-- You probably want one or the other of those.
localContext :: Monad m => (WebT m a -> WebT m' a) -> ServerPartT m a -> ServerPartT m' a
localContext fn hs
    = withRequest $ \rq -> fn (runServerPartT hs rq)

-- | Get a header out of the request
getHeaderM :: (ServerMonad m) => String -> m (Maybe B.ByteString)
getHeaderM a = askRq >>= return . (getHeader a)

-- | adds headers into the response.
--   This method does not overwrite any existing header of
--   the same name, hence the name addHeaderM.  If you
--   want to replace a header use setHeaderM.
addHeaderM :: (FilterMonad Response m) => String -> String -> m ()
addHeaderM a v = composeFilter $ \res-> addHeader a v res

-- | sets a header into the response.  This will replace
-- an existing header of the same name.  Use addHeaderM, if you
-- want to add more than one header of the same name.
setHeaderM :: (FilterMonad Response m) => String -> String -> m ()
setHeaderM a v = composeFilter $ \res -> setHeader a v res
-- guards

-- | guard using an arbitrary function on the request
guardRq :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => (Request -> Bool) -> m ()
guardRq f = do
    rq <- askRq
    unless (f rq) mzero

-- | Guard against the method.  This function also guards against
-- any remaining path segments.  See methodOnly for the version
-- that guards only by method
methodM :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, MatchMethod method) => method -> m ()
methodM meth = methodOnly meth >> nullDir

-- | guard against the method only. (as opposed to 'methodM')
methodOnly :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, MatchMethod method) => method -> m ()
methodOnly meth = guardRq $ \rq -> matchMethod meth (rqMethod rq)

-- | Guard against the method. Note, this function also guards against any
--   remaining path segments.
methodSP :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, MatchMethod method) => method -> m b-> m b
methodSP m handle = methodM m >> handle

-- | Guard against the method. Note, this function also guards against any
-- remaining path segments.  This function id deprecated.  You can probably
-- just use methodSP (or methodM) now.
method :: (MatchMethod method, Monad m) => method -> WebT m a -> ServerPartT m a
method m handle = methodSP m (anyRequest handle)
{-# DEPRECATED method "you should be able to use methodSP" #-}

-- | Guard against non-empty remaining path segments
nullDir :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => m ()
nullDir = guardRq $ \rq -> null (rqPaths rq)

-- | Pop a path element and run the @ServerPartT@ if it matches the given string.
dir :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => String -> m a -> m a
dir staticPath handle =
        rq <- askRq
        case rqPaths rq of
            (p:xs) | p == staticPath -> localRq (\newRq -> newRq{rqPaths = xs}) handle
            _ -> mzero

-- | Pop a path element and parse it using the 'fromReqURI' in the 'FromReqURI' class.
path :: (FromReqURI a, MonadPlus m, ServerMonad m) => (a -> m b) -> m b
path handle = do
    rq <- askRq
    case rqPaths rq of
        (p:xs) | Just a <- fromReqURI p
                            -> localRq (\newRq -> newRq{rqPaths = xs}) (handle a)
        _ -> mzero

-- | grabs the rest of the URL (dirs + query) and passes it to your handler
uriRest :: (ServerMonad m) => (String -> m a) -> m a
uriRest handle = askRq >>= handle . rqURL

-- | pops any path element and ignores when chosing a ServerPartT to handle the
-- request.
anyPath :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => m r -> m r
anyPath x = path $ (\(_::String) -> x)

-- | Deprecated. Use 'anyPath'.
anyPath' :: (ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m) => m r -> m r
anyPath' = anyPath
{-# DEPRECATED anyPath' "Use anyPath" #-}

-- | used to read parse your request with a RqData (a ReaderT, basically)
-- For example here is a simple GET or POST variable based authentication
-- guard.  It handles the request with errorHandler if authentication fails.
-- @
--   myRqData = do
--      username <- lookInput \"username\"
--      password <- lookInput \"password\"
--      return (username, password)
--  checkAuth errorHandler = do
--      d <- getData myRqDataA
--      case d of
--          Nothing -> errorHandler
--          Just a | isValid a -> mzero
--          Just a | otherwise -> errorHandler
--  @
getDataFn :: (ServerMonad m) => RqData a -> m (Maybe a)
getDataFn rqData = do
    rq <- askRq
    return $ runReaderT rqData (rqInputs rq, rqCookies rq)

-- | An varient of getData that uses FromData to chose your
-- RqData for you.  The example from 'getData' becomes:
-- @
--   myRqData = do
--      username <- lookInput \"username\"
--      password <- lookInput \"password\"
--      return (username, password)
--   instance FromData (String,String) where
--      fromData = myRqData
--   checkAuth errorHandler = do
--      d <- getData\'
--      case d of
--          Nothing -> errorHandler
--          Just a | isValid a -> mzero
--          Just a | otherwise -> errorHandler
-- @
getData :: (ServerMonad m, FromData a) => m (Maybe a)
getData = getDataFn fromData

-- | Retrieve data from the input query or the cookies.
withData :: (FromData a, MonadPlus m, ServerMonad m) => (a -> m r) -> m r
withData = withDataFn fromData

-- | withDataFn is like with data, but you pass in a RqData monad
-- for reading.
withDataFn :: (MonadPlus m, ServerMonad m) => RqData a -> (a -> m r) -> m r
withDataFn fn handle = getDataFn fn >>= maybe mzero handle

-- | proxyServe is for creating ServerPartT's that proxy.
-- The sole argument [String] is a list of allowed domains for
-- proxying.  This matches the domain part of the request
-- and the wildcard * can be used. E.g.
--  * \"*\" to match anything.
--  * \"*.example.com\" to match anything under example.com
--  * \"example.com\" to match just example.com
--  TODO: annoyingly enough, this method eventually calls escape, so
--  any headers you set won't be used, and the computation immediatly ends.
proxyServe :: (MonadIO m, WebMonad Response m, ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, FilterMonad Response m) => [String] -> m Response
proxyServe allowed = do
   rq <- askRq
   if cond rq then proxyServe' rq else mzero
   cond rq
     | "*" `elem` allowed = True
     | domain `elem` allowed = True
     | superdomain `elem` wildcards =True
     | otherwise = False
     domain = head (rqPaths rq)
     superdomain = tail $ snd $ break (=='.') domain
     wildcards = (map (drop 2) $ filter ("*." `isPrefixOf`) allowed)

-- | Takes a proxy Request and creates a Response.  Your basic proxy
-- building block.  See 'unproxify'
-- TODO: this would be more useful if it didn\'t call "escape" (e.g. it let you
-- modify the response afterwards, or set additional headers)
proxyServe' :: (MonadIO m, FilterMonad Response m, WebMonad Response m) => Request-> m Response
proxyServe' rq = liftIO (getResponse (unproxify rq)) >>=
                either (badGateway . toResponse . show) escape'

-- | This is a reverse proxy implementation.
-- see 'unrproxify'
-- TODO: this would be more useful if it didn\'t call "escape", just like
-- proxyServe'
rproxyServe :: (MonadIO m, WebMonad Response m) =>
    String -- ^ defaultHost
    -> [(String, String)] -- ^ map to look up hostname mappings.  For the reverse proxy
    -> ServerPartT m Response -- ^ the result is a ServerPartT that will reverse proxy for you.
rproxyServe defaultHost list  = withRequest $ \rq ->
                liftIO (getResponse (unrproxify defaultHost list rq)) >>=
                either (badGateway . toResponse . show) (escape')

-- | Run an IO action and, if it returns @Just@, pass it to the second argument.
require :: (MonadIO m, MonadPlus m) => IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> m r) -> m r
require fn handle = do
    mbVal <- liftIO fn
    case mbVal of
        Nothing -> mzero
        Just a -> handle a

-- | A varient of require that can run in any monad, not just IO
requireM :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, MonadPlus (t m)) => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> t m r) -> t m r
requireM fn handle = do
    mbVal <- lift fn
    case mbVal of
        Nothing -> mzero
        Just a -> handle a

-- | Use @cmd@ to transform XML against @xslPath@.
--   This function only acts if the content-type is @application\/xml@.
xslt :: (MonadIO m, MonadPlus m, ToMessage r) =>
        XSLTCmd  -- ^ XSLT preprocessor. Usually 'xsltproc' or 'saxon'.
     -> XSLPath      -- ^ Path to xslt stylesheet.
     -> m r -- ^ Affected @ServerParts@.
     -> m Response
xslt cmd xslPath parts = do
    res <- parts
    if toContentType res == B.pack "application/xml"
        then liftM toResponse (doXslt cmd xslPath (toResponse res))
        else return (toResponse res)

doXslt :: (MonadIO m) =>
          XSLTCmd -> XSLPath -> Response -> m Response
doXslt cmd xslPath res =
    do new <- liftIO $ procLBSIO cmd xslPath $ rsBody res
       return $ setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html" $
              setHeader "Content-Length" (show $ L.length new) $
              res { rsBody = new }

-- | deprecated.  Same as 'composeFilter'
modifyResponse :: (FilterMonad a m) => (a -> a) -> m()
modifyResponse = composeFilter
{-# DEPRECATED modifyResponse "Use composeFilter" #-}

-- | sets the return code in your response
setResponseCode :: FilterMonad Response m => Int -> m ()
setResponseCode code
    = composeFilter $ \r -> r{rsCode = code}

-- | adds the cookie with a timeout to the response
addCookie :: (FilterMonad Response m) => Seconds -> Cookie -> m ()
addCookie sec = (addHeaderM "Set-Cookie") . mkCookieHeader sec

-- | adds the list of cookie timeout pairs to the response
addCookies :: (FilterMonad Response m) => [(Seconds, Cookie)] -> m ()
addCookies = mapM_ (uncurry addCookie)

-- | same as setResponseCode status >> return val
resp :: (FilterMonad Response m) => Int -> b -> m b
resp status val = setResponseCode status >> return val

-- | Respond with @200 OK@.
ok :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
ok = resp 200

-- | Respond with @500 Interal Server Error@
internalServerError :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
internalServerError = resp 500

-- | Responds with @502 Bad Gateway@
badGateway :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
badGateway = resp 502

-- | Respond with @400 Bad Request@.
badRequest :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
badRequest = resp 400

-- | Respond with @401 Unauthorized@.
unauthorized :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
unauthorized = resp 401

-- | Respond with @403 Forbidden@.
forbidden :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
forbidden = resp 403

-- | Respond with @404 Not Found@.
notFound :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
notFound = resp 404

-- | Respond with @303 See Other@.
seeOther :: (FilterMonad Response m, ToSURI uri) => uri -> res -> m res
seeOther uri res = do modifyResponse $ redirect 303 uri
                      return res

-- | Respond with @302 Found@.
found :: (FilterMonad Response m, ToSURI uri) => uri -> res -> m res
found uri res = do modifyResponse $ redirect 302 uri
                   return res

-- | Respond with @301 Moved Permanently@.
movedPermanently :: (FilterMonad Response m, ToSURI a) => a -> res -> m res
movedPermanently uri res = do modifyResponse $ redirect 301 uri
                              return res

-- | Respond with @307 Temporary Redirect@.
tempRedirect :: (FilterMonad Response m, ToSURI a) => a -> res -> m res
tempRedirect val res = do modifyResponse $ redirect 307 val
                          return res

-- | deprecated.  Just use msum
multi :: Monad m => [ServerPartT m a] -> ServerPartT m a
multi = msum
{-# DEPRECATED multi "Use msum instead" #-}

-- | what is this for, exactly?  I don't understand why @Show a@ is even in the context
-- This appears to do nothing at all.
debugFilter :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => ServerPartT m a -> ServerPartT m a
debugFilter handle =
    withRequest $ \rq -> do
                    r <- runServerPartT handle rq
                    return r

-- | a constructor for a ServerPartT when you don't care about the request
anyRequest :: Monad m => WebT m a -> ServerPartT m a
anyRequest x = withRequest $ \_ -> x

-- | again, why is this useful?
applyRequest :: (ToMessage a, Monad m, Functor m) =>
                ServerPartT m a -> Request -> Either (m Response) b
applyRequest hs = simpleHTTP'' hs >>= return . Left

-- | a simple HTTP basic authentication guard
basicAuth :: (WebMonad Response m, ServerMonad m, FilterMonad Response m, MonadPlus m) =>
   String -- ^ the realm name
   -> M.Map String String -- ^ the username password map
   -> m a -- ^ the part to guard
   -> m a
basicAuth realmName authMap xs = basicAuthImpl `mplus` xs
    basicAuthImpl = do
        aHeader <- getHeaderM "authorization"
        case aHeader of
            Nothing -> err
            Just x -> case parseHeader x of
                (name, ':':password) | validLogin name password -> mzero
                                     | otherwise -> err
                _  -> err
    validLogin name password = M.lookup name authMap == Just password
    parseHeader = break (':'==) . Base64.decode . B.unpack . B.drop 6
    headerName  = "WWW-Authenticate"
    headerValue = "Basic realm=\"" ++ realmName ++ "\""
    err = do
        unauthorized ()
        setHeaderM headerName headerValue
        escape' $ toResponse "Not authorized"

-- Query/Post data validating

-- | Useful inside the RqData monad.  Gets the named input parameter (either
-- from a POST or a GET)
lookInput :: String -> RqData Input
lookInput name
    = do inputs <- asks fst
         case lookup name inputs of
           Nothing -> fail "input not found"
           Just i  -> return i

-- | Gets the named input parameter as a lazy byte string
lookBS :: String -> RqData L.ByteString
lookBS = fmap inputValue . lookInput

-- | Gets the named input as a String
look :: String -> RqData String
look = fmap LU.toString . lookBS

-- | Gets the named cookie
-- the cookie name is case insensitive
lookCookie :: String -> RqData Cookie
lookCookie name
    = do cookies <- asks snd
         case lookup (map toLower name) cookies of -- keys are lowercased
           Nothing -> fail "cookie not found"
           Just c  -> return c

-- | gets the named cookie as a string
lookCookieValue :: String -> RqData String
lookCookieValue = fmap cookieValue . lookCookie

-- | gets the named cookie as the requested Read type
readCookieValue :: Read a => String -> RqData a
readCookieValue name = readM =<< fmap cookieValue (lookCookie name)

-- | like look, but Reads for you.
lookRead :: Read a => String -> RqData a
lookRead name = readM =<< look name

-- | gets all the input parameters, and converts them to a string
lookPairs :: RqData [(String,String)]
lookPairs = asks fst >>= return . map (\(n,vbs)->(n,LU.toString $ inputValue vbs))

-- Error Handling

-- | This ServerPart modifier enables the use of throwError and catchError inside the
--   WebT actions, by adding the ErrorT monad transformer to the stack.
--   You can wrap the complete second argument to 'simpleHTTP' in this function.
errorHandlerSP :: (Monad m, Error e) => (Request -> e -> WebT m a) -> ServerPartT (ErrorT e m) a -> ServerPartT m a
errorHandlerSP handler sps = withRequest $ \req -> mkWebT $ do
			eer <- runErrorT $ ununWebT $ runServerPartT sps req
			case eer of
				Left err -> ununWebT (handler req err)
				Right res -> return res
{-# DEPRECATED errorHandlerSP "Use spUnwrapErrorT" #-}

-- | An example error Handler to be used with 'spUnWrapErrorT', which returns the
--   error message as a plain text message to the browser.
--   Another possibility is to store the error message, e.g. as a FlashMsg, and
--   then redirect the user somewhere.
simpleErrorHandler :: (Monad m) => String -> ServerPartT m Response
simpleErrorHandler err = ok $ toResponse $ ("An error occured: " ++ err)

-- | This is a for use with mapServerPartT\'  It it unwraps
-- the interior monad for use with simpleHTTP.  If you
-- have a ServerPartT (ErrorT e m) a, this will convert
-- that monad into a ServerPartT m a.  Used with
-- mapServerPartT\' to allow throwError and catchError inside your
-- monad.  Eg.
-- @
--   simpleHTTP conf $ mapServerPartT\' (spUnWrapErrorT failurePart)  $ myPart \`catchError\` errorPart
-- @
-- Note that @failurePart@ will only be run if errorPart threw an error
-- so it doesn\'t have to be very complex.
spUnwrapErrorT:: Monad m => (e -> ServerPartT m a)
              -> Request
              -> UnWebT (ErrorT e m) a
              -> UnWebT m a
spUnwrapErrorT handler rq = \x -> do
    err <- runErrorT x
    case err of
        Left e -> ununWebT $ runServerPartT (handler e) rq
        Right a -> return a

-- * Output validation

-- |Set the validator which should be used for this particular 'Response'
-- when validation is enabled.
-- Calling this function does not enable validation. That can only be
-- done by enabling the validation in the 'Conf' that is passed to
-- 'simpleHTTP'.
-- You do not need to call this function if the validator set in
-- 'Conf' does what you want already.
-- Example: (use 'noopValidator' instead of the default supplied by 'validateConf')
-- @
--  simpleHTTP validateConf . anyRequest $ ok . setValidator noopValidator =<< htmlPage
-- @
-- See also: 'validateConf', 'wdgHTMLValidator', 'noopValidator', 'lazyProcValidator'
setValidator :: (Response -> IO Response) -> Response -> Response
setValidator v r = r { rsValidator = Just v }

-- |ServerPart version of 'setValidator'
-- Example: (Set validator to 'noopValidator')
-- @
--   simpleHTTP validateConf $ setValidatorSP noopValidator (dir "ajax" ... )
-- @
-- See also: 'setValidator'
setValidatorSP :: (Monad m, ToMessage r) => (Response -> IO Response) -> m r -> m Response
setValidatorSP v sp = return . setValidator v . toResponse =<< sp

-- |This extends 'nullConf' by enabling validation and setting
-- 'wdgHTMLValidator' as the default validator for @text\/html@.
-- Example:
-- @
--  simpleHTTP validateConf . anyRequest $ ok htmlPage
-- @
validateConf :: Conf
validateConf = nullConf { validator = Just wdgHTMLValidator }

-- |Actually perform the validation on a 'Response'
-- Run the validator specified in the 'Response'. If none is provide
-- use the supplied default instead.
-- Note: This function will run validation unconditionally. You
-- probably want 'setValidator' or 'validateConf'.
runValidator :: (Response -> IO Response) -> Response -> IO Response
runValidator defaultValidator r =
    case rsValidator r of
      Nothing -> defaultValidator r
      (Just altValidator) -> altValidator r

-- |Validate @text\/html@ content with @WDG HTML Validator@.
-- This function expects the executable to be named @validate@
-- and it must be in the default @PATH@.
-- See also: 'setValidator', 'validateConf', 'lazyProcValidator'
wdgHTMLValidator :: (MonadIO m, ToMessage r) => r -> m Response
wdgHTMLValidator = liftIO . lazyProcValidator "validate" ["-w","--verbose","--charset=utf-8"] Nothing Nothing handledContentTypes . toResponse
      handledContentTypes (Just ct) = elem (takeWhile (\c -> c /= ';' && c /= ' ') (B.unpack ct)) [ "text/html", "application/xhtml+xml" ]
      handledContentTypes Nothing = False

-- |A validator which always succeeds.
-- Useful for selectively disabling validation. For example, if you
-- are sending down HTML fragments to an AJAX application and the
-- default validator only understands complete documents.
noopValidator :: Response -> IO Response
noopValidator = return

-- |Validate the 'Response' using an external application.
-- If the external application returns 0, the original response is
-- returned unmodified. If the external application returns non-zero, a 'Response'
-- containing the error messages and original response body is
-- returned instead.
-- This function also takes a predicate filter which is applied to the
-- content-type of the response. The filter will only be applied if
-- the predicate returns true.
-- NOTE: This function requirse the use of -threaded to avoid blocking.
-- However, you probably need that for Happstack anyway.
-- See also: 'wdgHTMLValidator'
lazyProcValidator :: FilePath -- ^ name of executable
               -> [String] -- ^ arguements to pass to the executable
               -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optional path to working directory
               -> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment (otherwise inherit)
               -> (Maybe B.ByteString -> Bool) -- ^ content-type filter
               -> Response -- ^ Response to validate
               -> IO Response
lazyProcValidator exec args wd env mimeTypePred response
    | mimeTypePred (getHeader "content-type" response) =
        do (inh, outh, errh, ph) <- runInteractiveProcess exec args wd env
           out <- hGetContents outh
           err <- hGetContents errh
           forkIO $ do L.hPut inh (rsBody response)
                       hClose inh
           forkIO $ evaluate (length out) >> return ()
           forkIO $ evaluate (length err) >> return ()
           ec <- waitForProcess ph
           case ec of
             ExitSuccess     -> return response
             (ExitFailure _) ->
                 return $ toResponse (unlines ([ "ExitCode: " ++ show ec
                                               , "stdout:"
                                               , out
                                               , "stderr:"
                                               , err
                                               , "input:"
                                               ] ++
                                               showLines (rsBody response)))
    | otherwise = return response
      column = "  " ++ (take 120 $ concatMap  (\n -> "         " ++ show n) (drop 1 $ cycle [0..9::Int]))
      showLines :: L.ByteString -> [String]
      showLines string = column : zipWith (\n -> \l  -> show n ++ " " ++ (L.unpack l)) [1::Integer ..] (L.lines string)

mkFailMessage :: (FilterMonad Response m, WebMonad Response m) => String -> m b
mkFailMessage s = do
    internalServerError ()
    setHeaderM "Content-Type" "text/html"
    res <- return $ toResponse $ failHtml s
    finishWith $ res

failHtml:: String->String
failHtml errString = 
   "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">"
    ++ "<html><head><title>Happstack "
    ++ ver ++ " Internal Server Error</title></head>"
    ++ "<body><h1>Happstack " ++ ver ++ "</h1>"
    ++ "<p>Something went wrong here<br>"
    ++ "Internal server error<br>"
    ++ "Everything has stopped</p>"
    ++ "<p>The error was \"" ++ (escapeString errString) ++ "\"</p></body></html>"
    where ver = DV.showVersion Cabal.version

escapeString :: String -> String
escapeString str = concatMap encodeEntity str
      encodeEntity :: Char -> String
      encodeEntity '<' = "&lt;"
      encodeEntity '>' = "&gt;"
      encodeEntity '&' = "&amp;"
      encodeEntity '"' = "&quot;"
      encodeEntity c
          | ord c > 127 = "&#" ++ show (ord c) ++ ";"
          | otherwise = [c]

notFoundHtml :: String
notFoundHtml = 
    "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">"
    ++ "<html><head><title>Happstack "
    ++ ver ++ " File not found</title></head>"
    ++ "<body><h1>Happstack " ++ ver ++ "</h1>"
    ++ "<p>Your file is not found<br>"
    ++ "To try again is useless<br>"
    ++ "It is just not here</p>"
    ++ "</body></html>"
    where ver = DV.showVersion Cabal.version