{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |Support for creating a proxy or reverse-proxy server
module Happstack.Server.Proxy where

import Control.Monad                             (MonadPlus(mzero), liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans                       (MonadIO(liftIO))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8           as B
import Data.List                                 (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe                                (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Happstack.Server.Monads                   (ServerMonad(askRq), FilterMonad, WebMonad, escape')
import Happstack.Server.Response                 (badGateway, toResponse)
import Happstack.Server.Client                   (getResponse)
import Happstack.Server.Types                    (Request(rqPaths, rqHeaders, rqPeer), Response, setHeader, getHeader)

-- | 'proxyServe' is for creating a part that acts as a proxy.  The
-- sole argument @['String']@ is a list of allowed domains for
-- proxying.  This matches the domain part of the request and the
-- wildcard * can be used. E.g.
--  * \"*\" to match anything.
--  * \"*.example.com\" to match anything under example.com
--  * \"example.com\" to match just example.com
--  TODO: annoyingly enough, this method eventually calls 'escape', so
--  any headers you set won't be used, and the computation immediately
--  ends.
proxyServe :: (MonadIO m, WebMonad Response m, ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m, FilterMonad Response m) => [String] -> m Response
proxyServe allowed = do
   rq <- askRq
   if cond rq then proxyServe' rq else mzero
   cond rq
     | "*" `elem` allowed = True
     | domain `elem` allowed = True
     | superdomain `elem` wildcards =True
     | otherwise = False
     domain = head (rqPaths rq)
     superdomain = tail $ snd $ break (=='.') domain
     wildcards = (map (drop 2) $ filter ("*." `isPrefixOf`) allowed)

-- | Take a proxy 'Request' and create a 'Response'.  Your basic proxy
-- building block.  See 'unproxify'.
-- TODO: this would be more useful if it didn\'t call 'escape'
-- (e.g. it let you modify the response afterwards, or set additional
-- headers)
proxyServe' :: (MonadIO m, FilterMonad Response m, WebMonad Response m) => Request-> m Response
proxyServe' rq = liftIO (getResponse (unproxify rq)) >>=
                either (badGateway . toResponse . show) escape'

-- | This is a reverse proxy implementation.  See 'unrproxify'.
-- TODO: this would be more useful if it didn\'t call 'escape', just
-- like 'proxyServe''.
rproxyServe :: (ServerMonad m, WebMonad Response m, FilterMonad Response m, MonadIO m) =>
    String -- ^ defaultHost
    -> [(String, String)] -- ^ map to look up hostname mappings.  For the reverse proxy
    -> m Response -- ^ the result is a 'ServerPartT' that will reverse proxy for you.
rproxyServe defaultHost list  = 
    do rq <- askRq
       r <- liftIO (getResponse (unrproxify defaultHost list rq))
       either (badGateway . toResponse . show) (escape') r

unproxify :: Request -> Request
unproxify rq = rq {rqPaths = tail $ rqPaths rq,
                   rqHeaders = 
                       forwardedFor $ forwardedHost $ 
                       setHeader "host" (head $ rqPaths rq) $
                   rqHeaders rq}
  appendInfo hdr val = setHeader hdr (csv val $
                                        maybe "" B.unpack $
                                        getHeader hdr rq)
  forwardedFor = appendInfo "X-Forwarded-For" (fst $ rqPeer rq)
  forwardedHost = appendInfo "X-Forwarded-Host" 
                  (B.unpack $ fromJust $ getHeader "host" rq)
  csv v "" = v
  csv v x = x++", " ++ v

unrproxify :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Request -> Request
unrproxify defaultHost list rq = 
  let host::String
      host = fromMaybe defaultHost $ flip lookup list =<< B.unpack `liftM` getHeader "host" rq 
      newrq = rq {rqPaths = host: rqPaths rq}
  in  unproxify newrq