{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | Support for basic access authentication module Happstack.Server.Auth where import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(mzero, mplus)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Happstack.Crypto.Base64 as Base64 import Happstack.Server.Monads (FilterMonad, ServerMonad, WebMonad, escape, getHeaderM, setHeaderM) import Happstack.Server.Types (Response) import Happstack.Server.Response (unauthorized, toResponse) -- | A simple HTTP basic authentication guard. -- -- If authentication fails, this part will call 'mzero'. -- -- example: -- -- > main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ -- > msum [ basicAuth "" (fromList [("happstack","rocks")]) $ ok "You are in the secret club" -- > , ok "You are not in the secret club." -- > ] -- basicAuth :: (WebMonad Response m, ServerMonad m, FilterMonad Response m, MonadPlus m) => String -- ^ the realm name -> M.Map String String -- ^ the username password map -> m a -- ^ the part to guard -> m a basicAuth realmName authMap xs = basicAuthImpl `mplus` xs where basicAuthImpl = do aHeader <- getHeaderM "authorization" case aHeader of Nothing -> err Just x -> case parseHeader x of (name, ':':password) | validLogin name password -> mzero | otherwise -> err _ -> err validLogin name password = M.lookup name authMap == Just password parseHeader = break (':'==) . Base64.decode . B.unpack . B.drop 6 headerName = "WWW-Authenticate" headerValue = "Basic realm=\"" ++ realmName ++ "\"" err = escape $ do setHeaderM headerName headerValue unauthorized $ toResponse "Not authorized"