{- | core functions and types for HTTPS support
module Happstack.Server.Internal.TLS where

import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Control.Monad  (when)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.Socket (acceptLite)
import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber, Socket)
import OpenSSL.Session (SSL, SSLContext)
import qualified OpenSSL.Session as SSL

-- | configuration for using https:\/\/
data TLSConf = TLSConf {
      tlsPort :: Int        -- port (usually 443)
    , tlsCert :: FilePath   -- path to SSL certificate
    , tlsKey  :: FilePath   -- path to SSL private key

httpsOnSocket :: FilePath  -- ^ path to ssl certificate
              -> FilePath  -- ^ path to ssl private key
              -> Socket    -- ^ listening socket (on which listen() has been called, but not accept())
              -> IO HTTPS
httpsOnSocket = error "happstack-server was compiled with disable_https."
-- | record that holds the 'Socket' and 'SSLContext' needed to start
-- the https:\/\/ event loop. Used with 'simpleHTTPWithSocket''
-- see also: 'httpOnSocket'
    { httpsSocket :: Socket
    , sslContext :: SSLContext

-- | generate the 'HTTPS' record needed to start the https:\/\/ event loop
httpsOnSocket :: FilePath  -- ^ path to ssl certificate
              -> FilePath  -- ^ path to ssl private key
              -> Socket    -- ^ listening socket (on which listen() has been called, but not accept())
              -> IO HTTPS
httpsOnSocket cert key socket =
    do ctx <- SSL.context
       SSL.contextSetPrivateKeyFile  ctx key
       SSL.contextSetCertificateFile ctx cert
       SSL.contextSetDefaultCiphers  ctx

       b <- SSL.contextCheckPrivateKey ctx
       when (not b) $ error $ "OpenTLS certificate and key do not match."

       return (HTTPS socket ctx)

acceptTLS :: HTTPS -> IO (SSL, HostName, PortNumber)
acceptTLS (HTTPS sck' ctx) =
    do -- do normal accept
      (sck, peer, port) <- acceptLite sck'

      --  then TLS accept
      ssl <- SSL.connection ctx sck
      SSL.accept ssl

      return (ssl, peer, port)