{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ScopedTypeVariables #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Happstack.Server.HTTPClient.TCP -- Copyright : (c) Warrick Gray 2002, Bjorn Bringert 2003-2004, Simon Foster 2004 -- License : BSD -- -- Maintainer : bjorn@bringert.net -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (not tested) -- -- An easy access TCP library. Makes the use of TCP in Haskell much easier. -- This was originally part of Gray's\/Bringert's HTTP module. -- -- * Changes by Simon Foster: -- - Split module up into to sepearate Network.[Stream,TCP,HTTP] modules -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Happstack.Server.HTTPClient.TCP ( -- ** Connections Conn(..), Connection(..), openTCP, openTCPPort, isConnectedTo ) where import Control.Exception.Extensible as Exception -- Networking import Network.BSD import Network.Socket import Happstack.Server.HTTPClient.Stream import Data.List (elemIndex) import Data.Char import Data.IORef ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ TCP Connections ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The 'Connection' newtype is a wrapper that allows us to make -- connections an instance of the StreamIn\/Out classes, without ghc extensions. -- While this looks sort of like a generic reference to the transport -- layer it is actually TCP specific, which can be seen in the -- implementation of the 'Stream Connection' instance. newtype Connection = ConnRef {getRef :: IORef Conn} -- | The 'Conn' object allows input buffering, and maintenance of -- some admin-type data. data Conn = MkConn { connSock :: ! Socket , connAddr :: ! SockAddr , connBffr :: ! String , connHost :: String } | ConnClosed deriving(Eq) -- | Open a connection to port 80 on a remote host. openTCP :: String -> IO Connection openTCP host = openTCPPort host 80 -- | This function establishes a connection to a remote -- host, it uses "getHostByName" which interrogates the -- DNS system, hence may trigger a network connection. -- -- Add a "persistant" option? Current persistant is default. -- Use "Result" type for synchronous exception reporting? openTCPPort :: String -> Int -> IO Connection openTCPPort uri port = do { s <- socket AF_INET Stream 6 ; setSocketOption s KeepAlive 1 ; host <- Exception.catch (inet_addr uri) -- handles ascii IP numbers (\(_::SomeException) -> getHostByName uri >>= \host -> -- _shrug_ this will catch _any_ exception FIXME case hostAddresses host of [] -> return (error "no addresses in host entry") (h:_) -> return h) ; let a = SockAddrInet (toEnum port) host ; Exception.catch (connect s a) (\(e::SomeException) -> sClose s >> throw e) ; v <- newIORef (MkConn s a [] uri) ; return (ConnRef v) } instance Stream Connection where readBlock ref n = readIORef (getRef ref) >>= \conn -> case conn of ConnClosed -> return (Left ErrorClosed) (MkConn sk _addr bfr _hst) | length bfr >= n -> do { modifyIORef (getRef ref) (\c -> c { connBffr=(drop n bfr) }) ; return (Right $ take n bfr) } | otherwise -> do { modifyIORef (getRef ref) (\c -> c { connBffr=[] }) ; more <- readBlock sk (n - length bfr) ; return $ case more of Left _ -> more Right s -> (Right $ bfr ++ s) } -- This function uses a buffer, at this time the buffer is just 1000 characters. -- (however many bytes this is is left to the user to decypher) readLine ref = readIORef (getRef ref) >>= \conn -> case conn of ConnClosed -> return (Left ErrorClosed) (MkConn sk _addr bfr _) | null bfr -> {- read in buffer -} do { str <- myrecv sk 1000 -- DON'T use "readBlock sk 1000" !! -- ... since that call will loop. ; let len = length str ; if len == 0 {- indicates a closed connection -} then return (Right "") else modifyIORef (getRef ref) (\c -> c { connBffr=str }) >> readLine ref -- recursion } | otherwise -> case elemIndex '\n' bfr of Nothing -> {- need recursion to finish line -} do { modifyIORef (getRef ref) (\c -> c { connBffr=[] }) ; more <- readLine ref -- contains extra recursion ; return $ more `bindE` \str -> Right (bfr++str) } Just i -> {- end of line found -} let (bgn,end) = splitAt i bfr in do { modifyIORef (getRef ref) (\c -> c { connBffr=(drop 1 end) }) ; return (Right (bgn++['\n'])) } -- The 'Connection' object allows no outward buffering, -- since in general messages are serialised in their entirety. writeBlock ref str = readIORef (getRef ref) >>= \conn -> case conn of ConnClosed -> return (Left ErrorClosed) (MkConn sk addr _ _) -> fn sk addr str `Exception.catch` (handleSocketError sk) where fn sk addr s | null s = return (Right ()) -- done | otherwise = getSocketOption sk SoError >>= \se -> if se == 0 then sendTo sk s addr >>= \i -> fn sk addr (drop i s) else writeIORef (getRef ref) ConnClosed >> if se == 10054 then return (Left ErrorReset) else return (Left $ ErrorMisc $ show se) -- Closes a Connection. Connection will no longer -- allow any of the other Stream functions. Notice that a Connection may close -- at any time before a call to this function. This function is idempotent. -- (I think the behaviour here is TCP specific) close ref = do { c <- readIORef (getRef ref) ; closeConn c `Exception.catch` (\(_::SomeException) -> return ()) -- FIXME see above ; writeIORef (getRef ref) ConnClosed } where -- Be kind to peer & close gracefully. closeConn (ConnClosed) = return () closeConn (MkConn sk _addr [] _) = do { shutdown sk ShutdownSend ; suck ref ; shutdown sk ShutdownReceive ; sClose sk } closeConn (MkConn _ _ _ _) = error "Case in closeConn not supported" suck :: Connection -> IO () suck cn = readLine cn >>= either (\_ -> return ()) -- catch errors & ignore (\x -> if null x then return () else suck cn) -- | Checks both that the underlying Socket is connected -- and that the connection peer matches the given -- host name (which is recorded locally). isConnectedTo :: Connection -> String -> IO Bool isConnectedTo conn name = do { v <- readIORef (getRef conn) ; case v of ConnClosed -> return False (MkConn sk _ _ h) -> if (map toLower h == map toLower name) then sIsConnected sk else return False }